Scorpions HUNT for Classic Sub-Zero (Noob Saibot)
posted09/11/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Man i want to see what happens with Noob and Scorpion.
It will be really interesting if they meet and im sure they will.
What i think is kool is that Noob would defeat Scorpion and make him into Cyber demon (spectre) mixup.He'll be his army of cyber demons's GENERAL.Something like that.i wont go further.
Asesino Wrote:
Man i want to see what happens with Noob and Scorpion.
It will be really interesting if they meet and im sure they will.
What i think is kool is that Noob would defeat Scorpion and make him into Cyber demon (spectre) mixup.He'll be his army of cyber demons's GENERAL.Something like that.i wont go further.

Um....... no. I would like it if Scorpion and Noob Saibot meeting yes, but I would not approve of that happening.
09/10/2005 07:01 PM (UTC)
Im am actually in favor of that.

Scorpios character needs a random change, and fast. What better way than to include him in Noob Saibot's so called robotic army????
outworld222 Wrote:
Im am actually in favor of that.

Scorpios character needs a random change, and fast. What better way than to include him in Noob Saibot's so called robotic army????

Is that supposed to be sarcasm? Making Scorpion a robot would totally ruin his character.... I mean it's on the verge, but then that would be going too far. Besides did you guys know Cyrax was originally going to be a robot Scorpion, but they realized how stupid that was and nixed the idea.
09/11/2005 01:51 AM (UTC)
Uh no... Noob will probably want to start rivalry with his brother rather than Scorpion. beside Scorpion with probably take Raiden's place if not as Protector of Earth and if not Scorpion then Fujin.furiouswow
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09/11/2005 02:34 PM (UTC)
I mean Scorpion wont be usuial robot like Smoke, Sektor and Cyrax.
His appearence will have robbotic elements yes, but he'll be something new and fresh something nothing-to-do with the cyborgs.I dont know.Just a suggestion.
Why don't you ppl post something of what should happen if Noob and Scorp meet (im sure they will)
09/11/2005 05:42 PM (UTC)
i would like scorpion and noob to meet,i would love to see the look on scorpions face when he finds out he killed noob in mk1.glasses
09/11/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)
Nah, I don't like the idea.

Noob Saibot should focus on eliminating any and all traces of his former life, namely his younger brother, Sub-Zero.

When it comes to Scorpion, the two should come across each other and Scorpion will learn that there were two Sub-Zeros since from the way his storyline has been, Scorpion still thinks there's only one Sub-Zero.

Scorpion has other matters to take care of though such as taking down Onaga and getting his revenge on Quan Chi.
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