Reptile is a must have charecter for mortal kombat 8 who think he should return!
posted11/16/2007 12:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/12/2006 10:18 PM (UTC)
come on hes one of the first secret charecters from mk1 i hoppe hes in mk8 or atleast make him a classic charecter to unlock i would love to see reptile in high def graphics please midway dont kill him offsmile
10/24/2007 01:05 AM (UTC)
burger Wrote:
come on hes one of the first secret charecters from mk1 i hoppe hes in mk8 or atleast make him a classic charecter to unlock i would love to see reptile in high def graphics please midway dont kill him offsmile

What the hell is wrong with you? You already made the same kind of thread before, and that thread is still on the first page. I'm going to have this thread closed, because this is ridiculous.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/24/2007 01:20 AM (UTC)
maybe if he floods the front page midway will see it? anyway reptile's been screwed since deadly alliance, i don't see them bringing him back in any relevant sort of way.
10/25/2007 08:40 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
maybe if he floods the front page midway will see it? anyway reptile's been screwed since deadly alliance, i don't see them bringing him back in any relevant sort of way.

reptile got shit after MK1 and he has just got worse and wore as years have gone he should stay dead he was ud as a main boss for Deception but thats it

as long as they bring back subby and scorp im happy id like t see someone like ermac return too cs i liked ermac and it wud be really nice to see a character like him in HD graphis with all the special effects grin
10/27/2007 02:10 PM (UTC)
Reptile is my favorite character as well, and he is for sure a must in MK8. Reptile has been fun in every MK game, I didn't like the looks in MK4 to current but MK1, MK2, UMK3 where awesome look versions, and now with these next gen consoles, I believe they could make a realistic reptile and also have the classic alt costume.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion are also musts for MK8, but first needs to be Reptile.
10/27/2007 04:50 PM (UTC)
No, I don't think Reptile is a must. They are dozens of characters more deserving to return than him.

I think he should retire, but I'll lose no sleep if he happens to be among the characters to return. I don't know what should be done with him though. I'm tired of his constantly wishing his race was back and I have absolutely no interest in seeing them come back as some kind of army or something.
10/27/2007 07:02 PM (UTC)
yes but look at reptiles ending in MKA where he find the female zettarian and i think that it should be carried on from there and in MK8 it doesnt have to be reptile it could just be a other zettara warrior because more than likley that they are goin to get down busy and make more zettarian's and maybe one will get included in MK8tongue
10/27/2007 07:14 PM (UTC)
that would be cooltongue
About Me

I SUB-ZERO FROM MK3 WILL RETURN IN MK8! Welcome back my Ice Showers, and welcome a new move called: Melting Teleport!

11/05/2007 03:58 AM (UTC)
Reptile is my favorite character as well, and he is for sure a must in MK8. Reptile has been fun in every MK game, I didn't like the looks in MK4 to current but MK1, MK2, UMK3 where awesome look versions, and now with these next gen consoles, I believe they could make a realistic reptile and also have the classic alt costume.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion are also musts for MK8, but first needs to be Reptile.

I would like for Reptile to return, but only in his human form! As for Scorp and Subby they are the first two of three that are definitly returning first. The third one is................??? Only I know for now! So who wants to know?tongue
11/10/2007 09:36 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
No, I don't think Reptile is a must. They are dozens of characters more deserving to return than him.

I think he should retire, but I'll lose no sleep if he happens to be among the characters to return. I don't know what should be done with him though. I'm tired of his constantly wishing his race was back and I have absolutely no interest in seeing them come back as some kind of army or something.

Just because the writers suck is no reason to kill off a character. Reptile has an awesome character concept, is a fan favorite and has lots of gameplay potential. Also, as of MKSM, he now looks freakin' awesome. Offing Reptile would be a stupid decision, hands down.
11/10/2007 09:36 PM (UTC)
Yap the only Reptiles that have looked good where the Ninja forms. MK1, MK2, UMK3, Alt Ninja costume in MK4. So b/c of this it makes me against him being anything other than Ninja form. But with these next gen consoles and the ability to do super detail, this might actually be the time to actually make reptile right. He could have a realistic reptile and not goofy like all the other Reptilian attempts. Reptile is my favorite character still and he is alot of others as well, and its time we get what we deserve, a realistic Reptilian form Reptile. Also have a Classic Ninja look for his alt costume.

Who is with me? ALL HAIL REPTILE!!

p.s. It would be nice to see someone else from his race as well. Like his wife.
11/10/2007 09:39 PM (UTC)
Anansi Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
No, I don't think Reptile is a must. They are dozens of characters more deserving to return than him.

I think he should retire, but I'll lose no sleep if he happens to be among the characters to return. I don't know what should be done with him though. I'm tired of his constantly wishing his race was back and I have absolutely no interest in seeing them come back as some kind of army or something.

Just because the writers suck is no reason to kill off a character. Reptile has an awesome character concept, is a fan favorite and has lots of gameplay potential. Also, as of MKSM, he now looks freakin' awesome. Offing Reptile would be a stupid decision, hands down.

John Vogel > John Tobias in terms of overall storytelling

What gameplay potential are you talking about? So what if he looks good in MKSM? It's not enough to justify the idea of having him return. He's essentially useless and drawn out. Don't get me wrong. I kind of like Reptile. However, he's better off getting his happy ending.
11/10/2007 09:47 PM (UTC)
Happy ending, fuck that, fuck all the endings in MKA, they were thrown together pieces of shit, an insult to everyone's intelligence. I want to see a Mortal Kombat that has all the stuff I used to love about Mortal Kombat and I'm sure there are a million others like me. In fact we're the ones paying to put food in the mouths of these idiots who have been running the franchise into the ground ever since MK4. And Reptile has tons of gameplay potential. Have you not seen what a good character reptile has been gameplay-wise up until the point that they took the boring predictable path of making him a lizard in MKDA?
11/10/2007 09:48 PM (UTC)
Yesssssss. Reptile IS a must for MK8. He'd be so awesome in HD.tongue
11/10/2007 10:46 PM (UTC)
Anansi Wrote:
Happy ending, fuck that, fuck all the endings in MKA, they were thrown together pieces of shit, an insult to everyone's intelligence. I want to see a Mortal Kombat that has all the stuff I used to love about Mortal Kombat and I'm sure there are a million others like me. In fact we're the ones paying to put food in the mouths of these idiots who have been running the franchise into the ground ever since MK4.

And Reptile has tons of gameplay potential. Have you not seen what a good character reptile has been gameplay-wise up until the point that they took the boring predictable path of making him a lizard in MKDA?

Yes, I hated most of the MKA endings myself. However, think logically here. Reptile hasn't really been much of a significant character in MK, and he's been in the series since the first game. Even though he has a bit more going for him than the likes of Baraka, Reptile is simply unnecessary for future games. Unless they do something significant and interesting with his story and character, then he should be axed. It's as simple as that.

I don't know what you mean by "gameplay potential". In terms of how good Reptile is in terms of gameplay, he was at his best in MKDA, the very game in which you hate his appearance, which has nothing to really do with his gameplay quality. In MKDA, he was one of the top tier characters. In MKA, he's mid tier. In MK2, I'm pretty sure he was low tier. I think he was mid tier or something along those lines in UMK3 and MKT. As for MK4, MKG, and MKSM, I don't know.

As for the "boring, predictable path of making him a lizard", you've got to be kidding me, right? Reptile has ALWAYS been a lizard, hence his name. Giving him that more openly reptilian look gives him that more distinctive feel as opposed to just "the male green ninja".
11/15/2007 11:30 PM (UTC)
I think they should reinstill that viciousness Reptile emited during MKda.

My own opinion is that; if they can make him into a brutal killing machine, he has potential to be a great character.

The only problem is to give Reptile a reson to be vicious and brutal without turning him into another Scorpion.


1. corrupted (see Raiden's storyline in MKd)

2. possesed (see Ashrah's story then Nitara's new story)

3. battling to free his realm (???)

4. Khameleon or newborn child kipnapped ( i seriously doubt it)

Well, i'm all out of ideas. If you have any please post them

11/16/2007 12:34 AM (UTC)
I don't see why midway has to kill any character's why don't they just not put them in the game and save them for another and I would like them to bring back Reptile he has so much potential. I just want them to bring him back as a ninja.
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