Screw Cards! MK vs SF should be a PS3/Xbox 360 game!
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Screw Cards! MK vs SF should be a PS3/Xbox 360 game!
posted07/02/2005 06:07 PM (UTC)by

I see alot of potential in this idea. If it was to happen, who should handle the project? Midway or Capcom?

The only similarity is that both are fighting games... but they are so opposed as a game like Killer 7 vs MGS... MK vs SF Card Game? Funny Idea. MK vs SF Video Game? Awful Idea.

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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?
oh the fatality possibilities for Dee Jay

Mortal Kombat Versus Street Fighter could be a great game! Don't deny that you wouldn't buy it if it were ever released.
Growing up with the other company clashing titles, I've always considered Midway to one day be a part of it... Though they would need to expand their variety of characters from simply Mortal Kombat. Maybe Torque, a MP3... Even a Gray could be a cool addition.
Growing up with the other company clashing titles, I've always considered Midway to one day be a part of it... Though they would need to expand their variety of characters from simply Mortal Kombat. Maybe Torque, a MP3... Even a Gray could be a cool addition.
Unfrotunetely they are too different,but if the idea eve came to life it would be THE BEST FIGHTER EVER created hands down.
MK.vs.SF=The Dream game!!!!!!
MK.vs.SF=The Dream game!!!!!!

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think of Evil Ryus fatality......oooh man......

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I don't think that's a greate idea. Like Chrome said, the games are far too different.
Each company is way too proud of their franchise to let the other handle it.
Also, Street Fighter hasn't really been too succesful in transfering into 3D. Their moves are much more complicated then the ones in MK were every body has a projectile attack, while in SF, everybody has something different, like Bison's Pyscho Crusher, or Ryu's Super Hadouken. It would lead to broken gameplay as well. Street Fighter characters in Hyper mode would completely destroy the MK characters because of their speed.
As for the finishers, it might look cool, but I guarantee that all they would be for the Street Fighter characters is just their turbo moves. Something like Ryu's super Hadouken would just blow the opponent to pieces. it might look inpressive but at the same time be very boring.
Each company is way too proud of their franchise to let the other handle it.
Also, Street Fighter hasn't really been too succesful in transfering into 3D. Their moves are much more complicated then the ones in MK were every body has a projectile attack, while in SF, everybody has something different, like Bison's Pyscho Crusher, or Ryu's Super Hadouken. It would lead to broken gameplay as well. Street Fighter characters in Hyper mode would completely destroy the MK characters because of their speed.
As for the finishers, it might look cool, but I guarantee that all they would be for the Street Fighter characters is just their turbo moves. Something like Ryu's super Hadouken would just blow the opponent to pieces. it might look inpressive but at the same time be very boring.
They should turn the Street Fighter character into 3D instead of the MK characters 2D. I mean we've all seen 3D street fighter anyways, with Street Fight EX. 2D MK would look too weird, 2D hardly worked with Jill Valentine. I'd like to see Bison, Akuma, Sagat, Vega, and Blanka do a fatality.
Bison would do a HUGE Pyscho Crusher and practically rip through the opponents stomach.
Akuma would jump into the air and blast the opponent until there is nothing left of him.
Sagat will kickbox the shit out of the opponent and kick his head of at the end.
Vega will use his claws to rip through the opponents stomach and have all the guts fall out.
Blanka would kinda do an MK: D Mileena type fatality, on the opponent, except make it less feminine.
Or do an MK:DA Raiden type fatality and electrocute him until there is nothing left of him.
Man think of all the possibilities, it's endless!
Bison would do a HUGE Pyscho Crusher and practically rip through the opponents stomach.
Akuma would jump into the air and blast the opponent until there is nothing left of him.
Sagat will kickbox the shit out of the opponent and kick his head of at the end.
Vega will use his claws to rip through the opponents stomach and have all the guts fall out.
Blanka would kinda do an MK: D Mileena type fatality, on the opponent, except make it less feminine.
Or do an MK:DA Raiden type fatality and electrocute him until there is nothing left of him.
Man think of all the possibilities, it's endless!

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Why not? Capcom let SNK use them for SVC:Chaos.
think about it, it would own!!
I don't care if it was 2d or 3d, it would be soooooo fffreeeakkiinnngngg ssweeeeett!!
think about it, it would own!!
I don't care if it was 2d or 3d, it would be soooooo fffreeeakkiinnngngg ssweeeeett!!
Yeah i agree,if done correctly it would own all the other fighters easily.Like i said it's the Dream game,and MK would kill SF IMO in the end because MK has the Sorcerors,Gods and so forth,SF has some nice powers though.It would be a badass game.
Who would be the Boss,Shao Kahn and Akuma as a tag team??Shit that would be like impossible to beat???lol
Who would be the Boss,Shao Kahn and Akuma as a tag team??Shit that would be like impossible to beat???lol

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Shao Kahn and Goro vs Shin Akuma and Evil Ryu 

Capcom & SNK made similarities fighting engine games, and both can be complemented.... MK vs SF will kill one of them games, or both... the only game that can be possible a crossover will be Killer Instinct, because the similiraties in both games...

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I've always wanted to see this game created. Even though the gameplay of both games are vastly different, Capcom can re-invent the gameplay of Mk to make it feel more like a street fighter game or vice-versa. Marvel vs Capcom first sounded absurd, but people loved it when they started playing it. I'm sure it's the same case for a Mk vs Street fighter game.
In theory, it's a good idea, but in reality, like other people have said, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are too radically different to make a good mix. SNK VS Capcom works (mostly) because they're gameplay styles are quite similar, and differences could easily be compromised.
Having an SF VS MK purely in the style of one franchise would piss many fans of the other series off, and it would be impossible to create something in between, with elements of both, that actually plays well. If anybody has ever played and downloaded Mugen, they'll probably know that MK characters usually mix very badly compared to most Capcom/SNK fighters.
Plus, Mortal Kombat is virtually unknown in Japan, home of Capcom and Street Fighter's biggest market, or even Asia in general. Capcom would never go for it, too risky for them. Rightly or wrongly, many fans of other beat em ups see MK games as a joke, cheesy and simplistic. I say this as a huge fan of SF, MK and many SNK series's (I was also a mod on a KOF forum).
Having an SF VS MK purely in the style of one franchise would piss many fans of the other series off, and it would be impossible to create something in between, with elements of both, that actually plays well. If anybody has ever played and downloaded Mugen, they'll probably know that MK characters usually mix very badly compared to most Capcom/SNK fighters.
Plus, Mortal Kombat is virtually unknown in Japan, home of Capcom and Street Fighter's biggest market, or even Asia in general. Capcom would never go for it, too risky for them. Rightly or wrongly, many fans of other beat em ups see MK games as a joke, cheesy and simplistic. I say this as a huge fan of SF, MK and many SNK series's (I was also a mod on a KOF forum).

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Well, I guess this will be a good way to kickstart MK in the Japanese combining them with SF!

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Shin_Akuma Wrote:
Well, I guess this will be a good way to kickstart MK in the Japanese combining them with SF!
Well, I guess this will be a good way to kickstart MK in the Japanese combining them with SF!
Exactly what I was going to say. I definitely concur!

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Street Fighter is widly popular in Japan. So of course, if you combine them with MK, MK could also become very popular.
Shin_Akuma Wrote:
Street Fighter is widly popular in Japan. So of course, if you combine them with MK, MK could also become very popular.
Street Fighter is widly popular in Japan. So of course, if you combine them with MK, MK could also become very popular.
Doubt it. You missed my other point. Many Street Fighter fans (and fans of other beat em up series's) hate MK, and view the series and it's gameplay as a joke, all gimmicks no substance. With some games, they have a point (MKT, MKD), but, rightly or wrongly that reputation has stuck.
And as many other people have pointed out too, the gameplay styles of each game are chalk and cheese. Doing a crossover game in one style would alienate the other game's fans, and it would be pretty much impossible to make a happy mix that actually functions well as a game.
As I said before, SNK VS Capcom works due to the similarities in the games. Although I hate the series, I guess Marvel VS Capcom does work as well. All they really did there was speed up the Street Fighter gameplay, and simplyfy moves and combos, to fit the button mashing, hyperactive gameplay Capcom gave the Marvel games.
MK is very,very Dark compared to Sf or any other fighter for that matter,it would be interesting to see actual darkness into the SF saga.The darkness fits MK perfectly,why not expand it?
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