Reintroducing other Midway characters in the MK franchise
posted10/22/2011 07:34 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Assuming WB owns the rights to Midway characters/franchises other than MK, I feel some of them could be reintroduced in the MK franchise. I'm not suggesting any non-MK Midway characters as guests, but to make some of them part of the MK franchise, tweaking them a bit in order to incorporate them in MK's story.

I'm especially thinking of Mace: the dark age. It would be a shame for some of it's characters such as Lord Deimos, Sir Dregan and Grendal not to ever appear in another game again. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a new Mace game, but I'd still like to have these characters as an actual part of the MK franchise. Maybe some War Gods characters too.

I think it could open up interesting possibilities, both when it comes to story and gameplay.

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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

10/22/2011 07:34 PM (UTC)
I've actually thought about this several times before, but I have a hard time seeing NRS adopting forgotten characters into the MK series as cool as I think it would be. I'd love to see characters from Mace, Biofreaks, and War Gods duke it out with Scorpion and company. BTW I always thought that Warhead from War Gods seemed like he could be Sonya's brother, just something I used to think.

I could maybe see NRS giving some of these games getting revamps though. Now that they have a budget they could try producing a non-MK fighting game, with characters from forgotten Midway games. I'd buy that.
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