Question: Why are ninjas getting such a bad rap?
posted11/21/2005 04:51 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
I know many of you dont want ninjas in the future of MK games, but I say I love ninjas. I say the more ninjas the merrier.

So Can some of you MKO users explain youre hostilities towards ninjas? Again, this isnt criticizm, because I know everyone has their opinion, and no opinion is wrong.confused
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11/12/2005 09:58 AM (UTC)
Quantity =/= Quality (especially in the case of MK Trilogy)

Most of the players have grown past 15 so the same "cool" look can't be sold anymore. Wether people like it or not, the ninja onslaught has to e over, it com-pletely ruined the credibility of MK when half of the roster has similar appearances (MKD rewamps don't mean shit) and "superpowers" what are oddly becoing even less unique than before.

besides in my opinion I'm growing to hate play with a coward who masks himself save if it serves as !real! protection (helmets) purpose.
The famous words "palette swap."

I will never lose interest in Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Noob, and Smoke.

11/12/2005 05:23 PM (UTC)
Ninjas are overrated.

The real problem is that they decided to add too many, and most were uninspired and a complete waste of space.

Now however, they have done a very good job with the 3 main ninjas (Sub-Zero, Reptile and Scorpion) by making them different from each other and unique in their own way (looks), as well as with Ermac.

While Ermac always had an excellent storyline he was still a crappy boring gameplay wise pallet swap clone. Thanks to MKD though, he has grown to become my most favorite of them all.
11/12/2005 06:23 PM (UTC)
I understand why people hated the ninja back the olden days of palette swipes and recycled moves, but nowadays it just seems people like/dislike ninja simply because they are a "ninja" which I find silly.

Personally, I don't get into the whole "don't have too many of X kind of characters."
Not just ninjas.....but women, Edenians, cyborgs, Vampires, and pretty much every other label I've seen others complain about there being too much of.

If they play good and have a good story, who cares what they are. I understand the concern that too many of a certain type will take away the uniqueness....but once again, if they play good, look unique enough, and have a good enough story, it won't matter. (Then again, that is expecting a lot from the MK team)
They're giving the characters their own unique appearences and attempting to give them their own moves. Who cares if they're a ninja?

On the flip side, I don't understand the fans who will automatically love a character simply because they are a "ninja."
I remember a while back I posted a concept picture of Rain I made. I drew him unmasked and got more than a few of these responses: "He looks cool...but he needs his mask." Why? What would a mask have added?
"Huzzah, now I can't see the lower half of his face!"

The whole concept of the "ninja" in Mortal Kombat has become useless in itself. I always thought the appeal of the "ninja" was the element of mystery to them. Back in the old days, the ninja's were a bit mysterious and the wore masks to hide something from the world.
Scorpion was an undead guy who's mask hid his cursed skull face. Sub-Zero, at the time, was an assassin for a secretive clan and we knew nothing beyond that. Kitana was an assassin for Shao Kahn and we weren't sure which side she was on. Mileena's mask hid her freakish set of choppers.

Now beyond that, the masked character became moot.

By now it's gotten to the point where we know pretty much all there is to know about most of the ninjas. Guys like Noob Saibot and Reptile were mysterious when they first appeared. Now we know who they are and have a pretty clear idea of their lives. The mystery is gone.
So characters like Ermac and Mileena and Noob Saibot don't wear masks so much because they're mysterious's because they're freaks.
You'll note that other characters like Kitana and Jade have slowly started to move beyond the mask.

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, Smoke, Jade, Noob Saibot, Ermac, Rain, Khameleon, and Frost.
I don't know about anyone else, I like all these characters and I'd like them back. And it's not because they where a mask. The only ones who even really need their mask is Scorpion, Mileena, Noob Saibot, and possibly Ermac.
I think it's asinine to hate or love a character on the mere basis that they're a ninja....or more accurately, because they wear a mask.
11/12/2005 10:57 PM (UTC)
I am a strong supporter of ninjas... I think they difine MK... just like people with different coloured karate suits defined street fighter... or how blond guys dressed in white, red, and blue defined the Fatal fury games...

I used to think they should "dervive" ninjas into other kinds of characters (like making Rain a soldier or something... and so forth).. but I changed my mind... I think they should enphazise the ninja aspects of the charaters.... the ninja's mysticism is what contributed to MK's success... I think it'd be much cooler if they had mastered ninja techniches that gave them their "powers" rather than just randomly (in rain's case) be able to create lightning!!!
11/19/2005 12:12 PM (UTC)
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
The famous words "palette swap."

I will never lose interest in Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Noob, and Smoke.

Excellent, I am proud of what you say, Mortal Kombat is not Mortal Kombat without Ninja's
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11/19/2005 04:03 PM (UTC)
MKungLao Wrote:
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
The famous words "palette swap."

I will never lose interest in Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Noob, and Smoke.

Excellent, I am proud of what you say, Mortal Kombat is not Mortal Kombat without Ninja's

That is not true, at least not overly applying. For example, I for myself never considered Scorpion or Sub-Zero that much iconic nor important, and the lack of Scorpion for MK3 wasn't something I noticed for the first place. For me, the overall cast is MUCH more important than few "icons".

And when the roster comprises of overused characters and Palette -frig-gin' -Swaps OR basically the same character conceptions (MKD rewamps don't mean shit, understand that)than the game's subjective part is logically flawed. Thats why a game comprising of 3/4 same character will NEVER be succesfull WHEN the prequels housed a much wider variety of characters.
11/19/2005 04:09 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

That is not true, at least not overly applying. For example, I for myself never considered Scorpion or Sub-Zero that much iconic nor important, and the lack of Scorpion for MK3 wasn't something I noticed for the first place. For me, the overall cast is MUCH more important than few "icons".

And when the roster comprises of overused characters and Palette -frig-gin' -Swaps OR basically the same character conceptions (MKD rewamps don't mean shit, understand that)than the game's subjective part is logically flawed. Thats why a game comprising of 3/4 same character will NEVER be succesfull WHEN the prequels housed a much wider variety of characters.

Well said!
11/19/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MKungLao Wrote:
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
The famous words "palette swap."

I will never lose interest in Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Noob, and Smoke.

Excellent, I am proud of what you say, Mortal Kombat is not Mortal Kombat without Ninja's

That is not true, at least not overly applying. For example, I for myself never considered Scorpion or Sub-Zero that much iconic nor important, and the lack of Scorpion for MK3 wasn't something I noticed for the first place. For me, the overall cast is MUCH more important than few "icons".

And when the roster comprises of overused characters and Palette -frig-gin' -Swaps OR basically the same character conceptions (MKD rewamps don't mean shit, understand that)than the game's subjective part is logically flawed. Thats why a game comprising of 3/4 same character will NEVER be succesfull WHEN the prequels housed a much wider variety of characters.

3/4? Where the hell do you get your statistics?

I also disagree with you saying that the MKD revamps don't mean anything. Each of the "ninja" characters have their own looks and stories and attributes that separate them from each other. Your 3/4 statistic, just like when you tried to say that it's a fact that MKSM's story is 50% canon, is nothing more than utter bullshit.

At the end of the day, I'm going to have to agree with XiahouDund84 on this one. It's all about giving each of the characters their own unique flavor. The "ninja" characters have evolved beyond the whole pallete swap gig and have become more defined.
11/19/2005 08:01 PM (UTC)
I generally like all the ninjas..But the one's that need to come back in MK7 are:

Scorpion,Noob Saibot (without smoke I prey), Sub-Zero and Reptile.

Noob Saibot's storyline is starting to look very interesting..I'd like to see that continued in MK7.
About Me

11/19/2005 08:49 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
MKungLao Wrote:
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
The famous words "palette swap."

I will never lose interest in Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Noob, and Smoke.

Excellent, I am proud of what you say, Mortal Kombat is not Mortal Kombat without Ninja's

That is not true, at least not overly applying. For example, I for myself never considered Scorpion or Sub-Zero that much iconic nor important, and the lack of Scorpion for MK3 wasn't something I noticed for the first place. For me, the overall cast is MUCH more important than few "icons".

And when the roster comprises of overused characters and Palette -frig-gin' -Swaps OR basically the same character conceptions (MKD rewamps don't mean shit, understand that)than the game's subjective part is logically flawed. Thats why a game comprising of 3/4 same character will NEVER be succesfull WHEN the prequels housed a much wider variety of characters.

3/4? Where the hell do you get your statistics?

I also disagree with you saying that the MKD revamps don't mean anything. Each of the "ninja" characters have their own looks and stories and attributes that separate them from each other. Your 3/4 statistic, just like when you tried to say that it's a fact that MKSM's story is 50% canon, is nothing more than utter bullshit.

At the end of the day, I'm going to have to agree with XiahouDund84 on this one. It's all about giving each of the characters their own unique flavor. The "ninja" characters have evolved beyond the whole pallete swap gig and have become more defined.

Such a chore to protect people from their own ineptitude....

Generally speaking 3/4. It doesn't matter that it's 3/4, 5/7 or 1/2. When a significant amount of characters are generally stemming from the same idea only with different backgrounds, well, it get's repetitive.

Attributes and backstories -well in videogames don't do shit. They will never do. Essentially if you look at Ermac and you look at Noob Saibot, both will essentially be the same. A masked warrior with a simmetric build of clothes and with a tight hood. Only the details change, and the expressi-on is still the same. Powers? Thats the weakest point of a compaeison, becouse they will Always have different powers to separate them at least in function. And thats why an overflow of so called "MK ninjas" would only hurt the game, becouse theere wouldn't be any kind of functional exterior contrast, eaning the characters would be too resembling, especially if we actually know something about them -for example same-functional gro-ups like Female/male ninjas, shokans and the cyborgs: you WILL consi-der Smoke close or in the same league as the ninjas and the cyborgs, or in worst case both of them together. And thats what has to be avoided.

Video game storytelling works like a porn movie, the plot is always secon-dary to the game itself. this is in opposition to novels, what many ofc you would like to think in.

Do me a favor and actually rethink what you are going to say, before you type bullshit.
11/19/2005 08:55 PM (UTC)
Imagine a game without ninja's............................... would'nt be very good now would it. and to all the fools out there that think Ninja's are not an important part of Mortal Kombat. Then you dont know nothing about MK.
Get some other bullshit to play on your PS2 (or X-box).
Ninja's are the MAIN part of the Game. think of a story without them. how crap will that be?

11/19/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)
Actually, I agree with Sub-Zero_7th when he says ninjas have evolved and can become important/original characters if revamp. I think that one of the points of having new Mk games is to give other characters that have failed to impress (Stryker, Nightwolf, Ermac, etc) in the pass a second chance to improve, its logical.

But I do agree with Chrome when he says ninjas have been truly overrated (as have other characters), to the point of having silly fans saying: I wont buy Mk if there is no Scorpion! Or some other crap, when we all know that isn’t true (people will buy the game, with or without Scorpion).

Some ninjas such as Sub-Zero and Ermac have evolved greatly, to the point of having a very interesting and important storyline. Not just wild cards with no real purpose or convincing storylines.
11/19/2005 11:31 PM (UTC)
MKungLao Wrote:
Imagine a game without ninja's............................... would'nt be very good now would it. and to all the fools out there that think Ninja's are not an important part of Mortal Kombat. Then you dont know nothing about MK.
Get some other bullshit to play on your PS2 (or X-box).
Ninja's are the MAIN part of the Game. think of a story without them. how crap will that be?


I have already imagined it, and trust me, it looks good, why? Because there are over 30 more characters that can be used in their place. Ninjas ARE part of Mk, but they are NOT the most important thing of the game! That is something very foolish to say, and I know loads of Mk.

How can having tons of ninjas in Mk be more important then having a decent gameplay? A decent storyline? Decent Graphics? Decent characters? Decent sound/music effects? Mk is not all about the ninjas, in fact, they are as important as any other character. I don’t buy Mk to play the ninjas, I say buy some other bullshit if you are interested in playing only with ninjas and not focusing on other elements that make a game not only important, but also entertaining.

The original fighters (Mk1) that started the game can be considered the most important of all the cast, but not even they can be considered “above” such things such as gameplay.

Sorry, I don’t mean to sound rude to you, nor am I bashing you, Im just giving my opinion about your post, which really makes no sense nor does it have any logic.

A good game IS NOT a good game because of an specific character, its good because of the many things that compose it.
11/20/2005 11:48 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
MKungLao Wrote:
Imagine a game without ninja's............................... would'nt be very good now would it. and to all the fools out there that think Ninja's are not an important part of Mortal Kombat. Then you dont know nothing about MK.
Get some other bullshit to play on your PS2 (or X-box).
Ninja's are the MAIN part of the Game. think of a story without them. how crap will that be?


I have already imagined it, and trust me, it looks good, why? Because there are over 30 more characters that can be used in their place. Ninjas ARE part of Mk, but they are NOT the most important thing of the game! That is something very foolish to say, and I know loads of Mk.

How can having tons of ninjas in Mk be more important then having a decent gameplay? A decent storyline? Decent Graphics? Decent characters? Decent sound/music effects? Mk is not all about the ninjas, in fact, they are as important as any other character. I don�t buy Mk to play the ninjas, I say buy some other bullshit if you are interested in playing only with ninjas and not focusing on other elements that make a game not only important, but also entertaining.

The original fighters (Mk1) that started the game can be considered the most important of all the cast, but not even they can be considered �above� such things such as gameplay.

Sorry, I don�t mean to sound rude to you, nor am I bashing you, Im just giving my opinion about your post, which really makes no sense nor does it have any logic.

A good game IS NOT a good game because of an specific character, its good because of the many things that compose it.

ok, ok no one's opinion is wrong... I just think that MK is better with ninja's
11/20/2005 02:04 PM (UTC)
Now thats something I can accept. smile -Peace
11/20/2005 07:32 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
MKungLao Wrote:
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
The famous words "palette swap."
I will never lose interest in Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Noob, and Smoke.

Excellent, I am proud of what you say, Mortal Kombat is not Mortal Kombat without Ninja's

That is not true, at least not overly applying. For example, I for myself never considered Scorpion or Sub-Zero that much iconic nor important, and the lack of Scorpion for MK3 wasn't something I noticed for the first place. For me, the overall cast is MUCH more important than few "icons".
And when the roster comprises of overused characters and Palette -frig-gin' -Swaps OR basically the same character conceptions (MKD rewamps don't mean shit, understand that)than the game's subjective part is logically flawed. Thats why a game comprising of 3/4 same character will NEVER be succesfull WHEN the prequels housed a much wider variety of characters.

3/4? Where the hell do you get your statistics?
I also disagree with you saying that the MKD revamps don't mean anything. Each of the "ninja" characters have their own looks and stories and attributes that separate them from each other. Your 3/4 statistic, just like when you tried to say that it's a fact that MKSM's story is 50% canon, is nothing more than utter bullshit. >
At the end of the day, I'm going to have to agree with XiahouDund84 on this one. It's all about giving each of the characters their own unique flavor. The "ninja" characters have evolved beyond the whole pallete swap gig and have become more defined.

Such a chore to protect people from their own ineptitude....
Generally speaking 3/4. It doesn't matter that it's 3/4, 5/7 or 1/2. When a significant amount of characters are generally stemming from the same idea only with different backgrounds, well, it get's repetitive.
Attributes and backstories -well in videogames don't do shit. They will never do. Essentially if you look at Ermac and you look at Noob Saibot, both will essentially be the same. A masked warrior with a simmetric build of clothes and with a tight hood. Only the details change, and the expressi-on is still the same. Powers? Thats the weakest point of a compaeison, becouse they will Always have different powers to separate them at least in function. And thats why an overflow of so called "MK ninjas" would only hurt the game, becouse theere wouldn't be any kind of functional exterior contrast, eaning the characters would be too resembling, especially if we actually know something about them -for example same-functional gro-ups like Female/male ninjas, shokans and the cyborgs: you WILL consi-der Smoke close or in the same league as the ninjas and the cyborgs, or in worst case both of them together. And thats what has to be avoided.
Video game storytelling works like a porn movie, the plot is always secon-dary to the game itself. this is in opposition to novels, what many ofc you would like to think in.
Do me a favor and actually rethink what you are going to say, before you type bullshit.

Actually, when you compare Ermac and Noob Saibot, well, Ermac has black bandages covering his face. wink

But anyway, my point was that yeah, there was definitely an overflow of generic look ninjas back in the day. However, they've become something more over time. At least with most of the male ninjas, you get an idea as to why they dress the way they do. With Sub-Zero and Smoke, they are members from a ninja type clan and Scorpion is a member of a rival clan. Noob was once a member of the Lin Kuei. Sektor and Cyrax were members. Rain...well...I guess that he acted as a spy and assassin for Kahn. With Ermac, I'm not sure...Maybe one or some of the souls that makes up Ermac were Outworld ninjas or something and that's probably why Ermac took a form.

But I think all in all, I think queve has the right idea. I mean, I like Scorpion, though not as much as I used to, but I can see that he is an overrated character. I think that queve has the right idea.
11/21/2005 04:51 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

But I think all in all, I think queve has the right idea. I mean, I like Scorpion, though not as much as I used to, but I can see that he is an overrated character. I think that queve has the right idea.

Of course I do. Its me we are talking about after all, Im always right. Period.
Lol, just kidding man. wink Hopefully we can all understand each other in this maze of words. lol.
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