Some ideas Ive thought of for mk8
posted01/20/2007 01:59 AM (UTC)by
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09/27/2006 11:25 PM (UTC)
These are just a couple of brainstormed Ideas Ive thought of that I think would mkae mk8 good.

-Allow alot of freedom in Conquest mode. Im talking the same kind of freedom seen in grand theft auto. You can beat up anyone to a bloody pulp. Instead of just hitting people and they keep waling or hitting you back. they actually die and fall over in blood like GTA. You should be able to steal objects and items from people you beat up etc. It should basically be like a real life simulation. GTA captured this realism/freedom pretty well.

-The costume designs have really sucked so far. THey look soooo goofy and comic bookish. Something I was hoping they would change. Some of the characters are wearing spandex like superheroes. What they need to do is ask "what would this character look like if he were really a real person in real life?". I guarantee you he wouldnt be wearing spandex of some kind of multicolored decorated outfit. The first MK movie did this pretty well. Cage looked like a real movie star. He wore a suit. Sonya actually looked like a chick from the military. The ninjas looked like ninjas, but I dont know about the moutcovers though. etc. Stop this comic book, dragon-con/starwars/ nerd sh1t looking costume designs. MK is supposed to be a game targetting older game players (atleast thats how it was when the 1st one came out), not young children who appeal to multicolored decorated comic book looking costumes.

-Increase the degree of violence. I dont mean increase the amount of bllod, what they have now is good. I mean increase the realism and gruesomeness of the violoence. When the 1st mk game came out, seeing those fatalities was considered "gruesome" for a videogame. What we see now is nothing. Game players are habituated to violence of that degree. THey need to reise the bar by making the fatalities more gruesome. Take away the funny goofy fatalities. NO humor. and make it sick and very realistic. The fatality should be almost like watching one of those "faces of death" videos. THe blood shouldnt look like red jelly, but real blood. good attention to detail and anatomy of how someone really bleeds etc. If the violence is not attracting the attention of senators and congressmen, then MK is not living up to its name. The violence needs to recreate the effect it had in 93. Right now, since violoence is normal in video games, it will have to push the envelope and "Shock us" to acheive that same effect it got in 93. Basically if mk8 is to succeed, it would be recreation of the effect it had on game players in 93.

-THe game should take place in the far future, kill off alot of the characters we see now. Refresh MK. ITs getting too redundant and recycled. Start a new cast of characters. you could bring back some like scorpion who really cant die becuase hes already dead etc.

-I wonder if giving a "first person view" would be a good option. IF its going to be 3D atleast expand on it. You could toggle between first person view and 2D. I think it might be cool to see from the eyes of the combatant.

-THey should make a feature where if you get punched or kicked in the same spot over and over within a short period of time causes the damage of just one blow to increase. Its like if you keep getting punched in the arm once it doesnt hurt that much, but after 2 or 3 times, it starts to sting untill its just unbearable. simulate that effect.

-Make attention to detail as far as anatomy goes. You hit someone with a sharp blow to the temple, your going to knock them out. apply this to mk, if you hit your opponent in the temple sharply, hes knocked out, even if its the first hit in the match. You kick them in the balls, they will be out for a while. you hit them in that spot on the forearm, their arm is numb and is useless. Realism people!

-Add in ground fighting ability such as brazilian jiujitsu for example. All past mks have been focuses on striking. Theyve never used wrestling or ground fighting at all or any kind of real joint manipulation or submission fighting. I want to have the ability to do an arm bar and break his arm so he cant use it anymore in the fight, or a leg bar and break his knee. Or get behind him and choke him out. Or mount him ,and just keep punching him in the face over and over while he trise to worm around on his belly. Add GROUND FIGHTING!!!

-Capturing realism of a real fight while retaining the good stuff from past mks will be good. It should be MK but with a touch of "real life fighing simulation".

-Perhaps allow fatalities to be done in mid match. Instead of waiting for "finish him", maybe if you have him in the right position for example if your on the ground and you have him pinned and hes not doing much, a good time to finish him off. or right after you hit him in the temple, or kicked him in the balls really hard, another good opertunity ot finish him.

-Have "automatic character learning". For example, if your opponent keeps kicking you in the balls over and over and winning that way, allow you character to "learn" where your character automatically blocks it without you having to do anything as far as button pushing goes. I mean, in real life, if you keep going for a low blow over and over, your opponent is going to catch on and grab your leg. This could be added in. Shooter games have "autoaim", well fighting games should have "auto learning".

I'll probably post more ideas later.
01/06/2007 03:31 PM (UTC)
Pretty good ideas,i dont like a few of them...the ground fighting sounds kinda strange i think air combat is enough....the 2d/3d veiw thing might work but not for an MK game but mixing the graphics themselves now thats an idea,for instance have 2d characters with 3d arenas....costumes do need change but realism is out the window when you have characters that are inhuman or un natural but i understand spandex tights are kinda cheasy and some costumes seem stiff in mka....the finisher in mid match is a concept to play around with because that is one thing that is always good in Mortal kombat and that is more ways to die...more gore and brutality is the key...that is what made mk what it is and they need to expand on what made the game and what gave it its popularity so i agree with that 100%
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01/07/2007 04:35 PM (UTC)
-GTA Konquest: No... it takes 3 years for GTA games to come out. Plus isn't MK an arcade fighter? I forgot cause the MK crew spoils fans with side games.

-Costumes: In real life they would be boring and average, people don't pay for boring and average. Movies make big money having people and things that don't look ordinary. I bet Baraka is going to hate looking ordinary.

- Violence, yes that would be very good, but about the blood there are limitations of gaming software. The red jelly blood is moreso an effect than blood. The fatalities are still gruesome... except the ones in Deadly Alliance, its just that we are desensitized by them.

-Future, even if the game takes place in the far future, I guarantee there will still be rehashed characters. Just like with MK4 and Deception they tried Fresh characters... but ended up rehashing MK1 characters and characters from Killer Instinct.

-no first person view isn't a good idea, unless it is for the Wii. There were some games for the 3DO and PC that did the first person fighter idea. It didn't look good.

-Same Spot Damage: Tobias tried that with another one of his games, and it bombed. The game was realistic, block a few punches, the limb gets broken. MK D improved it by having 3 combo breakers.

-Fight Logic: One punch to the temple would do it. Would it works for those that wear helmets? How about the robots? Better yet in terms of fight logic if you get hit by a robot wouldn't the punch go through you essentially? Realism People!

-Ground Fighting: This is why I loved the UFC game, because there were two dimensions of fighting. It is a very good idea, and something no one is used to in fighting games... at least with any depth.

-Real Life Fighting Simulation would be good, but it wouldn't be "quick and easy," "pick up and play" like arcade fighters are.

-Mid Round Fatalities: Good idea, I would make it only for those that already have one victory. Reptile could pin the person down then caugh up acid onto someone.

-Learning, It is your job being in the fight to block or duck smile Otherwise why are you playing the game? Hopefully the computer will have auto learn capabilities.
01/07/2007 05:17 PM (UTC)
i don't agree with some of yours, i'll say which ones and why...

1.the one about Konquest freedom. Yes, that'd be cool, but GTA games take forever to come out, and it'll take years longer for the next MK to come out.Finally, isn't MK a fighter not a RPG?

2.the one about changing the view when you fight. How and the hell are you going to fight when you can't see what your player is doing? Fighters should always be in 3rd person, it needs to stay that way.

3.the one about fatalities mid-match. Won't that take the fun out of beating your opponent? It would seem that way.

4.the one about character learning.That's a great idea, but that would probably take forever to program.

other than that, good ideas.
Tekken 4 AI had automatic learning.

If you do the same attack 2 or 3 times in a row, the computer will start to block it every time.
01/08/2007 12:16 AM (UTC)
About realism in MK: It's a game about Chinese Iceninjas throwing down with Thunder Gods, vengeful Ghost Rider wannabes, and pasty sorcerors from Hell.

I'd keep it brutal, but unrealistically so. I want it to be remain over the top, but more serious in tone and less cartoonish.
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Made by MINION.
01/20/2007 01:59 AM (UTC)
Well ideas like that should be put in the sticky thread located above this one.

Predator 151 made the thread to put all future games ideas in it.
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