should traditional fatalities come back in future games?
posted10/20/2006 04:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/01/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)
yes or no?
09/15/2006 10:06 PM (UTC)
yes cause to me these new ones don't look that good but i guess i have to wait for the release to judge them
09/16/2006 07:13 PM (UTC)
I think they should do both.

09/16/2006 09:30 PM (UTC)
Well I think so only a few select few that are trademark.

-Sub-Zero head rip
-Rain electricoute
-Stryker gas bomb

etc etc.
09/20/2006 06:19 PM (UTC)
what does everyone think?
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09/20/2006 08:07 PM (UTC)
I like the kaf, but again they lack the potential.
tgrant had an excellent idea for brutalities in a long time ago thread in the Armageddon section about something like this but i'll put in my perspective...

They are doing good with kaf, but a few things need to be worked on.
1) when something is torn out from the body (lungs, heart, brain, rib, etc) there should be some sort of gory hole there, all we ever see is something pulled out and no hole to finish it. So they need to fix that first off.
2) Every character has a trademark move, and that should be the finisher, but what you could also do is have more than one trademark finisher, so the only difference is from kaf to traditional fatalities is the amount of buttons to command it. So that way each character has more than enough finishers to satisfy everyone's wants. And for god's sake bring back Scorpion's toasty fatality, if any original fatality needs to be brought back, its this one, his Deception fatalities sucked among others.
3)be able to knock them in a death trap that is close by. So lets say your punching in the codes to build up to the finisher, well, add a twist and instead perform a killer instinct ultra combo that afterwards lets the arena take their lives.
4) Be able to use the weapons/hidden weapons: this is always forgotten. a weapon is pretty much an object for the fighter to have an advantage correct? well be able to change stance and use completely different inputs to use the weapon. Sure more work, but that much more cool and worth it.
5) ONLY FOR CERTAIN CHARACTERS: Anamalities...a few quick input attacks than another input to change one of the characters into the designated creature to finish them off. but like mentioned earlier, some, not all. Liu Kang, Scorpion, Reptile, and Shang Tsung are a few examples that may be allowed to use an anamality.
6) Knockdowns- some input commands should knock the opponent down on the ground, like clotheslines. Afterwards you can only finish them off from there, like impale them or decapitiate them with your weapon, or break their back or neck, etc... you get the idea.
7)Special moves: let a characters special moves be involved, that way it really is a kreate a fatality...

These are factors that in my opinion need to be looked at for a real, and true kreate a fatality.
09/20/2006 09:43 PM (UTC)

i think this is very is the biggest staple of the game and now it has been eliminated from mka...ok, kaf will be included.. so what. so far it looks terrible and lame..

there is nothing like engaging your opponent and earning the victory while rewarding yourself by administering a horrific fatality...

i will be pissed off to no end if they don't return and return with improvements.. they can be so much better: sound, camera, aguish, blood, etc

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scorpcorp first seen in "cooking with scorpion" in 2002 now "GET OVER HERE" 98% of the Internet population has a Myspace. If you're part of the 2% that doesn't have one, copy and paste this into your sig.

09/20/2006 11:28 PM (UTC)
yes yes yes yes yes HECK YES
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/22/2006 02:48 AM (UTC)
as of right now, i'm not sure. i've yet to play (hell, for that matter i havn't even seen a video of) the kreate a fatality aspect of the game. i know there whole logic is that "traditional fatalities are boring" but to be honest, i love them. the kreate a fatality thing is nice, but honestly, how deep are they going to be able to make it? if anything, they should make a hybrid fatality or two traditional fatalities, or, you can make your own via the new KAF system(a much deeper version for next gen of course).

the fatalities are indeed a fun part of the game, and i would hate to see them get half assed. who knows, the kreate a fatality system could just be midway's silent admission that the fatality idea well is beginning to run dry.
10/14/2006 03:26 AM (UTC)
I'd say yes. The character specific fatalities give more depth to characters. Theres nothing like seeing a character use his own style, and powers to kill his or her opponent. The custom fatalities take away from that. I like the custom fatalities for the fact that it makes pulling off fatalities more interactive and challenging. In the next games I think that every character should have one specific fatality and the custom fatalities.
10/14/2006 05:12 AM (UTC)
I like the combination idea - maybe have the KAF the way it is now, but have character specific finishers for each character. Pull his arms off, rip out a few organs, then pull off your mask and burn the remains, or freeze them, or electrocute them, or summon a bunch of demon hands to pull him down to hell.
10/14/2006 05:48 PM (UTC)
it should be made to where you can choose to do either a custom or a normal one.
10/15/2006 01:35 AM (UTC)
Not yes.... HELL YA!

THose fatalities were kick ass! And with the graphics tHey will be better. And some are realy funny!furious
I think a mix would be good. Have each character share like 10 KAFs (bone breaking, spin, knock down, uppercut) of simple non-unique attacks. Then give each character 4 or so unique enders (deep freeze, spine rip, flamespew, double arm rip, etc. as well as all weapon dependent finishers like baraka's blade lift or anything with Kenshi's sword).

Generic Fatalities:
Leg break
Arm break
Sideways uppercut(spins opponent)
Neck Snap
Overhand Punch(Downs opponent)

SubZero's Unique Finishers:
Deep freeze
Spine Rip
Ice Grenade

Scorpion's Finishers:
HellFire Breath
Double Spear Slice
Warp to Hell

DragonFire Wave
Dragon Morph

TK Slam(do it 4 times and they explode!)
Cut in Half
Vertical Chop
Impale Katana
*Remove Sword

So with SubZero, you could break your opponents leg, spin him around, deep freeze him, and hten throw an Ice Grenade and they explode.
With Scorpion, you could plant him on the ground with an overhead chop, chang the stage to Hell, do a Toasty and while the guys is burning cut him in half wiht a double spear slice.
Kenshi can spin the guy around, put him at his knees, impale him thru the back and leave the sword in the guys chest, then TK Slam the guy till he explodes...

I think this is what KAF should have been.
10/15/2006 07:42 AM (UTC)
Yes,i like the thought of KAF but you don't atually create them...i mean it should be like up to date wrestling games...have preset fatalities to choose from only in KAK.this way each fighter has a unique fatality.I would also liek to see better versions of the old Animalities aswell.
10/20/2006 04:05 PM (UTC)
scorpion_rocks_the_nether_realm Wrote:
I think a mix would be good. Have each character share like 10 KAFs (bone breaking, spin, knock down, uppercut) of simple non-unique attacks. Then give each character 4 or so unique enders (deep freeze, spine rip, flamespew, double arm rip, etc. as well as all weapon dependent finishers like baraka's blade lift or anything with Kenshi's sword).

Generic Fatalities:
Leg break
Arm break
Sideways uppercut(spins opponent)
Neck Snap
Overhand Punch(Downs opponent)

SubZero's Unique Finishers:
Deep freeze
Spine Rip
Ice Grenade

Scorpion's Finishers:
HellFire Breath
Double Spear Slice
Warp to Hell

DragonFire Wave
Dragon Morph

TK Slam(do it 4 times and they explode!)
Cut in Half
Vertical Chop
Impale Katana
*Remove Sword

So with SubZero, you could break your opponents leg, spin him around, deep freeze him, and hten throw an Ice Grenade and they explode.
With Scorpion, you could plant him on the ground with an overhead chop, chang the stage to Hell, do a Toasty and while the guys is burning cut him in half wiht a double spear slice.
Kenshi can spin the guy around, put him at his knees, impale him thru the back and leave the sword in the guys chest, then TK Slam the guy till he explodes...

I think this is what KAF should have been.

I could not have said it better myself. smile
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