Real Music on MK7?
Mortal Kombat X
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Real Music on MK7?
When you say "real music", are you talking about licensed music by artists and bands and stuff? If so, I think that should simply be for a customizable soundtrack feature. If you're suggesting that licensed music should be in MK for stages and such, then I would say no. I always appreciated how in MK, they composed their own songs and such and they have done a great job with that for the most part.

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J Allard said that every game on the 360 will have an option for custom soundtracks so it's not out of the realm of possibility that the next MK will support that as well. As for liscensed music, no. I wouldn't mind if the MK team actually made the tune memorible, since most of the their things are very forgettable.
No I like the music the MK puts in there games.
I like how they had a music video for Deadly Alliance, and I wish they would do that again. But also have a couple, maybe heavy metalish music as the background music, but also have their own. Plus, make it customizable; those like me that would like to fight to music that makes peope want to fight better would get what they want, while those that like classic MK music would get their choice. So yeah, Slipknot, Rob Zombie, Metallica, Godsmack, Lamb of God, etc. would be cool to have in MK.

i liked immortal on mk da i hope i can see it again in mk 7
did anyone liked the first mk movie theme song
i think its cool to have it on a game
did anyone liked the first mk movie theme song
i think its cool to have it on a game

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Even though I hated the music in every game after MK3, I think adding licensed music to MK would be a HORRIBLE idea. Only as a customizable soundtrack option, but never as the primary soundtrack. No offense, I just don't think licensed music like Slipknot or anything like that belongs anywhere in a mortal kombat game, period.
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