Reptiles Allegiance to Kotal Kahn
posted01/29/2015 06:32 AM (UTC)by
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01/15/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
So Reptile is supposed to be going through a de-evolution of sorts until the Dragon King took over his body in the MKDA period, however he does NOT seem as dramatic a lizard design as his MKDA outfit.

What if the Reptile we saw in the comic is him in his human alternative outfit, and he's given his allegiance to Kotal who has done something in regards to his race? Or at least enough to make him go back to his more human-like attire?

Perhaps this costume in the trailer is either his outfit before the 25 year leap (looking fairly close to his MK9 outfit just after those events) or he finally met back up with the point he was already de-evolved too 25 years later if he somehow gets taken away from his human form.

Just a thought!
01/27/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
They probably just retconned his de-evolution out to be honest but I like your idea more. The deevolution didn't seem to be that popular so I wouldn't be surprised if they simply forgot about it.
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01/27/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
He might have devolved even further without a master to serve, devoid of any purpose, although he possesses the capability for speech now (he did in Mk9, right?). Maybe this time he will choose his allegiances more wisely.
01/27/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
They probably just retconned his de-evolution out to be honest but I like your idea more. The deevolution didn't seem to be that popular so I wouldn't be surprised if they simply forgot about it.

It always felt like they only added his devolution to the story to explain why they changed his look (in an attempt to differentiate the ninjas). Since most fans prefer him to be more of a hybrid or human, I would guess that will be left out this time around.
01/27/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
My money is on the devolution thing either being retconned now because they have no intention of giving him such a radically different design now.

Or they are just deciding for it to happen even slower than it did in the previous time line.

OOOOR, Reptile is getting some secret nooky.
01/27/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
I think the devolution thing probably wont be a thing in this timeline. I think it was originally there just as an in story explanation to his drastic change in appearance after the UMK3/MKT era.

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01/27/2015 08:17 PM (UTC)
Considering how his de-evolution is such a major (read: only) part of his development, I'd be very surprised if they tossed it. Perhaps Kotal is able to stave off his degeneration somehow.

Either way, you gotta love that he's at least smart enough not to side with Mileena, unless they threw him out, or something. Can't picture her and Reiko being especially kind to him. Kotal strikes me as the kind of leader, megalomaniac or otherwise, who'd actually keep his word to someone.
01/27/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
Maybe Reptile can finally shed some skin with Khameleon.
01/27/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
I just hope Reptile is neutral now and not evil. Maybe even good if possible.
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01/27/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
I think it had to do with Shujinkos journey, think the new timeline disrupted it and therefor no de-evolution(and hopefully no shijinko ever)
01/27/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
I thought we still don't know exactly who the ninja was standing next to Kotal in the comic? I mean the fact he looks nothing like how he is in the game (while other characters in the game have their same look in the comic) would kinda signal that it isn't Reptile standing next to Kotal. As much as I like the theory that his appearance changes at different points in the story (I like the more human version of him better) it still sounds a bit out there to me. To me it makes more sense that Reptile would ally with Mileena since he kinda just goes down the chain of command, like how he serves Shang and then serves Shao Kahn. Although I suppose Kotal could give him a better offer as he does kinda come off as more compassionate towards his supporters. Also maybe its the kamidogu that fix his de-evolution.

That said, I'm still gonna go out on a limb and say the ninja next to Kahn is Chameleon who serves as his body guard and most likely gets killed off a few panels after his introduction like Hsu Hao and probably old Frosty. Thats my hunch and I'm stickin to it. The mystery ninja next to Kotal is Chameleon.
01/27/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
^ Kittelson himself confirmed that it was Reptile standing next to Kotal Kahn.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/27/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)

Shadaloo Wrote:
Sean's confirmed it, the ninja IS Reptile, just in very bright light it seems.
01/27/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
EDIT: they beat me to it ^^^
01/28/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
Oh wow! Thanks for the update guys, I retract my statements.

Can't believe Chameleon disguised himself as Reptile and fooled his own writer tho! tongue
01/28/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
I kinda hope Reptile is solo this time around. No more a lackey and making his own decision...more of a Neutral character
01/28/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
I'm liking Kotal Kahn squadron of miscasts a lot. It's the more diverse group out there, so far featuring:

- Kotal Kahn: Some kind of mayan god.

- D'Vorah: Bug lady from a merged realm of chtin humanoids.

- Ferra/Torr: Big and tiny contrast. Apparently Ferra is the queen of some civilization, probably they were crushed by Shao Kahn too and being part of this group is a chance to restore them.

- Reptile: Last member of his reptilian species. He aided Shao Kahn only because he hoped to restore Zaterra one day. Kotal Kahn seems like someone that would help him more than the vicious Shao Kahn (or Mileena) would.

- Erron Black: Gunslinger. He seems human, probably the Salazar bio belongs to him. If he ended up in Outworld somehow and had to fight his way, probably he ended up befriending other oppressed Outworld inhabitants (I don't think he could've survived Ourworld alone) and that's how he joined Kotal Kahn and supports his claim to the throne.

Kotal Kahn seems to reunite people from all the realms that Shao Kahn merged and then oppressed, all of them would easily follow someone bringing hope to end that situation. I think I said it on a different thread already, that's exactly how Hitler managed to make Germany go to war as they felt oppressed after the end of WWI and the abusive treaty, so even if Kotal Kahn seems to be a caring leader and the face of those oppressed by Shao Kahn, he could still have dark intentions.
01/28/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
A guy i know for many years is a pretty big Reptile fan, and he loved the MK:DA more lizard form, he hates the "hybrid" look. Personally for me i dig his hybrid look, its a nice mixture of both, and retains both Ninja and Savage feel.
01/29/2015 05:07 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
Kotal Kahn seems to reunite people from all the realms that Shao Kahn merged and then oppressed, all of them would easily follow someone bringing hope to end that situation. I think I said it on a different thread already, that's exactly how Hitler managed to make Germany go to war as they felt oppressed after the end of WWI and the abusive treaty, so even if Kotal Kahn seems to be a caring leader and the face of those oppressed by Shao Kahn, he could still have dark intentions.

That's also a very good point! I can see that happening as well. With 25 years to go off of, and the comic happening AT LEAST around the 18 year range (approximately how old Cassie seems to be), a lot could happen to make him become more ruthless or be unveiled as a dark emperor in years to come.

I hope whatever is going on with him continues in future MK games. So far he seems too good of a character to kill off so easily, and I hope his "fall" doesn't necessarily mean his death.
01/29/2015 06:32 AM (UTC)
I'm really liking Kotal Kahn's band of kombatants. It seems to me that he's recruiting a rag tag group of warriors who all have lost something grand, and from that loss they plan to rebuild Outworld to fill that void.

This is the direction I was hoping for Reptile to go in for years now. Ever since MK4 I felt that Reptile's story made him appear as a lackey and a fool. He was the lap dog in Mortal Kombat for years, it would be cool to see Reptile react to actually receiving respect from the person he serves.

Kotal Kahn is growing on me.
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