Seriously, why not make it canon that Rain and Kitana used to be lovers?
posted07/22/2011 06:06 AM (UTC)by
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Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

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07/05/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
We already have two MK related TV series mentioning that idea, and it would perfectly fit both of them: Rain, because we now doubtlessly know that he is a ruthless, deceptive little scum who won't restrain from anything which he may regard as a means to claiming more power (and what's more efficient and subtle at the same time than courting your ruler's daughter, who at the same time likes you?); and Kitana, because back then she was still a devoted and ruthless follower of her presumed father and wouldn't mind dating a man whose profile, at least approximately, matched hers. It would, really, be a one sided romance because Rain would likely care for claiming Kahn's throne rather than relationship with Kitana as such, but that just defines Rain's snakelike and treacherous nature even better. And we all wanted to see much more of Rain's schemes and relationships with other characters.
07/18/2011 04:19 PM (UTC)
I dont understand how this could do anything at all. People get sliced in half, skin torn off, burnt to crisps, eyes gouged in...I really doubt anyone cares whos bangin who.....unless Kitana's uterus had a new occupant
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07/18/2011 09:09 PM (UTC)
Because romance in MK is uncalled for and -for lack of better words to express it- fucking retarded.
07/18/2011 09:40 PM (UTC)
TheBigMistake Wrote:
I dont understand how this could do anything at all. People get sliced in half, skin torn off, burnt to crisps, eyes gouged in...I really doubt anyone cares whos bangin who.....unless Kitana's uterus had a new occupant

Sure, the story always has such a wide impact on the gameplay. It's amusing and annoying at the same time how many people seem completely incapable of realizing that characters being in relationships will do squat to the gameplay. Liu Kang and Kitana's relationship hasn't stopped them from mutilating one another during gameplay. It's a pointless concern.
07/18/2011 10:51 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Because romance in MK is uncalled for and -for lack of better words to express it- fucking retarded.

Just like the plot of MK? Hehehe....

Honestly, MK is one of the most disrespected games I know, and despite my love for it there are many things I hate about it. They are trying to reinvent MK as a serious series by balancing out the gameplay, making it tournament viable, making it look fantastic, etc... The next place they need to go is story. Real stories embrace the reality of being a living person. People have emotions, not just bloodthirst. Romance is just one of many aspects of story telling that a series that wants to be taken seriously should embrace... I can count on one hand the number of characters from this game who would exist in a truly good story.

The situation between Sindel and Shao Kahn is a great beginning for a decent story, for example, but it completely disappeared after MK3 along with Sindel. She came back in Deception as a wasted opportunity.
07/19/2011 12:56 AM (UTC)
I'm against the idea of those being past lovers, merely because I would rather see Rain as gay. But just as sexual preferences are redundant to MK, so is romances. That is my opinion at least.
07/19/2011 05:33 PM (UTC)
In both of their very long lives, it’s hard not to imagine Kitana and Rain interacting in the service of Shao Kahn.

Since Kitana didn’t know about Edenia because she was in her infancy at takeover, she wouldn’t give a second thought or care if she heard Rain betrayed and helped put an end to Edenia. To her, it was likely just another conquered realm in the line of many.

If there was a relationship between the two, I can see Kitana being very put off by Rain’s arrogance, or initially maybe that’s what would attract her to him? But she would eventually despise him.

On the other side, I like the idea of Rain only getting with Kitana for her status, that's such a douchebag thing to do and think Rain has become resident douchebag.
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07/19/2011 05:56 PM (UTC)
Because Purple reminds her of her mother.
About Me

Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

07/19/2011 06:42 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Because romance in MK is uncalled for and -for lack of better words to express it- fucking retarded.

It's hardly rewarding to try to find any meaning whatsoever in MK story. An ardent fan as I am, I have always admitted the smartness is not the toughest point of MK. Was it smart that, at the end of Konquest in Armageddon, Argus admitted the quest had been futile all way long? Was it smart that for Shang Tsung's re-empowerment no one had to be sacrificed, yet Shang had to die for Sindel's? Or, more globally, is it much intelligent that whoever dies in MK ALWAYS returns, even if by lamest means?

With all the bunch of illogical or just plain useless instances, you might as well add a trifling romantic event. The NRS barely cared to delve deeper even into 'Liu Kang-Kitana' thing, and, as the same would probably go for Rain and Kitana, I don't think it would be much of a shock.
07/21/2011 12:29 PM (UTC)
TheBigMistake Wrote:
I dont understand how this could do anything at all. People get sliced in half, skin torn off, burnt to crisps, eyes gouged in...I really doubt anyone cares whos bangin who.....unless Kitana's uterus had a new occupant


Exactly. Save the lovey dovey mushy shit for Hollywood when they decide to fuck up MK again.
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07/22/2011 06:06 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Because romance in MK is uncalled for and -for lack of better words to express it- fucking retarded.

Chrome doesn't usually say things that I agree with anymore, but damn if he didn't turn it all around with this.
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