Should Reptile stay Evil, or turn Good and rebel against Shao Khan?
posted05/29/2006 09:57 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/25/2006 08:45 AM (UTC)
Should Reptile stay Evil, or turn Good and rebel against Shao Khan?
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05/16/2006 01:08 AM (UTC)
No way because reptile would get raped!

Shao Khan would destroy reptile and no way could reppy win a fight against him unless he had the aid of others like

Shang (again with Quan)

or anyone else who is on Shao Khan's side that might want revenge of the suffering Shao Khan puts them through as he is the emperor of Outworld.

Reptile is useless compared to Shao Khan
Reptile has always been everyone's bitch. When he's not Shao Kahn's bitch, he's Shinnoks bitch, Shang's bitch, or Onaga's bitch. I think he should switch sides because the other good guys will treat him like a real ally instead of their bitch.

Evil+ Reptile = HELL NO!
Good + Reptile = HELL YEAH! tongue
05/17/2006 09:57 PM (UTC)
I'd actually rather have Reptile turn good, and kill the Dragon king. Enough people want to kill Shao Kahn, so i say let them. i think Reptile should Kill the Dragon King, take the amulet from him, and use it to bring his race back to life. Afterwards he would give the Amulet to someone that'd take good care of it, like Raiden or Fujin.
I was just thinking... did he really become the Dragon King? Maybe we could twist it a little bit.
What if... Reptile comes into the lava chamber, on Cyrax and Nitara's trail.
The sacred Dragon Egg begins to glow and a green ray of light (Onaga's soul) bursts out and into Reptile. Reptile's body is now overpowered by Onaga's soul and Onaga uses his body to travel to his tomb. Onaga/Reptile reads the ancient texts and Onaga's soul goes into his original body. Onaga thanks Reptile and makes him his new servant. One day Reptile hears a conversation between Onaga and Baraka
Onaga: I thought you and Kahn killed the Zatterians years ago.
Baraka: We did, except for one.
Onaga: Why?
Baraka: We thought his unique abilities would benefit us. So we just took the egg we found, let it hatch, and fill his head with our ideas.
Onaga: I've seen Zatterians before, Baraka. They have a strange sixth sense I can't figure out.He might catch on and we can't risk that. I want you to take him out, Baraka.
Baraka: Yes, sir.
Reptile hid in his chamber and waited for Baraka. He knocked Baraka unconscious and went to Onaga's throne room. He began to fight Onaga. Reptile fought very hard and almost defeated Onaga, but Onaga summoned his minions to take reptile to Shao Kahn's old prison (The Dark Prison). Reptile remains in the prison util he is freed by his old ally, Ermac, and other warriors who had broken into Onaga's fortress. Reptile thanks them and pledges himself to good. Now that Onaga is dead, Reptile sets out for Shao Kahn. HE'S BACK!tongue
05/18/2006 01:20 AM (UTC)
I like that. it all sounds good. I just wouldn't want Onaga to be dead so soon. He should die in the end with some other characters.

Aside from that, i like your idea.
Thanks, Reptilefanatic, I'm new on this and I'm just coming up with new ideas. It's good to know somebody thinks they're good.
05/29/2006 09:37 PM (UTC)
I would like to see Reptile rebel, but I don't think he'd turn good. For one, he's been going insane - as stated in Deadly Alliance - and whether he could actually change his morality in that state is debatable. Secondly, in Mortal Kombat 4, they mention that he is responsible for genocide (I'm positive they do, anyway.), and it's unlikely that someone who's committed such acts would turn good, nor would anyone familiar with him accept him on the good side. And finally, I think he's fed up with working with others in general. Aside from Khameleon, I don't see him trusting anyone or wanting to help anyone else.

So I think it'd be better if Reptile remained as he is: insane and evil, with traits of bitterness and intense distrust worked into his character. Combined with his overall animalistic tendencies returning, he'd be a real wildcard. I could see him launching some sort of bizarre revenge mission against whoever used him (Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Nitara.) that might inadvertently aid the good side, though.
05/29/2006 09:57 PM (UTC)
If Reptile were to go back to Kahn it would be one of the most stupid things I have ever seen. Is Reptile really that devolved and brainless to go back to someone who massacred your whole race? Reptile shouldn't directly fight Kahn, I think a team of Kitana, Sindel and/or Rain, Mileena, Jade. Reptile just needs to meet back up with Khameleon if she appears, go to some distant realm and try to rebuild what they lost. Maybe he could kill Nitara, but Kahn? No.
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