Should they keep the two fightin style and wep line up?
posted08/11/2006 02:15 PM (UTC)by
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07/29/2006 03:38 AM (UTC)
I like how every character has two styles and wep. But since they r going to re make everything should they take it back to 1 fightin style? Or 1 style with a weapon? Or the the same way it is? Or even perhaps even a new system. Personally i liked the 2 fighting styles with the wep since it gave the ability to make such large and powerful combos.
07/30/2006 09:32 AM (UTC)
I like the MK fighting system, but I really prefer the Virtua Fighter or Tekken fighting systems.
I hope the next MK uses a fighting system like that...
In Tekken the fighting is much more fluid and the moves feel much more connected than in the last few MK games.
In the next MK there could be just one fighting style and one weapon style per character, but they could be much more expanded and built on, feel a lot smoother to use and watch.
Imagine a game with excellent graphics, awesome special moves, blood and gore, perfect game models AND excellent, fluid gameplay where all moves connect seamlessly and counter-moves actually look like real counter-moves, not like a pause in action...
That should be the next Mortal Kombat.
08/04/2006 05:47 AM (UTC)
I like that for MKA, they've gone with 2 styles per character. I think that's much better than 3. I would've liked them to continue on with the 2 styles thing, but I doubt they'll do that for the next-gen MKs. It's a shame, really.
No they should'nt that opition was gayfurious
one martial and one weapon style is the way to go. having 2 martail styles simply creates overlapping attacks and rediculously long ground dial-a-combos. It was never a good idea to have 3 stances.

08/11/2006 02:15 PM (UTC)
The 'fighting style' system should be removed for a new system. Also, weapons could play a role, but that should involve disarming, parrying, ect.
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