Some wild and crazy ideas Ive had for the next MK
posted05/11/2010 02:41 PM (UTC)by
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04/22/2010 03:22 PM (UTC)
I guess I've always been a fan of more strategy when it comes to fighting. Never was a fan of giving novice button mashing players or spammers the ability to have the upper hand against veterans.

Personality AI: Each character's personality is incorporated into their fighting style and artificial intelligence (i.e. defensive, aggressive, etc.)

Progressive AI: AI will learn from fighting against players to increase difficulty (kind of like training your AI in virtua fighter, but more so for the NPC opponents). This will make it more challenging for those who spam moves or use the same combination of attacks. On top of that, it will make the CPU less predictable so players cant figure out the AI's pattern and master the game in 5 weeks or less.

Full Facial Expressions: Characters show pain, aggression, fear, and other expressions before, druring, and after the fight. I feel this would bring more feeling to the game especially if MK is to go back to its brutal roots. I know the past games have had some facial expressions, but it was the bear minimum and not enough for today's standards (I think anyway).

Damage: Character's clothes, armor, and skin are damage REALISTICALLY depending on where they've been struck. Excessive bleeding should cause stains in clothes. The MK team has scratched the surface with this. If I constantly hit a person in the stomach, I shouldn't see their mask fall off and their face bleed now should I?

Stamina: Overuse of special powers and aggressive maneuvers (ones that do a lot of damage and are exploited by spammers) wil lcause characters to loser their stamina.
Low Stamina: Blocking is less effective, slower movement.
No Stamina: Cannot use special powers.
I guess this somewhat brings back the run meter for MK3&4

Leveling Up: Player profiles can level up specific characters to improve their speed, stamina, damage, blocking effectiveness, special move upgrades, and other attributes. I feel this will give MK a whole new way of creating replay value. Not just unlocking costumes or new peices of armor to add on.

Fatalities: Performing a special move during the "Finish Him/Her" will kill the opponent in a quick, yet deadly, way.

Brutalities: A certain button combination during the end of a match will kill the oppponent in a more brutal way, and actually have a "longer" sequence of death than a fatality.

Customization: Characters should be customizable, not just KAF. There should be generic additions for every character, and then unique things that are specific to a character.

Character Upgrades: Unique character custization increases certain abilities. I guess this is taken from Soul Calibur where some types of armor give certain abilities. I'm sure MK can use their "magic" excuse to bring something like this into the fight.

Of course, not everyone will like the above ideas in the next MK game... so in the options menu, the player should be able to enable/disable certain game features, and that includes online battles. This is so you can still have the classic MK feel to the game, but still have the option of putting more depth in the game if you want to.

I also think the MK Team needs to study martial arts more... this will improve on gameplay and how they can incorporate counter attacks etc. Instant combo-breakers and parries that we've seen in the past are ridiculous. Players should have to anticipate a high/medium/low attack in order to do the correct counter move - just like with blocking.
05/04/2010 05:31 PM (UTC)
The AI and graphical ideas are necessary nowadays. The stamina idea could work to keep spammers to a minimum.

The rest of it...nah.
05/04/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
A few things after reading this, and this is what I honestly think, whether it's going to be taken seriously or not...

assasSINister Wrote:
Full Facial Expressions: Characters show pain, aggression, fear, and other expressions before, druring, and after the fight. I feel this would bring more feeling to the game especially if MK is to go back to its brutal roots. I know the past games have had some facial expressions, but it was the bear minimum and not enough for today's standards (I think anyway).

I don' t think people really care too much about feelings in Mortal Kombat. The only time I feel that the opponent should fear, is when they know they're getting ready to be killed by a fatality. Other than that, we don't need facial expressions.

assasSINister Wrote:
Damage: Character's clothes, armor, and skin are damage REALISTICALLY depending on where they've been struck. Excessive bleeding should cause stains in clothes. The MK team has scratched the surface with this. If I constantly hit a person in the stomach, I shouldn't see their mask fall off and their face bleed now should I?

Could happen, but for some reason I don't see it happen too much. I can see tattered clothing and masks falling off, but that's all what I could see happening in a fight.

assasSINister Wrote:
Stamina:Overuse of special powers and aggressive maneuvers (ones that do a lot of damage and are exploited by spammers) wil lcause characters to loser their stamina.
Low Stamina: Blocking is less effective, slower movement.
No Stamina: Cannot use special powers.
I guess this somewhat brings back the run meter for MK3&4

I don't think they should NOT have the ability to perform a special move if they're running low on stamina.

assasSINister Wrote:
Leveling UpPlayer profiles can level up specific characters to improve their speed, stamina, damage, blocking effectiveness, special move upgrades, and other attributes. I feel this will give MK a whole new way of creating replay value. Not just unlocking costumes or new peices of armor to add on.

No, Mortal Kombat does not need to be Soul Calibur in any way possible when it comes to characters.

assasSINister Wrote:
Customization:Characters should be customizable, not just KAF. There should be generic additions for every character, and then unique things that are specific to a character.

No, I don't want to spend time trying to figure out what would look cute on Sub-Zero. Each character should have either just one costume or two. That is it, no custom addons or what not.

assasSINister Wrote:
Unique character custization increases certain abilities. I guess this is taken from Soul Calibur where some types of armor give certain abilities. I'm sure MK can use their "magic" excuse to bring something like this into the fight.

NO!!! As stated before, Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat, not Mortal Calibur or Soul Kombat... We don't need this game to suddenly feel like another fighting game that's already existing.

assasSINister Wrote:
Of course, not everyone will like the above ideas in the next MK game... so in the options menu, the player should be able to enable/disable certain game features, and that includes online battles. This is so you can still have the classic MK feel to the game, but still have the option of putting more depth in the game if you want to.

I don't like seeing people say this, that you have the ability to opt this out if you want... People who have played Mortal Kombat wants it to be Mortal Kombat. Why put in things that people are mostly going to shut off? Just like death traps. People were allowed to opt that out, I sure don't, why include that in a game if people are not going to play with that?

assasSINister Wrote:
I also think the MK Team needs to study martial arts more... this will improve on gameplay and how they can incorporate counter attacks etc. Instant combo-breakers and parries that we've seen in the past are ridiculous. Players should have to anticipate a high/medium/low attack in order to do the correct counter move - just like with blocking.

They do know martial arts... They grabbed a lot of black belt actors to fill in the roles of the characters for the first few games of the series.
05/04/2010 09:41 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
Of course, not everyone will like the above ideas in the next MK game... so in the options menu, the player should be able to enable/disable certain game features, and that includes online battles. This is so you can still have the classic MK feel to the game, but still have the option of putting more depth in the game if you want to.

I don't like seeing people say this, that you have the ability to opt this out if you want... People who have played Mortal Kombat wants it to be Mortal Kombat. Why put in things that people are mostly going to shut off? Just like death traps. People were allowed to opt that out, I sure do, why include that in a game if people are not going to play with that?

Obviously because some people want to play with them on. Versatility is never a bad thing. Just because you don't play with it on doesn't mean other people feel the same way you do.
On topic: I like most of the OP's ideas; they would be really good in the new MK. Anything with variety to spice it up would be great; all MK needs to feel like MK is the violence, gore, and brutality. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'd rather have MK have all the gameplay mechanics of Tekken and have the story elements and other aesthetic elements of MK than have to deal with another shitty gameplay engine that has tons of glitches and exploits.
05/04/2010 09:52 PM (UTC)
Personality AI: Can't see how that works. It doesn't make sense.

Progressive AI: Uhm, that happens going from fighter to fighter.

Full Facial expressions: During a fight, no one is going to notice the face. After the fight, sure. I thought they already did that though. I think first things first, some of the faces should be fixed. Before, no, I don't think the fighters need a before-fight intro.

Damage: That sounds good. I don't see why not.

Stamina: No. The moves should just become weaker to do.

Leveling up: Not at all. No need for Pokemon Kombat.

Fatalities: The way you describe them, that it should be a special move done in a deadly way, some already do that. Sindel's scream, Scorpion's Spear, Nitara's Vampire bite, etc. Or do you mean that they should just do one of the moves they do regularly and that turns into something deadly? Even if that was true, I still say no. That takes the fun out of the fatalities if it was just that easy.

Brutalities: They aren't that long as you think they are. Brutalities, mmmm, ok, I guess it's not bad. Just as long as they don't do millions of bones a la MK3.

Customization and Upgrades: Someone's been playing Soul Calibur 4 a lot recently. Anyway, both no. I don't think that they need to take something that already happened in one game into another because they liked it in the other game.

05/04/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:
Of course, not everyone will like the above ideas in the next MK game... so in the options menu, the player should be able to enable/disable certain game features, and that includes online battles. This is so you can still have the classic MK feel to the game, but still have the option of putting more depth in the game if you want to.

I don't like seeing people say this, that you have the ability to opt this out if you want... People who have played Mortal Kombat wants it to be Mortal Kombat. Why put in things that people are mostly going to shut off? Just like death traps. People were allowed to opt that out, I sure do, why include that in a game if people are not going to play with that?

Obviously because some people want to play with them on. Versatility is never a bad thing. Just because you don't play with it on doesn't mean other people feel the same way you do.

I understand that there are people who play this game that leaves things on, there are people who don't. As I stated, I don't think it's a good idea, but I'm certainly not speaking out for everyone on this, as I am entitled to agree/disagree on a few things. This is just in my perspective, not for everyone else perspective.
05/04/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but when you say things such as "people are not going to play with it on", it encompasses everyone who plays the game. Essentially, you are saying that your opinion holds true for everyone who plays the game. Either word your sentences better, or don't say things like that, because you know they aren't true.
05/04/2010 10:23 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:
You are entitled to your own opinion, but when you say things such as "people are not going to play with it on", it encompasses everyone who plays the game. Essentially, you are saying that your opinion holds true for everyone who plays the game. Either word your sentences better, or don't say things like that, because you know they aren't true.

Uhh, I don't need to word anything better, I'm not speaking the truth, I'm speaking an opnion. What I was writing was nothing but a mere opinion. I threw in "people are not going to play with it on," or anything like that because I was giving an example to those who might not be playing with new add-ons on. Saying that there will be people who will obviously turn off addons and I was saying, I don't like it when I see people saying "you have the right to opt things out." If you're going to include something in, then they shouldn't be opted whatsoever. Otherwise, why put it in there? Why opt the blood out? If we have to opt it out, then why put the blood in there. It's as simple as that. Not sure why this is getting into an issue.
05/04/2010 10:45 PM (UTC)
I've already stated that versatility is never a bad thing. You have the option of opting it out because some people like to play with it on, and others like to play with it off. Why include it in the game if there are some people who are going to turn it off? Because there are other people who are going to leave it on. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about that.

But, if it's your opinion that it's useless to include something in the game that maybe 50% of the people playing it are going to turn off, and you ignore the fact that the other 50% of the people are going to leave it on, then we'll just leave it at that, since there's no reasoning with you in that case.
05/04/2010 10:57 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:
I've already stated that versatility is never a bad thing. You have the option of opting it out because some people like to play with it on, and others like to play with it off. Why include it in the game if there are some people who are going to turn it off? Because there are other people who are going to leave it on. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about that.

But, if it's your opinion that it's useless to include something in the game that maybe 50% of the people playing it are going to turn off, and you ignore the fact that the other 50% of the people are going to leave it on, then we'll just leave it at that, since there's no reasoning with you in that case.

There is reasoning with me, you're just not understanding my point. Because if you did understand it, there wouldn't be this issue coming about.

Let me throw in another example on what I'm trying to talk about:

I know that BLOOD is an option to leave it on or turn it off. Why would anyone turn off the blood if this game is partially known for the amount of blood that spills out of a human being? Does that make sense?

I can understand with the music, the sound effects and the time, but with the blood? Why turn that off?

Let's say that for all the other games that are out. Do you want to have the option to turn off the blood effects in Manhunt? Do you want to turn the blood effects off in God of War?

I let things stay on, I'm one of those who keeps things on... but why have the ability to put something in a game that you can turn off/on? Shouldn't it just be on no matter what?
05/04/2010 11:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Ryukeshen Wrote:
I've already stated that versatility is never a bad thing. You have the option of opting it out because some people like to play with it on, and others like to play with it off. Why include it in the game if there are some people who are going to turn it off? Because there are other people who are going to leave it on. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about that.

But, if it's your opinion that it's useless to include something in the game that maybe 50% of the people playing it are going to turn off, and you ignore the fact that the other 50% of the people are going to leave it on, then we'll just leave it at that, since there's no reasoning with you in that case.

There is reasoning with me, you're just not understanding my point. Because if you did understand it, there wouldn't be this issue coming about.

Let me throw in another example on what I'm trying to talk about:

I know that BLOOD is an option to leave it on or turn it off. Why would anyone turn off the blood if this game is partially known for the amount of blood that spills out of a human being? Does that make sense?

I can understand with the music, the sound effects and the time, but with the blood? Why turn that off?

Let's say that for all the other games that are out. Do you want to have the option to turn off the blood effects in Manhunt? Do you want to turn the blood effects off in God of War?

I let things stay on, I'm one of those who keeps things on... but why have the ability to put something in a game that you can turn off/on? Shouldn't it just be on no matter what?

I don't like seeing people say this, that you have the ability to opt this out if you want... People who have played Mortal Kombat wants it to be Mortal Kombat. Why put in things that people are mostly going to shut off? Just like death traps. People were allowed to opt that out, I sure do, why include that in a game if people are not going to play with that?

These two statements do not say the same thing, unfortunately. First things first: you say "People are allowed to opt that out, I sure do, why include that in a game if people are not going to play with that?" Does this not mean that you play with death traps off? Now you say: "I let things stay on, I'm one of those who keeps things on". Does this not contradict what you said before? So you either worded your first post incorrectly or you're contradicting yourself.

Say you worded that incorrectly. Fine. Your other point is this: "Don't put things in the game and then give an option to turn it off, because that takes away from the point of including them in the first place". I would agree with you there, however, it is crucial to modern game design to let the players choose how they want to play. Take for instance sandbox games, such as GTA. There's a main storyline, but you are given the option to completely ignore that storyline and do whatever the hell you want. Why? Because the game designer is allowing more versatility in the game in allowing the player to choose how they want to play it.

For your examples: giving the option for no blood in Manhunt or GoW3. Would turning off blood in Manhunt or GoW3 detract from the overall atmosphere of both games? Yes, it would. Should players be allowed to turn them off? Yes, if the players want to turn off blood, then they should be allowed to. Is there an option? As far as I know, there isn't, and that's perfectly fine because it detracts from the atmosphere of the game; the game designers designed the game to immerse the player in a world of atrocities with no censorship on the blood and gore. However, if there is an option, then that's perfectly fine too. The designer wants the game to be played a certain way, but is not willing to make it completely necessary for the player to see blood when playing the game. As far as GoW3 goes, obviously it's impossible because of the nature of the cutscenes, and the fact that Kratos is just a BAMF who is incapable of expressing anything other than killing intent.

If you are arguing that the game designer should not give an option because they should force the player to play exactly how they designed the game, then I present this counter point: The game designer doesn't always know best (ESPECIALLY in fighting games) how the game should be played. Example: Super Smash Brawl. There would absolutely be no meta game if gamers decided to play the game as the designer intended: items on, no glitches/advanced techs, tripping, random shit occurring to fuck with the players due to stages, etc. Why do you think Brawl+ is even a thing? Because players wanted tripping off, balance in the characters, ability to actually combo rather than escaping out of almost anything with a simple DI or easily executed air dodge.

So yes, developers DO need to add options to turn things off. Tripping in Brawl is still one of the absolutely most hated aspects of the game when played at a high level. You can't turn tripping off. Are you telling me that's a good thing?
05/04/2010 11:21 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:

You are taking this opinion way too seriously... And yes, my first post was a mistake. I don't turn off death traps. Congrats for finding my mistake. I'll go edit that now. Secondly, all I'm trying to get at with this issue is that I don't get why people need to opt things on when they shouldn't be. That's all I'm saying.
05/04/2010 11:29 PM (UTC)
That's fine, but I would just like to point out that players should be allowed to play the game the way they want to play it, especially if the options aren't exactly crucial to the way the developers want the game to be played. Some of these features listed are really completely irrelevant to high end gameplay, such as customization, character upgrades, leveling up, but could add a bit of spice to casual gameplay, especially to those who play single player. All I'm saying is, those who take the game seriously and play it competitively, should have the option to turn off stuff like customization, character upgrades, and leveling if they wanted to. And those casual gamers who like that stuff, should be able to turn them or leave them on.

But we can agree to disagree, if you think that they shouldn't be included because there's a certain % of people who will never use these options.
05/06/2010 06:51 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Ryukeshen Wrote:

You are taking this opinion way too seriously... And yes, my first post was a mistake. I don't turn off death traps. Congrats for finding my mistake. I'll go edit that now. Secondly, all I'm trying to get at with this issue is that I don't get why people need to opt things on when they shouldn't be. That's all I'm saying.

...i like options...sad
05/06/2010 12:02 PM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
Personality AI: Can't see how that works. It doesn't make sense.

Progressive AI: Uhm, that happens going from fighter to fighter.

Full Facial expressions: During a fight, no one is going to notice the face. After the fight, sure. I thought they already did that though. I think first things first, some of the faces should be fixed. Before, no, I don't think the fighters need a before-fight intro.

Damage: That sounds good. I don't see why not.

Stamina: No. The moves should just become weaker to do.

Leveling up: Not at all. No need for Pokemon Kombat.

Fatalities: The way you describe them, that it should be a special move done in a deadly way, some already do that. Sindel's scream, Scorpion's Spear, Nitara's Vampire bite, etc. Or do you mean that they should just do one of the moves they do regularly and that turns into something deadly? Even if that was true, I still say no. That takes the fun out of the fatalities if it was just that easy.

Brutalities: They aren't that long as you think they are. Brutalities, mmmm, ok, I guess it's not bad. Just as long as they don't do millions of bones a la MK3.

Customization and Upgrades: Someone's been playing Soul Calibur 4 a lot recently. Anyway, both no. I don't think that they need to take something that already happened in one game into another because they liked it in the other game.

Progressive AI does NOT happen in fighters.
The only thing they have is an increase in difficulty. Read closely. The AI LEARNS. I didn't say the AI will have access to more programmed commands. That's all difficulty is when it comes to fighters. How much accesss they have to pre-programmed attacks etc.
When I say progressive AI learning. I mean it lliterally earns from the way the player fights and teaches itself how to be more successful against its opponent. That is NOT in every fighter.

When I say brutalities, I'm not talking about MK3's ultimate combo explosion trash. My version of brutality is the fatliaty we know today. A nice little scene of the opponent getting killed.
When I say Fatalities, I'm talking about the player doing a special move of some kind and it quickly killing the opponent in a violent way, but not a long sequence. Just a fast yet brutal death.
05/07/2010 12:05 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:

Progressive AI does NOT happen in fighters.
The only thing they have is an increase in difficulty. Read closely. The AI LEARNS. I didn't say the AI will have access to more programmed commands. That's all difficulty is when it comes to fighters. How much accesss they have to pre-programmed attacks etc.
When I say progressive AI learning. I mean it lliterally earns from the way the player fights and teaches itself how to be more successful against its opponent. That is NOT in every fighter.

When I say brutalities, I'm not talking about MK3's ultimate combo explosion trash. My version of brutality is the fatliaty we know today. A nice little scene of the opponent getting killed.
When I say Fatalities, I'm talking about the player doing a special move of some kind and it quickly killing the opponent in a violent way, but not a long sequence. Just a fast yet brutal death.

I think progressive AI would be a great addition, but quite difficult to implement at this juncture. It doesn't really occur in any fighter at the moment to my knowledge; it's merely emulated through increase in overall difficulty of AI, which is essentially what you were saying. Your idea is great, but its difficulty to implement hinders it from being even though about by the MK team.

As for fatalities/brutalities, I agree. Your version of fatalities essentially makes quick deathscenes that are fairly easy to program and do not take much thinking to come up with. In conjuncture with a few brutalities per character, it is a great addition that adds variety without creating too much stress among the MK team. I would like to add an addendum in that some character-specific brutalities should be implemented between characters who have a history of rivalry, to add a bit of story touch into the finishers. That would be an interesting addition, don't you think?
05/07/2010 01:11 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:

Progressive AI does NOT happen in fighters.
The only thing they have is an increase in difficulty. Read closely. The AI LEARNS. I didn't say the AI will have access to more programmed commands. That's all difficulty is when it comes to fighters. How much accesss they have to pre-programmed attacks etc.
When I say progressive AI learning. I mean it lliterally earns from the way the player fights and teaches itself how to be more successful against its opponent. That is NOT in every fighter.

When I say brutalities, I'm not talking about MK3's ultimate combo explosion trash. My version of brutality is the fatliaty we know today. A nice little scene of the opponent getting killed.
When I say Fatalities, I'm talking about the player doing a special move of some kind and it quickly killing the opponent in a violent way, but not a long sequence. Just a fast yet brutal death.

I think progressive AI would be a great addition, but quite difficult to implement at this juncture. It doesn't really occur in any fighter at the moment to my knowledge; it's merely emulated through increase in overall difficulty of AI, which is essentially what you were saying. Your idea is great, but its difficulty to implement hinders it from being even though about by the MK team.

As for fatalities/brutalities, I agree. Your version of fatalities essentially makes quick deathscenes that are fairly easy to program and do not take much thinking to come up with. In conjuncture with a few brutalities per character, it is a great addition that adds variety without creating too much stress among the MK team. I would like to add an addendum in that some character-specific brutalities should be implemented between characters who have a history of rivalry, to add a bit of story touch into the finishers. That would be an interesting addition, don't you think?

Hmm I never thought about that (the rivalry fatalities).
It would definitely be quite interesting.
05/07/2010 02:11 PM (UTC)
Yeah, it'd probably be fairly difficult to do, and it would initiate some sort of dialogue between the characters before 1 character finished off the other in some brutal, personal way. Like a mini-cutscene. It wouldn't be that bad or time consuming to put in the game, there aren't THAT many rivalries. Sub/Noob, Scorp/Sub, Jade/Tanya, Kitana/Mileena, Baraka/Mileena, Liu/Shang, Kitana/Kahn, etc. It seems like a lot but not all these chars are gonna make the game, so it really isn't that much. It would definitely add to the atmosphere to the game, though, I think.
05/07/2010 02:43 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
Personality AI: Can't see how that works. It doesn't make sense.

Progressive AI: Uhm, that happens going from fighter to fighter.

Full Facial expressions: During a fight, no one is going to notice the face. After the fight, sure. I thought they already did that though. I think first things first, some of the faces should be fixed. Before, no, I don't think the fighters need a before-fight intro.

Damage: That sounds good. I don't see why not.

Stamina: No. The moves should just become weaker to do.

Leveling up: Not at all. No need for Pokemon Kombat.

Fatalities: The way you describe them, that it should be a special move done in a deadly way, some already do that. Sindel's scream, Scorpion's Spear, Nitara's Vampire bite, etc. Or do you mean that they should just do one of the moves they do regularly and that turns into something deadly? Even if that was true, I still say no. That takes the fun out of the fatalities if it was just that easy.

Brutalities: They aren't that long as you think they are. Brutalities, mmmm, ok, I guess it's not bad. Just as long as they don't do millions of bones a la MK3.

Customization and Upgrades: Someone's been playing Soul Calibur 4 a lot recently. Anyway, both no. I don't think that they need to take something that already happened in one game into another because they liked it in the other game.

Progressive AI does NOT happen in fighters.
The only thing they have is an increase in difficulty. Read closely. The AI LEARNS. I didn't say the AI will have access to more programmed commands. That's all difficulty is when it comes to fighters. How much accesss they have to pre-programmed attacks etc.
When I say progressive AI learning. I mean it lliterally earns from the way the player fights and teaches itself how to be more successful against its opponent. That is NOT in every fighter.

When I say brutalities, I'm not talking about MK3's ultimate combo explosion trash. My version of brutality is the fatliaty we know today. A nice little scene of the opponent getting killed.
When I say Fatalities, I'm talking about the player doing a special move of some kind and it quickly killing the opponent in a violent way, but not a long sequence. Just a fast yet brutal death.

About Progerssiva AI: Oh, I see now. That does sound good. Is that possible though in a fighting game, though? I never seen anything like it.

About Brutalities: So, are you saying that the fatalities that the characters had should be renamed to that? Mmmmm....although some of those are brutal, I think the fatality should remain named fatality.

As for Fatality: Do you mean like when Taven shot a fireball at his opponents in Konquest mode they die quickly like that?
05/07/2010 03:13 PM (UTC)
Well, I don't think it's about the name, it's more about the violence and brutality shown. In his version of the fatality, it's a short, quick death that has something to do with the special attack that the opponent is hit with. That's not really much, just a fun easy way to end the match. As for his brutalities, it'll be an extended scene much like the fatalities of old, except it'll just be much more violent and visceral than a simple special move. For someone like Liu Kang, it would be like:
Liu unleashes a furious combo involving various kung fu styled punches and kicks that vibrate the screen with each impact. At the end of the combo, he draws forth some inner ki and launches a straight punch into the opponent's stomach, doubling them over, making them cough up blood and go to their knees. As Liu looks over at his helpless opponent, he creeps behind them and puts his hands on their head. With a quick twisting motion and a high-pitched cry, he snaps their neck brutally, and lets them fall fowards, legs twitching as they land.

And a fatality for Liu under his definition would be like: Liu Kang uses a high fireball that sets the opponent's upper torso on fire. They scream and flail as they burn fast from the intense fire and their upper torso is incinerated as they fall onto their knees and die.

Or maybe Liu uses his flying kick and kicks the opponent's head so hard that their head spins all the way around, while their body does not. Then, cue win pose as the opponent falls; their faces in shock.
05/07/2010 04:10 PM (UTC)
Mmmm, I still say no to fatalities. Brutalities, maybe.
05/07/2010 04:15 PM (UTC)
Well, I mean the point is that it makes an easy to implement fatality system where a special move at the end still kills your opponent, while the juicy stuff is when you input the special codes. If you'd rather your specials just hit the opponent and only knock them down like all the previous MK's, then I accept your opinion. I like a little bit of variety, and adding simple fatalities based on specials adds like 3-4 kill moves per character with only a tiny bit of cost of time.
05/09/2010 06:14 PM (UTC)
I love all your ideas, everything you mentioned would be perfect in creating an atmosphere for the next Mortal Kombat game. If there is a basic formula for success in the Mortal Kombat games as a fan I would say that the realism, the gore, and the themes are what attracted a majority of people to this game.

I have never played a game where I really felt like I really killed someone and your "emotion engine" (i'll call it) idea would add on that shock value that the classic games have had. I think it would be insane if you as a gamer felt like you were controlling an organic being and fighting against another living breathing creature that has feelings and having all the different animations and facial expressions to actual sounds they make can make a huge difference than a standard wire frame with textures added onto it. Great idea.

I also like your customization idea, when you play a game with others you want to be distinguishable from others. In the classic games all you really had was a different color when you selected a character. For nostalgic purposes and replayablity I would like it if you can get accesories that show classic looks to MK's exsisting characters. Armageddon sort of touched on the subject by having the MK, MK2, and MK3 ninja sets but when was the last time we saw Liu Kang in his classic MK1 outfit or Shang Tsung as an old man? This would be neat to have. Character Upgrades would be a nice addition to this game also. To really switch up and make the game unpredictable and also conjunct with a leveling up feature you could borrow elements to MK: Mythologies and Shaolin Monks by unlocking more combos and special moves. For a fighting game I think it would be fair to have a set number of special moves for all characters like you start with only 2 special moves but when mastering a character you can have up to 5 special moves that you can use at your disposal in a fight. It would be neat if each character can have the potential of 10 different special moves all used for a specific purpose like for instance each character could have a teleportation move, projectile, aura, you name it but it would be impossible to use all of them in a fight. This is where the player has to get strategic and pick their own special moves for their favorite character. And depending on a person's play style you can select the same character for example Scorpion, but both Scorpions could be completley different in appearance and moves and is custom to the player's preferences.
05/09/2010 07:08 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
Leveling Up: Player profiles can level up specific characters to improve their speed, stamina, damage, blocking effectiveness, special move upgrades, and other attributes. I feel this will give MK a whole new way of creating replay value. Not just unlocking costumes or new peices of armor to add on.

Customization: Characters should be customizable, not just KAF. There should be generic additions for every character, and then unique things that are specific to a character.

Character Upgrades: Unique character custization increases certain abilities. I guess this is taken from Soul Calibur where some types of armor give certain abilities. I'm sure MK can use their "magic" excuse to bring something like this into the fight.

No. These things aren't even popular in Tekken and Soul Calibur. By all means have the Kyu to Dan ranking system per character, player profiles and customisable character but no RPG crap.
05/10/2010 12:27 AM (UTC)
The thing I really want for MK9 is real martial arts. Hire some real martial artists for the mocap like they do for Tekken. In MKDA, MKD and MKA, the martial arts moves where poorly rendered, it looked like it was an amateur that watched a couple kung fu movies who did the motion capture.
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