remake mortal kombat 1 for the next gen platforms
posted02/16/2007 12:15 AM (UTC)by
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01/22/2007 03:27 AM (UTC)
first time i played mortal kombat was on arcade in 93.. i was it blew me away.. mk2 i played to the point of obsession.. ahh the good old days of coin ops

but mk3 was fuckin rubbish.. along with the all the other titles that followed..
deadly alliance being the one exception.

id like to see Boon remake mk1 on next gen platforms.. imagine what kind of graphics and fighting system they could create with having 7 charaters instead

i think some time less is more..
01/22/2007 03:31 AM (UTC)
Yeah my favorite games are MK1, MK2, and MK5 too.
It's funny how things work out sometimes. isn't it??

01/22/2007 03:58 AM (UTC)
havnt played the new one yet. wonder if its any good...
01/22/2007 04:05 AM (UTC)
no one noticed this is the wrong forum.confused
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01/22/2007 04:49 AM (UTC)
Wrong forum. This thread will now be moved to Mortal Kombat Gmes: 1992-2000 forum.
01/22/2007 05:55 AM (UTC)
mk 1 was the shit... strange it that mka wasnt made for the next gen platforms.. wonder what midway plan for the next game
01/22/2007 10:26 AM (UTC)
MK1 is awesome!
Ever since I saw it in a mag for the first time back in 92, I fell in love instantly. It was the first 2D game to challenge street fighter 2. I remember doing the nut punches and fatalities for the first time. Truly Memorable.!

However MK has come a long way since then. I don't think they should remake a gem like MK1. We should forever treasure it the way it was/is.
01/22/2007 08:05 PM (UTC)
A decent remake of MK1 would be the only MK game I'd buy, after swearing not to let Midway have my money again after the shameful cash cow that was MKA. But even if they would do it- very unlikely- they couldn't bring back the feel, the storyline, the great invented history.

The current team just isn't up to making games with a really good story anymore (which is the best thing about MK1.).
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r.i.p nujabes

01/23/2007 05:35 PM (UTC)
MK8 should be a prequel to MK1 in my and many other opinions.

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Shout out to sbdjuggalos he's the coolest dude.

01/24/2007 01:23 AM (UTC)
They should remake it.It was one of thebest mk.
01/24/2007 02:45 AM (UTC)
midway need to get some one decent enough to write a better storyline for a new game.. they should get in touch with extreem asia films or manga, totaly reinvent the franchise and delete some of there cheesier characters..
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01/24/2007 07:48 PM (UTC)
i hope they don't, my company discussed this earlier last week, we thought it was a good idea, but i don't trust boon to do a good job.
01/26/2007 01:53 AM (UTC)
personally i think i would be quite pissed if they made a new mk game with only 7 characters even if it was just a remake. 7 by todays standards is just not enough.
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02/05/2007 02:48 PM (UTC)
I would love to see MK 1 in 3D. That would not only be exciting but most likely the most balanced mk yet!
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Here We Go Brownies!

02/06/2007 09:09 PM (UTC)
Not very long ago i was thinking how cool it would be for a completely next gen MK1. My brother said it was a dumb idea. I even more so like the idea of a prequel. As for characters id like to see 10, no more than 20. I want them to really focous on gameplay, online, and dark graphics. Too many characters and they migth slack on other things. I know characters are what made the game different in the 1st oplace, but they seem more like a gimmic now instead of beiong cool and innovative. Im glad they decided to trash everyhting. A completely fresh start has renewed my intrest in this redundant franchise.
02/06/2007 10:31 PM (UTC)
I don't mind a 3D remake of MK1 given that it's done well enough.

For the gameplay, I'd like to see certain elements from Tekken, Tao Feng, and some of the MK games.

I'd like it if the controls had Lead and Rear punches and kicks.

I'd like to see each character with one fighting style.

Liu Kang: Jun Fan
Johnny Cage: Shotokan
Sonya: Tae Kwon Do
Kano: Shootfighting
Sub-Zero: Tall Monkey
Scorpion: Ninjutsu
Raiden: Raijinken (Made up style meaning "Thunder God Fist"; It's techniques and stances are derived from various styles of traditional Japanese Jujutsu, especially styles like Tenjin Shinyo Ryu, Hontai Yoshin Ryu, etc.)

Then we can have Reptile, Goro, and Shang Tsung be unlockables with Shang Tsung being the most difficult to unlock. Or, there could simply be Reptile as the only unlockable character.

For the story, an expansion of the MK1 storyline while staying true to it and the MK1 comic book that John Tobias did. So I don't want to see any MKSM influences.

It would be nice to perhaps have a Konquest-type mode in which you can play as each character and go through their backstory and their story during the tournament.

For music, updated versions of the MK1 tunes. I would like to see a different song for each of the stages as the second stage and Goro's Lair have the same song.

The voices need to be distinct, and I would like to see get-up animations and the original victory poses.

And of course there should be the mini games like Test Your Might.

So yeah, I think that's all I have for now.
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02/07/2007 01:11 PM (UTC)
I would say yes and no to the idea, no because i dont want to see what they did with shaolin monks completely ruin the storyline and just do a rush job and leave it half assed cause they will know that people will buy it. I dont want another mk title that does nothing but milk the franchise to death.
Now for the reason why I do want it happen (not bothered if they dont), it has the potential to revive the series ( i mean this by having a decent mk game in a long time after umk3). It has potiential to be the best 3d mk game ever and give the series a true successful transition to 3d and heres why: (In 2 parts cause it going to take ages typing it)
NAME: Mortal Kombat 3D
CHARACTERS AND COSTUMES: Max 10 playable characters:
Original 7 playable from the start - Scoropion, Subzero, Liu Kang, Raiden, Kano, Sonya and Johnny Cage.
3 Hidden/Unlockable characters- Reptile, Ermac (no story) and A MASKED GUARD (Tsung's bodyguard no story as such)
2 Boss characters- Goro and Shang Tsung. (not playable)
(Note reptile will have his own moves, shang should be able to morph due to beng on next gen consoles, masked guard has the staff or can have sword see gameplay in part 2 yet to come)
Number of costumes per character = 3
Primary- New redesigned costumes that resemble the classics ( new but doesnt distant itself from the original concept)
Secondary- Shaolin monks costumes from the MKSM renders (GOOD artwork and again it was a kind of remake of the originals that was new but didn't stray away from the original concept)
Tertiary- The retro design old skool mk1 costumes (note due to the graphical performance of the next gen consoles this could look good- see graphics section in part 2)
Arcade mode (includes test your might, 3 endurance matches, mirror match and hidden character battles)
Versus mode (includes test your might)
Tag Battle mode (including some double team moves)
Endurance mode (like Mk4s but also with handicap to on 1 etc matches, health recovers after every match apart from ladder endurance)
MK Online (I would definately see this feature on here to go back to the arcade days but must be done properly)
Kharacter Kustomisation: I was going to have KAK from mka but save that for mk8 and put this idea here, you can change colours of character projectiles eg Reptile acid spit from green to red, or you could cahnge the appearance of a projectile e.g liu kang fireball shape could be changed from a ball of file to a dragon shape hell even a yin yang in the form of a fireball just for laughs. Also you can put parts of other costumes from mk game on them e.g Scorpion could have his swords from his MKDA costume on his retro mk1 costume or the flamming skull or cahne his appearnace to make him look like inferno scorpion from mksm. The possibilites are endless. Like Tekken each character has his or her own set of customizable options and another good thing is you can take it online to show it off, you could have your own unique scorpion.
Original arcade perfect port of MK1: A decent arcade version not some MAT crap.
The vault/krypt as in mka
Kreate a profile
Practice mode- Like MK4 (2 player) and like Tekken
Story Mode/Tournament mode- Ive decided to call this tournament mode as it sounds better and the story is about a tournament. It plays similar to tekken 5 where there are cutscenes and endings are FMVs.
However this is where MIDWAY need to take care and make sure they they dont mess the storyline up. This is done so that we can see the story from a different perspective through the characters themselves in terms of cutscenes and the what if scanarios.However as we are not reading text of writing from an ending or bio therefore the characters will need some dialogue with DECENT VOICE ACTING MIDWAY! that goes through all the events that happen in the mk1 storyline.
Also not all characters will fight Goro and Shang Tsung i.e Reptile (Only hidden character playable in story mode) or Sonya or Scorpion so therefore their final bosses will be their rival i.e Scorpions will be Subzero, Sonyas will be Kano. However certain characters dont really have rivals like Johnny Cage and Raiden, in this case it will be appropriate for Raiden to have his final battle with Shang Tsung as he is the threat to Earth, Johnny Cage could fight Reptile as neither one of these had a proper rival in the storyline (forget cage and goro that was in the MOVIE). Reptile could fight Cage for the same reason above).
Others like Subzero and liu kang will fight both Goro and Shang Tsung. Liu kang because he defeats them both and wins in the mk1 storyline and Subzero because in his bio he is sent to kill Shang Tsung so coording to his storyline and what if ending he completes his mission. Scorpion can be his mid boss fight, the subboss as Shang makes him fight him in order to fight Tsung himself the boss.
The rest of the fights can be fighting random enemies such as masked guards (THINK Soul calibur 3 where in that story mode will be random opponents such as theves etc just to fill the fights) different guards will have different weapons such as one will have a sword and the next will have a staff weapon. You can even get mini mission based games as well as endurace matches against 3 guards etc. It will make up for the lack of characters you face (ill elaborate this more in the future). Also each of the characters story mode will vary in terms of how many opponent you will fight.
Some cutscenes such as Scorpion vs Subzero in subs story mode Raiden will appear before the fight and warns Sub that if he loses he will become the one thing he hates which gives reference to him becoming Noob an already cannon part of the story also referneces the ending from mkm:sz about the taint Sub has in his soul. These are all cannon parts of the storyline and this is as far as it will go in terms of addind a little more depth to the story without harming the original story so that it DOES NOT become another mksm. Raiden simply warns Sub and tells him not to lose this i think will be a good way to add depth without hurting the story get a bit of dialogue between characters which we could not see in the original mk1. The endings will be seen in this mode and not arcade.
The purpose of this mode is story, if you want a long fighting experience then arcade mode will give you this.
I will continue this in the near future if you got this far reading this than i salute you for having the patience i will continue this in part2. BE PREPARD for another long ass post lol!
02/12/2007 09:14 PM (UTC)
whats so great about mkda?
02/12/2007 11:46 PM (UTC)
I have actually thought for them to remake the MK1 - MK 4 in 3-D and with a conquest. It's funny how others think so too. Well we should stop dreaming now though... UlcaTron
02/15/2007 06:32 AM (UTC)
I very much miss games of the diditized nature.

mk should return to this style . I dont feel even new games with the best 3d grapics can capture the true photorealistic visuals that games like mk1 did
well, I think this would be good for a change. In MKA we had tons of characters. Right? Well, I was thinking If they had only 8 characters we could have more things. They'd focus more on the fighting system. They could make the action faster, add more specials, and bring back cinimatic fatalities. I was thinking that if they had fewer characters they could have a thing where every character had their own fatality exclusive to ho they're fighting. It would be harder to do, but I bet it'd look good. And also normal fatalities/hara kiris, but these, which are harder to do. Pretty confused, huh?well, for example:


fatality 1: MK1
fatality 2: MKDA
hara kiri: MKD
special fatality to scorpion: scorpion throws his spear. Raiden catches it, and emits electricity through it. When it reaches scorpion, he fries, turns into a skelliton, and falls to the ground.
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