Scorpion vs Noob
posted06/04/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Do you think MKX will be the game where we finally get a face-off between Scorpion and Noob? There are soooo many reasons that Scorpion should be going after Noob...

1) Noob is the original Sub-Zero, enough said. I don't think Scorpion would be too happy to learn his old nemesis is back, stronger than ever.

2) Noob works with Quan-Chi. Scorpion's murderer AND his family and clan's killer working alongside together?

3) Noob also serves Shinnok, so this would be a good way for Raiden to lure Scorpion away from the forces of evil and join Earthrealm.

I just think it's time to see the two undead warriors go at it.
Why not have them work together?

Why would Scorpion care if his old, but completely false nemesis is back?

Bi Han wasn't the one who slaughtered Scorpion's clan, Quan Chi did. If anything Noob should learn the truth and want to kill Quan Chi for having Scorpion murder him during the tournament. All because Quan Chi made him, just to have Bi Han's soul. So yeah, I don't think having them fight, or your first reason to be logical.
06/04/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero may not have killed the clan but he did murder Scorpion and I'm sure Sub would want some payback against Scorpion. Not that I remember but I don't think the two of them have ever even "met" after Noob's resurrection as a wraith.
06/04/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
It makes much more sense for them to fight together against Quan Chi and Shinnok. That would be one bad-ass Deadly Alliance.
06/04/2014 10:31 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot is basically Bi-Han's true self,the side of him that made him famous as a warrior,that cold blooded merciless son of a bitch. He basically rejects his old life when he tells it straight up to Kuai Liang in MK9 that Quan Chi restored and perfected him,which means he is GRATEFUL for the way he is. Why you guys think that Noob Saibot will go against Quan Chi,the guy who made him more powerful than ever before and who is by the way his master and can strip him off his power real quick? And plus with Scorpion,the guy who murdered him. He might even be thankful to Scorpion,again,for making him stronger. So either way,Noob Saibot wont care much about Scorpion or killing Quan Chi just by judging his personality in MK9.

If there is something human left,it should be in Kuai Liang's soul,not Bi-Han's.
06/04/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
Nah IMO. While I didn't like MKs story mode, one of the only well written bits was the Scorpion/ Bi han chapter. He got his revenge, it was dramatic, it was glorious... It's over now. As far as scorpion is concerned in the rebooted cannon, hes fulfilled his destiny. Now he serves Quan Chi until he finds out it was him that killed his clan.

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