Red Dragons vs Black Dragons
posted01/06/2006 07:53 PM (UTC)by
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08/26/2005 02:22 AM (UTC)
Seeing how the Black dragons are being "rebuilt" and a few members of the Red dragons have appeared since MKDA, I cant help but feel its gonna be a somewhat side-war between the two crime syndicates in the MK universe. Just curious to know if anybody would like to see the conflict involved in the next or future MK and which side you more favor if it came down to it. I know its probaly not a big deal but personally i think itll be a cool side story if the "new" Black dragons conflicted with new or returning members of the Red dragons. But just curious on everybodys opinions..
01/01/2006 09:15 AM (UTC)
CaptainSpaldingXL Wrote:
Seeing how the Black dragons are being "rebuilt" and a few members of the Red dragons have appeared since MKDA, I cant help but feel its gonna be a somewhat side-war between the two crime syndicates in the MK universe. Just curious to know if anybody would like to see the conflict involved in the next or future MK and which side you more favor if it came down to it. I know its probaly not a big deal but personally i think itll be a cool side story if the "new" Black dragons conflicted with new or returning members of the Red dragons. But just curious on everybodys opinions..

I guess it's something that we may see. I didn't like how Mavado was killed like that in MKD. To me, he has some potential and I felt it kind of went to waste. I don't think it would be wise though for the new Black Dragon clan to fight any of the Red Dragon members yet since they'd be easily outnumbered.
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01/01/2006 10:30 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I guess it's something that we may see. I didn't like how Mavado was killed like that in MKD. To me, he has some potential and I felt it kind of went to waste. I don't think it would be wise though for the new Black Dragon clan to fight any of the Red Dragon members yet since they'd be easily outnumbered.

I'm going to be honest and say I really didn't care for Mavado in the slightest, and have never been much of a fan of dragons of either colour or tone.

Kabal is cool looking, with decent potential for a story to evolve, and Kano is a pretty one-trick "baddy". Neither clan has much interest to me at all, and I really see most of them as ill conceived space fillers. Characters that never honestly stood a chance.

I'd be happy if they all fought to the death, and then Kano and Kabal just... teamed up, or whatever they're going to do.
Jarek has some obscure sentimental attachment, and if they weren't dead, an updated Tremor, and No Face might've been fun.

I really wouldn't like to see the two clans take up a lot of space in a future game, though.
01/01/2006 10:51 AM (UTC)
I've always liked the Black Dragon, which is weird because I hate criminals, but they were always such good enemies to pit against the Special Forces. I'm not sure I like the idea of introducing the Red Dragon, since they are supposed to be a more covert operation, and now that they have revealed themselves and just straight-out died, any kind of decent storyline you could get from them seems to have vanished.

I get the feeling that Kabal took Onaga's heart, and that (and I hate this idea) he will ressurect Kano and maybe Jarek to join the Black Dragon with him and Kira. I think this is a bad idea, because I would suspect Kabal would still be pissed off at Kano for selling him out in MK3. He may have reestablished his loyalty to the Dragon, but not to the members, particularly to those who he hated before, or who he sees as having led to the original Black Dragon's destruction.

I also get the feeling that we will see the Red Dragon and the Black Dragon butting heads over the Heart of Onaga. This could result in Mavado making a comeback, and while I think this is the way it is going, I don't like this concept either. I think the Red Dragon would be better off returning to the shadows, to manipulate events between the Special Forces and the Black Dragon again, if anything.

However, Shaolin Monks has already shown the Red Dragon/Black Dragon feud in action, so I suspect that is where it is headed.
01/01/2006 11:38 AM (UTC)
who is in the black dragon and who is in the red dragon
jax123 Wrote:
who is in the black dragon and who is in the red dragon

Black Dragons:

Kano - whereabouts unknown

Jarek - Dead

Kabal - current new "leader" of black dragons

Kiri and Kobra - the supposed new recruits

Red Dragons:

Mavado - presumed dead

Hsu Hao - Also assumed dead

Those are the members so far from both sides that i know of, and i do know about other members within the Black Dragons from MKSF but i cant remember their names. But cant really be sure who really is "dead" or not..
01/01/2006 04:10 PM (UTC)
With the new MKD Black Dragon being rebuilt from scratch, and the fact that they're so different from the classic group, I think it's best to think of the BD as two seperate clans, with the old having been destroyed by the Red Dragon and Special Forces.

Old Black Dragon.

Kano- Highest ranking member we know, but I doubt he's a leader. Last living member during MKDA, Most likely killed by Mavado.

Jarek- Supposedly the "last" member during MK4/MKG. Killed by dropping from a mountain top.

Kabal- Member who quit and tried to reform during the Earth invasion. Nearly killed by Mavado, but Havik saved him, and convinced him to form the new Black Dragon.

These three were bosses in MKSF. Although the game is most likely now non canon, due to being a flop and a poor fit into the storyline (it has never been referred to since), I beleive these three have some small existence, but are long dead.

No Face- Odd looking guy with a flamethrower and explosives.

Tassia- Ninja woman in purple (although she looked different to Kitana etc)using katana swords.

Tremor- Crappy brown ninja pallete swap, with moves similar to Jax.

New Black Dragon.

Kabal- See above, now leading the new Black Dragon under Havik's guidance.

Kira- Former weapons dealer recruited by Kabal. If her ending is canon, she's scouting for more new recruits.

Kobra- Imo, MK's worst character, a stupid Ken ripoff. If Kira's ending is canon, he's now dead.

To be honest, I don't like the direction of the new Black Dragon. They're less of a criminal organisation, and are basically glorified lapdogs for Havik. I hope Mavado and the Red Dragon return, since there was a lot of potential for future development with them after MKDA, and I'd much rather prefer them to be the dominant of the two clans.
01/01/2006 11:39 PM (UTC)
I liked Mavado in MKDA, the way they “killedâ€? him in MKD was so dull, lame and corny its hard not to imagine him alive again. You see, Kabal was “killedâ€? in the exact same way by Mavado, Kabal returns and does the same…so I guess we will later learn that Mavado is actually alive, and was only wounded, like Kabal was.

The writer or writers are really loosing creativity.

The Red dragons were interesting in MKDA, even though Hsu Hao seemed to be just a filler, he brought in some interesting facts such as the manipulation of the Special Forces and its destruction. Mavados involvement with Quan Chi is quite interesting, being enemies of the Lin Kuei, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them working along side another deadly clan (if its created), the tekunin, leaded by Sektor.

I also love the way these 2 dragon clans are so different. While they are both criminal organizations who hunger for power and domination, one is ruthless and has no discipline, while the other is more “elegantâ€? in its violence and much more intelligent in its complots or actions, they think before they act, maybe unlike their enemies, which gives them the upper hand.

Im still hoping KIRA is a RED DRAGON in disguise. Seriously, I would love to see her using Kabal and all, and even though I know its got nothing to do with the clan, she being a red hair and wearing red clothes makes her seem more like a red dragon pretending to be black imo. She should only return if they completely revamp her with a new look (that doesn’t resemble Sonya) and new special moves that are not stolen for Sonya and Kano…Kira was so unoriginal.
01/02/2006 12:21 AM (UTC)
I like the Black Dragon Clan more than Red Dragon especially since the Red Dragon Clan has only 2 known members

And to the person who said that the Black Dragon Clan are Havik's puppets didn' t Kabal kill Havik?
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01/02/2006 12:49 AM (UTC)
Hook_Swords Wrote:
I like the Black Dragon Clan more than Red Dragon especially since the Red Dragon Clan has only 2 known members

And to the person who said that the Black Dragon Clan are Havik's puppets didn' t Kabal kill Havik?

No he did not. The ending is not known to be canon at this time. Until MK7 is released, we won't know for sure.

I like the Red Dragon more than the Black Dragon. The Black Dragon has consisted of incredibly lame characters from the offset. Kobra is the lastest addition to it's crappy line up. Kabal shouldn't even be a Black dragon again. Kira is ok, but needs vast improvement. Kano and Jarek are lacklustre at best, imo.

Mavado was a saving grace to MKDA (along with the introduction of the Red Dragon clan) and for him to have been disposed of so easily was ridiculous. He had one of the best stories from DA and was one of the cooler and best character concepts they'd made in awhile. Hsu Hao, though limited in looks, moves and character, was also a decent addition. I hope to see the both of them again.
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01/02/2006 01:23 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
The writer or writers are really loosing creativity.

Yeah, this isn't a slight to anyone involved, because obviously they had the ideas to begin with, and there's definitely some good stuff in there.

I just think programmers should program, and writers should write.

I think a similar conundrum arises often in comics, where artists want to write, when they should really just draw.

Of course, I guess it gets a little merky when you have a Miller or a Bendis, who starts out drawing, but is actually a superior writer, but you get my point, hopefully. tongue
cool, i like seeing everyones perspective on this but from what i understand the Red dragons been around alot longer and the Black dragons formed away from them to become who they are now. So since apparently Its a priority for the The Red to totally destroy the Black and seeing how the "new" black dragons are being reformed, i definatley forsee the Reds sending more members out against the Black dragons even if Mavado isnt involved. Not to mention if Kano is still around himself somewhere he might end up being a wildcard between the 2 factions. guess we'll see though.
01/02/2006 04:39 AM (UTC)
CaptainSpaldingXL Wrote:
jax123 Wrote:
who is in the black dragon and who is in the red dragon

Black Dragons:
Kano - whereabouts unknown
Jarek - Dead
Kabal - current new "leader" of black dragons
Kiri and Kobra - the supposed new recruits
Red Dragons:
Mavado - presumed dead
Hsu Hao - Also assumed dead
Those are the members so far from both sides that i know of, and i do know about other members within the Black Dragons from MKSF but i cant remember their names. But cant really be sure who really is "dead" or not..

Mavado didn't die. Kano probably got killed in the fight imo.
Oh wait, I remember now! Kabal killed Movado right? Or Havik did. It doesn't matter

Back on topic. I don't think there will be a bd-rd war. The bd has only 2 members considering Kira killed Kobra in her ending. It would be cool to see a war between them but it's not gonna happen
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01/02/2006 04:14 PM (UTC)
I like the Black Dragon/Red Dragon story.

I can see something along these lines happening to both dragon clans hopefully in mk7

Havik obtains DK heart.

Kabal watches Kira slay Kobra

Havik revives Kano, Jarek, Kobra, Mavado and Hsu Hao. (and others probably but im just speculating about black/red dragon here) Havik only revives the Red Dragon members because he wants Chaos, which is inevitable when Red Dragon and Black Dragon clash!!!

Mavado and Hsu Hao ressurect the Red Dragon and let Kobra join who wants revenge on the Black Dragon in particular Kira.

Kira got the honour from Kabal to pick the next 2 recruits to battle to obtain a black dragon place. She picks the newly revived Kano and Jarek.

(This way all Black/Red Dragon people can be in MK7 if it has loadsa characters)


The ending could be Kano defeats Jarek, but refuses to slay him as he feels Jarek is a worthy Black Dragon. Kabal is enraged by the refusal of tradition, so Kano and Jarek gang up on him to boot him out the group. However they do not kill him.

Kabal once again returns to anarchism and chaos, and joins Darrius.

The Red Dragon are now equally strong to Black in character number thus setting up an extended storyline.

01/03/2006 08:40 AM (UTC)
you know what this reminded me of: checkers.

checkers is a game of numbers, when one color is totaly gone, the game is over.

but, the only reson for the black dragon was for sonya to have a reson to be the tornaments, if you ask me, the girl seresuly needs to go on a date.

the black dragon never have interested me that much, there kinda just..there most of the time..they do stuff like serve the bad guys and betray them, and it barly infulinces the plot, expect for killing sheeva, who needs to come back and kill kabal. a good guy he was cool, but now..he's just a guy in a mask trying to end the world. havik, in my mind, is just an exuse to try and save them, but who cares about the black dragon, or the red dragon for that matter, there a buch of thugs with cybernetic-body parts who want to casue problems, big whoop, we have qun-chi, shang-thung, the dragon king, sho-khan and alot of far more interesting baddies.

the only cool member is kano, but only his look, otherwise, he's kinda..bleh..midway, please spice him up for 7.
01/06/2006 07:53 PM (UTC)
ironsmoke Wrote:

the only cool member is kano, but only his look, otherwise, he's kinda..bleh..midway, please spice him up for 7.

I agree. I think we get the idea that he is a criminal, a traitor, and a man who only thinks on himself, I seriously think they need to give him more depth, make him be involved in a different sort of way with other characters.

Something wicked and unexpected.

And please, if he has to "die" again, let Sonya do the job for once and for all. She has defeated ever since Mk1, "killed" him in Mk3, and he is still around.
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