scorpions rival?
posted07/27/2006 12:49 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/25/2004 02:12 AM (UTC)
i still hear people talking about how scorpion should kill sub zero in mk7
i thought he found out quan chi framed sub zero for killing his famliy? in deception hes going after quan chi in the netherrealm. does he still hate sub zero? furious
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11/27/2004 10:45 PM (UTC)
scorpion_1234 Wrote:
i still hear people talking about how scorpion should kill sub zero in mk7
i thought he found out quan chi framed sub zero for killing his famliy? in deception hes going after quan chi in the netherrealm. does he still hate sub zero? furious

No. Scorpion's let Sub Zero off the hook. He should go after Quan Chi if he's still alive.

11/27/2004 11:08 PM (UTC)
Welcome to the forum and pm me for help because I'm a Scorpion fan just like you.wink Yeah, the fight and troubles between Sub Zero and Scorpion is over.
11/28/2004 12:46 AM (UTC)
The story got alllll screwed up once Tobias left the scene.
11/28/2004 01:02 AM (UTC)
I sort of agree and disagree when it comes to the MK storyline. Deception doesn't have a ( to me) solid storyline. In both of characters and general storyline. The video bios for me add to most of the confusion. You have people like Scorpion and Sub-Zero foes again. We never discover why in Deception. Also we have dead characters listed as foes and allies. Errrrrr storylines doesn't make much sense compared to past MK games.
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11/28/2004 05:51 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is done with Subby, and hes going after Quan Chi for killing his family (I think he found this out in MK4 tell me if im wrong). But I dont think that would make a whole lot of sense because it was the Lin Kuei that killed him.
11/28/2004 05:56 AM (UTC)
Remember that MK1's Sub-Zero killed Scorpion. Quan Chi kill Scorp's family and clan. Yes in MK4 Scorpion does find that out, but I have no idea why Scorpion and Sub-Zero are foes once again during the timeline of Decpetion.

11/28/2004 06:05 AM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:
but I have no idea why Scorpion and Sub-Zero are foes once again during the timeline of Decpetion.

Well, Scorpion did kill younger Sub-Zero's only brother, and if that doesn't make them enemies, I don't know what will...
11/28/2004 07:10 AM (UTC)
Not really Scorpion's only beef was only with MK1 Sub-Zero. I think the current Sub understands his hate for his brother, after all in Sub past bios or MK: DA konquest does it say about Sub-Zero wanting to fight Scorp. It was Scorpion that was out for current Sub-Zero for many years. Sub-Zero never sought battle with Scorpion. It was only when Scorpion confronted him many times over the years that they did fight. Of course till MK4 Scorpion knows the truth, now he is out to get the real killer of his family and clan. That was the whole reason why he is back. Deception doesn't really explain itself why Sub and Scorp are foes once again -_- .
11/28/2004 07:13 AM (UTC)
I don't think they are actual foes again. It's just historical reference to show they were once enemies.
I don't think it should be looked into any deeper than that.
11/28/2004 07:26 AM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:
Not really Scorpion's only beef was only with MK1 Sub-Zero. I think the current Sub understands his hate for his brother, after all in Sub past bios or MK: DA konquest does it say about Sub-Zero wanting to fight Scorp. It was Scorpion that was out for current Sub-Zero for many years. Sub-Zero never sought battle with Scorpion. It was only when Scorpion confronted him many times over the years that they did fight. Of course till MK4 Scorpion knows the truth, now he is out to get the real killer of his family and clan. That was the whole reason why he is back. Deception doesn't really explain itself why Sub and Scorp are foes once again -_- .

11/28/2004 04:03 PM (UTC)
I think that since Noob Saibot knows who he once was before he was turned into a wraith, he will be seeking revenge on Scorpion. I think that Noob Saibot would want to kill his brother because he is becoming too strong and that he would turn him into a souless ninja just like himself and Smoke.
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11/28/2004 06:33 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I don't think they are actual foes again. It's just historical reference to show they were once enemies.
I don't think it should be looked into any deeper than that.

I think that's exactly the case. I mean, look at Shujinko's video bio; it says Damashi is his ally, and Scorpion is his foe. Now that Shujinko knows the truth,
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
he should have no reason to hates Scorpion, as he'd understand why Scorp fought him, and he knows that Damashi was the real enemy, since he was the consciousness of the Dragon King.
11/28/2004 08:14 PM (UTC)
if it was just historic referenance that Sub-Zero and Scorpion were once enemies and that Shujinko and Damashi were once allies then why isn't everyone's allies/enemies put into the bios. Sonya is allies with Cyrax and Kenshi but thats not in her bio. what about when she teamed up with all of earth's warriors in MK3. they weren't listed. i can agree about the historical reference thing but it should really be put whether it happened in the past or not.
11/29/2004 12:09 AM (UTC)
yeah that sounds right i played mk4 and it was when sub told scop that quan chi killed his family and quan chi appared and was going to sent scop to the neatherealm and scorp said never and grabbed on to quan chi and took him down with him. i think noob should be pissed at scorpion becuase scorpion killed him as sub zero one so the new rivalery should be noob saibot vs scorpion vs quan chi. noob and qanchi will probably unnite to take down scorpion but scorpion colud take care of them since hes the elder gods champion.
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11/29/2004 12:38 AM (UTC)
scorpion_1234 Wrote:
yeah that sounds right i played mk4 and it was when sub told scop that quan chi killed his family and quan chi appared and was going to sent scop to the neatherealm and scorp said never and grabbed on to quan chi and took him down with him. i think noob should be pissed at scorpion becuase scorpion killed him as sub zero one so the new rivalery should be noob saibot vs scorpion vs quan chi. noob and qanchi will probably unnite to take down scorpion but scorpion colud take care of them since hes the elder gods champion.

I like the theory, but I don't think Quan Chi would allie with Noob, since he is why Noob became a wraith. They could form an alliance, but as it is spected, Noob would backstab him and even help Scorpion take him out putting aside that they killed each other(funny to say).
07/27/2006 12:38 AM (UTC)
i think qounchi . he is the one who did it in the first plase.
07/27/2006 12:49 AM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:
i think qounchi . he is the one who did it in the first plase.

Don't bump threads this old please.
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