Secret Brutality Inputs
posted08/13/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)by
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

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02/07/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
I know it seems like there has been a ridiculous amount of these topics, but I'm interested in keeping up to date with the new ones that keep getting added through patches, as well as the variants on existing Brutalities that we discover. Anyone want to help contribute?

Can we maybe make this a sticky?

Here's what we know, let's try to keep it updated.

Note - a (?) next to a Brutality input indicates that we know it exists, but criteria listed is unconfirmed or incomplete

The Kove
1) Hold "stance change" button and perform uppercut in middle of arena
2) Throw a body at the opponent from at least half a screen away (?)

The Jungle
Exact Input Unknown - finish opponent by bashing head into the statue - integrate into at least a 3-hit combo (?)
I only get this to work about 50% of the time - any ideas as to the criteria? The closest I've come to figuring out how it works is by ending the first round with a special move.

Quan Chi's Fortress
Use at least 2{?} interactables and then use Shao Kahn's hammer to finish opponent

Outworld Marketplace
1) Use the barrel and firepot interactables - throw Blanche at opponent
2) Use the barrel and firepot interactables - throw Blanche at opponent while holding Down

Dead Woods
Use 2 interactables, finish opponent by throwing log from at least half-screen distance

1) Hold "Triangle" or "Y" while performing the final hit of "Ugly Mother" combo
2) Hish-qu-ten- different result from doing Shoulder Cannon Far or Close

Johnny Cage
Use EX variation on Ball Breaker as final hit

Cassie Cage
Same as Johnny

Perform Acid Spit Brutality, hold "Up" IMMEDIATELY when it connects.

Exact Input Unknown - Finish opponent with X-Ray

Ravenous - End one round with Low Pounce, Finish opponent with Dislocate combo (?)

Erron Black
Land 3 Command Grabs in a single round - finish with X-Ray

Finish Opponent with X-Ray (?)

Unconfirmed RUMORS
I've seen rumors on various places on the 'net about the following, but no photo or video evidence exists. I have my doubts, but some sound like they could be legit (especially the jungle and courtyard):

Jungle - Uppercut victim into river to be devoured by the crocodiles. Reasoning behind this rumor is that recent patches have added more crocodile activity in the background, showing up to 2 or 3 cruising around at any given time.

Krossroads - Uppercut victim in middle of arena to plummet into lava river. Also rumored that they can be impaled on spiked column on left side AFTER body is thrown off it.

Emperor's Courtyard - able to crush head against column (same as Jungle brutality)

Refugee Kamp Opponent gunned down by HumVee

X-Ray - It has been rumored since release that ALL characters have an X-Ray brutality
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/10/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
I'm able to do the Jungle brutality almost every time. I'm pretty sure the criteria is that you have to combo into the throw. Simple as 1, 1, R1, depending on your character. I also use at least 3 interactables during the match, just to be safe.

As for Sonya, I've heard you have to miss one X-ray during the match for it to work. Haven't tried that one yet though.
07/10/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
thanks for making this list, i've been wondering about the secret brutalities

I thought there were others though, mainly X-ray kills, doesnt Erron Black have one too?
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/10/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
thanks for making this list, i've been wondering about the secret brutalities

I thought there were others though, mainly X-ray kills, doesnt Erron Black have one too?

Yes, I believe his was included in the last patch. Jax, and Liu Kang supposedly have them as well. Also, Mileena definitely has a Dislocate brutality in Ravenous. I have no idea on the requirements though.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/10/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
Thanks Unleash_Your_Tongue, I will try that tonight after work. Sounds plausible.

Updated the list.
07/10/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
Erron's X-Ray brutality is done by landing 3 command grabs in one round and then winning with the X-Ray.
07/10/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
I read kitana and liu kang also have new hidden brutalities

this is a great list, lets keep it going, with everyone pitching in information we can turn this into the ultimate 100% correct hidden brutality list for everyone to reference :D
07/10/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Sparta* Wrote:
thanks for making this list, i've been wondering about the secret brutalities

I thought there were others though, mainly X-ray kills, doesnt Erron Black have one too?

Yes, I believe his was included in the last patch. Jax, and Liu Kang supposedly have them as well.

Also, Mileena definitely has a Dislocate brutality in Ravenous. I have no idea on the requirements though.

To do Mileena's brutality, you need to end round one with Low Pounce
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/10/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
I got uppercutted into the kove by the bots lol. Your body washes up for a second toogrin
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/10/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Thanks Unleash_Your_Tongue, I will try that tonight after work. Sounds plausible.

Updated the list.

Thanks for this list! It'll be nice to have all of these in one place for quick reference.

Phantoms Wrote:
To do Mileena's brutality, you need to end round one with Low Pounce

Thanks. This will require some practice. I prefer her High Pounce so I rarely to never use Low Pounce.
07/10/2015 09:10 PM (UTC)
For the jungle head bash I held downand it worked. Used some interactables to be safe.
07/10/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I'm able to do the Jungle brutality almost every time. I'm pretty sure the criteria is that you have to combo into the throw. Simple as 1, 1, R1, depending on your character. I also use at least 3 interactables during the match, just to be safe.

As for Sonya, I've heard you have to miss one X-ray during the match for it to work. Haven't tried that one yet though.

For Sonya xray Brutality i always hold L2 and R2 and forward and down during the whole xray. 9 times out of 10 it works.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

07/10/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
For the Jungle you need to use 2 interactable's 1 MUST be the hanging vine

I know that Shinnok,Johnny Cage & Jackie Briggs has a 12 hit Combo that ends with a Brutality

There is a video breakdown on youtube but I'm on my phone and can't post a link. Cassie Cage has "the American Way" land 3 in a match then end with it again.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/10/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:

Quan Chi's Fortress
Use at least 2{?} interactables and then use Shao Kahn's hammer to finish opponent

I've never used an interactable for this one. This brutality is as simple as landing the final hit with Shao Kahn's war hammer.
07/12/2015 09:28 AM (UTC)
Jungle Brutality with the crocodiles?

You gotta be shitting me right?
About Me

I will rock you.

07/12/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
zwembroek Wrote:
Jungle Brutality with the crocodiles?

You gotta be shitting me right?

Believe it or not it is real. I do not have a link to it but I am sure someone soon will post it.wink
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/12/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
zwembroek Wrote:
Jungle Brutality with the crocodiles?

You gotta be shitting me right?

No. Like I said - purely rumor. In fact, it's been a rumor since release. I'd love to see it happen, but since nothing about exists other than hearsay, I don't think it exists at all (for now).
The jungle one is the only one I've been able to do with no problems so far. It worked for me after jumping on both vines during the game, then doing an R1 throw into the monument. Might have been a combo in there but I don't specifically recall it. It def covers you with a huge amount of blood after performing. Good times.

A friend did the kove one accidently and he's a noob and button masher so I can't imagine its too complicated.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/13/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
Phantoms Wrote:
To do Mileena's brutality, you need to end round one with Low Pounce

I'm still struggling with this one. Tried multiple times on a ladder last night to no avail. Do I only need to end the first round with the minor damage of Low Pounce, or do I need to throw in the full blown command with Dislocate and Back Ride? Or is all the above acceptable?
07/13/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
For the Kove, I find as long as I hold the stance change button and end the match with an uppercut, it does not have to be in the middle of the arena. It works anywhere. In fact, I've done it on the far left of the stage and when the headless body of my opponant splashed up from the water, it kinda popped up through the wooden crates as if they werent there and looked weird.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/14/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Ravenous - End one round with Low Pounce, Finish opponent with Dislocate combo (?)

Well, after 1,000 failed attempts, I did some digging on the net and found out that this is incorrect. The following requirements work for me perfectly every time -

Down, Back, 4, Back, Back, 1, Down, Down, Down, Hold 2.

So basically, just perform her Low Pounce on the last hit, and during the last input of the command grab (Down, Down, 2), press Down one more time and then hold 2 (Triangle/Y). You don't even have to end the first round with a Low Pounce.
07/14/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
The Jungle fatality is not real. ...yet. The fact that they added crocodiles recently strongly suggests they will be adding it eventually.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/14/2015 06:57 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the contributions, I'll update later tonight. Been too busy with work to keep this updated.
Got the kove brutality by using the hook, throwing the pot from the left side of the map and finishing w an uppercut while holding stance change button. Pretty sure it'll work anywhere as I got it on the left side right after the junk.

Also for anyone that doesn't know, reptiles improved brutality, its done in the same way as his regular one. 30% damage w spit and finish w spit. But hold up when your doing it. It'll trap your opponents head in a green bubble which floats up with the severed head inside. Fun stuff.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/17/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
Ereptiledysfunction Wrote:
30% damage w spit

It's been nerfed to 25%. wink
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