So Now MK10, The New Protagonists Are... SPOILERS DONT ENTER!!!
posted04/30/2011 02:03 PM (UTC)by
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03/13/2011 02:21 PM (UTC)
We've witnessed the deaths of many warriors in this game; Smoke, SZ, Jax, Nightwolf, Kitana, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and many more... I think. Anyways, for MK10, the only new good guys would be Fujin and Kai. That makes, Raiden, Sonya, Cage, Kai, Kenshi(?), Ermac(?) and Fujin. With a small group like this, I doubt there is gonna be a good chance to win/revive the others. So, I think MKD characters are gonna be introduced, like; Bo Rai Cho, Frost(?), Lie Mei, Ashrah(? hell no!!!), and Shujinko(?). What are y'alls opinions? Will these small group beat Shinnok and resurrect the others or will MKD characters be introduced early? PS: It's also a possibility for new characters to be introduced, I know.
04/17/2011 03:07 AM (UTC)
Come on man, you know this belongs in the Future MK Discussion
04/17/2011 03:08 AM (UTC)
Nobody stays dead in Mortal Kombat for long, so sayeth the head Shadow Priest, John Vogel. They'll all be back sooner or later.
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04/17/2011 03:11 AM (UTC)
@SubMan, sorry bro, I'm on my phone and I didnt c a future MK Games section to post this. In other words I didn't know about this section of the forum sorry.
04/17/2011 03:14 AM (UTC)
Personally, I think that they'll bring in a few post MK4 characters early, along with a few new ones. I also think that they're going to be forced to ally themselves with some former villains. Maybe Outworld will be threatened too.

Returning from MK9:
-Johnny Cage
-Cyrax (possibly, depending on if he's reprogrammed)

MK4 + Beyond characters:
-Li Mei
-Frost (NRS seem to like her)
-Bo Rai Cho
-Kai (possibly, although not likely, since there's no Liu Kang to train him)
-Hotaru (maybe)
-Havik (although I have no idea who's side he'd join. Most likely Shinnok's)
-Tanya (on Shinnok's side)

Unlikely Allies:
-Reiko (who could be the new Emperor of Outworld)
-Kintaro (?)
04/17/2011 04:51 PM (UTC)
Survived Warriors:
- Raiden
- Liu Kang
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Ermac
- Cyrax

To return:
- Smoke
- Sub-Zero (human)
- Jade
- Stryker
- Kabal

Under spell:
- Jax
- Kitana
- Nightwolf
- Kung Lao

Post-MK3 Warriors:
- Fujin
- Kai
- Li Mei
- Kenshi
- Bo'Rai Cho (if he ever loses pounds for once)

Neutral Allies:
- Reptile
- Scorpion
04/17/2011 05:48 PM (UTC)
I must say, I kinda find it ironic when someone puts up a thread and then ends the title with "Don't Enter", Kinda defeats the purpose of a thread if nobody enters it and discusses stuff, y'know? lol
Anyway, ontopic, I'd be comfortable with Kanji's list.
04/18/2011 02:34 AM (UTC)
I think we'll see some of the more predictable characters as the main protagonists. Like Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Kenshi, and Bo' Rai Cho, ect. Either characters highly important to the story or very popular.

I think we'll also get a handful of new characters this time around though.
04/18/2011 03:14 AM (UTC)
MK 10- My list



to be continued...
04/18/2011 04:45 AM (UTC)
The Heroes:
Johnny Cage(I'm the Chosen One now)
Sonya(War is Hell)
Raiden(My Warriors are Dead)
Kenshi(I Can be the Hero?)
Cyrax(Dreadlocks are Flowing)
Li Mei(Wide Eyed Idealist)
Fujin(Raiden's Replacement)
Shujinko(Zen Master)
Taven(Teach me Kombat Hurdur)
Bo'Rai'Cho(Lean and Mean)
Hotaru(I am the Law!)

Outworld Survivors:
Baraka(I AM THE KING!?)
Mileena(Political Puppet)
Goro(Prince of Pain)
Sheeva(Honor Bitch)
Reptile(Zaterran Overlord)
Ermac(We are Legion)
Kano(Still here bitches)
Scarlet(Who is this chick?)

Netherrealm Goons:
Quan-Chi(Trolling for Power)
Shinnok(I will be One Above All)
Sareena(Noob's Stalker)
Reiko(Man of Mystery)
Noob Saibot(Demo Man)
Stryker(Undead Enforcer)
Sindel(Soul Screamer)
Shao Kahn(Demoted Sadass)
Kung Lao( Meh)
Kitana(Mileena's Fate Lulz)
Nightwolf(Ancestors Didn't DO Shit)
Smoke(Raiden 2.0)
Sub Zero(We're Both Dead? Really?)
Liu Kang(Not Again, Seriously?)
Scorpion( Clueless Lapdog)
Havik: Gonna troll you Quan-Chi.
04/18/2011 05:08 AM (UTC)
AloneBadman Wrote:
The Heroes:
Johnny Cage(I'm the Chosen One now)
Sonya(War is Hell)
Raiden(My Warriors are Dead)
Kenshi(I Can be the Hero?)
Cyrax(Dreadlocks are Flowing)
Li Mei(Wide Eyed Idealist)
Fujin(Raiden's Replacement)
Shujinko(Zen Master)
Taven(Teach me Kombat Hurdur)
Bo'Rai'Cho(Lean and Mean)
Hotaru(I am the Law!)

Outworld Survivors:
Baraka(I AM THE KING!?)
Mileena(Political Puppet)
Goro(Prince of Pain)
Sheeva(Honor Bitch)
Reptile(Zaterran Overlord)
Ermac(We are Legion)
Kano(Still here bitches)
Scarlet(Who is this chick?)

Netherrealm Goons:
Quan-Chi(Trolling for Power)
Shinnok(I will be One Above All)
Sareena(Noob's Stalker)
Reiko(Man of Mystery)
Noob Saibot(Demo Man)
Stryker(Undead Enforcer)
Sindel(Soul Screamer)
Shao Kahn(Demoted Sadass)
Kung Lao( Meh)
Kitana(Mileena's Fate Lulz)
Nightwolf(Ancestors Didn't DO Shit)
Smoke(Raiden 2.0)
Sub Zero(We're Both Dead? Really?)
Liu Kang(Not Again, Seriously?)
Scorpion( Clueless Lapdog)
Havik: Gonna troll you Quan-Chi.

LOL. I approve of this roster for MK10
04/20/2011 03:23 PM (UTC)
Hm... it might be interesting if Taven and or Shujinko shows up, but that said, they both were gullible dolts. Hell, if they do show up, Quan Chi'll probably have them team up to beat up the heroes or somehing.

I do like the notion that the Outworlders may have to pull off a good guy turn, if only because they don't want demons invaidng their home as well (though there's definitely a chance some of them would switch sides fast).

Hm... although now that I think about it, Noob Saibot was kicked into a Soulnado, which was the fate that befell Scorpion in MKDA. Maybe Noob's going to be resurrected as the new!old!Sub-Zero as champion of the Elder Gods?

I'd like to see Sareena return, though at least at this point int the timeline, wasn't she no longer in Quan Chi's employ? She escaped hell in Tournament Edition, and only became his Assassin again in time for MKA's Konquest mode.
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04/21/2011 02:37 PM (UTC)
The Heroes:
Johnny Cage(I'm the Chosen One now)
Sonya(War is Hell)
Raiden(My Warriors are Dead)
Kenshi(I Can be the Hero?)
Cyrax(Dreadlocks are Flowing)
Li Mei(Wide Eyed Idealist)
Fujin(Raiden's Replacement)
Shujinko(Zen Master)
Taven(Teach me Kombat Hurdur)
Bo'Rai'Cho(Lean and Mean)
Hotaru(I am the Law!)

Outworld Survivors:
Baraka(I AM THE KING!?)
Mileena(Political Puppet)
Goro(Prince of Pain)
Sheeva(Honor Bitch)
Reptile(Zaterran Overlord)
Ermac(We are Legion)
Kano(Still here bitches)
Scarlet(Who is this chick?)

Netherrealm Goons:
Quan-Chi(Trolling for Power)
Shinnok(I will be One Above All)
Sareena(Noob's Stalker)
Reiko(Man of Mystery)
Noob Saibot(Demo Man)
Stryker(Undead Enforcer)
Sindel(Soul Screamer)
Shao Kahn(Demoted Sadass)
Kung Lao( Meh)
Kitana(Mileena's Fate Lulz)
Nightwolf(Ancestors Didn't DO Shit)
Smoke(Raiden 2.0)
Sub Zero(We're Both Dead? Really?)
Liu Kang(Not Again, Seriously?)
Scorpion( Clueless Lapdog)
Havik: Gonna troll you Quan-Chi.

While this is probably the closest thing imaginable to accurate there are some I have a problem with.

Kenshi - despite being DLC for MK9 it makes absolutely no sense to include him in it or its sequel. He fights against Shang Tsung because of their beef. Unless they change his story it makes no sense. (despite that he'll probably be in the game just figured I'd through that out there)

Shujinko - No Onaga, no Shujinko

I'd imagine the outworld survivors are going to be split between earthrealm/outworld and the netherrealm

Shao Kahn - is dead, Mortal Kombat dead, but dead no the less. If they went through the hell of MK9 just to bring Shao Kahn back in the next one it'd be beyond ridiculous.

At despite that I kinda like the idea of the fallen earthrealm warriors on the netherrealm's side, it does leave a void of "new" characters though I may be the only one complaining about that.
04/21/2011 08:53 PM (UTC)
I dare say I've lost my interest entirely in the MK storyline now.
04/21/2011 11:49 PM (UTC)
I stopped taking MK's storyline seriously years ago. It's just a fighting game, abliet one without a decent story and mythology, but still a fighting game. The story mode was good, but a few characters were pretty derpy (Mileena, but I kind of like her manchild personality)

Kenshi-I wouldn't see the reason to add him in DLC if he has a bio and ending. Considering he didn't show up in story mode, I'd be surprised if Vogel didn't get him a bio that atleast states what he was up to. Deception's Konquest I don't treat as canon anyways, what with Pai Mei er...Shujinko never meeting Mileena now. Otherwise, there was no reason to add him.

Scarlet- No clue about her. She pops up in story mode in both tournaments standing in the background? Did she participate? Is she an assassin from Earthrealm? Is she Delia in some woman's dead body (Jade's Arcade Ending. Hard to tell if she had red or black hair) Besides Scarlet, I don't like her attire, but I'm vaguely interested in what they plan to write for her story.

Shujinko-Not necessarily. I'm in the minority of people who liked him. Onaga for now is still alive and trapped in the Netherrealm, ergo he could use Shinnok's invasion to somehow accelerate his ressuruction and try to retake Outworld. Then again, Shujinko probally had half the Kamidogu at that point in time anyways. I just don't want to see Onaga all One Being influenced though(if they don't retcon that). It would just seem forced and pointless to combine MK4 with MKDA-MKD storylines. Borrowing some elements wouldn't be a problem I think.

He's need a complete redesign. He should be older, but not old man Jinko. I'd keep his Pai Mei robes and redesign them ontop of the fact of giving him some actual moves. He should use Bak Mei(Kill Bill Vol 2: The style Pai Mei uses is real) as a starting point. Instead of absorbing people's powers, I'd think it be better if he had an arsenal of counter-attack specials to justify his years of training and the ability "to read his opponents" as opposed to just move stealing. And get a new voice actor. Someone who sounds like an old wise master. Someone straight out of 1970s period peice kungfu flick, minus awful acting and dubbing.

Taven-the reason why I add our second doofus(Raiden holds that current title) is because his story ties significantly into Edenia and Shinnok. His family and himself was close to Shinnok, and Shinnok turned his brother against him and led to his parents death. I could do without the naive personality traits, and keep the reluctant hero role. For a good guy, he was pretty snarky, but Johnny Cage bad joke style. For his moves, Hmm haven't really though about it. And I'd cut out the armageddon elements just to get him a blank slate and avoid that story.

Shao Kahn-I don't want to see him alive either. But I saw him as a possible sub-boss now that's he dead. He becomes Quan Chi's enforcer in his ending, so it's possible he'll show up somewhat redesigned and usable or still unplayable atleast as a sub-boss.
04/24/2011 03:46 AM (UTC)
Im ready for a mostly new roster.
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  • Retired Fighter Gamer
  • Originally joined in 6/2003
04/25/2011 08:10 AM (UTC)
Daegon and Taven will be the last boss characters for MK10
04/27/2011 02:07 AM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
Im ready for a mostly new roster.

I'm not, many post MK9 proved that the dev team now have their heads in the game. I want them to use their new found focus to make the post MK3 characters with potential really damn cool.

I figure it will be easier for them to tidy up characters who weren't recieved so well than to make entirely new ones. With the former characters they KNOW what didn't work and can fix that.

Take Frost for example, many people didn't like her because they saw her as a clone, MK10 could make her really stand out from subzero, and give her a cool story on top of it all...

Seems less risky then making someone new.
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Wait a minute...theres no Angus McLeod in North Kiltown.

04/27/2011 11:49 PM (UTC)
Most likely some aspects of Deception will come up, like Ermac and Sindel regaining their free will with Shao Kahn dead.

I also really enjoyed the idea of Baraka and Mileena fighting for control of Outworld. Of course I never got to see how that turned out because of frickin Armageddon.
04/29/2011 05:23 PM (UTC)
I don't think Taven should be in the next game, and trying to ignore his "Armageddon" storyline would be foolish. That's his entire point in this whole series. However, I can easily see Daegon being in the series, since he had already been awakened and formed the Red Dragon clan. And since in MKA, he was loyal to Shinnok, he could yet again be loyal to the fallen elder god. Maybe he could enforce Shinnok's will in Outworld or Earthrealm? IDK, but he could easily be Shinnok's OTHER right hand man, other than Quan Chi.

Also, anyone want to see Moloch or Drahmin? Or possibly another Oni character to be a sub-boss?
04/30/2011 02:03 PM (UTC)
Bro liu kang did not die...
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