Should Shang Tsung return in MK8?
posted07/24/2007 03:36 AM (UTC)by
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07/05/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
The very first MK boss, the first shapeshifter, the greatest human sorcerer (and maybe intellectual as well), the best-dressed warrior, and the only "grandpa" (together with Shujinko) who can still beat the hell out of anyone...- Shang Tsung. I always liked him really, both his personality and special moves, so much that I felt somewhat sorry when Liu Kang would manage to beat him. I never cared for his being a villain. His destiny was merciless towards him: first, he was cursed by his own gods to steal souls, then defeated by: 1)The Great Kung Lao 2)Liu Kang 3 times, 3) Quan Chi, 4)Raiden (with his suicidal blast). He more than deserved to climb nearest to the top of the pyramid in MK: A's intro.
However, I seriously fear he won't appear in the next MK. The reasons are various: Tsung has never had many fans, many hate him, he was given too many futile chances to defeat Liu Kang to have another try, he is considered a low-tier character, some even speculate he is a gay (whoever said that, please report me the arguments). Personally, I would feel kind of grief if he died in Armageddon. To me, he is one of the most accessible characters; I can choose Tsung in MK3, play the Master-row on the Very Hard level and defeat everyone in the row, from the first one to Kahn, as I did countless times... No new sorcerer could truly replace him; perhaps Quan Chi, but I don't know...Quan Chi's magic powers and charisma never looked so convincing. Anyway...

...Do you think Shang Tsung should return?sleep
Just making the title more clear, as you're not asking if Shang will be back, but should he be back.
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07/05/2007 11:47 PM (UTC)
Wrong forum to post this in but I'll answer your question. It is possible for Shang Tsung to return, his original badass status in the previous game make him a shoe in. However, I wouldn't like to see him so much unless he had his morphing abilities. Sure it's difficult to transform one model to another HOWEVER as John Vogel said with the Animalities "I suppose you could use a puff of smoke to cover the change."

Infact, that is what they should do if they were to bring in Animalities in the next game. Afterall, a animal attack can be serious...
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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

07/06/2007 11:21 AM (UTC)
Yeah Shang doin his morphing thing all over again would certainly bring back memories. But I'd accept a cloud of smoke to transform instead of the whole kinda melt into the character schtick. 3D animalites would rock.
07/07/2007 05:14 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung is one of the first characters i seriously hope to be back. Ilo ve him, he is completely bad-ass, calm, but with that evil look, fucking awesome. He can not die in armageddon!! If Midway wants to kill a sorcerer, then kill Quan Chi, the guy is good, but i always will prefer Shang. In future MK games, i hope that Shang has his MK3 costume back. It is the coolest of the character, or else in a black panted version of it, would be great too. Or, who knows, maybe he could return in his old man version... cool too, who knows...
07/08/2007 09:40 PM (UTC)
if they give him a good story line I would love to have shang tsung in mk8
07/10/2007 04:48 PM (UTC)
Morphing ability wouldn't be TOO hard, I think, on the 360, do to the fact that it has a hard drive. You could load all in-game characters before a match and have him morph. Of course, Midway may not want to go that route, as it would be time consuming. But still, I'd think it could be done like in the old days.

And Night Crow: Eww, why would you want Shang back in the wedgie outfit??
07/11/2007 12:02 AM (UTC)
shang needs 2 come back in my opinion, he seems he is 2 much of an MK god 2 not come make, thats liek not have sub zero or scorpoin i nthe next game
07/13/2007 01:05 PM (UTC)
That is just what I was thinking. Giving Shang Tsung his morphing abilities back he would be a worthy sub-boss/Boss for MK8. And yes 3d animalities would rock. The puff of smoke has worked before, remember Liu Kangs Dragon Fatality From MKSM?
07/13/2007 05:35 PM (UTC)
Im sorry. I dont know if Shang Tsung should be in the next MK. It depends on how they plan on using him....
07/14/2007 05:08 AM (UTC)
I think he should come back in MK8.
07/14/2007 05:31 AM (UTC)
I think he should come back in MK8.
07/24/2007 03:36 AM (UTC)
Clearly, Shang Tsung is the best sorcerer around. I imagine Quan Chi as the better sorcerer due to his collection of magical items, but Shang Tsung was also a former Grand Champion of Mortal Kombat. Liu Kang, Goro, and Shang Tsung are the 3 champions, and are always gonna be the 3 guys you don't wanna pick a bar fight with.

In Shang Tsungs case, he evidently acquires his skill in combat by absorbing warriors souls. In particular, his access to the Great Kung Lao's memories must make him an extremely adept martial artist. While I have no desire to see the shapeshifting ability, it might be cool to have him simply become the original Kung lao as one of his fighting styles.

I have no doubt that Shang Tsung will make it into MK8; he's the most intelligent and resourceful character out there. If I had made the intro to the Decption game, I would have shown Shang Tsung abandoning Quan Chi to face Onaga alone: that's just the kinda guy he is. That's why we love him!
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