Same old Same old
posted10/22/2009 08:06 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/21/2007 12:28 AM (UTC)
hey some of you mk fans out there, this might just be me, but is anyone else tired of seeing the same character in the game, scorpion, sub-zero and Raiden i can deal with becuase the yare practically logos of the game, but characters like Lui Kang, Shang Tsung, Sonya Blade, Johny Cage, Jax, Sindel, Shao Kahn, Goro, Kintaro, i adore so so much, but i think that they need to be given a break between games. i am so tired of people always suggesting that they should return but most of them already came bakc ibn Mk vs DC seeing them again makes me feel annoyed, like give some one else the spot light you know, i love them so so much i've played mortal kombat when i was five with my uncle in 1995, i love them but i think they need to give the spotlight to someone else for a change i me come on all these characters we could spice up those characters stories, now i don't mind them making a conquest appearence in the game damn will i be happy if their be a konquest imagine how gory that will be, but like i said i think they need to have a break at least until the next game come out, thier disclusion in the game could open doors t omany characters, like thety are missing or someone is searching for revenge come on be more creative guys, what do you think.
10/22/2009 02:34 AM (UTC)
I'm not against the idea, nor am I for it, I'm basically going to remain neutral about adding or losing old characters.

Until there's more news about the next game, I'm gonna forget about worrying who's going to be in the game. I'm more worried about how much effort they're going to put into this seeing how they were bought out by Warner Brothers and they now have enough time to make a decent MK game.

I think we should all be more curious rather than just saying, "Oh he's gotta go, he's just gotta go." Or, "Let this guy come back!"
10/22/2009 03:26 AM (UTC)
exactly my point, i'm just sick of hearing it form people about who should this and this should be this like . i just want to wait until there is decent news or a confirm character roster, hering avbout oh he should be here because he did this or makes mortal kombat makes me dizzy, i think they should led the creators do thier job because i am so sick of hearing about everyones favorite character and them bragging about how they should be in the game or correcting somes opinion about what they feel is going to work. i'm not upset but this is how i feel who dobn't like iwell grow up it's just a game a very good game but get over it. lets be patient people
10/22/2009 08:06 PM (UTC)
What I'm tired of is Scorpion always taking 50% of the spotlight.

There's loads of cool-looking characters with cool moves besides him that they can use but no, they always use him instead.

Deception did a great job at giving Mileena, Baraka, and Ermac some spotlight. I think future games should do that with other characters as well.

So I'm not tired of the same faces. Just tired of the same face.
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