Sonyas ending *spoilers*
posted05/22/2015 11:01 PM (UTC)byMerdynBlade Member Since
01/29/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Okay as a hardcore Sonya fan i must say it is a pretty shitty ending. Canon or not Canon.
But i just thought about something. This is mortal Kombat after all.
Maybe Sonya has Some sort of "power" that she can sense something is about to happen ? I mean Please don't let this be a dream ending. So Jax dies i don't really care. But maybe this is something special Sonya has high senses or premenition like powers ?
I know it sounds wack.... But the ending itself is to shitty for me to not find a meaning behind it lol.
Her mk9 ending was also that vague we see her dad for a bit and then nothing. I mean pleaaaaase i need more info and not shitty endings that raider more questions then answers.
MikeyRu •05/22/2015 11:01 PM (UTC) •0
It's a shitty ending because it really has fuck all to do with Sonya. It's like she was a cameo in her own ending. We should make a petition to have another one made. I feel kind of let down as a Sonya fan. Two of her skins are nearly the same, her fatalities are hands down the worst, her ending doesn't move her plot forward at all, etc. She's SONYA BLADE, the heroine from the first MK! And they give her an ending where she dreams someone else got shot? WTF? There's already an ending where Jax gets shot! We don't need it to be in Sonya's dream too! Basically Sonya just dreamt about Jax's ending! BULLSHIT!
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