posted03/24/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
So this may not be entirely relevant to the news we've received recently but I've thinking about Sheeva a lot. She was one of the least played characters in MK9, and is definitely not very popular among casual fans.

However, I feel like she gets undeserved hate and neglect. First of all, Derek decided to jokingly confirm Sheeva for MKX, as if her inclusion would be so ridiculous it would warrant laughter. Not Meat, or Mokap, or Jarek, or anyone of the like, but Sheeva. I feel like that says a lot about NRS's views on her and how they treat her during development. She felt unfinished in MK9 and was excluded from MKX. Even lore-wise, she's now no longer as great as she once was. She didn't kill Motaro. Didn't go after Shao Kahn. Instead she's just a jobber guarding Kitana. So who would want to take her seriously if she sucks story-wise?

But even then, I think it's interesting that Goro has everyone so excited over playing as him, but Sheeva is literally the least played character in MK9. There's a lot to be said about gameplay and story, but I also feel like Sheeva was just seen as a female Goro and a lesser version of him. But she could be so much more, considering her dragon heritage and different powers (fire, namely). Plus, her grappling in MK9 was actually kind of fun if you could get over how low-tier she was.

Goro literally is the champion of MK several times over, is a sub-boss, is a huge threat against Kotal in the comics, and killed various characters in several different storylines and adaptations. Yet Sheeva, so far in this timeline, has achieved nothing.

But I think everyone should give her a second chance and redesign her even further for MK11. Especially considering that one picture some fan posted of her on these boards a while back showcasing dragon scales and updated clothing that was awesome. Given the scaling of proportions, they could retcon and make her bigger, badder, better.

If you disagree, why? I'm curious as to people's reasons.
03/23/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
I really liked playing as her in MK3 back in the day. I think she could use a break though after MK9.
03/23/2015 07:13 AM (UTC)
Listen man

If they can get me to like Stryker (MK9 redesign)


Kano (MKX boss mode enabled)

Then NRS can simply get me to like anyone including Sheeva (bleh) but what I think happened was that NRS looked at the Sheeva popularity from MK9 and (went woah...everyone thinks she is shit?)

So they tossed her to the back shelf based on how she was received who knows maybe they phoned it in for her from the beginning seeing how terrible she was tier-wise.

Maybe that was their goal from the start make her so terrible that everyone will forget about her.Or maybe they have learned from their mistakes and they are saving her for MK11.

Personally I think she is a poor man's Goro and she is the worst character ever introduced in the MKU. That doesn't mean I would be against her inclusion. Though I wouldn't bitch if she never returned.
I always thought her to be better than Goro simply because she was playable first and was a bit more nimble. I thought Kintaro did the sub-boss shtick better.
03/23/2015 08:02 AM (UTC)
Sheeva deserves to get all the hate. She's one of the worst characters in MK3 and MK9.
03/23/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
Sheeva is my favourite female character, no question! She's way cooler and way more fun to play as than the likes of the more popular Kitana and Sonya. I wish NRS would show her more love but the stats don't lie. They probably won't include her in anymore games unless they make another "full roster" game.
03/23/2015 08:42 AM (UTC)
Sheeva's too busy ruling in the land down under.
03/23/2015 08:48 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sheeva's too busy ruling in the land down under.

I loved that ending. Being a NZ'er, the idea of Shokan ruling our sister country who we have a never ending rivalry with is incredibly amusing.
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03/23/2015 09:23 AM (UTC)
SecondCitySaint Wrote:
Sheeva deserves to get all the hate. She's one of the worst characters in MK3 and MK9.
03/23/2015 09:39 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
Sheeva is my favourite female character, no question!

good shit homie me too
03/23/2015 09:48 AM (UTC)
I like Sheeva. To be honest she is one of my favourites.

I really don't see her anywhere near the worst MK characters, hell the skin rip fatality was awesome.

The most I realistically expect from MKX for her is a cameo in the story mode.
03/23/2015 09:49 AM (UTC)
She wasn't THAT bad in MK3. She was still fun to play in both MK3 and MK9, but like you said I think NRS thinks it's a joke by now at how much people dislike her. I would like them to revamp her, but I doubt they will.
03/23/2015 09:49 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Warbro666 Wrote:
Sheeva is my favourite female character, no question!

good shit homie me too

Give this man some DP for that amazing gif though lol.
03/23/2015 09:54 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
She wasn't THAT bad in MK3. She was still fun to play in both MK3 and MK9, but like you said I think NRS thinks it's a joke by now at how much people dislike her. I would like them to revamp her, but I doubt they will.

To be honest, I'd see NRS make a new female shokan before bringing Sheeva back in any playable fashion.
03/23/2015 10:02 AM (UTC)
I've always liked her, but I feel NRS didn't put much effort into her in MK9. It felt like she was just there, and only there because she was a trilogy character. She didn't get much of a redesign, but she was fun to play and I'm not usually one for grapplers.

NRS doesn't seem to care for her, and most fans seem to follow that opinion, so unfortunately I doubt we'll see her again in the next decade.
03/23/2015 11:17 AM (UTC)
You mean this picture? - Which is completely awesome :D hats off to the maker!

I agree with your thread, what you said has been said by me and even on the Netherkast. She is completely underdeveloped and what Derek said on the stream was disappointing to hear.

One thing I disagree about what you wrote however is that I don't like her to be a grappler. I would prefer her to be a multi fast puncher. (made a thread about this a while ago, scroll back if you're interested :) )

Let's see how Goro turns out(personally I have always preferred Sheeva over Goro)

03/23/2015 11:27 AM (UTC)
I thought she was really fun to play in mk9, not really competitive but fun nonetheless, I'm not sure how they could have improved her gameplay and I thought she looked great too, especially her alt

It was her story that bothered me, why couldn't she have been Sindel's bodyguard again? Motaro's absence really hurt her story as she didn't have that rivalry and they completely omitted the shoakans loosing favour with khan. How interesting have been for sheeva to rebel against goro and side with the heros at the end. She could even have had her own chapter, she's never been considered pure evil and that would have made a nice sub plot. They could even have killed her off and I'd have been happy as it's clear she won't ever appear in a non greatest hits game
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03/23/2015 12:00 PM (UTC)
I've always liked Sheeva more than Goro and never understood her lack of popularity. I mean she was a playable Shokan in the regular roster! That's a pretty unique distinction. Would've loved to have seen her design in a game as well made as MKX but hopefully she gets some NPC cameo love.
03/23/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
Sheeva was one of my most used characters in MK9. I love Sheeva smile
03/23/2015 02:19 PM (UTC)
One of the thing I hate the most about Sheeva is her attire. I'm not sure why they're giving her such revealing costumes. Then again, the male Shokans also wear next to nothing, so maybe it's to make them more like beasts. The most Goro wore was a helmet and half a shirt.

I'm not against her coming back. I've never been a huge fan of her but I'm always open to redesigns and actually being meaningful. She was a complete waste in MK9 because of how underused she was. They should have sent her with Sindel.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/23/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
Sheeva is the shit. Anyone saying she's the worst character in MK history are lying to themselves.
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Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

03/23/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
I scratch my head that Sheeva gets the "worst MK character" label from some people when there are shitstains like Jarek, Hsu Hao, Dairou, Darrius, Kobra, Kira, Daegon, and Taven. To each their own I guess.

I've always been a fan of Sheeva and felt she had untapped potential but it does not seem as though NRS or the majority of fans care enough. That fan made redesign of hers is exactly the perfect look for her.

I don't think Kintaro is coming back anytime soon, so it would be nice to see the Shokan represented by another face other than Goro.

03/23/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
Yeah the "worst character ever" thing is a ridiculously lame opinion.

Sheeva was my second in MK (my main is always Kung Lao), and I also noticed how her impact was greatly decreased in MK9. In a way, she got the same role as Hawkgirl in Injustice, another favorite of mine.

I wish she came back, but Goro is fine by me. As long as she doesn't get utterly slaughter for laughs or something.
03/23/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
Sheeva was a cool character, I liked her. I just don't understand why she gets so much hate. Like Stryker, she got so much hate in her MK3 debut, Stryker became a fan favorite in MK9 and Sheeva still was hated. To be honest, I'm surprised her and Stryker made the roster in MK9 because of the hate they received
03/23/2015 04:19 PM (UTC)
~Nova Wrote:
I scratch my head that Sheeva gets the "worst MK character" label from some people when there are shitstains like Jarek, Hsu Hao, Dairou, Darrius, Kobra, Kira, Daegon, and Taven. To each their own I guess.

This ^
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