Some of the best characters are completely overlooked.
posted02/06/2015 11:31 AM (UTC)by
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07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
I know that designs and characters are simply opinion and subjective, but some of the discussions about characters here have absolutely baffled me.

We know that Fujin and Tanya are some of the most highly requested characters from the 3D era right now. However, there are some 3D era characters that are requested almost as much and to a greater degree than more deserving ones.

For example:

Kira has one of the best and original backstorys in a Mortal Kombat game to date. A woman selling arms in the Middle East under the guise of a man and then fighting her way out of a cave when things go bad? Yeah sure her moves were Sonya + Kano, and it really sucked, but does anyone REALLY think that they'd do that to her again if she was included? She'd obviously play uniquely, and with the MKX update, could be one of the best characters in the game by far. Yet somehow people want No Face, Tasia, or even Tremor before her. What does Tremor have going for him besides being a ninja? Earth powers, which in MK9 were pretty much Jax with a different skin. Lame as hell.

Then there's Li Mei, who could very well be the next Liu Kang, very easily, and probably become the next protagonist. But then you have people saying that she's a Mileena clone, which is an argument that shouldn't even be considered.

Reiko could also be a very good character had they not turned his storyline into a joke with MK4, but unfortunately people only remember that one ending rather than the fact that he is a general, and working with Mileena, and has the potential to be a very powerful person in the story mode. On top of that, his moveset could be great if his shurikens came into play again.

Sareena has a lot of story mode importance, and so does Bo Rai Cho. Then you have Frost, who COULD be different from Sub-Zero; at least as much as you could have when there are people genuinely requesting Ermac Kenshi AND Takeda. Havik is also an awesome character. Drahmin could be tolerable with an updated look but I can't see 3 variations for him.

In my opinion, we should forget about Hotaru, Darrius, Dairou, and Nitara/Ashrah. Same with Kia/Jataaka. Mavado may look better than Kabal but isn't worth writing home about. All the rest are all useless and not worth being remade in the game. Mokap/Meat/Moloch/Blaze.
02/06/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
I agree with you for the most part and it's honestly a shame most of these characters will likely never get another chance.

If the newer characters aren't as well received for MKX, expect them to disappear as fast as ever as well. If there's one downside to the team and how they treat their characters, it's that. They're dropped too easily instead of being improved upon.

In my opinion we should forget about Kira.
02/06/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
Pretty much agree with the OP.

Great job on Reiko, right down to his Shriukens.

The only thing that I don't agree with is the Tremor/Jax line. Jax has nothing in accordance with earth bending powers. The only move that comes close is the ground pound. So, there is nothing that could stop Tremor from becoming a fleshed out character with his own moves, variations, etc.

He could also be needed for the Black Dragon Faction.

Don't count him out just yet!
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/06/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
I'm really not feeling you, for the most part.
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Kira has one of the best and original backstorys in a Mortal Kombat game to date. A woman selling arms in the Middle East under the guise of a man and then fighting her way out of a cave when things go bad?

What I see here is that you're trying to sell Kira based only on a blurb that could fit in its entirety on an MK:D bio card. Sure, maybe it's factually unique, but it's not exactly the most compelling thing in the universe. I mean, aside from one anecdote, she's just Criminal Henchwoman #3...
Then there's Li Mei, who could very well be the next Liu Kang, very easily, and probably become the next protagonist. But then you have people saying that she's a Mileena clone, which is an argument that shouldn't even be considered.

I definitely agree with you that it's totally unfair to compare Li Mei to Mileena, just because she wears purple and used sais that one time. She still reads a little...generic, though.
Reiko could also be a very good character had they not turned his storyline into a joke with MK4, but unfortunately people only remember that one ending rather than the fact that he is a general, and working with Mileena, and has the potential to be a very powerful person in the story mode.

Yeah, that's also true of...well, pretty much every character with an evil alignment, no?
Sorry, when people start telling me "but they could do so much better with Character X this time!" and then I think about all the things they'd need to change about them, I'd really just feel better if they ditched the character and made someone new.
02/06/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
hotaru was a great character imo only new character in mkx better than him is kotal and Cassie.
02/06/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
Sorry to say, but anyone is better than Cassie, even Mokap grin
02/06/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Sorry to say, but anyone is better than Cassie, even Mokap grin

Why are you sorry for your opinion as if it's an end all to everything? Cassie is meh but Id take her in a heartbeat over slot of characters. I never really cared for the chicks so her inclusion is kinda irrelevant to me.
02/06/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
The only problem I've got with Cassie is that she's unfinished.
Reiko, Sareena, Hotaru, and Havik are the only overlooked characters for me.
02/06/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Sorry to say, but anyone is better than Cassie, even Mokap grin

Why are you sorry for your opinion as if it's an end all to everything? Cassie is meh but Id take her in a heartbeat over slot of characters. I never really cared for the chicks so her inclusion is kinda irrelevant to me.

Just the way I wrote it.
02/06/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
I'm not one of the people asking for Tremor, but there is a ton you can do with Earth/ground based powers.
02/06/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
I agree with you for the most part. Some people that don't want Bo in the game just because he's a "Fat fuck" are pretty sad honestly. He would be a great character this time around, I doubt we'll see him other than a cameo though, I hope i'm wrong.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

02/06/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
I believe Kobra can make a huge comeback as a character. I'm probably the only MK fan who believes this.
02/06/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I know that designs and characters are simply opinion and subjective, but some of the discussions about characters here have absolutely baffled me.

We know that Fujin and Tanya are some of the most highly requested characters from the 3D era right now. However, there are some 3D era characters that are requested almost as much and to a greater degree than more deserving ones.

For example:

Kira has one of the best and original backstorys in a Mortal Kombat game to date. A woman selling arms in the Middle East under the guise of a man and then fighting her way out of a cave when things go bad? Yeah sure her moves were Sonya + Kano, and it really sucked, but does anyone REALLY think that they'd do that to her again if she was included? She'd obviously play uniquely, and with the MKX update, could be one of the best characters in the game by far. Yet somehow people want No Face, Tasia, or even Tremor before her. What does Tremor have going for him besides being a ninja? Earth powers, which in MK9 were pretty much Jax with a different skin. Lame as hell.

Then there's Li Mei, who could very well be the next Liu Kang, very easily, and probably become the next protagonist. But then you have people saying that she's a Mileena clone, which is an argument that shouldn't even be considered.

Reiko could also be a very good character had they not turned his storyline into a joke with MK4, but unfortunately people only remember that one ending rather than the fact that he is a general, and working with Mileena, and has the potential to be a very powerful person in the story mode. On top of that, his moveset could be great if his shurikens came into play again.

Sareena has a lot of story mode importance, and so does Bo Rai Cho. Then you have Frost, who COULD be different from Sub-Zero; at least as much as you could have when there are people genuinely requesting Ermac Kenshi AND Takeda. Havik is also an awesome character. Drahmin could be tolerable with an updated look but I can't see 3 variations for him.

In my opinion, we should forget about Hotaru, Darrius, Dairou, and Nitara/Ashrah. Same with Kia/Jataaka. Mavado may look better than Kabal but isn't worth writing home about. All the rest are all useless and not worth being remade in the game. Mokap/Meat/Moloch/Blaze.

I agree with you on most everything, especially Kira and Li Mei. Kira would be great if they gave her her own moveset. But some people say, oh we dont need her anymore because we have another red head named Skarlet. Well, why can there be two? How many girls have dark hair? Sonya and Cassie are both blonde also. I thought Kira and Cassie being rivals would have been cool. I also would love for Li Mei to appear since the story takes place in Outworld and plus she is one of my favorites. I dont agree with you about Hotaru. I think he would be awesome. Like they could make him a dictator and really harsh. I also think his Naginata is really cool. It sucks how the developers treat some of their characters. We will keep getting Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kung Lao, Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, Jax, and Shang Tsung over and over again and no other characters will get a chance.
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
02/06/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
I believe Kobra can make a huge comeback as a character. I'm probably the only MK fan who believes this.

I'd love to see Kobra get another chance. His axe kicks were wicked and you could tell the guy just loved hurting people. I don't think he'll ever shake the "Ken rip-off" label, though.
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02/06/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
The ascending demon Ashra has way more potential than most of the characters you mentioned. Li Mei's choice once again baffles me, If we're going to have a new protagonist, I would hope for a completely new character.
02/06/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
They were aware of him being a rip-off though. If you watch the video for Kobra's bio/kombat card Boon says " We kind of wanted him to be kind of Mortal Kombat Deception's version of...the simple character that everybody Ken...can pick up and play"

Maybe I just looked to deep into it or something but it sure seemed like he said "can" twice as a way of sneaking "Ken" in there, and he looked like he was smirking a little bit when he said it lol
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02/06/2015 06:34 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Then you have Frost, who COULD be different from Sub-Zero; at least as much as you could have when there are people genuinely requesting Ermac Kenshi AND Takeda.

Several people have made this comparison, but forget just how different Ermac and Kenshi really are. Kenshi's power is primarily psychic projection (and a kickass sword), while Ermac's power is less like telekinesis per se and more like straight-up soul-powered magic. The powers look nothing alike, and have entirely different functions.

And let's not forget, we really don't have any idea what Takeda would do. Maybe he could telekinetically manipulate weapons, something like Ares in Injustice? Who knows. In any case, it's a safe bet that he'd be different from Kenshi, because "mind powers" is really a broad category.

Now with Frost, sure, you can make her play differently from Sub-Zero, although I'm not completely sold on most of the ideas people have put forth in the Frost thread. Mostly because, with the exception of "using snow to slow the opponent down," the majority of those ideas boil down to "things Sub-Zero does, but you know, different." Instead of throwing a freeze ball, throw a snowball that sort of stuns them. Instead of throwing an ice clone, throw a glacier. Instead of ice weapons, use icicle daggers. Or forsake all pretense and just give her the ground freeze Sub-Zero doesn't seem to be using anymore.

Ice is ice is ice. Sub-Zero and Frost are still thematically the same -- Ermac and Kenshi are not. It's not a fair comparison.

I agree about Kira, though. She's one of the best new character concepts to come out of that era, with a tragically poor execution. She sold weapons to terrorists -- make her like Black Widow but with military-grade hardware, and she could potentially wipe her ass with Sonya's perforated corpse if it came right down to it.

Reiko, too, could have a lot of influence being the only warrior in all of MK who is actually a war strategist. A mind like that could be powerful, especially if in comes with an air of (warranted) arrogance.

Li Mei needs a little something more for me to really get behind her. Maybe if she really made contortionist tricks a focal point of her style. Otherwise she seems a tad unstriking to me.

What's wrong with Nitara and Ashrah? They can do without their stories being so directly intertwined, but Ashrah in any case has a fairly compelling story on her own, and a character who wields "holy light" powers with a side of voodoo would fill in a pretty unique niche. Nitara has as much right to be here as D'vorah, and those wings could be useful.

Mavado looks better than Kabal? Unless you're just referring to his face (which would be equal parts redundant and insensitive, you big meanie) I'm not sure how you're figuring that. To each their own, I suppose.
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02/06/2015 07:38 AM (UTC)
Kira imo was just as much as a useless character as Kobra. It would take a hell of a lot to reinvent Kira and by the time you were able to you might as well have focused on a much better character to work on or even made a new character altogether. I'm part of the 'Bring Back Tremor' movement only because I feel like NRS can truly make him a unique character. Being such a hardly used character, Tremor has a much better of chance of becoming unique than Kira ever will.

Also, Hotaru is a great character and I'd love for him to be in MKX.
02/06/2015 08:09 AM (UTC)
Like I stated in another thread, the way the MK team view (most) 3D characters is a clear indication that they are not well liked and have little-to-no chance of ever coming back, and hardcore fans of these characters have to be realistic.

However, that's not to say I myself dislike some of them. I dearly would love to see Bo' Rai Cho again.
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02/06/2015 11:31 AM (UTC)
>Some of the best characters are completely overlooked


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