shinnok dumb?
posted01/21/2013 07:01 PM (UTC)by
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07/05/2008 04:16 PM (UTC)
since hes going to be a boss in the new mk.......

how does he not know quan chi gave him a fake amulet?

11/06/2012 04:44 AM (UTC)
Let's say you have this friend that you could trust 100% all the time. They do things with you and you do things with them, never could you ever think that one day, they'd betray you in the end... However, they do, and you never see it coming.

That's why Shinnok wouldn't be able to see anything coming, plus, he can't read the future.

Also, who said that even would even happen?

Also, again, who said that Shinnok was going to be the next boss?
11/08/2012 02:27 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Let's say you have this friend that you could trust 100% all the time. They do things with you and you do things with them, never could you ever think that one day, they'd betray you in the end... However, they do, and you never see it coming.

That's why Shinnok wouldn't be able to see anything coming, plus, he can't read the future.

Also, who said that even would even happen?

Also, again, who said that Shinnok was going to be the next boss?

i just thought that you should be able to test the amulet to see if its reall or not. i thought you could travel to different realms with it.

i guess i thought he would be one the bosses since he he seen last in the storymode talking about he fooled shao kahn.
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11/09/2012 09:51 PM (UTC)
I think that most of the people that have played through story mode share your view that Shinnok will be the next boss, but as Icebaby says, who knows?

Personally, I want to see Shinnok as the boss and I want the fact that he's a fallen god (an elder god no less) to play a big part in who he is as a character (ie how he talks, how he sounds, moves, his abilities, powers etc).

I still don't think they've ever really harnessed the full potential that he has, not by a long shot. They certainly improved him in MKA versus MK4, but let's face it, the bar wasn't set very high.

So no, I don't think he'll be dumb, though I think that if he does get fooled, it could certainly be more to Quan Chi's credit since he and Shang Tsung seem to be the two most deceptive characters in the whole series.
11/10/2012 04:18 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I think that most of the people that have played through story mode share your view that Shinnok will be the next boss, but as Icebaby says, who knows?

Personally, I want to see Shinnok as the boss and I want the fact that he's a fallen god (an elder god no less) to play a big part in who he is as a character (ie how he talks, how he sounds, moves, his abilities, powers etc).

I still don't think they've ever really harnessed the full potential that he has, not by a long shot. They certainly improved him in MKA versus MK4, but let's face it, the bar wasn't set very high.

So no, I don't think he'll be dumb, though I think that if he does get fooled, it could certainly be more to Quan Chi's credit since he and Shang Tsung seem to be the two most deceptive characters in the whole series.

yeah i hope they give a good costume change....he kinda of looks cheesy with the current one. yeah he could be interesting in how he fights and his special moves. quan also wears the amulet out in the open...wouldnt shinnok see it and start to wonder...
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01/21/2013 01:41 PM (UTC)
Raiden could spill the beans before Quan Chi has the chance to betray Shinnok this time.

That was part of his visions right?
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
01/21/2013 07:01 PM (UTC)

I don't think Rayden had any visions of Quan Chi betraying Shinnok, but I do remember one of the visions was Rayden and Shinnok fighting in the MK 9 Hell Stage.

I didn't think Shinnok was dumb, he just trusted Quan Chi a little too much. Not even Rayden knew in MKM the amulet was a fake. I'm surprised Shinnok didn't take the time to get back at him. In Quan Chi's ending in MK 9, Shinnok underestimates Quan Chi's abilities by ordering him to die and gets owned by the undead Shao Khan.

There was a theory post I did a while ago is that possibly Shinnok was still in the Netherealm and saw what Rayden was doing at the Battle of Armaggedon. So he went back in time and changed things as well to be ahead. It could explain things like Quan Chi being at the MK 1 and 2 tournaments and convincing Khan to sell the souls of fallen warriors for a victory and the resurrection of Sindel. Also, he might have changed the origins of characters as a retcon. It's kind of like Superboy Prime punching reality to resurrect Jason Todd, cheap but it explains the retcon.

One idea I thought might be interesting is that Shinnok now knows Quan Chi will betray him, he could have a backup sorcerer to get rid of Quan Chi. Shang Tsung could easily fit that. He wasn't seen until Deadly Alliance. I'd have Shinnok resurrect Shang Tsung secretly and have him break the pact he made with Khan in exchange for betraying Quan Chi. Where could Shang go wrong with a realm full of tortured souls? He seems to have knowledge of possessing people and consuming souls.

Last time I checked, he wasn't in the souls that Quan Chi controls when Rayden speaks to him.

Something I was just thinking is Quan Chi seems a little confident in his own creations that he doesn't realize his creations break free. Noob Saibot's ending shows that.

Just some random thoughts. I'd like Shinnok to be a more powerful character than he was in 4. A different outfit besides the sorcerer outfit would help.
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