State of Edenia Address......(long)
posted07/12/2008 12:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/19/2004 05:54 PM (UTC)
Hey, hey people. Got nothing really to do, so I figured I'd assault you with one of my trademark long-winded rants. For this paticular tirade, I'm looking at the potential future direction of the Edenia sub-plot...a personal favorite of mine.
(before I continue, I'm operating under the theory that anyone could come back or not come back)
Okay ramblers, let's get rambling...

One of the few older characters I definitely think should return. Deception gave Mileena a intriguing development in her less concerned with simply proving she's better than Kitana and now seeking to actually take over Kitana's whole life. From what I've seen, most expect this to lead to an inevitable confrontation between Kitana & Mileena over who gets to be Princess. Some further anticipate that Mileena's Armageddon ending may in fact happen and allow the clone to finally take the throne (hey, that rhymmed...I'm a poet and I don't know it).

But that's where I have to balk on the expectation. Aside from the blatant predictability of that scenerio, it doesn't resolve anything.....for either of them. Mileena's Armageddon bio left off with her giving up control of Outworld...because Shao Kahn told her to...and deciding if she can't have that realm, she'll take control of Edenia. While I was pleased to see that, having finally tasted power for herself, Mileena was no longer content to merely be a I the only the one who wants her to stop and think to herself "Hey wait...even if I get Edenia, won't Shao Kahn eventually just storm in and expect me to hand over THAT realm, too?"

So yeah, first and foremost, I think before they move ahead with Mileena's it usurping Kitana's identity or something else...she should first resolve her daddy issues alongside Kitana. As I frequently great the months leading to Armageddon, proper closure for both Kitana AND Mileena (for this era of the story) is Shao Kahn's death.

With that aside, this brings me to where Mileena could/will go in the next generation should she continue...which I think she should. Most hope for her to continue with chasing Edenia's said, some anticipating her some parts of her Armageddon ending to come true. And therefore, by extension, we would then follow one of the good overthrown Kitana trying to reclaim her identity or a vengeful Jade or Sindel seeking to avenge Kitana and restore order...fighting to unmask Mileena's deception and save Edenia.

Again, I have to balk at the expectation. For starters, to be perfectly honest, I'm not at all interested in seeing Mileena posing as Kitana and one of the heroes trying to unmask her. Personally, I just find those those types of stories aggravating. More importantly, when it came to Mileena's deception, I was always more interested in what would happen AFTER when her coup would inevitably fail. That way, suddenly she'd be everybody's enemy, on her own, and just trying to survive. And I was always more interested in where she'd go from there and what she'd do. And how would the experiences change her.

BUT...I will grant that Mileena's usurption is a story that, if continued, should be seen through. In that case, it can be made interesting if they do it right.

For starters, they need to acknowledge that even if Mileena succeeds in getting Kitana out of the picture...she still has a long way to go before her status in Edenia is secure. See, this here something I never agreed with and one of the reasons I never bought into continuing the usurption angle. Most seem to expect she's just going to slide into the Edenian throne and it'll be all sorts of bad news for the heroes. From where I'm standing, Mileena actually appears to be the underdog in this scenerio. Even if Mileena succeeds in convincing the Edenians she is's not going to last. Won't the people of Edenia be just a little bit curious why "Kitana" never takes her mask off anymore? Roadblock #1. Well actually, maybe #3 since before she can even get that far she has to get Kitana and Shao Kahn out of the way.

But okay, let's say she finds some way of getting her face fixed. So now she's just going to rule Edenia however she wants? The people of Edenia just got themselves free from Shao Kahn's tyranny...we're supposed to believe they'll just roll over and let "Kitana" do whatever the hell she wants? In actuality, taking Kitana's identity is not really an's a means. Mileena needs to find some way of subjegating the people of Edenia...THEN her rule is secure.

So yeah, if they're going to go ahead with the "Mileena's taken Kitana's identity" storyline, I very much hope they acknowledge that it's going to be an uphill climb for her. Having Mileena believe if she just wears blue and a mask she can rule Edenia however she wants for however long she wants makes her look stupid. Or I guess I'm supposed to buy the good guys & people of Edenia are just extremely fucking dumb.

Simply put, while I want Mileena to return in the next generation, I want her to grow up and start to think things through in her future. Those who've followed my next-gen stories may have noted that I've had Mileena actually thinking things over before jumping into whatever evil plot gets dangled in front of her face. I want to see Mileena wisen up and not be some two-bit, short-sighted serial villain mindlessly chasing power.

This is what I mean when I've said I'd like to see Mileena become a protagonist of her own in the next generation games. Because whatever she tries to do, she's going to have to earn it and overcome those who'll seek to tear her down. That would be her journey.

On the subject of people trying to tear Mileena down, that brings me to.....

Now I know the odds of Tanya returning...much less surviving Armageddon...are slim to none at best. While I'm sure I am a minority, I think offing Tanya is a waste of some good story opportunities though.

Let's say Mileena moves ahead with her plans to rule Edenia. I already pointed out some of the obstacles she'll have to overcome. In addition to those, she'd have to inevitably deal with outside forces who would be onto her scheme and looking to tear her down. Most would and probably are expecting Jade or Kitana to be the primary foes Mileena would have to eliminate. Frankly though, I think Tanya would be the more fun opponent.

First compare the two: while Mileena is indeed an psychotic and evil crazy-lady, we can kind of understand WHY she is the way she is. Her evilness isn't entirely her fault and she can be seen as a somewhat sympathetic character. Tanya, on the other hand, has no redeeming qualities. As far as we know, she's lived a relatively comfortable and easy life. She has no excuse to be evil. There is no terrible tragedy motivating Tanya's bitchiness. She just is. Suddenly, Mileena appears to be the lesser of two evils. Despite being a "bad guy" we'll root for her before we root for Tanya. An interesting situation, in my humble opinion.

Say Tanya somehow or another gains leverage over Mileena? Suppose she somehow finds the means for Mileena to fix her face? Or supposing Mileena already had fixed her face...Tanya somehow has the means to undo it or prove that she really isn't Kitana. How could Tanya choose to wield this power? Will she wait until the oppurtune moment to unmask Mileena...making herself appear to be a repentent traitor who heroically rescued Edenia from Mileena's evil clutches (they forgave Kitana, why not Tanya)? Or maybe Tanya blackmails Mileena...letting her appear to be the ruler when in actuality, Tanya pulls the strings from the shadows? That way, if something goes wrong, Tanya can slip away leaving Mileena as her scapegoat.

Now in addition to everything else Mileena's going through to hold onto her throne, she's got Tanya to deal with. She's got to find some way of getting around this leverage Tanya's hanging over her head. And just imagine the interaction that would go on between the two. Priceless.

But that's not even all Tanya has to offer. Should she return, there's also that potential rivalry with Jade...

My opinion of Jade has gradually changed in recent months. Some may recall, I was once all about Kitana retiring along with the old generation and Jade stepping up. Seems logical. Jade, who'd always been the sidekick, would be the obvious choice to take up the slack in future games and get a chance at the spotlight. And maybe then, they'd address her lack of development and make her more than what she is.

However, in more recent months, I've been finding myself less and less interested in that probability. Let me put it this way: ask someone if the current Sub-Zero should be retired and have him pass the name onto a successor for the next generation. While I know some would be into that idea, I bet most would probably say something along the lines of it being a waste of a well-developed character who's come so far and still has much to offer to take chance on a character who may end up not living up to the old one. I would agree with them on that. And here's the thing...I'm starting to feel the same way in regard to Kitana and Jade. Like Sub-Zero, Kitana is one of better developed characters and one of the few who's evolved throughout the series. Like Sub-Zero, she's come very far and still can go places...which I'll look into later (come on, XiahouDun84 rambling about the Edenia sub-plot...did you really think Kitana wouldn't get discussed?). Why throw that away?

Jade's problem is two-fold. She needs to escape Kitana's shadow...which can be done easily. Just shuffle Kitana off to the side or get rid of her completely and force Jade to take up the slack. Then you've got problem number two, and this is the bigger one: now you need to develope Jade into an individual. This is a problem because as far as we know Jade's background is just like Kitana's...only less interesting. Like Kitana, she's an Edenian who served as Kahn's assassins who would go on to turn against him. Unlike Kitana...she has very little motivation, fewer character relationships, and a less rounded personality. Kitana has a laundry list of reasons for being the way she is. Jade has one reason: because Kitana's her friend.

I still like Jade, don't get me wrong. Thing is, the more I've been thinking about it, the less I think I'd like her as a star. Jade has the Wedge-appeal. Maybe she just is a character meant to be a supporting player? Now this line of thought makes me start to wonder if Jade should even be brought back or survive Armageddon. Even if Armageddon doesn't "wipe the slate clean" as they promised, I think they should at least streamline the story a bit...clearing some excess baggage; like for instance, characters whose only purpose is helping someone else. Sorry Jade.

But fear not! While the odds are stacked against her, all hope for Jade is not lost. As I've been thinking about this potential storyline involving Mileena usurping Kitana's identity and Tanya having her own ambitions for Edenia's throne...I noticed a hole: no force for good trying to save Edenia. We've got Mileena taking over. We've got Tanya trying to rule. Both evil. Rain could get involved. Also evil. One way or another, Kitana should be MIA, for reasons I'll look into when I get to her. If Taven returns, I suspect he'll be more occupied with his godly duties. So who does that leave?

Here's a scenerio that seems tailor-made for Jade (another rhymme) to thrive and perhaps come into her own. Suppose Jade also knows the truth about Mileena...but unlike Tanya, has no way of prooving it? Now suppose, Mileena knows this and frames Jade for (just an example) Sindel's death to get her out of the way. Now Jade's a fugitive desperately trying to find some way of saving Edenia from, not just Mileena, but Tanya and any other evil force eyeing the throne. Kitana's not around to help her and Taven's busy.

Now maybe confronting Jade with this situation...everyone believes she's a traitor and she's on the run while trying to save the realm...could develope new aspects of her character. How will she handle the pressure? Perhaps a feud with Mileena might reveal somethings about Jade we don't know that would differentiate her from Kitana. What are their opinions of each other? As mentioned, maybe they can develope the rivalry with Tanya and we can learn some new things about Jade's personality and past not yet revealed. Do they have history together? Also, this scenerio could create friction between Jade and her BFF Kitana. While Jade's going through all this hell to save Edenia...Kitana's nowehere to be found.

Sounds perfect, eh? Here's the catch though, which once again reflects the flaw of Jade's lack of development: why not have Sindel in this role?

Sindel seems like a likely candidate for death in Armageddon. From a strictly predictable standpoint, the obvious thing to do to end the current generation is off the Queen and thus allow the Princess to ascend to the throne. Also, from the standpoint of spinning off characters...say you have a TV show or movie that focuses mainly on this one character and his/her supporting cast. Now say the show/movie has come to an end, but you want to spin off some of the supporting characters into shows/movies of their own. Who would be the more likely character to get spinned off: the best friend of the character or the character's mother? Amageddon being the send-off of the current era and them looking to clear some things and characters out, all signs seem to point to Sindel being on the hit-list.

Like Jade, Sindel has fallen into a trap of being in Kitana's shadow. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, characters need supporting players, but it has severely limited what Sindel brings to the table. Once upon a time, I thought the solution to this was to tie Sindel into Edenia's mythology. Few may recall, but a while back I made a little story where Sindel sets out to reawaken Edenia's goddess to again defend the realm. I never posted the ending to that, but the pay-off would've been Sindel becomes Edenia's new goddess and guardian. From there, she would confront the Elder Gods about how Edenia keeps getting invaded without being challenged to Mortal Kombat....which would've led to her being involved with the One Being story and what was happening with Raiden.

Unfortunately, with Armageddon, the slot of Edenia's god/guardian has been addressed. Thanks a lot Taven.

Anyway, I've been thinking lately if Sindel's demise is as necessary as it appears. Look at that little scenerio with Jade and ask: could Sindel theoretically fullfill that role instead and would it be better? Sindel is a more developed character (not much, but still) and while it would be difficult to not make Jade into a "Kitana version 2" Sindel can escape that trap much easier. The only trick would be explaining how Mileena made Sindel into a fugitive. Aside from that, the story can just as easily be applied to Sindel as it could've to Jade. We could see a rivalry with Mileena which has potentially interesting and bizarre mother/daughter implications. Feud with Tanya and anyone else after the throne. Friction with Kitana for disappearing when she's needed most...which has abandonment subtext. Sindel once abandoned Kitana, now Kitana abandons Edenia.

Some would probably suggest why not bring back both Sindel AND Jade, and have them pair off against Mileena and Tanya. This defeats the purpose of streamlining the plot and dilutes the drama. Having it come down to one of them on their own, be it Sindel or Jade, makes for better tension and drama than having them do a little team-up. Less is more.

Theoretically, there probably should be good character to counteract Mileena, Tanya, & whoever else. Who would be the better choice to serve that role, Jade or Sindel? If Jade, will they develope her into something other than just another Kitana? Or would Sindel be the unlikely better choice?

Now where the hell is Kitana while all this is going on? I think first of all, it's relevant to point out that Kitana should not be too involved with all this wackiness. Reason being mainly because, as we know, Kitana's role as Edenia's heroic defender has grown stale. Her presence weakens tends to overshadow characters like Jade and Sindel, her rivalry with Mileena has gone on long enough (again, closure there is Shao Kahn's destruction), and if she should continue on, we need to see something new from her. Some would argue she should probably just be killed off or, following Mileena's Armageddon ending, locked in a dungeon never to be seen again. I'm not keen on that line of thought. It's an anticlimatic way to end Kitana's story and being a Kitana fan, I just find the prospect of a pitiful demise weak. Most important, I think what Kitana could bring to the table alive, but not involved, is more interesting. Another reason I'm losing interest in Jade....I'm getting more intrigued by Kitana's potential future than I am about Jade's.

So where the hell is Kitana in this time of Edenia's dire need? Why does she not care Mileena has usurped her identity and taken the throne? Why has she abandoned her realm, best friend, and/or mother? Those who've followed my past posts on the subject probably already know where I'm going with this. The past few games have established that Kitana is growing increasingly frustrated with her duties as Princess. She's grown tired of constant fighting and, let's face it, her life pretty much sucks right now.

Kitana spent a large majority of her long life under the belief that she was Shao Kahn's daughter and her place was to serve him. That life went down the shitter when she discovered he was not her real father, he had killed her parents, conquered her realm, and Mileena was actually a clone originally intended to replace her in spite of years of loyal service. Somehow, Kitana recovers from these shattering revelations and manages to pick up the pieces of her life and rebuild a new one for herself. She rebels against Kahn and against all odds, frees her realm from him, gets her mother back, and builds herself into Edenia's heroic Princess. Now that life is sinking down the toilet. No matter how hard she tries, Edenia just can't stay safe. Her boyfriend died. SHE died and was brought back & attacked her mother & best friend. She thought Goro died, but now he's alive and turned against her. Mileena's taken her identity. And on top of everything else, fucking Armageddon is happening right in her backyard. All it might take is one final straw to break the camel's back. Being Shao Kah's daughter didn't work. Being Edenia's Princess didn't work. So what next?

Bitter..? I'd be.

So yeah, the basic premise I see for Kitana in the next generation is she just doesn't care anymore. She renounces her title as Princess and abandons Edenia to its fate. She becomes more pessimistic and cynical about the world. Why doesn't she care Mileena usurped her identity? Because Kitana knows from experience being Edenia's Princess isn't all it's cracked up to be. I just think that would be cool of her to do. To look at what Mileena's doing and just throw her hands up and say "Go ahead Mileena. Find out what it's like to be me for a while. Have fun." And there's the friction that could develope between Kitana and Jade/Sindel. She could look at Jade and warn her she's wasting her time trying to save Edenia. When Jade doesn't listen, Kitana could simply say she's going to learn the hard way. She could look at Sindel and make some crack about how abandonment when things get tough must run in the family.

We could pick up on Kitana in the next generaton stewing in the shadows, wanting nothing to do with anything. And naturally this would create the excitement of seeing her forced to fight once again. The next tournament or threat emerges and Kitana finds herself drawn into the battle even though she doesn't really want to or care. And in this darker state of mind, she returns more to her assassin-like opposed to how she fought when she was Princess. And herein another problem that's started plaguing Kitana is resolved. Through the games, we've seen her evolve from the assassin/rebel into the heroic Princess she currently is now. This was good in it showed she was evolving and developing through the series and is an example of her complexity. Downside though was somewhere along the way, she seemed to lose that "killer's edge" she had back in MK2 and UMK3. That's something I think most would want back if she returns in future games, yes?

This direction would allow Kitana to go through another interesting story and character arc. MK2 to about MK4 was "Kitana the rebel." Escaping Shao Kahn's control and freeing Edenia from him. MK:DA to MK:A has been "Kitana the Princess." Defending the realm from evil and trying to ensure peace though the realms. In this thrid arc, we'd see Kitana unwillingly find herself in the role of hero again, which will inevitably lead to her returning to Edenia to finally set things right. The fallen Princess forced to regain her lost honor...thus redeeming herself for abandoning the realm. See: it comes back to redemption....which has always been Kitana's theme.

Furthermore, this third character arc would be her finding balance within herself. As said, when Kitana turned "good" she essentially became almost the exact opposite of what she was when she was "evil." Note the polarity in her development: when she was "evil" something was amiss that led her towards discovering the truth about her past and changing herself. Becoming the extreme opposite isn't working either, as we see her growing more frustrated and stressed out. This third arc, where she's stopped caring, but will inevitably find herself forced to fight once again will be where she finds the balance between "the assassin" and "the princess."

See why I've been getting more excited about Kitana's potential than Jade's now?

You're going to find, dear reader, that I have very little to say in regards to the latest edition to the Edenia sub-plot. It's not that I don't LIKE Taven, per se. Playing through Konquest, I found him to be a likable character. I think he has a decent backstory. Wasn't big on using him, but that sort of thing can be fixed. But here's the kicker with Taven in my book: before I said while I like Jade, I'm not sure if I'd like her as a main character. Ultimately though, it would depend on how she's developed. While I'm not sure about Jade, I KNOW I won't like Taven as a main character. Taven was okay, but I don't like him that much.

Kitana is the central Edenian character. It's her story. If she's to step aside and pass the mantle, I want it passed to Jade or Sindel. Or hell, even Mileena. I'm not buying Taven as the central Edenia protagonist and I don't want to see the girls get shuffled to the side or downgraded on account of him. I like him and all but not that much, and if Kitana or Jade or someone else gets bitched out to make him look good...I will hate him.

I've zero interest in Taven's future. I'd be content if he just stepped into the background as a non-playable character or something. Being Edenia's god/guardian and guiding it's heroes where they need to go...a'la Raiden. Indirectly helping Jade/Sindel; maybe appearing to Kitana and trying to get her to save fight again.

And hey, there's Rain...who ended up being bit of a surprise story-wise in Armageddon. Finding out he's Argus' third son, he's now running about claiming he's a Prince of Edenia and that he is the rightful ruler. Most, from what I've seen, seem to be most interested in the conflict this will create bewteen Rain and Taven. I am not one of those people. As said, I'm not that into Taven...and therefore, not into his prospective feuds. And besides....ANOTHER sibling rivalry? No, what I was intrigued about was Rain's insistence that he is a Prince of Edenia...and the implications that would have towards the Princess of Edenia.

As some may already know, I've always been a supportor of the idea that Rain might have some sort of crush on Kitana. So I just like the possibility of him running into Kitana and trying to convince her they should be together because they're royalty and the rightful heirs to the throne. I suspect Kitana response...especially if she indeed rnounces the throne like I think she should....would be amusing if nothing else.

I don't know if he should be involved with the Mileena thing...since his sights seem to set on higher goals; namely, becoming Edenia's god and that being how he plans on ruling the realm. But if Taven takes the spot, leaving Rain to settle with the throne, could be interesting. But truth be told, I'm most interested in Rain's future only in relation to Kitana.

I think that's more than enough. To wrap this up, I'll just finish with saying I've always been a fan of the Edenia sub-plot. Many of my favorite characters are number one favorite in paticular being the central character. I hope that it continues on in the future games, remains fresh & interesting, and gets worthy storylines.....that won't piss me off.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

12/29/2007 07:56 AM (UTC)
Excellent post. smile

...but I know that you know that the MK Team probably won't come to use any truly clever plots that explore character traits and different sides of their personality. They seem to be big fans of going the painfully predictable route with everything for the most part.
About Me


12/29/2007 08:15 AM (UTC)
i actually read this VERY NICE!!

i dont like the idea of killing Sindel, but i do agree i wont be suprised if she is offed.

i didnt know any of the rain taven story line. is there a way Taven could be killed off? couldnt blaze kill him? i really really hope he's killed off tongue

now Rain being a prince maybe he and Mileena get together and rule.

while Kitana, Jade and Sindel are off on some kind of quest.

anyway i dont really follow the storyline of MK, however anyway to keep Kitana & Sindel in the game is great. Having Mil, Tanya and Jade would be great as well.
12/29/2007 05:43 PM (UTC)
Bloody good post. This is the reason I half-hope that MK8 is more of a back to the beginning for the series with a roster largely comprised of MK1 and MK2 characters.

Using established characters and restarting with them.

Either that or Armageddon isn't canon after all. Kinda doubt that one though.

About Rain, I've always thought, seeing as he was a Prince of Edenia he would have had something to do with Kahn originally invading Edenia. Maybe an agreement between the two. Access to his palaces and entrances into Edenia in exchange for some power and a brainwashed Kitana. But seeing as Armageddon seemed to be retcon for Rain, goodness only knows what could happen for him. Even if he ever appears in another game.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/29/2007 08:58 PM (UTC)
Excellent thread, man.
I like all the characters involved and hope that All the ladies return for definite. I'm not too bothered about Rain or Taven. The whole Edenia storyline does have alot of predictability to it and I like alot of your ideas. I just feel that no one needs to die (other than Kahn which would be interesting) for the sake of the characters development, moving own, growing up and pursuing new goals. I just hope the Edenian story doesn't always stay too focused on the throne and end up being an endless spiral of attempts to get it. Eventually they need to break off from this struggle. I just hope the coming events, if any, are handled well and not predicatable.
12/30/2007 04:30 AM (UTC)
Very nice thread, a lot of interesting ideas.

I didn’t see it mentioned up there, so what are your thoughts on this?

Another reason Kitana could abandon the Edenian throne is because of Shao Kahn’s soul pledge mentioned in Shang Tsung’s MKA bio. If Kitana manages to somehow kill Shao Kahn, she is going to be the one sentencing all of them to their unfortunate deaths. Who participated in the pledge is unknown, but it could be a large range, maybe even her closest allies.

If Kitana wasn’t already stressed out enough, this’ll most likely send her over the edge.

She may lose confidence, and have major doubts about becoming Edenia’s new queen. “How can someone that has caused this possibly become the leader of a realm?”

*Also, if it did go this route, Mileena could easily be bailed out. She’s was developed to be dutiful loyal to Shao Kahn. And as mentioned, Kitana only began to question her loyalty in MK2.
12/30/2007 05:39 AM (UTC)
Nothing to do? What about continuing MK: Legacy or checking out my story for that matter? tongue tongue


You bring some very interesting points about her. I have grown to appreciate and like Mileena, and I definitely want her to return. I feel that part of her next-gen story should involve her trying to fix her face. I know that some will say that she loves herself the way she is, but her MKA ending kind of says otherwise. While I personally wouldn't take her story in the kind of direction you have with yours, I would try to step her up as a character and show that she's smart and cunning. We could have Rain and Mileena allied with each other.


Again, interesting points; As you know, I'm personally not a Tanya fan, but if done right, she could tolerable. I'm a bit surprised you didn't mention anything with Rain, who also wants control of Edenia. The main thing with Tanya is to step her out of that repetitive notion of her being a treacherous bitch.


I know what you mean regarding Jade. She's such an underdeveloped character that continues to be overshadowed by Kitana. I do see potential in rivalries with Tanya, Rain, and Mileena. Jade definitely needs a lot of exploration and development with her character. I'd rather see someone like her deal with matters in Edenia in defending it. At the same time, she shouldn't be too reliant on it.


Like Jade, I'm a fan of Sindel, and I think it would suck to see her go, even though chances are that she'll die. I actually feel that Sindel is worse off than Jade is in terms of being overshadowed by Kitana, namely because Sindel is Kitana's mother and Queen of Edenia. We see that Kitana is the one who takes part in military and diplotmatic affairs, making it seem as if Sindel is some kind of figurehead. I'd rather we see Sindel's story show her taking part in these things instead of Kitana. As for what Sindel could do personally, it could be a number of things depending on other characters and events. Do you think she has good potential to become a villain again?


Regarding Kitana, I think she should indeed sort of be distant from Edenia. I too would like somewhat of a dark change with her without her being a villain. In my story, if you ever get around to reading it, I have her acting as an ambassador to other realms, spending much more time with that while Sindel acts as the leading figure in Edenia. Other than that, I can't say too much else.


Although I don't dislike him, I don't care too much for him either. However, I think he should be given a chance to develop or he'll simply be a waste. If he becomes the Protector God of Edenia, one of the main themes should be how he handles that responsibility. Another aspect could be how he interacts with other gods and with the other heroes.


I'm actually pleased with what they did with Rain. It's good to have a male Edenian villain, and I think he has good potential. It is likely that his rivalry with Taven will continue somehow, and I do think that there should be a little bit of continued conflict with them. However, I do understand what you're saying about the sibling rivalry, and I do kind of like the idea of Rain having this crush or whatever on Kitana. Rain could also have something for Jade or maybe align himself with Mileena or Tanya.

Btw, I'm surprised you didn't mention Daegon.
12/30/2007 05:44 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the responses so

The_Truth Wrote:
Excellent post. smile

...but I know that you know that the MK Team probably won't come to use any truly clever plots that explore character traits and different sides of their personality. They seem to be big fans of going the painfully predictable route with everything for the most part.

Yeah, I know the odds of them making good use of the stories aren't as likely as I'd hope. It really is a shame because I do believe characters like Kitana and Mileena are genuinely good characters who have a lot to offer. It always aggravates me when the writers opt for the easier, cliched route over making something worth a damn.

danadbab Wrote:
i actually read this VERY NICE!!

i dont like the idea of killing Sindel, but i do agree i wont be suprised if she is offed.

i didnt know any of the rain taven story line. is there a way Taven could be killed off? couldnt blaze kill him? i really really hope he's killed off tongue

now Rain being a prince maybe he and Mileena get together and rule.

while Kitana, Jade and Sindel are off on some kind of quest.

anyway i dont really follow the storyline of MK, however anyway to keep Kitana & Sindel in the game is great. Having Mil, Tanya and Jade would be great as well.

Sindel seems like a obvious choice to die in Armageddon...but maybe that's a reason why she shouldn't? I wouldn't mind at all if Taven was killed off, but I kind of doubt that happening.

JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Bloody good post. This is the reason I half-hope that MK8 is more of a back to the beginning for the series with a roster largely comprised of MK1 and MK2 characters.

Using established characters and restarting with them.

Either that or Armageddon isn't canon after all. Kinda doubt that one though.

About Rain, I've always thought, seeing as he was a Prince of Edenia he would have had something to do with Kahn originally invading Edenia. Maybe an agreement between the two. Access to his palaces and entrances into Edenia in exchange for some power and a brainwashed Kitana. But seeing as Armageddon seemed to be retcon for Rain, goodness only knows what could happen for him. Even if he ever appears in another game.

I do think they should keep a handful of the older established characters, because there are some who have managed to remain somewhat fresh...or least, not quite as stale....and still have good potential in them. Characters my opinion...Mileena, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kitana and a few others. But I think most of any returning characters should be mainly more recent characters, because many of them have good solid potential but didn't get the chance to fullfill it. Characters like Sareena, Nitara, and Hotaru among others.

But that's another topic.

As for Rain, I don't think that would work...since his Trilogy bio said he was only just a child when Shao Kahn invaded Edenia. I suspect he is therefore only a little older than her, since she was only an infant when Kahn took over.

tgrant Wrote:
Excellent thread, man.
I like all the characters involved and hope that All the ladies return for definite. I'm not too bothered about Rain or Taven. The whole Edenia storyline does have alot of predictability to it and I like alot of your ideas. I just feel that no one needs to die (other than Kahn which would be interesting) for the sake of the characters development, moving own, growing up and pursuing new goals. I just hope the Edenian story doesn't always stay too focused on the throne and end up being an endless spiral of attempts to get it. Eventually they need to break off from this struggle. I just hope the coming events, if any, are handled well and not predicatable.

I agree that for characters, paticularly Kitana & to an extent Mileena, would do well to get distance themselves from Edenia for at least a while. As said, Kitana's been getting tied down to the fate of that realm and if she continues she needs to move on to new things. Hence my feeling that something so bad and terrible should happen to her during Armageddon she renounces the throne and abandons the realm. I've occassionly suggested the complete destruction of Edenia itself to be that terrible thing.

As I said, I was always more interested in what would happen to Mileena after her attempt to rule Edenia. I suggested in the past that maybe after finally taking down Shao Kahn with Kitana, Mileena would finally realize hating Kitana and her pursuit in taking her place was meaningless and she'd set out to find a new purpose for herself. I would probably prefer that...but if they're to continue with her trying to rule Edenia for herself, I hope they at meast make good use of it. If nothing else, it's at least not a continuation of her rivalry with Kitana...assuming Kitana doesn't get invovled, as said.

And I agree they shouldn't overdo it with people trying to constantly take the throne. Like I said when discussing Mileena, it's ludicrous for one of the villains to just "take the throne" and proclaim themself ruler when there's an entire army and population of people who won't accept that.

-Brad- Wrote:
Very nice thread, a lot of interesting ideas.

I didn’t see it mentioned up there, so what are your thoughts on this?

Another reason Kitana could abandon the Edenian throne is because of Shao Kahn’s soul pledge mentioned in Shang Tsung’s MKA bio. If Kitana manages to somehow kill Shao Kahn, she is going to be the one sentencing all of them to their unfortunate deaths. Who participated in the pledge is unknown, but it could be a large range, maybe even her closest allies.

If Kitana wasn’t already stressed out enough, this’ll most likely send her over the edge.

She may lose confidence, and have major doubts about becoming Edenia’s new queen. “How can someone that has caused this possibly become the leader of a realm?”

*Also, if it did go this route, Mileena could easily be bailed out. She’s was developed to be dutiful loyal to Shao Kahn. And as mentioned, Kitana only began to question her loyalty in MK2.

There are various ways to send Kitana "over the edge" so to speak. The demise of a loved one (Sindel, Jade, Liu Kang, all of the above). As said, the complete decimation of Edenia. And there is of course the soul pledge. Perhaps by killing Kahn, Kitana discovers that Jade and/or Sindel had pledged their souls to him as well when they were loyal to him. That would certainly be something that would make Kitana just say "fuck this" and ditch Edenia. Something that should've been a great moment of triumph comes at a terrible price. I think that would definitely cause her to have a more pessimistic outlook of her life.

The soul pledge shouldn't apply to Mileena because when she was killed in MK2, her soul went to the Netherealm. According to Tsung's bio, if her soul was pledged to Kahn it should've gone to him when she died. So, unless they forgot that little detail, Mileena should be clear of the pledge. There are ways to explain why Kitana wouldn't go down too. Sub-Zero_7th once posted a theory that maybe Kitana could've been spared because Kahn actually saw her as a potential heir. Or maybe, her soul is pledged to Kahn...but when she kills him, he releases her from it in revenge so she could live with the pain of causing Jade & Sindel's deaths.

The soul pledge is something I've considered when it comes to thinking of ways Kitana's life can be wrecked. Course they could always just say Kitana, Jade, and Sindel either never pledged their souls to Kahn for some reason or they somehoe found a way to free themselves already.

It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, they make out of that revelation.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Nothing to do? What about continuing MK: Legacy or checking out my story for that matter? tongue tongue

Damn, I keep forgetting to do my homework.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
You bring some very interesting points about her. I have grown to appreciate and like Mileena, and I definitely want her to return. I feel that part of her next-gen story should involve her trying to fix her face. I know that some will say that she loves herself the way she is, but her MKA ending kind of says otherwise. While I personally wouldn't take her story in the kind of direction you have with yours, I would try to step her up as a character and show that she's smart and cunning. We could have Rain and Mileena allied with each other.

There's plenty of evidence Mileena is unhappy with how her face looks. For starters, the reason she never replaced Kitana like she was supposed because her face didn't come out right. So right there, if it weren't for her choppers, she would've been the one Shao Kahn favored most. She constantly wears a mask and dresses like an uber-skank. Obviously, she's trying to hide her flaws and draw attention away from it. I definitely think Mileena hates how she looks under the mask and wants to fix that...not just so she can fool everyone she's Kitana, but just to achieve the "perfection" she'd long been denied.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Again, interesting points; As you know, I'm personally not a Tanya fan, but if done right, she could tolerable. I'm a bit surprised you didn't mention anything with Rain, who also wants control of Edenia. The main thing with Tanya is to step her out of that repetitive notion of her being a treacherous bitch.

Thing about Rain is, it appears to me his goals in ruling Edenia are a bit higher than simply taking the throne...even though he's running about bragging how he's a Prince. He sights seem to be set on becoming more than Edenia's king, but it's god. So with that in mind, I'm not sure if I see him directly involved in the affairs of Mileena & Tanya's ambitions for the throne. But even if he is to go after the throne itself and be king, I don't have many concrete ideas on how he could fit. There is always the pairing of Rain & Tanya, which I wouldn't mind. With Mileena, I like the idea og being the outside villain. Even though she's a "bad guy," everyone is out for her head...including/especially other bad guys.
With Tanya, I think what they need to do is play her up more as a cunning schemer. As opposed to Kano who flip-flops at the slightest provation, I think Tanya should be established as more calculating and only making the right move when it best suits her need. I think they should establish Tanya as a real intellectual I've said in past posts. Jade and Mileena may be much better fighters, Tanya is much smarter.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I know what you mean regarding Jade. She's such an underdeveloped character that continues to be overshadowed by Kitana. I do see potential in rivalries with Tanya, Rain, and Mileena. Jade definitely needs a lot of exploration and development with her character. I'd rather see someone like her deal with matters in Edenia in defending it. At the same time, she shouldn't be too reliant on it.

Like I said, the problem with Jade is how to develope her. They can throw her into feuds with Mileena, Tanya, and others....and we can only hope that somehow they'll not only develope her, but also differentiate her from Kitana. Jade's greatest challenge will be not only getting developed, but getting developed in a way that won't make her just another Kitana.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Like Jade, I'm a fan of Sindel, and I think it would suck to see her go, even though chances are that she'll die. I actually feel that Sindel is worse off than Jade is in terms of being overshadowed by Kitana, namely because Sindel is Kitana's mother and Queen of Edenia. We see that Kitana is the one who takes part in military and diplotmatic affairs, making it seem as if Sindel is some kind of figurehead. I'd rather we see Sindel's story show her taking part in these things instead of Kitana. As for what Sindel could do personally, it could be a number of things depending on other characters and events. Do you think she has good potential to become a villain again?

Sindel's worse off than Jade if they continue the current Edenian hierchy as is. Like you said, Kitana seems to be the one who handles the military and diplomatic affairs...while Sindel apparently deals with domestic, which is really doesn't give her much to do. If however, Kitana abandons her spot as Edenia's savior and Jade doesn't come back, this could be where we can find Sindel forced to take a more hands-on approach to the realm's defence.
In retrospect...even though I like Sindel as a good character and I like her role as Kitana's protective has severely limited what she can bring to the story. Looking back, it probably would've been better if Kitana's conversion of Sindel back in MK3 wasn't a complete switch to good...that way they could've carried on some sort of feud between them where Sindel is still somewhat evil and Kitana is desperately trying to bring her mother back completely.
Now could Sindel revert to villainy NOW...I don't know about that. I suppose they could make something like Shao Kahn's corruption really didn't go away completely and something happens that makes Sindel revert back. But the problem there is the same problem with something like Goro's alignment switch. It could very easily come across and as cheap and contrived and just kill the idea.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Regarding Kitana, I think she should indeed sort of be distant from Edenia. I too would like somewhat of a dark change with her without her being a villain. In my story, if you ever get around to reading it, I have her acting as an ambassador to other realms, spending much more time with that while Sindel acts as the leading figure in Edenia. Other than that, I can't say too much else.

I agree that, although Kitana should reach a breaking point making her adopt a darker state of mind, she shouldn't snap and revert to villainy. That sort of thing rarely works well and I think doing that would just piss all over the progress she's already made as a character.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Although I don't dislike him, I don't care too much for him either. However, I think he should be given a chance to develop or he'll simply be a waste. If he becomes the Protector God of Edenia, one of the main themes should be how he handles that responsibility. Another aspect could be how he interacts with other gods and with the other heroes.

I feel the same way in that...while I don't care for him that would be wasteful to introduce a character, then immediately throw him away. Unless that is, he or she was an abyssmal or disposable character to begin with. Whatever they decide to have Taven do, I just hope it doesn't involve stepping on any of my girls' toes. I'm not cool with that.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm actually pleased with what they did with Rain. It's good to have a male Edenian villain, and I think he has good potential. It is likely that his rivalry with Taven will continue somehow, and I do think that there should be a little bit of continued conflict with them. However, I do understand what you're saying about the sibling rivalry, and I do kind of like the idea of Rain having this crush or whatever on Kitana. Rain could also have something for Jade or maybe align himself with Mileena or Tanya.

Yeah, Rain was a surprise. I figured him one of the characters brought back in Armageddon just for completion and to be killed off. But they did make something out of him that could go somewhere. I suspect they'll focus him primarilly on Taven, but like I said, his tie to Kitana is the one I'm most interested in out of anyone. Well, as long as they don't pull something like she gets taken hostage and Taven has to save her from Rain. I will spew venom.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Btw, I'm surprised you didn't mention Daegon.

Thing with Daegon is I'm not sure what can be done with him. It would appear that he's a character who served his purpose in Armageddon and will be promptly disposed of. If he were to continue, I'm not sure what he could bring that's not already being brought to this sub-plot. I do like Daegon...more than I like Taven actually...but I don't see where he could fit.
12/30/2007 08:44 AM (UTC)
First off, I want to start off by saying that this is a really cool thread. The Edenian storyline from Mortal Kombat is probably the one that attracts me the most because of all the little sub-plots, the characters and because of its intensity. I also wanted to acknowledge XiahouDun84 because you're always posting respectful and logical threads that are ALWAYS really interesting and cool to both read and discuss. So yea, kudos to you XiahouDun84 =).

OK...back to the Edenian Plot.

I love all of the Edenian characters, but unfortunately, its quite obvious that most of them aren't going to return. I'm not really stressing over Taven because I'm pretty sure he'll return, but I think Mileena (even though she's technically from Outworld), Jade and possibly Kitana have the highest chances of returning.

By saying this, I want to focus with the Mileena-Kitana-Shao Kahn storyline, and this is kind of what I was aiming for:

IF Mileena wins:

After Armageddon, the once beautiful and restored realm of Edenia had transformed into a world of torment. Fire blazed from its celestial palaces, the ground was roofed with ashes, the cries of every day villagers became a daily routine and the flowers that one day had blossomed died away. Villagers were treated as slaves and were forced to work even the most deadly jobs, watch guards stood around with thorn whips to make sure no one disobeyed the “queen” and a new intelligent and invincible army had been formed to protect the recovering realm from any attack. This realm resembled the days of Shao Kahn, only this time there was a new tyrant. Mileena was now in charge after a surprising invasion. After Shao Kahn had retrieved Edenia through Mileena during Armageddon, Shao Kahn tortured Mileena for being disloyal and threw her to the wastelands where she was thought to be dead, but she would one day return.

Days before

The dead corpse of the traitor Tanya hung at the face of the fortress as a symbol for the result of any treachery anyone would think of. After Armageddon, Jade and Tanya engaged in a brutal fight where Jade decided to spare her life. After being victorious in the one on one battle, Jade hung Tanya in front of the Edenian Palace. After the 5th day of having rocks thrown at her and being humiliated by the Edenians, Tanya died a slow and horrific death. Tanya symbolized the evil and disgrace of Edenia. Throughout the following days, Jade was helping Sindel with the restoration of Edenia. They were now in command of Edenia because they launched a secret attack on Shao Kahn and retrieved Edenia. Shao Kahn was dead and there was no hope for him coming back. This was when Mileena decided to take a stand. Mileena had been forming alliances with different individuals who either thought she was Kitana or she had met through out the years. One day she returned to Edenia and when Sindel noticed a woman wearing blue who resembled Kitana, she instantly ran towards her and opened her arms to embrace her. At that instant, it turned out that the woman wearing blue was in fact Mileena and she charge at Sindel and stabbed her twice in the stomach. When Jade tried to interfere, she was ambushed by Mileena’s guards and tied up on top of a pit of doom. Sindel was crawling on the ground while Jade cried and wrestled her way out of the pit to try to escape, but it was useless. Mileena and finally killed Sindel off in front of Jade. Mileena wanted to make sure no one was in her way. She new that Shao Kahn was dead and Sindel was now out of her way. All she needed was proof that Kitana was dead. Mileena wipped and tortured Jade so that she would tell her where Kitana was hiding, but Jade would not speak of anything. This was when Mileena announced a search for Kitana. On a rainy night, Kitana had returned and noticed that her mother was dead and Jade was dehydrated and drenched in blood in her throne room. Kitana didn’t know what to do at this horrific sight and Jade told her that there was nothing they could do at the moment and they they should hide for now. Kitana released Jade and as they were escaping the fortress, Mileena walks in and confronts Kitana. They engage in one final battle and Mileena is victorious. Mileena was now officially queen of Edenia and she had transformed it into a dictatorship. Kitana was dead, Shao Kahn was dead and Sindel was dead as well. Jade was turned into a slave and she worked in the mines along with other slaves with one day hoping to avenge the death of all her friends and restore Edenia to its once peaceful realm. However, with the way Mileena was running things, hope for peace was no where in sight.


During Armageddon, Mileena had killed Kitana and burned her corpse, but Blaze’s magic somehow protected Kitana’s soul from death. Mileena was in hold of Edenia for a while after she had also killed Sindel and had turned Jade into one of her slaves. During this time, Kitana’s soul was wandering and searching a body that she could possess, but she had no luck. Mileena was now facing new problems as well. Shao Kahn wanted Mileena to give him the realm, and since Mileena had always been loyal and afraid of Shao Kahn, she did what he asked. Only this time, Shao Kahn didn’t need Mileena anymore because Kitana was already dead and Mileena seemed to have a threatening hunger for power. Shao Kahn demanded a one on one fight with Mileena for Edenia, and Shao Kahn obviously became victorious. Shao Kahn dragged Mileena’s body tied up to a horse and dragged her all over Edenia where she died. Her corpse was abandoned in the wastelands and not even one vulture would approach it. Kitana’s soul wandered through the wastelands one night and she found a body that she was finally able to possess. It turned out that the only reason she was able to possess this body was because they had almost the same blood. This body Kitana possessed once belonged to her half-sister Mileena. When Kitana looked in the mirror, she was horrified at the sight of her razor sharp teeth. It was now time for Kitana to witness the torment Mileena had gone through all those years. Kitana was in a huge dilemma because Mileena was known for bad things, so she couldn’t go to her friends for help. Shao Kahn had supposedly killed Mileena as well, so she couldn’t pretend she was in alliance with him. She still had Jade left who was serving as a slave, but would Jade believe that this was really Kitana?

About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/30/2007 02:52 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
Excellent thread, man.
I like all the characters involved and hope that All the ladies return for definite. I'm not too bothered about Rain or Taven. The whole Edenia storyline does have alot of predictability to it and I like alot of your ideas. I just feel that no one needs to die (other than Kahn which would be interesting) for the sake of the characters development, moving own, growing up and pursuing new goals. I just hope the Edenian story doesn't always stay too focused on the throne and end up being an endless spiral of attempts to get it. Eventually they need to break off from this struggle. I just hope the coming events, if any, are handled well and not predicatable.

I agree that for characters, paticularly Kitana & to an extent Mileena, would do well to get distance themselves from Edenia for at least a while. As said, Kitana's been getting tied down to the fate of that realm and if she continues she needs to move on to new things. Hence my feeling that something so bad and terrible should happen to her during Armageddon she renounces the throne and abandons the realm. I've occassionly suggested the complete destruction of Edenia itself to be that terrible thing.
As I said, I was always more interested in what would happen to Mileena after her attempt to rule Edenia. I suggested in the past that maybe after finally taking down Shao Kahn with Kitana, Mileena would finally realize hating Kitana and her pursuit in taking her place was meaningless and she'd set out to find a new purpose for herself. I would probably prefer that...but if they're to continue with her trying to rule Edenia for herself, I hope they at meast make good use of it. If nothing else, it's at least not a continuation of her rivalry with Kitana...assuming Kitana doesn't get invovled, as said.
And I agree they shouldn't overdo it with people trying to constantly take the throne. Like I said when discussing Mileena, it's ludicrous for one of the villains to just "take the throne" and proclaim themself ruler when there's an entire army and population of people who won't accept that.

I had considered the idea of destroying Edenia but didn't think it'd be well received so I'm glad someone else was thinking along the same lines. My other thought was simply to eradicate the entire throne plot somehow.
As for the rivaly issues, hopefully Mileena can eventually move on and make some sort of peace with Kitana. Kitana herself definitely needs to move on from Edenia. I agree with all you've said in how it all can be done and I guess all we can do now is wait and see how the MK Team perceive the situation and how they choose to tackle it. That realm could end up being the death of them all if they're not too careful.
01/11/2008 10:23 PM (UTC)
EdenianNinja Wrote:
First off, I want to start off by saying that this is a really cool thread. The Edenian storyline from Mortal Kombat is probably the one that attracts me the most because of all the little sub-plots, the characters and because of its intensity. I also wanted to acknowledge XiahouDun84 because you're always posting respectful and logical threads that are ALWAYS really interesting and cool to both read and discuss. So yea, kudos to you XiahouDun84 =).

Thank you.

EdenianNinja Wrote:
IF Mileena wins:
After Armageddon, the once beautiful and restored realm of Edenia had transformed into a world of torment. Fire blazed from its celestial palaces, the ground was roofed with ashes, the cries of every day villagers became a daily routine and the flowers that one day had blossomed died away. Villagers were treated as slaves and were forced to work even the most deadly jobs, watch guards stood around with thorn whips to make sure no one disobeyed the “queen” and a new intelligent and invincible army had been formed to protect the recovering realm from any attack. This realm resembled the days of Shao Kahn, only this time there was a new tyrant. Mileena was now in charge after a surprising invasion. After Shao Kahn had retrieved Edenia through Mileena during Armageddon, Shao Kahn tortured Mileena for being disloyal and threw her to the wastelands where she was thought to be dead, but she would one day return.

The dead corpse of the traitor Tanya hung at the face of the fortress as a symbol for the result of any treachery anyone would think of. After Armageddon, Jade and Tanya engaged in a brutal fight where Jade decided to spare her life. After being victorious in the one on one battle, Jade hung Tanya in front of the Edenian Palace. After the 5th day of having rocks thrown at her and being humiliated by the Edenians, Tanya died a slow and horrific death. Tanya symbolized the evil and disgrace of Edenia. Throughout the following days, Jade was helping Sindel with the restoration of Edenia. They were now in command of Edenia because they launched a secret attack on Shao Kahn and retrieved Edenia. Shao Kahn was dead and there was no hope for him coming back. This was when Mileena decided to take a stand. Mileena had been forming alliances with different individuals who either thought she was Kitana or she had met through out the years. One day she returned to Edenia and when Sindel noticed a woman wearing blue who resembled Kitana, she instantly ran towards her and opened her arms to embrace her. At that instant, it turned out that the woman wearing blue was in fact Mileena and she charge at Sindel and stabbed her twice in the stomach. When Jade tried to interfere, she was ambushed by Mileena’s guards and tied up on top of a pit of doom. Sindel was crawling on the ground while Jade cried and wrestled her way out of the pit to try to escape, but it was useless. Mileena and finally killed Sindel off in front of Jade. Mileena wanted to make sure no one was in her way. She new that Shao Kahn was dead and Sindel was now out of her way. All she needed was proof that Kitana was dead. Mileena wipped and tortured Jade so that she would tell her where Kitana was hiding, but Jade would not speak of anything. This was when Mileena announced a search for Kitana. On a rainy night, Kitana had returned and noticed that her mother was dead and Jade was dehydrated and drenched in blood in her throne room. Kitana didn’t know what to do at this horrific sight and Jade told her that there was nothing they could do at the moment and they they should hide for now. Kitana released Jade and as they were escaping the fortress, Mileena walks in and confronts Kitana. They engage in one final battle and Mileena is victorious. Mileena was now officially queen of Edenia and she had transformed it into a dictatorship. Kitana was dead, Shao Kahn was dead and Sindel was dead as well. Jade was turned into a slave and she worked in the mines along with other slaves with one day hoping to avenge the death of all her friends and restore Edenia to its once peaceful realm. However, with the way Mileena was running things, hope for peace was no where in sight.

I don't know....IMO, this is kind of too easy for Mileena. I would prefer Mileena's quest for power...if that is the direction she harder for her. Make the story about how big a nitch it is for her to take control of Edenia....convincing everyone she's Kitana, dealing with whatever good guys and rival bad guys are out to tear her down, subjegating the realm, etc.

Personally, I would rather see her portrayed as a that the focus is on her and what she has to do to get/keep what she wants. This type of story portrays her as an antagonist...she's in power and someone has to stop her. I think people assume when I say I want Mileena to be a protagonist, they assume I mean she should become "good." She can still be "evil" and still be trying to take control of Edenia, but I'd rather she be presented as more of the POV character than the standard villain. Having her easily take control of Edenia with some invincible army makes her out as a regular "villain." It puts primary focus on who's trying to "save the day." I'd rather it be the other way...with her as kind of an anti-heroine I suppose. Not good examples, but like how Tony Montana or Alex DeLarge were protagonists. They were "evil" but weren't the "villains" of the story.

EdenianNinja Wrote:
During Armageddon, Mileena had killed Kitana and burned her corpse, but Blaze’s magic somehow protected Kitana’s soul from death. Mileena was in hold of Edenia for a while after she had also killed Sindel and had turned Jade into one of her slaves. During this time, Kitana’s soul was wandering and searching a body that she could possess, but she had no luck. Mileena was now facing new problems as well. Shao Kahn wanted Mileena to give him the realm, and since Mileena had always been loyal and afraid of Shao Kahn, she did what he asked. Only this time, Shao Kahn didn’t need Mileena anymore because Kitana was already dead and Mileena seemed to have a threatening hunger for power. Shao Kahn demanded a one on one fight with Mileena for Edenia, and Shao Kahn obviously became victorious. Shao Kahn dragged Mileena’s body tied up to a horse and dragged her all over Edenia where she died. Her corpse was abandoned in the wastelands and not even one vulture would approach it. Kitana’s soul wandered through the wastelands one night and she found a body that she was finally able to possess. It turned out that the only reason she was able to possess this body was because they had almost the same blood. This body Kitana possessed once belonged to her half-sister Mileena. When Kitana looked in the mirror, she was horrified at the sight of her razor sharp teeth. It was now time for Kitana to witness the torment Mileena had gone through all those years. Kitana was in a huge dilemma because Mileena was known for bad things, so she couldn’t go to her friends for help. Shao Kahn had supposedly killed Mileena as well, so she couldn’t pretend she was in alliance with him. She still had Jade left who was serving as a slave, but would Jade believe that this was really Kitana?

No offense, but I wouldn't like this direction for Kitana at all. Aside from the death, resurrection, and weird body-switching (which I'm not big on)...this is exactly the type I storyline I'm just not at all interested in seeing. I just find the whole "Everyone thinks Kitana is Mileena and Kitana needs to prove she's not and get her face back" story really aggravating. Furthermore, like I said earlier, if Kitana's to continue on, she needs a break from Mileena. And by that, I don't even just mean they should stop fighting for a while....I mean, they should have as little to do with one another as humanly possible. And Kitana getting stuck with Mileena's choppers just seems like more of the two of them stuck together.

Again, I don't mean to put down your ideas, but I believe if Kitana's to return in future games, she should go in a NEW direction. No longer bound to Edenia, Mileena, and so on. Maybe somewhere down the line...I'm thinking around MK10 or 11 or even further than that (if MK is still going)...THEN we can see Kitana return to Edenia. Maybe after spending MK8, 9 and maybe 10 avoiding Edenia and wanting nothing to do with it, she finally realizes she has to go back and set things right. Maybe then she could interact with Mileena again. But not another fight or feud though.

tgrant Wrote:
I had considered the idea of destroying Edenia but didn't think it'd be well received so I'm glad someone else was thinking along the same lines. My other thought was simply to eradicate the entire throne plot somehow.
As for the rivaly issues, hopefully Mileena can eventually move on and make some sort of peace with Kitana. Kitana herself definitely needs to move on from Edenia. I agree with all you've said in how it all can be done and I guess all we can do now is wait and see how the MK Team perceive the situation and how they choose to tackle it. That realm could end up being the death of them all if they're not too careful.

I think the decimation of Edenia would be good, not just to be that "horrible thing" that wrecks Kitana's life for a second time, but a good way of making both her and Mileena...and I guess the other characters new things and go in new directions. Because it's true, the circling routine of Edenia being in danger and defending holds them down. I mentioned this in my Storyline Analysis's kind of funny that Kitana's story has, more or less, become the Edenia story...but now, if she's to continue, she needs to get away from it.

Problem is...I think Kitana and Mileena can easily find new things to do because they're developed enough to have potential based on who they are. Jade, though, isn't as fleshed out. So if you take Edenia away from her, where can she go? I suppose they could do something like my next gen stories where Tanya becomes a slave trader and enslaves Jade. Not much, but it could be a start for future development.
01/12/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)
They really should have had Sindel lead things in Edenia so that Kitana's story wouldn't feel synonymous with the Edenia sub-plot.

You make an interesting point with Mileena, which kind of makes me more likely wanting to have a theme of fixing her face for her next-gen story.

I see what you mean regarding Tanya and Jade. Jade is definitely going to be challenging, especially if I were to bring her back for a sequel to the story. I do have one little idea that might be good if I can flesh things out and make it interesting and worthwhile.

You have an interesting idea for Sindel. For the villainy stuff, I didn't mean something too soon. I'm talking about something that has some development. If she does return, it'd be nice to see exploration into her character, and maybe something can be dug up.

Although it is possible that Taven's story might overshadow Kitana's, it's also likely that Taven's story will have a separate feel from Kitana's and be more focused on the main threats and stuff. A hostage story with Kitana would be lame indeed. Rain would have to be smart about taking Taven down. He may need something or someone who could help him destroy Taven.

I see what you're saying with Daegon, but maybe he could return much much later on with some new path, one that doesn't have to involve Taven or Edenia for that matter.

Btw, I understand if you're busy and all. I am looking forward to what else you have for MK: Legacy. As for MK: Resurrection, I don't want it to sound as if I'm bugging you or anything. It's just that the more constructive feedback I get, the more it helps Paragon and I improve our quality.
01/15/2008 05:46 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
You have an interesting idea for Sindel. For the villainy stuff, I didn't mean something too soon. I'm talking about something that has some development. If she does return, it'd be nice to see exploration into her character, and maybe something can be dug up.

Ah. If they developed Sindel, I suppose it's possible. If they developed Sindel more, perhaps we'd find she has the potential for evil....and that would be a nice exploration of her character.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Although it is possible that Taven's story might overshadow Kitana's, it's also likely that Taven's story will have a separate feel from Kitana's and be more focused on the main threats and stuff. A hostage story with Kitana would be lame indeed. Rain would have to be smart about taking Taven down. He may need something or someone who could help him destroy Taven.

I would hope so. I said in some other thread, even if Kitana is to no longer be the "main heroine" anymore, I still want her to remain an independant protagonist of her own. And if Taven is to become the new central Edenian, I don't want to see Kitana get trampled underfoot.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Btw, I understand if you're busy and all. I am looking forward to what else you have for MK: Legacy. As for MK: Resurrection, I don't want it to sound as if I'm bugging you or anything. It's just that the more constructive feedback I get, the more it helps Paragon and I improve our quality.

I'm working on the Legacy endings and I've started reading Resurrection. I intend to respond when I get my thoughts together on it.
01/19/2008 06:39 AM (UTC)
Is it sad that I love to read your long ass posts, Xiahou? :P

Anywhoo, I do agree with you on many things especially Mileena. I definitely doo feel that though Mileena's gotten a cooler storyline with wanting power for herself and all, she's got to get over Kitana. The rivalry's gone on long enough and Mileena has to accept that Kitana didn't make her face all messed up, make Mileena her watchdog, etc, etc. Hopefully, she will also help in Kahn's downfall/death/whatever, sine she, more than anyone, should have plenty of reasons to hate him. And yeah, a possible rivalry with Tanya and/or Rain could prove interesting and cool.

And yeah, Jade is stuck in Kitana's shadow most of the time. Not much else to say there.

And as for Sindel, I'm not even sure if she has a good chance of making it to MK 8. But she could have a good story if they put forth the effort. But honestly, I'm at a blank when I try thinking of something for her.

BTW, when will you update MK: Legacy? I want to see how it ends.
01/21/2008 03:27 AM (UTC)
mistress_kizuna Wrote:
BTW, when will you update MK: Legacy? I want to see how it ends.

I'm currently working on the endings. I don't want to start posting them until I'm done or at least almost done.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Do you think Sindel has good potential to become a villain again?

I've actually been giving this some thought and Wonder Woman gave me an idea.

First a little backstory for those who don't follow Wonder Woman....
Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta, never wanted Diana to BE Wonder Woman. She originally forbade her from entering the Amazon contest and wanted her to stay on Themyscira. In th eold days, this was portrayed as she simply being a protective mother who didn't want her daughter to risk her life and get hurt.

In the years since, some writers have portrayed this protectiveness in an increasinly overzealous manner...with Hippolyta going to some questionable extremes to keep Diana safe and/or get her to stop being Wonder Woman.

A recent storyline involved Diana being wrongly held prisoner by the government and Hippolyta responding by leading an all-out war on the United States. Once Diana got free, she tried to calm things down, but Hippolyta was steadfast in her feeling war was the only option. Diana was forced to choose between siding with her mother and the Amazons or the Justice League. She sided with the League and Hippolyta felt betrayed....and now there's this friction between the two.

Now this brings me back to the topic at hand...

Suppose in the aftermath of Armageddon, we do indeed see Sindel taking on a more hands-on approach to defending Edenia. Suppose...playing along with the idea Kitana's abandoned Edenia...Sindel starts to think if she can GUARANTEE Edenia's safety, Kitana will finally come back home without having to worry about fighting again.

Now suppose this line of thought leads Sindel to taking questionably and extreme measures towards defending Edenia. An alliance with Raiden perhaps?

Now say Kitana doesn't go along with the idea. She's still brooding about whatever happened during Armageddon and/or doesn't see eye to eye with Sindel or Raiden's ways of protecting the realms. Sindel could then feel betrayed and abandoned...even moreso if Kitana's already renounced her title like I proposed...and this resentment could build into an anger. Feeling Kitana is being selfish and ungrateful.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Perhaps Sindel's acts of love & protection only drives a edge between the two with tragic consequences?

Just food for thought...
02/12/2008 06:20 PM (UTC)
Awesome post as usual. I agree with everything and Im glad people think Mileena should return but I hope her face didnt get fixed. I think Sindel should return only if she is evil again.
02/13/2008 01:29 AM (UTC)
It's always great to read your posts, man. All your thoughts are well planned out, even if I don't agree with them.

Here is where I would go with each of the Edenian characters, but first, a little Edenia-related Armageddon information:

I'd have Kitana and Mileena fight in Mortal Kombat, in what they plan to be the final battle between the two. During the battle, I'd have something swap the physical appearances of Kitana and Mileena. An idea is for it to be Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn behind this. Both have demonstrated a knowledge of sorcery, so it's believable they could do this (moreso Shang Tsung than Shao Kahn). The swapping makes sense for both characters, as Tsung created Mileena, and might be able to wield some kind of binding control over her, whereas Shao Kahn has proven to have Mileena in his back pocket still, ambitious as she may be.

Anyway, this swap completely stuns Kitana, who is horrified at what she has become (a princess anything other than self-conscious would not look that good at 10,000) and Mileena's newfound beauty gives her the confidence boost she needs to finally defeat her sister. Mileena has two much fun beating around Kitana to actually kill her, and Sindel arrives with the Edenian army, Armageddon having been won, and Mileena instead decides that imprisonment would be the most sadistic punishment for Kitana.

Mileena wants to be Queen, and not just Princess, so she decides to knock off Sindel shortly after Armageddon. The Sindel character was great during its MK3 appearance, and served an important role, but now it can safely be retired. Give Sindel the dignity of surviving Armageddon, and then have Mileena push her down the stairs or something. Mileena claims that she made a soul pledge with Shao Kahn, and that she believes Sindel's mysterious death is connected to this, and that the former tyrant who oppressed them can now be confirmed of dead. Everyone is too busy celebrating to really look into things.

Mileena presents those in the Edenian army who did well awards for their service, and takes a special interest in one. A new male character that she decides would make a great king. She also channels her monstrous side into her love life with him, as she needs some outlet while she is pretending to be a pure queen. This turns the ire of another Edenian warrior, who survived Armageddon, a female, who has eyes for "Kitana's" new hand-picked lover.

Taven does not defeat Daegon, but rather his brother betrays him, however, instead of killing Taven, he decides he wants to rule over his brother, or he is just overly eager to face Blaze to finish the job. Daegon is the son of Argus who defeats Blaze, but it does turn out to be a test designed by Argus and Delia, and they punish Daegon by sentencing him to the Edenian prison, and Taven is awarded Argus' old position.

So this is what we are left with for MK8:

She is ruling Edenia, and she's doing a good job. She's not the tyrant many would expect her to be, but rather she wants to rule for the sake of ruling. She's the little girl who wanted a pony, and although she went about getting it the wrong way, now that she has it she's going to groom it, ride it, and feed it everyday. Her soul is not pure evil, and she channels the Kitana clone inside her, rather than the Tarkata. She does still have her dark urges, but she channels them through her new lover, who is proclaimed as Edenia's Champion.

I'd change Mileena's image completely. She's always hidden behind her mask, but with a new beautiful face, she should show it off. I'd change her colour scheme, too. There is nothing wrong with the purple, but I think as the Queen of Edenia, she'd be looking for change. I'd give her something regal looking. Maybe a combination of red, black and gold?

When a new tournament pops up, she sends her lover to compete on behalf of Edenia. However, she gets a visit from someone which disturbs her greatly. She now believes Shao Kahn to still be alive, and a threat to everything. She knows the man that posed as a father figure, of sorts, and she believes him to be competing in the tournament. She decides to enter for two reasons: To find and eliminate Shao Kahn, and secure her rule over Edenia; and to protect her lover from these warriors that she believes might end up outclassing him.

So it'd be a positive change for Mileena, as far as her "karma" would go. She's found love (or something she would call "love"), she's got the kingdom she always felt she was entitled to, and now that she is no longer a victim of circumstance, she's appreciating what she has. However, she is living in deception, and she does not want this to unravel.

I would not have Kitana's sentencing to the dungeons be the last we see of her. Kitana is going to be seriously pissed off that what happened did, in fact, happen. She wants to know how, she wants it to be reversed, and she wants Edenia back. She can't imagine what Mileena is doing to her beautiful realm, and she doesn't understand why her mother or best friend has not yet figured out the deception.

She's angry, she's bitter, she's frustrated and she's paranoid, and she is slowly going insane. It'd be an interesting character portrait, because it makes the argument that the twisted side to Mileena was not actually inherited from her race, but actually had more to do with jealousy and her appearance. Is appearance really that important? At the risk of sounding shallow, this story would argue that it is.

In the prisons, Kitana would meet a new friend. The imprisoned Daegon, who is just as pissed off for being betrayed by his family as Kitana is. They form a bond in the prisons, which is something that I would personally be interested to see. Kitana, at the moment seems like a much more natural fit for Taven, but here we are pairing her with the more sinister brother.

Her character does have room to expand, but I personally do not think it's worth it. I'd have her offed in Armageddon by Jade. Before Tanya dies, though, she can leave her mark on the series...

I personally do not think she should return. I've never felt the character was all that interesting. She was just there to stretch things out, both in terms of her character design and story. However, she is a popular character, and lot want to see her do more. Rather than bring her back immediately, though, I think her character needs a tweak.

I'd have Jade disappear during Armageddon. I'd have no record of her death, but rather she just vanishes. Why? I personally have one idea, and it may not be well received, but the general idea is that something is bothering Jade, and she's either gone to fix it, or to evade the problem. It adds a lot of intrigue to her character, and when she does return, it would make her just as mysterious, if not more mysterious, than when she first appeared in MK2.

On to my idea for her: I'd have Tanya tell Jade something before she dies. Something about how her family is the true royal family of Edenia, and that her family's rule was usurped by Jerrod's line. Jade knows Tanya is a lying sack of crap, so she doesn't necessarily believe her lies, but she looks at everything she has done for the royal family, and she believes that she deserves a little more than what she's got. Part of her wants to believe it's true. She disappears, trains some more, does a little soul searching, and then returns...preferably with some proof of her case to taking over Edenia for herself. Not because she particularly wants to rule, but because she believes she is entitled to rule.

He does not defeat Blaze, but he becomes the protector of Edenia. He is happy with how Edenia is being re-built by "Kitana." He loves his new role, but he is worried about Daegon. Part of his brother's punishment is to be sentenced to the Edenian prisons for eternity. His father does give Daegon eternal life, but he allows him to still age, and he will decay without ever dying. This concept horrifies Taven, who does not fully appreciate his brother, but feels this suffering is not fair, either.

When a new tournament pops up, the prize is something that Taven can give to his brother to make his stay in the prisons more tolerable. Eternal youth, perhaps? Taven gives up his immortality and leaves Edenia without a protector. This angers Argus, who takes Taven's sacrifice in order to help his fallen brother as a personal slight against both Argus' throne and judgment, and decides that Taven will not be the protector of Edenia anymore. Argus cannot believe that both his sons would turn out to be failures. If only he had another...

Oh, that's right. He does. Rain hides in the shadows, as he's not a completely confident fighter, and when Taven is stripped of his position as guardian, Rain sees this as a chance to prove to Argus that he should be his favoured son, after being a purple sheep all these years. This chance to prove himself drives Rain to defeat Taven in the new tournament.

I'd change Rain's costume for this much like I'd change Mileena's. I think he should lose the purple, it limits him quite a bit. I don't know what I'd go with, but as he wants to rule Edenia, I can see him going with the new Edenian regal colours: red, black and gold. Ermac would not be returning in my plans for the new arc, so Rain would be fine taking this colour scheme. He could also take a more armoured approach than most characters. He seems the kind of character to prefer to be fully armoured in combat.

New Male
I'm trying to think of a name for him. In my plan I had the name "Saturai," but I'll admit it's not the best. He's proud of Edenia, and he fought in Armageddon, and pretty much stood out as the breakthrough warrior of the Edenian forces. He is promoted by "Kitana," and this boy from a small village makes everyone who knew him proud.

He becomes "Kitana's" lover, and feels himself honoured to be in the position he is in. Fate is on his side. He is approached, however, by a childhood friend, and someone very close to him. This female Edenian warrior fought alongside him in Armageddon, and also received accolades for her work, but has not been as highly promoted. This woman claims that the "Kitana" sitting on the throne is actually Mileena, who has tried to usurp their land many times, and that the real Kitana is in the dungeons. Saturai believes this to be jealousy, and paranoia. He has several key decisions to make along the way, which I think would make him an interesting character:

* When first faced with his friend's accusations against the throne, does he turn her in? This would get her done for treason, for sure. How much does he truly care about this "sick" friend?

* If/when he does find out about Mileena's deception, how does he feel?

* Is he loyal to Kitana or Edenia?

* If Mileena is doing what is right for Edenia, and she is willing to make him a King, does he protest her reign? If Mileena does turn out to be corrupt, he will be in a position of power and can do what he needs to in ensuring Edenia has a strong leader.

* What if his friend declares an uprising against Mileena's reign? Will he choose to plunge Edenia into war to restore it's rightful ruler, or does he choose to side with the stability it is currently enjoying?

* If he chooses stability, will he fight against his friend to maintain this?

* If there is going to be a war anyway, wouldn't it be an oxymoron to fight for there not be a war?

* And what of Jade? Assuming she returns and wants to rule Edenia, and has evidence that she deserves to rule, and having the Edenian army's respect for her combat leadership skills, this muddies up the water even more.

There is a lot they can do with this generally good natured character, and several paths they can take with it. Is he an altruistic warrior that has stumbled upon good fortune, and is willing to toss that away for honour; or is he more concerned with himself, and the potential good that can come out dark situations?

New Female
I am toying with the name "Ellira" for her, but a better one can probably be generated. I think she would make for a fun character. She's basically an Edenian warrior who serves in Armageddon under the new male, does well and gets awarded. However, she is then visited by a cleric of chaos, who has some news for her. He tells her that the Queen she believes to be Kitana is not actually Kitana, but her clone. Ellira is well acquainted with Mileena, and knows her to be marked as a traitor, but she is not quick to trust a denizen of the Chaosrealm.

Havik provides proof, though. He takes her to a sacred Edenian cave...the place of Queen Sindel's original suicide, and there she encounters the ghost of Sindel, who tells her that she was murdered by Mileena. Ellira believes that something might be up, but she is more willing to believe when "Kitana" picks out her close friend to be her new lover. Perhaps jealousy is blinding her, and she just wants to believe that was Sindel's ghost and that this cleric of chaos can be trusted, but she sets out to prove that Mileena is running Edenia, even if it makes her a traitor to the realm she once protected.

But why would Havik want to expose Mileena? What would happen when Ellira let Kitana out of the dungeons to cat fight with Mileena over who gets to rule Edenia: the once insane, now stable Mileena or the rightful Queen and now slightly bonkers Kitana? Chaos.

He's been imprisoned, and is pissed off. In his mind, he did nothing wrong. Taven is fine, and Blaze is dead. Armageddon is over, and he is being punished for it. He hates his father for this, he hates his mother for supporting him, and he hates his brother for not doing anything about it. Sure, he's a whackjob, but he does have valid reasons to be upset. He doesn't even get a mortal suffering, his sentence will last forever.

Daegon meets Kitana in the prisons, and they develop a bond. They only have each other now, and they make a pact to stick together, and help the other achieve what they believe to be rightful rule when they manage to escape.

They do eventually get out, aided by Ellira, who quickly begins to partially regret her decision when she notices that they are both noticeably insane, and neither is fit to rule.

What you kind of get here is Ellira beginning to see things from Saturai's point of view, while Saturai begins to see things from Ellira's point of view. You are heading towards complete chaos, and somehow order needs to come from it. Taven, Daegon and Rain are all fighting to be Edenia's protector, one way or another; meanwhile the throne could end up with Kitana, Mileena, Jade or even Saturai.
02/14/2008 04:10 PM (UTC)
YingYeung Wrote:
Awesome post as usual. I agree with everything and Im glad people think Mileena should return but I hope her face didnt get fixed. I think Sindel should return only if she is evil again.

I think Mileena is a good choice to bring back. While I do think the majority of older characters should go, there are a small(very small) handful who I think should be kept...due to popularity/iconic status and that still have places to go in the story. And Mileena happens to be both.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
About Mileena & Kitana....

See, this is the story direction I just don't want to see them take.

I think in Armageddon, the Kitana/Mileena rivalry should end. END end. And having their faces switched and Kitana getting locked away doesn't really end it. Having Kitana get stuck with Mileena's choppers and locked away to go just feels like dragging it on. Okay, so Kitana will eventually get out and want revenge or justice, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'd much rather see them go their separate ways.

If they decide to go with Mileena taking Kitana's identity, I don't want the focus of the story to be "Someone(Jade, Kitana, a new character) has to prove Mileena isn't really Kitana even though no one believes him/her." Like I said, I just find those types of stories very boring and aggravating. Truth is, I just find the alternatives far more interesting. I would rather the focus of the story be "Mileena needs to make sure no one finds out she's not Kitana." There is a difference in the two stories.

I'd rather the story be about Mileena, and what she goes through. Which is why I think having Tanya be Mileena's main foe for Edenia would be much more fun than Jade or ANY other good guy. I'd rather this be about Mileena. And I want anyone trying tear her down to be seen as the "bad guy."

And speaking of karma, because you mentioned that....I don't see Mileena finally getting what she wanted after years of being a victim as karma. I see it as Mileena being rewarded for years of petty jealousy and greed. MY idea of good karma coming into play is having Mileena get what she wants...only to find it wasn't worth it. This would be helpful in the long-term....because figure when Mileena's deception inevitably fails and she's driven away....what will they do next? I figure by that point, assuming Mortal Kombat is still going, there'll be a desire to see Mileena take a new direction instead of constantly trying to take power. If you have her enjoying her time as Princess, she'll only try again when it's taken away from her. If she realizes it wasn't all she expected to be, we could then see Mileena reevaluate her purpose in life and seek new direction. Further developments....which is a good thing.

And as for Kitana...if she were to return, while I do think her current life as Princess of Edenia should be torn down and I would like to see her take a more angry disposition....I don't want to see it done like that. I do find her getting stuck with Mileena's face and going insane is an anticlimactic way to take her story...even if she does come back. As said, the thing with Mileena should END end. Kitana having Mileena's face doesn't end it.

Furthermore, while I would like to see a darker, more angry Kitana if she comes back....I would rather see a more cold and bitter anger than a crazed and near-psychotic anger. To me, it suits her better. Whatever Kitana is, she has always been portrayed as a disciplined character...and any anger she displays, I see as being very cold than blind fury. So her going insane....I don't want to see Kitana become Mileena. And there's just something about her responding to the horrible things that happen to her with insanity....I don't know, it just makes her seem....stupid, to me.
I also just think her saying "Ah fuck it." and leaving would be much cooler.

Not really interested in her pairing with Daegon. I don't even want her anywhere near Taven. Actually, as I said, I'd rather Kitana get away from Edenia altogether. If she continues on, I want to see something NEW from her in terms of what she's fighting for and whatnot. Which is why I favor her abandoning Edenia and renouncing her title. Wouldn't be a stretch, since we've been getting the vibe recently she's getting tired of her responsibilities.

I guess fundamentally, what I would like to see if Kitana & Mileena continue is for their stories to be about THEM and not about Edenia. I agree with tgrant that it seems lately the story is becoming too much about Edenia....who has the throne, who wants the throne, who's invading, etc...and less about the characters.

I mentioned something like this in my Storyline Analysis thread. Look at Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei. You could argue Sub-Zero's story is the Lin Kuei sub-plot. BUT, it is and always will be abot Sub-Zero...with or without the Lin Kuei. In the beginning, the Edenia sub-plot was KITANA'S story. It was about her. But now it seems like she can be taken out, and the Edenia story will keep going. And I think that's why characters involved are getting stuck in a cycling routine. It's becoming too much about the realm.

Hmm...maybe there is only one true solution
07/09/2008 04:03 AM (UTC)
wow i read the whole thing good story i guess great story glasses
07/09/2008 04:13 AM (UTC)
thecoolscorpion Wrote:
wow i read the whole thing good story i guess great story glasses

Thanks....although it's kind of moot for the time being.

I guess until MK9....
About Me

07/11/2008 10:53 PM (UTC)
Xiahou,your threads are one of the few things that keep me coming back here. Just thought I'd let you know you're doing an awesome fucking job.

You make a ton of valid points concerning Kitana and Mileena,but you seem to somewhat disregard the supporting characters. YKW is onto something.

Firstly,Jade. Now,if there's one word to describe Jade,it would be "loyal". But is she loyal to her friends or her realm? What is she has to choose between the two? Which is why I'm thinking it would be awesome to mess with that cornerstone of her character.
Her entire biography pretty much consists of her being Kitana's sidekick. Something needs to happen to change that. Something has to drive a wedge between the two. I like the idea of Tanya tempting Jade and planting a seed of doubt in her soul,because it definitely seems like her thing. Even more so considering that Jade is perfectly aware of the fact that Tanya a treacherous,lying whore. And the idea of Tanya's last words haunting Jade beyond the grave,slowly twisting her is simply delicious. I'm sure that thought would make Tanya smile even when's burning in the Netherrealm. However,the revelation that Jade also has a claim to the throne of Edenia is too cliche. It has to be something deeper,something more... venomous.

Something that causes her to view her relationship with her lifelong friend and comrade from a completely different angle. Somehow,Tanya manages to convince Jade that all this time Kitana has been using her,show her that her role has been reducing to being a gopher and a yes-girl for the Edenian royal family. She's always been ready to go to great lengths to protect her home realm,but I assume that her being an assassin,she had to remain in the shadows,while all the glory went to Kitana and Sindel. Now,I'm not trying to say that Jade is a jealous attention whore. She's been shown to be way more sensible than that. But there was a time when she was an assassin for Kahn. Maybe that's all the people of Edenia remember her as - a merciless,sneaky lapdog of a tyrant that reduced their once beautiful realm to a wasteland. And since she chooses to keep a low profile as a part of her current duties as an assassin/covert operative,she can't really go out of her way to disprove those nasty rumors. She can choose to ignore them,but that kind of stuff tends to slowly eat its way into the subconscious. And if Tanya is smart enough to perceive that (and I'm sure she is),she'll exploit the shit out of that little insecurity. Believe it.

Perhaps,when Kitana abandons Edenia and goes off to wander god knows where,the one left to pick up the pieces was Jade. This is her realm too,and she stood alongside her best friend and her mother all this time and risked her life to ensure it was protected. Only to have Kitana selfishly throw everything away on a whim and go do some soul-searching (that's not actually what happens,but that's what it looks like to Jade) at the time when the Edenian people need a strong leader. That's when Tanya's last words suddenly don't sound so ridiculous anymore...

Secondly,Tanya. While she is certainly very smart and (but less of a "JUST AS PLANNED" than Quan Chi),she really doesn't seem to have a good reason for all that backstabbing she's been doing. Being a daughter of an ambassador,she's certainly enjoyed her share of power,wealth and luxury. She's also smart enough to know better than to try and usurp the realm,because she knows that eventually some sort of Onaga will stomp his way to her doorstep and challenge her reign. As clever as she is,she knows she isn't much of a fighter against someone huge and determined like Shao motherfucking Kahn. Blackmail and treachery can only take you so far. And when she's in need of loyal retainers to stand by her side,she'll certainly have trouble finding any,seeing as how nobody trusts her,and she doesn't trust anybody herself. So yeah,she's not ruler material,and I think she knows that. She's made herself an enemy of pretty much everyone. Even the gods are fucking pissed at her.

So why does she do all that? I seem to recall her MKD ending had her take over all the realms with the help of the Kamidogu or some shit like that,but it seems kinda weak,and I don't really buy it. I don't think she ever got anything out of her temporary alliance with Shinnok,either. And afterwards,she seemed quite content to simply serve under her sorcerer masters. So no,I don't think it was her ultimate purpose. It seemed like the only reason she went for the Kamidogu is because she had an opportunity to. What is her true purpose then?

The answer - lulz.

That's right. She goes from master to master,backstabbing simply for the sake of backstabbing. You see where I'm going with that? That's right.


Havik should've definitely taken notice of her by now. She would make a fine cleric of Chaos. I could definitely see those two working together,bringing lulz everywhere they go,fucking with people just because they can and trying to out-backstab each other. It'll be better than the Deadly Alliance. Awesome.

Thirdly,Taven. MKA left me with a couple of questions that are worth exploring.

-Did Daegon actually kill Argus? I know it doesn't seem like much,but it's strongly implied that it's Argus who's narrating the endings,which,in turn,seems to imply that he's still alive. Besides,you can't just go and kill a god,as Raiden has proven to us.

-Remember that one really cryptic line by Orin? Something along the lines of "turn you into a full-fledged god? But that would require..." And when Taven asks "require what?",he just changes the topic really fast. I don't think we ever come back to that. It's been also implied that the reason Daegon is evil is because he fell under the influence of Shinnok. Who then,apparently,revealed something to him about the true purpose of the quest. Something that caused him to go nuts and kill his parents. I'm still wondering what could that be.

I'm sure I'll think of something else later.
In the meantime,keep up the good thread.
07/12/2008 12:55 AM (UTC)
On Jade
I do like the idea of Jade resenting Kitana for abandoning Edenia. If Edenia does get decimated during Armageddon and Kitana just up and leaves, that would leave it up to Jade to pick up the pieces and she probably would be something she wouldn't be happy about. It'd be interesting to see their friendship disrupted and where that goes.

The idea of Tanya taunting Jade with some terrible secret could be interesting. I always thought any feud between the two should be built around Tanya playing mind games while Jade is the superior fighter. I think it'd be a change of pace. Also, if their rivalry is developed, I would like to see some kind of history between the two be explored. Like you, I would avoid something where Jade discovers she has a claim to the Edenian throne. It's getting to be like a game of musical chairs.

On Tanya
Tanya being about chaos is interesting. I like that idea...Tanya merrily backstabs people and cause trouble simply for the sake of backstabbing and trouble-making. I like the idea of Havik noticing her and taking her under his wing. That'd be cool is Tanya's ultimate vision is a totally anarchic world where people turn on each other according to their whims.

On Argus
Like I said, I'm not much interested in Taven. However, in going back to Kitana becoming bitter after Armageddon, I think she'd have reason to be a little resentful of Argus. He's her god, and he turned Armageddon and the fate of their realm into this bizarre contest to see which of his sons is better. He was even willing to let Blaze wipe out everyone in the final battle whether they were good or evil. I think Kitana would have some reason to be a little pissed at her god over that...especially since there wouldn't even be an Edenia anymore if not for her.

BTW, since MK vs. DC is the next game and will be out-of-continuity, I think maybe this thread should be moved back to the Future Games forum. Since the stuff discussed here won't become relevant until the next canon game. So if any mods see this...can it be moved?
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