Quan Chi & Shang Tsung- Dead or Alive?
posted08/22/2005 04:10 AM (UTC)by
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03/14/2005 04:07 PM (UTC)
What do you think? Hopefully alive, but they may not be in MK7. It would be a nice twist to see them come back as enemies.

Post your ideas!
08/17/2005 05:11 PM (UTC)
Nobody dies in mk. I dont think they will return in their old form. Maybe they will return as ghosts like Liu Kang. Or some new evil sorcerer will revive them.
08/17/2005 05:30 PM (UTC)
In the MKD intro, we briefly see Quan Chi make a run for it after Raiden's explosion. I am pretty sure that he at least survived, is laying low, and will then be back as a major player in MK7. He was robbed in MKD, the intro built him up to be a real badass, not only killing the heroes, then beating Raiden along with Shang Tsung, but then turning against, and beating Shang Tsung.

Shang Tsung may miss next game, I'm not sure. But he is an MK veteran, and one of the most popular characters in the series, I am certain we'll see him again too.
08/17/2005 06:03 PM (UTC)
I would've liked to have seen more with Shang Tsung. His comeback in MKDA was great and I felt he was actually at his prime. With Quan Chi, I think he's an interesting character and I would like to know what they plan to do with him.

I'm kind of wondering about Shang Tsung as to whether he's a human-like entity or if he's actuallly a demon of some sort. If he's a human-like entity, maybe he can come back but be his old self. If he's a demon, maybe he should lose his human form and have his demon form. It may be interesting to see though I would rather have him as an old man.
08/17/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
I think in some way the socerers will return. I really liked the Deadly Alliance angle, and I'd love to see them return with it. For now, let them lay lower and pass them in MK7 maybe make hints, and I'd like to see a new sorcerer emerge and be built up. Therefore it'd be sweet to see him join the alliance later.
08/17/2005 07:20 PM (UTC)
Joes04 Wrote:
What do you think? Hopefully alive, but they may not be in MK7. It would be a nice twist to see them come back as enemies.

Post your ideas!

Jax, Kung Lao, Cage, Sonya, and Kitana were 'defeated' by the Deadly Alliance, yet they found some way to bring them back with that 'reanimation' seen in Ermac's ending.

Like Vogel himself said, no one ever really dies in MK, so they'll come up with something.

And if you need more proof, in Scorpion's MK: DA ending, he was "supposedly" torn apart by a soulnado, but if one recalls his Deception bio, out of nowhere he "managed to escape into the Void."
They will both return I'm sure.

MK fans demand interesting storylines...and I believe that we have only seen the tip of these two icebergs (Quan and Shang) when it comes to their storylines....and background...I don't believe they would be foolish enough to throw away two great sources of material such as Quan and Shang...
08/18/2005 10:00 AM (UTC)
They'll be back some time.

I like Quan more though. He needs a few more special moves. Like the wall in the start of MKD.

Shang was only really good when he had his morphs.
08/18/2005 02:36 PM (UTC)
I seriously doubt that they are dead. As already stated, we saw quan make a break for it in the mkd vid. If anything, they would bring him back to tango with noob, sub and scorp in the netherrealm. I cannot see it happening without him. Scorpion would lose his appeal if quan was gone forever. Also, scorpion needs a new direction in his story, and I cannot see anything besides the netherrealm situation with abovestated.
08/18/2005 03:31 PM (UTC)
I also really doubt they are dead. I'm pretty sure that if Rayden managed to survive, the two sorcerors did too.

If either of them were to be dead, I'd Say it would be Shang Tsung, unfortunately. In Liu Kang's MKD bio he's supposedly dead, but that doesnt mean too much IMO.

Im not particularly a fan of Quan Chi, but there is so much potential there. He is already a main player in some of the big storyliens and has potential for mini or side storylines too, with characters such as Ashrah/Sareena/Shinnok (if they return), as well as possibilities with others. I thought Quan Chi looked a bit strange in MK:DA. He looked really skinny compared to MK4. I hope they imporve his look a lot too.

Shang Tsung has a lot of potential too, although i dont think there is a much they can do with him as there is with Quan Chi. I'd like to see both back, but not allied with each other. I doubt the two will ally together anyway after the intro to MK:D when they turned on one another, tho probably even they knew that would happen lol. I'd also like to see Shang Tsung in his older form like he was in MK1, although his MK:DA look is my favourite.
08/18/2005 04:37 PM (UTC)
I never liked quan chi or shang tsung until i played with them in DA. so i wont them both to return in a later time.
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08/18/2005 11:30 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi was ok but I liked Shang Tsung a lot more. I, especially, didn't like Quan's fatality in DA. If they were to bring him back they better change his fatality. Shang Tsung has a lot more story to him and I'd love to see him come back with his morphing moves.
08/19/2005 09:13 AM (UTC)
There's the theory that Quan Chi "merged" with Raiden, seconds prior to the blast. Quan Chi didn't run away -- if you pay closer attention, he runs "into" Raiden. This can also be backed up by the fact that Quan Chi was aware of Raiden's intentions -- while Quan Chi turns to watch Raiden begin his sacrifice, Shang Tsung is unaware and continues to pay full attention to Onaga. So, in theory, Quan Chi is alive in Raiden, though not dominating his body. His evil will may have corrupted Raiden during the fusion, however, which would explain Raiden's sudden backflip in his protection method. I guess there may also be a similar battle to Liu Kang within Raiden, too. A war for the vessel.

I love Shang Tsung, he's the original villain... But I doubt he will return. He seems to have no clue of what Raiden's doing during the beginning of Deception, and he needs a break in comparison with Quan Chi. Well, they're my theories. I really like the sound of how Quan Chi may have survived, so I'm hoping it turns out to be true. It would be too difficult for both sorcerers to return -- their vendetta against each other would be unavoidable, and I don't want a predictable plot for either of them.

08/19/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
Joes04 Wrote:
What do you think? Hopefully alive, but they may not be in MK7. It would be a nice twist to see them come back as enemies.

Post your ideas!

I know Quan Chi got away at the last second.
08/20/2005 09:50 AM (UTC)
Juergen Wrote:
Joes04 Wrote:
What do you think? Hopefully alive, but they may not be in MK7. It would be a nice twist to see them come back as enemies.

Post your ideas!

I know Quan Chi got away at the last second.

You can't know for sure until MK7 comes out. It did look like he got away, I hope he did.
08/20/2005 11:50 AM (UTC)
I believe Quan Chi survived that blast in some way and was seriously wounded. Quan Chi may have abandoned his fortress and is hiding out in Outworld while he regenerates his magic and heals his wounds.

Shang Tsung I believe is dead, the blast seperated Shang Tsung from all his souls that he needs in order to survive. Liu Kang mentioned himself that the sorceror was destroyed. However, Shang Tsung may return in some way.
08/20/2005 12:08 PM (UTC)
i have an idea to really bring them back...check out my thread about it
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I, Cleric

08/20/2005 01:13 PM (UTC)
they deserve to return. they defeated everyone and killed pretty much all the main good guys. ti was harsh for them to be killed off. they earned there title. another thing: we didnt SEE them die. shang can morph and quan can make clones. they are very likely to be alive. trust me.
08/20/2005 01:59 PM (UTC)
I think MK would feel almost hollow without Shang Tsung, he's always been one of my favourite characters, and I think he's been constantly improving in terms of looks, moves, and storyline.
I'd really like to see him comeback with more of the fire powers he was shown to have during the fight with Raiden. Both he and Quan Chi coming back could make for a really interesting angle in the next game; Shang Tsung or Quan chi allied with Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, and all the other heroes on an enemy-of-my-enemy basis.
08/20/2005 08:29 PM (UTC)
Aracc Wrote:
I think MK would feel almost hollow without Shang Tsung, he's always been one of my favourite characters, and I think he's been constantly improving in terms of looks, moves, and storyline.
I'd really like to see him comeback with more of the fire powers he was shown to have during the fight with Raiden. Both he and Quan Chi coming back could make for a really interesting angle in the next game; Shang Tsung or Quan chi allied with Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, and all the other heroes on an enemy-of-my-enemy basis.

Well, I'm not sure about Quan Chi, but if Shang Tsung didn't die...........

........how did Liu Kang come back?
08/21/2005 03:02 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung may have died, but that doesn't mean he's still dead. I mean, both Liu Kang and Johhny Cage have died and are still coming on strong. Death isn't permenant in MK. Shang Tsung could return as his normal self, a netherrealm wraith, a spectre, or a host of other ways. Maybe Raiden will bring him back to help stop superpowerful Quan Chi, or something, since Raiden no longer cares what he does to the human race, and Tsung really wants Quan Chi dead. There are tons of possibilities, and I'm just saying MK would feel semihollow tihout him.
08/21/2005 11:01 PM (UTC)
Whilst I firmly believe that some permanent deaths in MK are both needed and dramatically satisfying (which is why I despair at comments by the creators that no-one "ever really dies"), it would be nice to see am amped-up Shang Tsung. I've always felt that Shang got weaker as the games progressed- while he was a bit wimpy in MK3, MKDA was an all-time low for the evil bastard. And he looked *crap* as well.

In fact, to me he was at his best in MK1- an old, ultra-powerful sorcerer who was deceptively hard to beat.
MKII was fairly good, except of course he's weaker because he can't morph into the monster character wink
MK3 he was fairly weak, with awful design, weaker combos...
MKDA, don't get me started. He looks as bad as MK3. Gone are the screaming skulls, replaced by generic fireballs. Gone are the morphs...unavoidable, true; but couldn't something like Shinnok's "impersonation" have been done? Or Tsung "morphing" fighting styles?
08/22/2005 03:57 AM (UTC)
I don't know, I thought he looked pretty badass in MK:DA.
08/22/2005 04:10 AM (UTC)
Aracc Wrote:
I don't know, I thought he looked pretty badass in MK:DA.

His MK:DA revamp was one of the best ever done.
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