Sheevas Return
posted10/28/2005 10:10 PM (UTC)by
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04/30/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
Hi everyone

I'm working on my own version of MK7 but i havn't finished the whole story yet. Loads of people have said that Sheeva won't come back because shes dead and they hate ressurrections. So i tried to think of a way to bring her back without using a ressurrection and i came up with this:

I had been tricked, that double crosser Kano had told me that he would assist me in other throwing Kahn, but he had other plans. He went to Kahn behind my back and told him of my plan. Kahn made sure that I would not be able to go through with it. He locked me up in his deepest dungeon and declared me dead. He had actually decided that he did not want me to be killed, it would be an easy escape from my treachery. Instead he left me in a chamber with barely any light sources and no sign of life. All I had to keep me barely alive were the bodies of traitors before me and water from a leaking room above me. I was once Kahn’s most favoured protectors, he even made me personal protector of Queen Sindel, and now I was lowered to a dungeon where not even the vermin would go. I remained in that hellhole for what seemed like a lifetime. When I found a small crack in the wall and knew that I had new hope, I worked at making that crack big enough for me to fit for many days. Soon enough I could fit through the hole and I fled as far from Kahn’s palace as I could. I was now free.

I hid in the dark forests of Outworld and watched as Kahn’s centurian armies killed my race of Shokan. I disguised myself as a simple peasant and tried hard to trace down the woman whom I had once protected, Queen Sindel. I had heard that she was now reunited with her daughter Kitana and fighting against Kahn. I had to find her and join her in the fight against my former leader. It was no easy job, as it seemed she was trying to get as little attention as possible. On my journeys I found out that the sorcerer Shang Tsung had joined forces with Quan Chi and together they had murdered Shao Kahn. This made me very happy, that lying traitor was now dead. At the same time I was angry that it wasn’t me who had killed him. As I ventured further into Edenia I found that Onaga the Dragon King had returned to power and had power over princess Kitana and many other defenders of good. I eventually found Sindel and she informed me that Shao Kahn was in fact still alive, it was a clone that had been killed. As Sindel went on looking for her daughter I now resumed my earlier mission. To kill the man who had destroyed my race and turned some of them against us. This time I will succeed.

What do you think?
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10/27/2005 10:31 PM (UTC)
She is Officially Impaled to death by Shao Kahn via a sword. Your version is highly unprobable.
10/28/2005 12:57 AM (UTC)
Yea, i like the story but uh it would make no sense for kahn not to kill her. It makes kahn look good, sparing her life. ( dont even remind me of that dam kahn clone)
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10/28/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
good work on the story, but i dont want her back. she sucked ass.

10/28/2005 03:52 AM (UTC)
Niftygod, I think that is an excellent start for Sheeva's story. Everything makes sense and I think she has enough of a backstory to fit into the next MK. Good job.nsmile
10/28/2005 05:33 AM (UTC)
I personally would not want to see Sheeva return, but as far as your story goes it is well done and does a good job of avoiding a cliche resurrection.
10/28/2005 04:39 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
She is Officially Impaled to death by Shao Kahn via a sword. Your version is highly unprobable.

And Kano fell off a skyscraper. Your point?
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MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

10/28/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
Although I don't like Sheeva at all, this story line woud have potention. Good job man :)
About Me

10/28/2005 06:49 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
She is Officially Impaled to death by Shao Kahn via a sword. Your version is highly unprobable.

And Kano fell off a skyscraper. Your point?

Kano wasn't killed. thats my point, and to validate it, there is a Slovakian record of a man falling on rocks from the seventh floor of a block of flats, much to his suprise, he only broke one bone and got only his left hands ankle(?) paralysed. The hand and fingers work though. Same happened in the USA a couple of years ago I recall.

I shall get something about this if possible. other than that, a long fall vs. an impaling? Impaling kills no matter what you do, especially from two handed swords (even one handed if they're normann or late gothic style)
from medieval era. Too much organ damage if it does not dislocate or distrupt the vertebrae in first place.

though Death means shit in MK, some of them are logical. I say Sheeva's death can be used as a catalyst for other storylines.
10/28/2005 09:48 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:though Death means shit in MK, some of them are logical.

And that's kind of where your logic ends. Death doesn't mean a thing in MK. Liu Kang died and returned as a zombie (and hell, maybe even fully back the next game). Goro died and came back twice (one of those retconned as not even being a real death). Kahn died and came back (same with the retcon deal). Kano died in Mortal Kombat 3 (or do we forget Jarek's bio where he's listed as THE LAST SURVIVING MEMBER OF THE BLACK DRAGON) and was brought back via retcon. Sub-Zero (from MK1) died and was brought back via retcon. And there's probably others I'm forgetting as well.

What possible stories can be used as a catalyst to her death? None really. It's not like she was particularly close to any character sans Motaro (and he's dead...for now anyway). Hell her bodyguard status of Sindel was never even really played up. She's essentially a blank slate so I say if the MK team can think of a half decent reason to bring her back, do so. Like I said, she's a blank slate so she's got virtually limitless potential.
10/28/2005 10:10 PM (UTC)
Although I like Sheeva and would like to see her return in the future, I dont think its gonna happen. (Unless theres a Full roster of every character).

I really like your story Nifty, but I kinda have to agree with Chrome on this one.

Yes, I see where people are saying 'Death means nothing in MK' etc, but previously (with the exception of Liu Kang) Deaths in the story have always been pretty vague.

For example, Johnny Cage was said to have been Killed by Kahns extermination squad. It never said how exactly. Only for it later to be revealed he didnt die, and followed the earth warriors and kinda watched from the shadows.
Similar with Kano. He has 'died' twoce, but again the deaths have been pretty vague. First time, he fell off a tower or something, second time we dont know how he died. Only reason we knew he died the second time was cause of Jarek's bio saying he was the last survior of the Black Dragon.

Although it sucks to keep bringing people back, it is ok in these cases because, the deaths are vague and the information isnt quite given on the specifics. So, Like with Johnny Cage and Kano (as two examples), they could have been presumed dead and left/abandoned, only to reappear later. So. in a way, we dont know they actually died. Liu came back as a Zombie becuase we knew he died, we all seen it. Deaths like Kano's, Goro's, Mileena's etc are all rather vague, therefore they can right round it by the likes of having it that they survived and escaped and recovered etc.

With Sheeva, we know how she died. theres no way she could have survived an impalement through the chest. Kahn made sure she died, and the MK team also made sure that we all knew exactly how she died.

The ONLY credible way I think Sheeva can come back without major rewrites to that part of the story is Ressurection, but then again, ressurections are becoming laughable and boring.

Like I said, although I like Sheeva and really want her to return, I hate ressurections and think it would be difficult to bring her back.
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