Sounds and Music in Mortal Kombat X
posted06/14/2014 09:38 AM (UTC)by
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06/13/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
I like the Fatality music and the echoing screams in the snow forest, subtle but really creepy.

Hard to say with the music as the volume and audio in those vids are all messed up, but it sounds in the same vein as the last few MKs...those didn't do much for me however.
Fatality music reminds me of DA/Deception's darker tracks. So I really like that.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/13/2014 05:18 AM (UTC)
The fatality music reminds me of the ambiance in Silent Hill 3. Sounds very chilling and quiet. I like it.

Also love the Easter Egg of Cassie listening to some MK3 OST on her MP3 player before the fight.
06/13/2014 07:17 AM (UTC)
Hey thanks for this! Glad to get to hear the audio a bit better.

The music seems okay. I guess the new Killer Instinct kinda raised the bar for me. I do wish MK's music was more hype.
06/13/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
I wish that the sounds and music would have been louder and clearer, but from what I heard, the music sounds much better than what we got in the last two NRS games. But yeah, as DjangoDrag said, the new Killer Instinct really raised the bar in terms of music for fighting games. I do hope the overall music in MKX will be good as I was underwhelmed by most of MK9's music.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/13/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
Is this really legit?

How come in the interviews, you can clearly hear Cassie talking in her intro, but one of these vids...she doesn't?
06/13/2014 07:49 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Is this really legit?

How come in the interviews, you can clearly hear Cassie talking in her intro, but one of these vids...she doesn't?

If the intros are more specific this time around, maybe they're trying to hide character plot points?

I haven't really been won over by the soundtrack yet. But the last MK soundtrack I adored was Deception so I didn't really expect to. I'm sure it will suffice as it always does but I long for the days of pre MKA soundtracks where every arena had such a distinctive and catchy flavour.
06/13/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
Yeah. I love Dan Forden as much as the next dude, but I wish the music the bar is higher now than it's ever been. I know it's still way early, but there's so much potential. Play with the format, try new approaches. Not just Intro, Fight Music, Round End, Dizzy, Fatality. Make it dynamic. Make each stage have its own Fatality theme. Fuck, in Killer Instinct EVERY character has their own Ultra Finisher theme, for EVERY different stage. This MK of all of them needs a more ambitious approach to music.

I mean THIS shit exists.

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06/13/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
I just want it to be scary dark music like MK4 and Deception .. or the old ones ... and they can make it dynamic like KI
06/13/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
I have to say that MK: Deception has the most innovative music of the series. I just love the different influences such as the Japanese drums (taiko) for the lower mines stage or the African drums for the theme that was meant for the Golden Desert stage. I just don't understand why the music is so subdued instead of being big and bold, especially for THIS series.
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06/13/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
Don't forget Deadly Alliance, that also had fantastic music. The DA fatality theme is my favorite, and I adore the character selection theme for that game.

DA and Deception both had bitching music.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/13/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Yeah. I love Dan Forden as much as the next dude, but I wish the music the bar is higher now than it's ever been. I know it's still way early, but there's so much potential. Play with the format, try new approaches. Not just Intro, Fight Music, Round End, Dizzy, Fatality. Make it dynamic. Make each stage have its own Fatality theme. Fuck, in Killer Instinct EVERY character has their own Ultra Finisher theme, for EVERY different stage. This MK of all of them needs a more ambitious approach to music

The only way they can add such a dynamic feature is if they bring back Brutalities and have players create their own this time, and not a set animation.
06/13/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
DA had a pretty good soundtrack but it was too jumpy and techno for mortal kombat
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06/13/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
Wel I like the ominous fatality theme, but no...

the stage tracks so far hasn't impressed me, MKDA and MKD this is not. I listen to Liu Kang's Tomb every time I work out with my weights.

06/13/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I have to say that MK: Deception has the most innovative music of the series. I just love the different influences such as the Japanese drums (taiko) for the lower mines stage or the African drums for the theme that was meant for the Golden Desert stage. I just don't understand why the music is so subdued instead of being big and bold, especially for THIS series.

Do not even get me started on the unused Golden Desert music. We will be here all week.
06/14/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
I agree with everyone who wrote about Killer Instinct's music. Mick Gordon raised the bar, the music is brilliant and it fits in a great way.

I wish Dan Forden would revisit his ways of composing songs a-la Deadly Alliance. That era, in my humble opinion, had the best music ever had. It was dark, it was oriental, it was sick, I wish we could hear more music like that. Love the songs from that game, especially Kuatan Palace and Acid Bath.
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06/14/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
Watching the videos with headphones on sounds amazing. I'm gonna have to invest in some turtlebeaches before this comes out for sure.
06/14/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Yeah. I love Dan Forden as much as the next dude, but I wish the music the bar is higher now than it's ever been. I know it's still way early, but there's so much potential. Play with the format, try new approaches. Not just Intro, Fight Music, Round End, Dizzy, Fatality. Make it dynamic. Make each stage have its own Fatality theme. Fuck, in Killer Instinct EVERY character has their own Ultra Finisher theme, for EVERY different stage. This MK of all of them needs a more ambitious approach to music

The only way they can add such a dynamic feature is if they bring back Brutalities and have players create their own this time, and not a set animation.

Nah, every character could easily have their own individual theme for fatalities. That alone would be more than they've ever done before.

But I was trying to just make a point. Think outside the box a bit. You've got next gen tech to play with and plenty of disk space, I would imagine. Go nuts!
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/14/2014 07:02 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

Nah, every character could easily have their own individual theme for fatalities. That alone would be more than they've ever done before.

But I was trying to just make a point. Think outside the box a bit. You've got next gen tech to play with and plenty of disk space, I would imagine. Go nuts!

Let me rephrase that, because I'm not saying it won't fit the disc.

I don't think your idea would translate well for such a game. We got stages with various flavor in music. Fatalities are dark, gory, evil and sadistic and everything of the like. That means the stage themes would also have to sound as equal, and good luck with that since now NRS have music that sounds so ochestra and sounds like it belongs to a middle earth battle film or super hero film.

You cannot have an upbeat theme like...I dunno, MK9 Court Yard and then give it a dark gritty fatality version of it. Hell, even the "Finish Him" part of the track gets up beaty. It would be almost as equal to listening to a pop song, then turning the pitch way down. The sudden change in music style is unfitting.

I think a better example would be the MKD Yin Yang Island stage that randomly changes. It goes from tropical music to dark music. The vibe is thrown the fuck off. That's the same feeling we will get if each stage kept their own unique music style, while the Fatality themes is the darkest themes you're going to hear. And having an upbeat fatality music to an upbeat stage theme will kill the seriousness of the fatality presentation. So again, in order for this to probably work properly, each stage theme would need to be dark and gritty.
06/14/2014 07:37 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:

Nah, every character could easily have their own individual theme for fatalities. That alone would be more than they've ever done before.

But I was trying to just make a point. Think outside the box a bit. You've got next gen tech to play with and plenty of disk space, I would imagine. Go nuts!

Let me rephrase that, because I'm not saying it won't fit the disc.

I don't think your idea would translate well for such a game. We got stages with various flavor in music. Fatalities are dark, gory, evil and sadistic and everything of the like. That means the stage themes would also have to sound as equal, and good luck with that since now NRS have music that sounds so ochestra and sounds like it belongs to a middle earth battle film or super hero film.

You cannot have an upbeat theme like...I dunno, MK9 Court Yard and then give it a dark gritty fatality version of it. Hell, even the "Finish Him" part of the track gets up beaty. It would be almost as equal to listening to a pop song, then turning the pitch way down. The sudden change in music style is unfitting.

I think a better example would be the MKD Yin Yang Island stage that randomly changes. It goes from tropical music to dark music. The vibe is thrown the fuck off. That's the same feeling we will get if each stage kept their own unique music style, while the Fatality themes is the darkest themes you're going to hear. And having an upbeat fatality music to an upbeat stage theme will kill the seriousness of the fatality presentation. So again, in order for this to probably work properly, each stage theme would need to be dark and gritty.

It's really not as complicated as you're making it out to be. It's extremely possible, if the composer wants to do it. I don't want to sound like a dick, but I moonlight as a composer and I've re-made the entire MK1 soundtrack. Being "Upbeat" is not an issue.

One approach could be if a particular stage theme uses a distorted, synthy bass and a crazy shamisen and low chanting, then use those same instruments to perform the exact same Fatality theme composition. It could be a simple as that, though it could also be far more interesting. ANY piece of music can warped in something sinister sounding. In fact, if the track is shifting moods that harshly, if done well, it would make the Fatality theme sound even more unnerving.

SO much could be done.
06/14/2014 09:38 AM (UTC)
So far MKXs music reminds more me about MK9, more than MKDA / MKD, which is sad. However, its interesting, that different rounds have different versions of the music playing in them.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I just don't understand why the music is so subdued instead of being big and bold, especially for THIS series.

I guess, they decided to make soundtrack for the current MK games EPIC, i.e.orchestral...which kind of killed what made past MK soundtracks awesome.
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