Rivals in MK
posted07/10/2014 10:07 AM (UTC)by
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09/05/2010 10:01 PM (UTC)
what were your favoured rivalries? Do you like rivalries between characters in the MK series and would you like to see new ones, could be between the new characters, between the old characters and it could be even between the new and old characters.

I love the rivals in the MK series it gives some extra depth between fights.
The rivalries I am aware of are:

Sub-Zero-Scorpion(a free one but honestly my favourite one, although I am hoping that it comes to an end in MK X and that they will work together)

Lui Kang - Shang Tsung
Jax - Hsu Hao
Sonya - Kano
Raiden - Shao Kahn
Raiden - Shinnok
Kitana - Mileena
Baraka - Kung Lao(dont know why but intro MK: SM and MK: A)
Sub-Zero - Sektor
Jade - Tanya
Kenshin - Shangtsung
Havik - Hotaru
Every Centaur - Every Shokan

Honorable mentions:
Sub-Zero - Noob there is a history between them but did not make the cut cause the hate is only a one way relation on behave of Noob.

Kung Lao - Goro did not made the cut cause Goro does not even know that there is a relation between them

The I would like to see in the future:
Noob - Scorpion
Sub-Zero/Scorpion - Quan Chi
Lui Kang - Raiden (WHen following theorie that Lui Kang will become angry fire god)
Rain - Kitana for the Throne of Edinia

Well those are all the rivalries I can think of now, but I am sure you guys know a lot more, and let us know what your favourite rivals/enemies and what your are hoping for.

07/06/2014 11:46 AM (UTC)
I don't understand this MK9 storyline at all, I mean Kung Lao hates Goro, but doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Goro throughout the entire storyline.

Anyway I hate the Kitana vs Mileena storyline and with Kitana's death that will end.

Scorpion VS Sub-zero is also getting pretty old, get over it.

Jade VS Tanya is the only one I really find interesting, and Kintaro VS Kabal would make another interesting one for me.

Jax VS Kano was also nice in the endings.

Johnny Cage VS Reptile & Baraka because the vain movie star hates ugly creatures.

Sektor VS Sub-Zero is something I like to continue.
07/06/2014 12:01 PM (UTC)

Scorpion and Sub-Zero's rivalty is getting more stupid and boring with each game. I hope it ends in MKX once and for all.
Kitana vs Mileena is no longer a thing in the new timeline, since their stories have been drastically changed and it doesn't look like they care about each other anymore.

Nazred Wrote:

Rain - Kitana for the Throne of Edinia

I don't think Rain is interested in the throne of Edenia, but rather Outworld.
So RainvsMileena will be more likely.
Kitana needs a new, more interesting story. She deserves it.
Also, I would jizz my pants if RaidenvsEvilGodLiuKang happens. It will be the most exciting rivalty.
07/06/2014 03:23 PM (UTC)
Even though i doubt that they'll bring back Hsu Hao anytime soon, i thought his rivalry with Jax could have become interesting. Sonya had Kano since the series debut after all.

I really liked the Tanya and Jade rivalry for my part and some chars, such as Hotaru, are immediately given something when they had nothing. In my eyes at least. A rivalry with Havik could be cool.

And, should they return, Nitara and Ashrah had something that was like a rivalry. Sadly, it was born during the events of MKA. But i think both resulted with the most interesting Bios in the bunch. They could both be given a better sotryline in the future (Who knows). But it would be a nice way to start up.
07/06/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
Nazred Wrote:

Baraka - Kung Lao(dont know why but intro MK: SM and MK: A)

Have you never played MK2?
Kung Lao enters the tournament, because Baraka leads an attack on the Shaolin Temple of Light, Kung Lao's and Liu Kang's home, where several monks were kidnapped to Outworld. Kung Lao then goes to save them and ends up splitting Baraka into two with his hat.

It is explained further in MK:SM though.
07/06/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
I don't think Rain is interested in the throne of Edenia, but rather Outworld.
So RainvsMileena will be more likely.
Kitana needs a new, more interesting story. She deserves it.

I disagree Rain has a HUGE claim on the throne of Edenia, he is the son of a Edenia god so that would make an huge motive for himself as he would say that he is the rightful master of Edenia. But he has no other connection with Outworld then serving Shao Kahn, but now he has his own path he could follow Also this will also give Kitana maybe a greater role, not that I care about Kitana :p
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07/06/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Nazred Wrote:

Baraka - Kung Lao(dont know why but intro MK: SM and MK: A)

Have you never played MK2?
Kung Lao enters the tournament, because Baraka leads an attack on the Shaolin Temple of Light, Kung Lao's and Liu Kang's home, where several monks were kidnapped to Outworld. Kung Lao then goes to save them and ends up splitting Baraka into two with his hat.

It is explained further in MK:SM though.

In MK Gold Baraka is sporting "Staples" from somehow surviving Kung Laos Fatality...a nice touch.

A nice touch that was completely forgotten in MKD though..
07/06/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Nazred Wrote:

Baraka - Kung Lao(dont know why but intro MK: SM and MK: A)

Have you never played MK2?
Kung Lao enters the tournament, because Baraka leads an attack on the Shaolin Temple of Light, Kung Lao's and Liu Kang's home, where several monks were kidnapped to Outworld. Kung Lao then goes to save them and ends up splitting Baraka into two with his hat.

It is explained further in MK:SM though.

In MK Gold Baraka is sporting "Staples" from somehow surviving Kung Laos Fatality...a nice touch.

A nice touch that was completely forgotten in MKD though..

I guess Onaga healed him up nicely, along with giving Mileena her normal eyes back in MKD.
07/06/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
Mileena would totally destroy Rain if they feuded. She'd turn him into a puddle of water as he would remain.

The rivalry between Kano and Sonya got boring after a while. Thank goodness we won't be seeing it in MKX as Sonya won't be there. If they renew it with Kano and Cassie, it should be more interesting.

Raiden/Liu Kang rivalry? Could happen, but, hope Liu isn't in.

I would love to see Fujin vs Raiden rivalry. Fujin boot fucking Raiden for his troubling time travel crap.
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

07/06/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
I always loved the Johnny cage and goro rivalry. They did it in the movie also have spotlighted in mk4 like when goro was holding cages head lol plus one of the special covers for mk:a was Johnny and goro. Mk:SM Johnny finished off goro out of no where lol. Even the action figures Johnny cage has been paired with goro. They have taken it out of the spotlight though given Liu kang all the glory of beating goro and everyone else apparently ???? but I think this was a fav rivalry of mine.

Could it be in this game? Possibly. Just depends on what direction the game will take but I highly doubt even if Johnny is in mkx that goro will be too
07/06/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Mileena would totally destroy Rain if they feuded. She'd turn him into a puddle of water as he would remain.

Actually, with Rain's powers, his divine heritage and fighting experience, he'd most likely be the victor between the two. Mileena lacks the power, the skill and the experience that Rain has.
07/06/2014 07:18 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Mileena would totally destroy Rain if they feuded. She'd turn him into a puddle of water as he would remain.

Actually, with Rain's powers, his divine heritage and fighting experience, he'd most likely be the victor between the two. Mileena lacks the power, the skill and the experience that Rain has.

I always thought the "who would win between" arguments were silly. How is it possible to know whether Mileena or Rain would emerge victorious? There is no proof that she lacks power or skill compared to Rain. Not talking about Mileena specifically (trying to support her coz I love Rain too) but in general.
07/06/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Mileena would totally destroy Rain if they feuded. She'd turn him into a puddle of water as he would remain.

Actually, with Rain's powers, his divine heritage and fighting experience, he'd most likely be the victor between the two. Mileena lacks the power, the skill and the experience that Rain has.

That would be if he could catch Mileena. She has the speed and agility, which Rain doesn't have. All Mileena needs to do is teleport, sai stab and behead him.
07/06/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Mileena would totally destroy Rain if they feuded. She'd turn him into a puddle of water as he would remain.

Actually, with Rain's powers, his divine heritage and fighting experience, he'd most likely be the victor between the two. Mileena lacks the power, the skill and the experience that Rain has.

That would be if he could catch Mileena. She has the speed and agility, which Rain doesn't have. All Mileena needs to do is teleport, sai stab and behead him.

Meh, shes not that fast. Judging by Rains moves in MK9 hes faster.
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07/07/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Mileena would totally destroy Rain if they feuded. She'd turn him into a puddle of water as he would remain.

Actually, with Rain's powers, his divine heritage and fighting experience, he'd most likely be the victor between the two. Mileena lacks the power, the skill and the experience that Rain has.

That would be if he could catch Mileena. She has the speed and agility, which Rain doesn't have. All Mileena needs to do is teleport, sai stab and behead him.

And we don't even count Mileena defeat Shujinko in MKA, the great liberator of Outworld from Onaga's evil hands. If we use the logic, Rain would be defeated by Mileena, and (if we loook closer and closer), Mileena in MKX is gonna have the dark power/magic of Shao Kahn.

Anyway: it does not matter. The logic can't apply on Mortal KOmbat. Suddenly, Kitana and Jade are defeated by Sonya; then Sonya is defeated by Jonnhy Cage, who is defeated, alongside with Smoke, by Kitana. This is nonsense. Rain vs Mileena is a nonsense, especulate who's gonna win is a nonsense. Both of them has high chances of winning a match
07/07/2014 02:34 AM (UTC)
Let's not turn this into yet another "who's better" discussion, please.

Anyway, getting back to rivalries, why not my boy Ermac versus Rain? One wants to be the ruler of Edenia; the other has the true ruler of Edenia inside him.
07/07/2014 06:12 AM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:

And we don't even count Mileena defeat Shujinko in MKA

The thing is, Mileena didn't defeat Shujinko, it was the other way around. Then on their second encounter Shujinko surendered without a fight and she took him to prison.
07/07/2014 07:24 AM (UTC)
Lol this is kidsplay.

Ok I hate a lot of characters, BUT i'm not that childish about who's more powerful, I admit that characters I hate are sometimes more powerful than others.

If you think logical you would come to the conclusion that Rain, a Edenian that lives for more than 10.000 years, who is pretty fast, who can turn into water, who can controll the entire weather system and who has the brains of an elf is more powerful than a clone that just got born, has the mind of small child and can only teleport and bite.

But this is MK, stryker beat ermac and sonya beats kitana + jade. So everything is possible...
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07/07/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:

And we don't even count Mileena defeat Shujinko in MKA

The thing is, Mileena didn't defeat Shujinko, it was the other way around. Then on their second encounter Shujinko surendered without a fight and she took him to prison.

Well, that's an speculation, but Armageddon's Konquest could possiblye gives you the reason. Neither Mileena or Shujinko official bio say a word about this, but if we count Konquest... you are possibly right
07/09/2014 11:39 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Let's not turn this into yet another "who's better" discussion, please.

Anyway, getting back to rivalries, why not my boy Ermac versus Rain? One wants to be the ruler of Edenia; the other has the true ruler of Edenia inside him.

That would be really cool actually, but only if the Ermac ending was somewhat canon. I am not sure though if I wanna see Ermac as a Goodguy Character yet he was a cool badguy in MK 9.
I think Rain vs Kitana, Rain vs Sindel or Rain vs Ermac could all be interesting rivals.

Small Idea for a story between this characters:
Rain could even try to take Kitana as his wife to strengthening his claim on Edenia while Ermac as here father could try to safe her from Rain. Maybe Tanya would follow Rain as she would maybe recognize the power and claim of a demi god. And will stand line opposite to Jade who helps Ermac saving Kitana. This way almost every Edenia Character is Involved and rivalries are born. Rain - Ermac and Tanya - Jade.

Kitana could have been given to Rain as a gift from Quan Chi from the Netherrealm while Rain promises that Edenia will Help in Shinnoks Invasion. Jade is also returned to be Kitana Bodyguard but Ermac frees Jade control by Quanchi with his psychic powers or gives her a new soul. The latter would not explain Jade vs Tanya hatred so freeing her soul would be story wise better I think.
(Just brain storming)

BTW I dont know how to multi quote messages other wise I would have react at almost everything haha
Sonya since 92
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07/09/2014 12:05 PM (UTC)
Ooh I quite like that!
Nazred Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Let's not turn this into yet another "who's better" discussion, please.

Anyway, getting back to rivalries, why not my boy Ermac versus Rain? One wants to be the ruler of Edenia; the other has the true ruler of Edenia inside him.

That would be really cool actually, but only if the Ermac ending was somewhat canon. I am not sure though if I wanna see Ermac as a Goodguy Character yet he was a cool badguy in MK 9.
I think Rain vs Kitana, Rain vs Sindel or Rain vs Ermac could all be interesting rivals.

Small Idea for a story between this characters:
Rain could even try to take Kitana as his wife to strengthening his claim on Edenia while Ermac as here father could try to safe her from Rain. Maybe Tanya would follow Rain as she would maybe recognize the power and claim of a demi god. And will stand line opposite to Jade who helps Ermac saving Kitana. This way almost every Edenia Character is Involved and rivalries are born. Rain - Ermac and Tanya - Jade.

Kitana could have been given to Rain as a gift from Quan Chi from the Netherrealm while Rain promises that Edenia will Help in Shinnoks Invasion. Jade is also returned to be Kitana Bodyguard but Ermac frees Jade control by Quanchi with his psychic powers or gives her a new soul. The latter would not explain Jade vs Tanya hatred so freeing her soul would be story wise better I think.
(Just brain storming)

BTW I dont know how to multi quote messages other wise I would have react at almost everything haha
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07/09/2014 04:24 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
And, should they return, Nitara and Ashrah had something that was like a rivalry. Sadly, it was born during the events of MKA. But i think both resulted with the most interesting Bios in the bunch. They could both be given a better sotryline in the future (Who knows). But it would be a nice way to start up.

07/10/2014 10:07 AM (UTC)
Thanks :) I hoped people came with there ideas as well
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Ooh I quite like that!
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