side games
posted03/10/2005 11:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/23/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)
Simple question here. For future MK games, what mini game would you like? By that I mean a side game like test your might, or puzzle kombat? What would you prefer? Or do you have any new ideas? What would you like returned, created, or do you just want them to get rid of the concept. I would personally like test your might. Let me know what you think!
03/10/2005 11:03 PM (UTC)
I think that MK7 shouldn't have side games aka other modes of play. One of the many reasons why I didn't like MK: Deception over its processor is that it took too much from past Mortal Kombat games and didn't have they much orginality of its own. Its ok to have 1 or 2 mini like test your might/ sight games that give the player a small 10 second break from the fighting game, but most effort shouldn't be spend on other modes of play that don't do much with the core fighting game. MK: Deception production too mas spend too much on other modes of play and kontent. The MK team could have easily made MK: Deception better than MK: DA , but kontent was the focus rather than adding more to the fighting than just breakers, and death traps. I hope when MK7 is offically announced that will be more like a tradational MK sequel where the highlight of it will be the fighting , and not just kontent, and other modes of play that don't further the MK name to the fighting aspect or the story aspect.

MK3 series is the best example of perfect kontent along with a better game that its processor MK2. I mean when it came to the fighting MK3 fighting is far better than MK 2. At the same time there was tons of kontent. Given there was a UKKs that everyone was trying to find out also the vs screen codes, and last but not least Shao Kahn treasures. Your masterly over the AI gained you access to a certain amount of replayablity in terms of the game itself.

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