Scorpion action/adventure game
posted07/17/2007 01:43 AM (UTC)by
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03/14/2007 02:25 AM (UTC)
if they would to make a scorpion adventure game will you play it. It willbe just like sub-zero methologies just staring scorpion. HEs one of the most popular characters you will have to fight Sub zero in it and prehapes the orginal subzero too and quanchi.
07/04/2007 09:08 PM (UTC)
They should just make an adventure game on the concept of the storyline of MK3, which has aged well.

It should cover all of MK3, it's aftermath, and the beginning of MK4.
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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

07/05/2007 01:00 AM (UTC)
Because I'm terrified of MK RPG's, I'd say no. But MK:SM wasn't bad.
07/06/2007 07:58 AM (UTC)
Sounds good
I'd buy it
How about a spinoff of MKM? That might work, except change the story to fit the said ninja, make it 3D, and have the sword be usable.
07/10/2007 10:55 PM (UTC)
The fact that its about Scorpion alone makes me hate this idea.
07/10/2007 11:04 PM (UTC)
JediTommy8 Wrote:
The fact that its about Scorpion alone makes me hate this idea.


Anyway, Yeah, I'd play the game. It would be kind of hard to make a game about Scorpion though, because, his main purpose in the after life was to track Subzero down and kill him. Subzero's story was easier to tell, because he was allowed to live a little longer, thus enabling a little more development.

That said, I'd have Scorpion portrayed as a sort of bounty hunter(Or have him use stealth skills) of souls, perhaps traitors to the Brotherhood of Shadow, that must be dealt with before they can cause trouble (a demon up-rising)for shinnok in the Netherrealm. this might also explain what took Shinnok so long to ennact his plan between Mythologies and MK 4.
07/11/2007 12:29 AM (UTC)
Considering the way they handled MKSM and how they handled Scorpion in these past few MK games, it's more likely, imo, that Scorpion would be even more fucked up than he already is.
07/11/2007 12:33 AM (UTC)
I would love a God of War or Heavenly Sword style game about Scorpion. I bet it would be violent as hell !!!
07/12/2007 01:14 AM (UTC)
I could see it as a game with a What If? storyline (The question being What If Scorpion's ending in Armageddon happened?) I could see it as a way to expound on Scorpion a lot without retconning anything (else).

But the question is, how would it work? Like a regular hack and slash, where Scorpion would be alone? Or like an RPG, where he would have allies, levels, and a cute pocket monster? (I'm kidding about that last part...)

I would like to see it, but it would have to be done right, or else end up like Special Forces...
07/12/2007 03:22 AM (UTC)
KennethGoenitz Wrote:
I could see it as a game with a What If? storyline (The question being What If Scorpion's ending in Armageddon happened?) I could see it as a way to expound on Scorpion a lot without retconning anything (else).

But the question is, how would it work? Like a regular hack and slash, where Scorpion would be alone? Or like an RPG, where he would have allies, levels, and a cute pocket monster? (I'm kidding about that last part...)

I would like to see it, but it would have to be done right, or else end up like Special Forces...

If a Scorpion action/adventure game were to be made with the story being based off of the idea of Scorpion's MKA ending, the game's story will automatically be a complete disaster.
07/13/2007 01:29 AM (UTC)
If a Scorpion action/adventure game were to be made with the story being based off of the idea of Scorpion's MKA ending, the game's story will automatically be a complete disaster.

I agree. MK8 should pick up from there, and hopefully deliver a dynamic story involving Scorp, his son, and Quan Chi. a Scorpion side story should involve Scorpion during one of his earlier adventures. Maybe a story during Scorpion's life leading up to his death at the hands of Sub Zero.
07/13/2007 04:18 AM (UTC)
If a Scorpion action/adventure game were to be made with the story being based off of the idea of Scorpion's MKA ending, the game's story will automatically be a complete disaster.

I agree. MK8 should pick up from there, and hopefully deliver a dynamic story involving Scorp, his son, and Quan Chi. a Scorpion side story should involve Scorpion during one of his earlier adventures. Maybe a story during Scorpion's life leading up to his death at the hands of Sub Zero.

How the hell is that agreeing with me? If anything, that's disagreeing with me. Did you even read my post or something? I clearly said that if a Scorpion action/adventure game were to be made with the story being based off of the story idea from Scorpion's MKA ending, the game's story will automatically be a be complete DISASTER! So in other words, Scorpion's story would be fucked even more and he would be the incompetent jackass leader of a bunch of undead Ninja Specters.
07/13/2007 07:16 AM (UTC)
well. the idea itself is kickass. ya know? but. its scorpion. and the mk team made sure that we the fans knew as little info as possible about him except that he seeks vengeance. the idea of a story about him and his past would totally make scorpion a dumb character. the reason scorpion is such a kickass person is cuz we know nothing about him. sub zero was like that until mkm. we dont want 2 lose the element of mystery do we? i dont want scorpion to turn out like sub zero did!
07/14/2007 12:46 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
If a Scorpion action/adventure game were to be made with the story being based off of the idea of Scorpion's MKA ending, the game's story will automatically be a complete disaster.

I agree. MK8 should pick up from there, and hopefully deliver a dynamic story involving Scorp, his son, and Quan Chi. a Scorpion side story should involve Scorpion during one of his earlier adventures. Maybe a story during Scorpion's life leading up to his death at the hands of Sub Zero.

How the hell is that agreeing with me? If anything, that's disagreeing with me. Did you even read my post or something? I clearly said that if a Scorpion action/adventure game were to be made with the story being based off of the story idea from Scorpion's MKA ending, the game's story will automatically be a be complete DISASTER! So in other words, Scorpion's story would be fucked even more and he would be the incompetent jackass leader of a bunch of undead Ninja Specters.

The question is, did you even bother to read my response? I agreed that a side story should have NOTHING to do with MK:A's ending. It should involve Scorpion's life, up until he met the first Sub-Sero, or as I'd said in an earlier post, a game revolving around undead Scorpion as a bounty hunter...

MK8, I'll repeat, should be continue with MKA's ending. Like the ending or no, it doesn't make a lot of sense to just ignore the previous game's storyline...

"I agree. MK8 should pick up from there, and hopefully deliver a dynamic story involving Scorp, his son, and Quan Chi. " See how I went out of my way to say "MK8" should continue the Scorpion clan story...?
07/14/2007 02:47 AM (UTC)
Scorpion being the leader of the Shirai Ryu is an absolute sham of a story. He simply is not worthy of such a role due to his incompetence and rage. Having part of his MKA ending being canon makes Scorpion even worse than before and only sets his story up for even more revenge. Scorpion is becoming borderline ireedeemable, and if truly becomes the new leader of the Shirai Ryu, especially without the Menkyo Kaiden for it, he may become completely ireedeemable as a character, become even MORE of a worn out gimmick than before.

His story can be taken in a far better direction, one that could potentially redeem him as a character as opposed to the garbage that we've been getting with him in the past few MK games, save for his MKD story.
07/14/2007 04:18 AM (UTC)
It may set him up for more of a revenge story, but it's kind of hard to ignore that his son was kidnapped by the guy who killed his clan in the first place. Retconning that whole thing is an act of poor writing, in my opinion. That is if Midway decides to do that in the next game. He should at least resolve this situation before trying to set him straight.

And how exactly is Scorpion incompetent?
Killed by Sub-Zero,

Got revenge on Sub-Zero,

spared the life and became the gaurdian of the second Sub-Zero to atone for his actions,

Joins Shao Kahn until he realizes that Sub Zero II is among the Earth warriors and either sides with him, or just bows out of the conflict....

Believes that Sub II is responsible for his clan's death because Quan Chi, and or Shinnok have been feeding him this info(And you know they have the power to decieve thoroughly) End the end, discovers the truth and drags Quan Chi to Hell with him, where he tortures the guy for years.....

Gets knocked into a soulnado by at least one powerful opponents (Not sure how powerful Drahmin is supposed to be). Is approached by the Elder gods--the guys who supposedly created the realms, and is transformed into their weapon, and is promised the resurrection of his family and clan---fulfills some part of his task, and is double crossed. Ok, if you can't trust the creators of the realms to hold up their end of a bargain, then who can you trust?

From there, we don't know exactly what happens. He probably doesn't bring his clan back, but it's possible that his wife and son at least and the boy is kidnapped during the chaos.

That's pretty much Scorpion's story. Most of the time he loses, it's when he's double teamed. So, I'm failing to see where he's an incompetent. He's certainly no worse than a lot of other characters in the series.
07/14/2007 01:34 PM (UTC)
That's the thing. The story direction of his MKA ending should be avoided in the first place. It shouldn't be done at all as it doesn't really improve Scorpion's story. It makes it worse.

You don't seem to be aware of how Scorpion's story was retconned to the way it is now.

In MK4, Scorpion is after Sub-Zero, but that's because those are the ulterior motives he has for helping Quan Chi and Shinnok. His MKDA bio states that he has assumed for many years that Sub-Zero has killed his family and clan, many years. Now some may think it might be an exaggeration, but the bit in Sub-Zero's MKDA Konquest mission states more or less the beginning of Scorpion's MKDA primary bio.

So what does this mean? It means that Scorpion has been after the younger Sub-Zero since MK2, either because he thinks all of the Lin Kuei are responsible or both Sub-Zero brothers are responsible for the deaths of his family and clan, or he is not aware of the fact that the Sub-Zero he's been after since MK2 is a different Sub-Zero than the one he killed. The former conclusion makes him ignorant, as he is unaware of the younger Sub-Zero's sense of compassion and mercy. The latter conclusion makes him out to be stupid as he wasted so many years confusing one Sub-Zero for another.

Scorpion's MKDA bio retcons his MK2 and MK3 stories, therefore, things like the vow, as well as turning on Shao Kahn, don't happen. So in MK2 and MK3, Scorpion either fought Sub-Zero and was defeated by him, or he never got a chance to fight Sub-Zero. The former conclusion displays more losses. The latter conclusion makes his story even more of a waste.

In MKDA, you are forgetting about how Quan Chi defeated Scorpion by knocking him into the moat of acid.

In MKD, Scorpion and the Elder Gods make a deal with the whole clan resurrection thing, which is half-assed, since Scorpion half-assed completing his task. We don't know what became of the wife and son. Either their souls are still resting or they had been resurrected as specters like the Shirai Ryu Ninja. From the looks of how Scorpion talked in MKA's Konquest, it seems to me that it was only the clan that was brought back as specters.

In MKA, his story returns to being about revenge, taking his anger out on Taven, who has nothing to do with what has happened to him or his family and clan. He thinks that by killing Taven and Daegon, it'll be bad for the Elder Gods, but yet he doesn't think of the consequences of Armageddon itself, in which it could lead to the end of Reality, hence him never being reunited with his family.

So in most of his story, the theme is nothing more than revenge, hence it being redundant and rather 1-dimensional. Not only has his story been negatively altered, but his character suffered as well. Since MKDA, he has been consumed even more by anger, hatred, and vengeance, which are detrimental. Instead of using strategy, he rushes through like a lunatic, and this is especially apparent when he storms the lower levels of Shang Tsung's Palace. His MKD bio even states that he was being hasty. Attributes like that, along with the anger, hatred, and vengeance, are not Ninja-like at all.

In MKSM, he starts a fight with Liu Kang and Kung Lao, wanting to kill them for some unexplained reason. After getting his ass handed to him, he gives them the thumbs up. Yes, I'm aware it's a reference from Terminator 2, but it was used in a way that worsens Scorpion's character. Everything that was wrong with Scorpion was proudly broadcasted in MKSM, from his tight spandex costume to his fighting stance to his motives, etc.

Overall, Scorpion is a disaster, and I like said before, he has become nothing more than just a cheap gimmick to please the fanboys and fangirls. He's only about impressing some with his spear, catch phrases, and that he's a Ninja Specter.

The ironic thing is that even though he's supposed to be the actual Ninja in MK, he acts NOTHING like one. He doesn't use Ninjutsu. He doesn't use the Taijutsu of his clan, but instead uses Hapkido, Pi Gua, and Moi Fah as his unarmed styles, none of which are Japanese and none of which were used by the historical Ninja. His sword is an illegitimate sword as the historical Ninja never used straight-bladed swords with square tsuba (hand guards). The stance in Mugai Ryu is wrong. He's supposedly mastered Shurikenjutsu yet he has no special moves that involve the Shuriken.

If we have to keep dealing with him in MK games to come, he needs serious revamping in various aspects. Scorpion is a character I used to like, a character who had value and had good potential. For that potential to go to waste in order to please fanboys and fangirls with cheap gimmicks is simply not the way to go.
07/17/2007 01:42 AM (UTC)
It would be good they should take off where MK:armageddon took off it would be awsome he teare people limb from limb to get his loved ones back!!

(sorry about spelling)
07/17/2007 01:43 AM (UTC)
It would be good they should take off where MK:armageddon took off it would be awsome he teare people limb from limb to get his loved ones back!!

(sorry about spelling)
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