Previous Gen
posted02/11/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/28/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
I usually don't make new threads here, but since MKO is like the largest community now, I may get answers.

I know there's hype and what not on the PS4 and X-box one, but there's not enough infos out on the previous gen PS3 and X-box 360. For a poor guy like me(no-pun intended LOL), who just have too much bills to pay and can't afford the next gen sys, if I would have to get this game, it will have to be for my 360. But, it seems like MKX limited editions is alienating the old farts like me with older systems by not giving them the juice that the new gen guys are getting, nor any infos. All I know is that, some 3rd party is making the game for us 360ers, or PS3ers, and a recent message I got from a member from TRMK saying that, there could be some great disadvanges of getting the game for last Gen.

Is there anything known so far on these versions? I actually don't care if the visuals or graphics are worse, but are these versions will still give you all the features that the next gen system games would have? If the 360 version don't have the story mode, that's fine(and even better, since I normally don't even touch story unless I have to unlock characters that way), but I just wish it does not have the fighting game engine that got sacrificed or crippled in any way or what not. Or the towers.

Well, any news you know of?
02/07/2015 02:22 PM (UTC)
NRS seems insulted when asked about next gen. in that one interview yesterday that came out the guy looked as if he almost wanted to deconfirm last gen but he obviously couldnt. ed and co has nothing to do with it so i think thats recipe for disaster.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 02:26 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure NRS is more or less washing its hands of PS3/360 versions and the company responsible for converting them will likely have to tone down the graphical settings but I'm sure the core of the game will be the same
02/07/2015 02:26 PM (UTC)
I may be wrong, but I don't think there is any concrete evidence out yet.

However, using logic and comparing other next gen games that have previous gen versions, I can definitely tell you:

The Game will not look as good as PS4/XboxOne. (This one's obvious)
The Game may not run as well as Next Gen. (Most probably not 1080p 60fps, very possibly longer loading times etc...)
It will have all features (Factions, Towers, Story, etc...)
02/07/2015 02:31 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
I may be wrong, but I don't think there is any concrete evidence out yet.

However, using logic and comparing other next gen games that have previous gen versions, I can definitely tell you:

The Game will not look as good as PS4/XboxOne. (This one's obvious)
The Game may not run as well as Next Gen. (Most probably not 1080p 60fps, very possibly longer loading times etc...)
It will have all features (Factions, Towers, Story, etc...)

Then that's good enough for me. I had my 360 for a while, so I know how the graphics will look like. I just can't shell out several hundred bucks for a new X-box one, and if the graphics and FPS are the only drawbacks, I can live with it. As long as the game is playable. I was also in PS2 days too, which had LOOONG loading time, so loading time isn't an issue here either for me.

Adam Ronin
02/07/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't even bet on it having all the features. Shadow of Mordor on the old systems was missing the key component of the main game - the nemesis system.

I hate to say it, friend. But I think you are really shafting yourself on getting the old gen version. I obviously have no concrete basis in my theories but I am willing to bet it's going to be a far cry from good.

Like anything in life, if there is a will, there is a way, Xbox One is $349. Sell your old systems. Sell some games. Pawn some junk. In this day in age, if you really want to find 350 bucks, it's not super hard.

If you are a die hard fan like the most people here, you'll wanna play the game as it was intended, not a watered down version.

Good luck!
02/07/2015 02:43 PM (UTC)
Well then, I will have to convince my wife. LOL. Who does not like me playing games. LOL. She knows I have 360 and will jump at me if I tell her that I am going to spend 300-400 dollars on the new gen, even if I am going to sell the 360. Heh Heh.

Well, I will just have to live with it. Since all I want is the Fighting game itself, and Tanya, if she ever makes it, and Tower can just be a bonus if it gets in the old gen version. Since I don't play on-line for I just suck in on-line games, and I can care less about the Story.

But Thanx for all your advice and help. I really appreciate. Oh, and one more thing, I am not sure if the MK fight stick I got with the special version of MK9 would still work with this new game, or will it still work on the X-box one, if I DO decide to get it. It worked with Street Fighter X Tekken, but I am not sure about the new game and new consol.
02/07/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
Don't buy the previous gen version. You are paying just as much money for an inferior product. Think of it this way. Previous Gen=Gameboy MK2. Current Gen=Arcade version.
Adam Ronin
02/07/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
If you DO stick with old gen, your fight stick will work just fine. After all, it's just a glorified controller. Works with any game. It won't however work with the Xbox One, which is a bummer.
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02/07/2015 04:51 PM (UTC)
This is something that I have been wandering about for a while now. The lack of news and gameplay footage is unsettling. I hope we get some news soon.
02/07/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
I don't care about inferior graphics or longer loading times. But if the PS3 version was to lack so much as a character, then it'd be a different story.
02/10/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
I went to Gamestop to preorder (Goro code I am going to give away first come first served from my site, for I hate that kharacter and I don't want him in my copy of the game, since I am stuck with that code since I want the premium edition and he will come with it whether I like it or not, for I have to preorder on that one), for 360, but the guy didn't know about the premium version for 360. Does anyone know if the 89.99 price is including the season pass that I have to preorder, or is it something that I buy the regular game for 60 and pay additional 30 later for season pass (kombat pack) for download as premium pack(which is even better that case, since I don't have to worry about Goro lamo)?. Or, is the premium pack for 360 amazon only (didn't see it there either)

02/10/2015 08:58 PM (UTC)
To put it bluntly, the old gen versions will be shit.

Compared to next gen anyway
02/10/2015 09:25 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
To put it bluntly, the old gen versions will be shit.

Compared to next gen anyway

Well, since I am not going to shell out 300-400 bucks on a next gen sys, no matter how bad the game is, I am going to get it on old gen no matter what.

I just want an answer. I really wish it's the way that, I buy the regular version for 360, for $60 when the game releases, and all I have to do to get the premium version with Kombat Pack, just pay additional $30 and download and that's it, without having to pre-order and get the useless extra kharacter whom I hate whom I am only going to use as a target practice dummy for my Fatality Practice or just give it away.

Well, does anyone know?
02/11/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
All I want to know is, can I download the premium version after the game's release after purchasing the regular game (Hopefully, so to make sure I DON'T get Goro lamo), or do I have to pay online first in order to reserve this download.

Sorry for the double posting, but I need to know.
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