QUAN CHI as main boss in MK 9??????
posted04/07/2010 01:54 PM (UTC)by
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03/07/2010 07:24 AM (UTC)
Has he got enough character and fire power to be a boss?

I think if he got a power boost from somekind ofancient relic....he could be great! I mean if a nobody like Blaze can be the boss that brought an end to the current era of MK then couldnt Quan be the one to begin the new age of MK
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03/20/2010 09:35 PM (UTC)
I advise against it. One of the only things the Resident evil franchise had going for it. Is that it had wesker. the man behind the scened who is known, but is very efficient at achieving his goals in various ways.

and they ran out of ideas, jsut made him take center stage and to me... resident evil was doomes at tha tpoint. RECVX was the last one in my mind.

and the franchise is just rediculous now. I do not want MK to fail any longer. Quan and wesker are the same in many respects. Its very esy to lay the paths parallel.

NO on the boss for Quan.
03/21/2010 12:50 AM (UTC)
I don't think so. Quan Chi was the final boss in MKDA so I doubt that he would be the boss again. He would have to have a major revamp in story, and power level in order for me to be on board with the idea. I prefer him to be like Shang Tsung. He's evil, he schems, and even though he isn't the most powerful he is still a force to be reconed with.
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03/21/2010 01:02 AM (UTC)
Honestly Quan Chi doesn't have it in him to be a boss without some kind of major overhaul. He's kind of become obsolete in terms of boss-ness in much the same way Shang Tsung has.
03/21/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I have to agree with the replies so far. It's nothing against Quan Chi, it's just not the freshest or best direction to take the series, in my opinion. If Quan Chi is returning, let him be playable and give us a familiar bad guy to play as.
03/21/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
I don't think so. Quan Chi was the final boss in MKDA so I doubt that he would be the boss again. He would have to have a major revamp in story, and power level in order for me to be on board with the idea. I prefer him to be like Shang Tsung. He's evil, he schems, and even though he isn't the most powerful he is still a force to be reconed with.

Ehh... Quan Chi was not the main boss for Deadly Alliance... it was both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.
03/21/2010 06:41 AM (UTC)
I personally feel that although he was one of primairy villains in MDA......he was hardly boss level (ALOT LIKE SHINNOK) he also has his hands thrust into a lot of pies.......and really is in my opinion the true villain of the series

1....He was from what I read instrumental in Sindels rebirth. Therefore in a way made Kahns invasion possible

2....he tried to free Shinnok and so kinda helped create Noob

3 he killed Scorpions family

4 he created the hatredbetween Sub Zero and Scorpion

5 freed Shinnok,starting a second war

6.......back stabbed Shinnok and stole his Amulet

7.....found an army that was better left forgotten

8..created the deadly alliance

9.... helpedShamg kill everyone and then bested Shang

10 united the forcesof darkness the last great battle

This is most likley my fan boyness coming out,but he involved very intimatley in alot of storylines

03/21/2010 12:37 PM (UTC)
Quan is capable of many things and plays major roles in the game but...i really have a hard time seeing him even as a sub boss. i think he is one of those neutral evil types that builds off of other characters. he is a bad guy to bad guys and a bad guy to good guys. he is more of a story maker than a main boss. i would rather Shinnok be the boss than Quan Chi. i like Shang and Kahn but they are getting a bit stale to me...maybe a new villian could emerge from the ashes of armageddon but Quan Chi needs to be and stay just an instigater to story lines as always.
03/21/2010 12:43 PM (UTC)
I'd rather see a completely new boss character and I'd like him/her/(?)it(?) to be normal sized.

If they decide to go with one of the previous boss-characters then I'd go with Shinnok. I almost felt sorry for him in MK4 how bad he was, I felt like a great injustice had been done to him. But then, in MKA, he was fantastic. I absolutely loved him in the Konquest mode. I'd even go as far to say that he was the star of that game, at least among the villains.
So yeah, I'd give Shinnok a new chance to shine. Anyway, boss or not, I would like to see more of him.
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03/21/2010 02:42 PM (UTC)
I also wanna see new boss, but I don't mind Quan Chi.He da man.
03/21/2010 02:46 PM (UTC)
Shinnok is horribly underused.....in Armageddon he did seem like the main villain
03/21/2010 03:19 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer a brand new boss. Something that we have not yet seen in the MK universe.
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03/21/2010 05:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
I don't think so. Quan Chi was the final boss in MKDA so I doubt that he would be the boss again. He would have to have a major revamp in story, and power level in order for me to be on board with the idea. I prefer him to be like Shang Tsung. He's evil, he schems, and even though he isn't the most powerful he is still a force to be reconed with.

Ehh... Quan Chi was not the main boss for Deadly Alliance... it was both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.

but its the same thing if you just think about it. i guess he could have said "quan chi was one of the final bosses in MKDA"....but theres no need to be so wordy.
03/24/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
ShaoKahnfan11 Wrote:
Shinnok is horribly underused.....in Armageddon he did seem like the main villain

Absolutely. I agree 100%.

Nephrite Wrote:
I'd rather see a completely new boss character and I'd like him/her/(?)it(?) to be normal sized.

If they decide to go with one of the previous boss-characters then I'd go with Shinnok. I almost felt sorry for him in MK4 how bad he was, I felt like a great injustice had been done to him. But then, in MKA, he was fantastic. I absolutely loved him in the Konquest mode. I'd even go as far to say that he was the star of that game, at least among the villains.
So yeah, I'd give Shinnok a new chance to shine. Anyway, boss or not, I would like to see more of him.

Indeed. Shinnok was SUPERB in MKA and he was no doubt the main star of the evil cast. I though they did a wonderful job with him in that game, and I wouldn't be upset if he was reused as the main villain again (or a subboss).

However, I guess I'm all for a new/different kind of evil, but I feel like Shinnok has a lot of new interesting things to provide.

As for Quan Chi as a main boss, no. I dont find that interesting even though he is one of my faves.
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03/30/2010 08:24 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi is a very good villain, but he had his shot as a main boss already in MKDA. He's not the type of character to ben a stand-alone force (that's just my opinion).

I think we've not seen the last of this sorcerer yet. But as a main boss? I doubt it.
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03/30/2010 09:08 PM (UTC)
I don't really like Quan Chi. At all. So obviously I wouldn't want him to be a boss.

That said, I do appreciate him as a plot-mover, and he's important to the series. With some many characters who exhaust all their energy doing nothing, Quan Chi at least gets shit done.
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03/30/2010 09:14 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
That said, I do appreciate him as a plot-mover, and he's important to the series. With some many characters who exhaust all their energy doing nothing, Quan Chi at least gets shit done.

Precisely. I view Quan Chi as MK's catalyst. Without him, not much would get done on the whole, I expect. I'd prefer him as a normal character rather than a boss. He doesn't need that sort of limelight to be the badass he is. He is just that awesome and will achieve much more in a none boss role.
03/31/2010 09:41 PM (UTC)
The guy that looks sinister, and looks a little like pinhead, Quan Chi right????? No.
03/31/2010 09:50 PM (UTC)
Albert Wesker was a breezy boss in RE5, the typical boss that looks for you when you are hiding and dodging his attacks and same with MK's. CAPCOM AND MIDWAY NEED NEW IDEAS FOR BOSSES IN GAMES INSTEAD OF THE SAME S***.
04/07/2010 09:19 AM (UTC)
We need something fresh and invigorating for the series with a creative twist to it. Having Quan Chi as a main boss is too predictable. I would like to see a boss that has purpose, and in his own eyes does not think he is the bad guy, he is doing what he feels is right. I have an idea, what if the Original Kung Lao returned as the main boss for the next Mortal Kombat but is strengthened by the spirits of all the former Mortal Kombat Champions as well?
04/07/2010 12:54 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
We need something fresh and invigorating for the series with a creative twist to it. Having Quan Chi as a main boss is too predictable. I would like to see a boss that has purpose, and in his own eyes does not think he is the bad guy, he is doing what he feels is right. I have an idea, what if the Original Kung Lao returned as the main boss for the next Mortal Kombat but is strengthened by the spirits of all the former Mortal Kombat Champions as well?

That would be interesting to have a former "good guy" be a bad guy. My opinion is this:

MK1- I loved how this seemingly weak little old man was the main villain! It was unpredictably fantastic! And it worked so well!

MK 2&3- I still say that Shao Kahn is the hardest and most creative boss of the MK universe. And I LOVE the fact that he's the only boss that talks smack WHILE YOU'RE FIGHTING HIM! It made you even more determined to shut him up and finish the game.

MK 4- Shinnok was awesome in Mythologies, especially when he morphed into demon form, I honestly think they didn't do him justice in MK4. If you think about it, it would have been much cooler to see him morph half-way through the match making him more difficult to defeat. He was far too easy for being such a powerful ex-elder god. To me, he was just as difficult/easy as any other kombatant.

MK DA- Having the two sorcerers team up, cool "idea". BUT having them as just being the last two kombatants of the game really didn't feel like I was fighting a "boss" of any kind. They should have had them as a "double-match" like with MK 1 where you have to defeat 2 people with one power bar.

MK D- To me, even though Onaga had a place in the MK storyline, I really felt that it was all hype to just simply create a giant villain. They could have done something better.

MK A- Again, it seemed that they were trying to outdo the Onaga creature in size and strength by making Blaze all on steroids. I enjoyed Blaze when he was simply a hidden kombatant in DA. Did they just run out of ideas and say, "Let's just make Blaze really-frickin' huge and use him as a boss?" Granted, I did enjoy the storyline for him and all, but the bosses are getting kind of "out there".

MKvsDCU- I really liked the Dark Kahn idea. A merger of two bosses. Something original. Granted he's my favorite boss, but how many MKs is Kahn going to be the boss in?...lolol....

They need another "deceptive" boss like Shang in MK1 OR something creative and frickin' cool like a new Shao Kahn-type of character. An elder God? A good guy gone bad? A damned soul? Another demon sorcerer?

All I have to say is that MK 2 is my all-time favorite classic MK because of the fact that Kintaro and Shao Kahn were extremely bad-ass, extremely difficult, and I couldn't wait to fight them! The other bosses just weren't "all that"....I hope they kick it in gear with the new game.
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04/07/2010 01:54 PM (UTC)
To me, Quan Chi is the ultimate schemer. The pot stirer. The mysterious guy in the background trying to acquire power through deception, trickery, etc. He'll fight if he needs to, sure, but as others have said, he's one of the characters that makes things go in MK.

As such, this type of character should NEVER be a final boss. He belongs in the shadows, in the background, effecting things from a distance. I liked the fact that he teamed up with Shang Tsung, because they're both very similar characters.

But as a boss by himself? I'd rather that not happen.

I personally think that Shang Tsung is the best boss MK has ever had. He was an old sorcerer that could morph in to anyone, even you, and kick your ass.

Shao Khan looked cool to me back when MK2 first came out, but now I kinda think that he looks a little ridiculous. The skull helmet, the armor... I think that he needs to look darker and a bit less S&M.

Perhaps using an actual skull face and making it look a little less like a vader helmet. I dunno, I'm way off on a tangent here...

As for Shinnok, I also think that he deserves a second chance. I mean c'mon, he's a Elder God! He never should've been selectable in MK4. It ws the first time the main villain was selectable and it absolutely killed his momentum. Of course, it also doesn't hurt that he looks like an evil bellhop. When a character looks cooler in MK: Annihilation, you know that you did something wrong.

So yeah, get rid of the stupid hat, give him some clothes that look a little more "god worthy" than a red & Yellow vest and what appears to be green long underwear.

Seriously, who thought that was a cool look for him?? His look was vastly improved in MKA, but I still think that they can do better. I'd rather see him get another shot than Quan Chi.
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