Predator gameplay ideas
posted07/21/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
The Predator is one of the most suggested guests, but there hasn't been any individual threads about it so far. There are threads for specific MK characters, so I don't see why there couldn't be any for specific guests too. It's not like Jason Voorhees' gameplay would be similar to the Predator's, nor should it be.

As far as variants go, I think we should get different Predator types.

Classic Predator, largely based on the original, with only the wristblades and plasma caster.

Black Predator (aka "Super" Predators) from Predators), who uses those hounds as a special move, and who's a little larger and slower than the classic variant.

The LA hunter (aka pussyface) from the second movie. It's moveset should feature every weapons introduced in the second movie, like the combistick (staff), the net (which, unlike Cyrax's, would hurt the opponent), the disc and the spears.

Alien hunters: Based on the AVP variations. Comes with the shurikens as a projectile, the Gill Predator's wristblades (Gill is the first Predator who died, FYI), and some of Wolf's (AVP:R's lead Predator) weapons, like the whip (though it might work better for a fatality).

All variants would be able to cloak, and only the classic and black ones would have the plasma caster (shoulder cannons) in their moveset. You would have every vision modes from the movies, such as the classic infra-red one, though they wouldn't affect gameplay much.

To conclude, the next idea, which should also apply to MK characters, are variants-based alts. The black variant should have all three designs from Predators as selectable alts, the AVP one those from the AVP movies (duh), the LA Hunter those of every Predators encountered near the end of P2 except for the Elder's, which would be the Classic variant's only alt as they had rather similar facial features.
07/17/2014 03:04 PM (UTC)
We don't even know whos gonna be the guest character.
Why not wait till we find out, then you can spam threads about it.
07/17/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
We don't even know whos gonna be the guest character.
Why not wait till we find out, then you can spam threads about it.

Forums are there to make suggestions, share stories, talk about known characters and also characters you hope to see in the game and of course also post ideas like this one.

So why don't you go fishing and let this poor boy make the topics he likes?

IF there is a guest character, Predator would be one of the very few I wouldn't totally hate, I hated Kratos, Freddy was kinda ok.

Predator really falls into the Cyborgs catogorie, while it isn't even a cyborg, but the cyborg designs sometimes come close to the design of Predator for some reasons.
07/17/2014 03:41 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
We don't even know whos gonna be the guest character.
Why not wait till we find out, then you can spam threads about it.

Forums are there to make suggestions, share stories, talk about known characters and also characters you hope to see in the game and of course also post ideas like this one.

So why don't you go fishing and let this poor boy make the topics he likes?

IF there is a guest character, Predator would be one of the very few I wouldn't totally hate, I hated Kratos, Freddy was kinda ok.

Predator really falls into the Cyborgs catogorie, while it isn't even a cyborg, but the cyborg designs sometimes come close to the design of Predator for some reasons.

Fishing IMO is a waste of time and resources, unless you get really lucky, but thanks for suggesting.
I still think its pointless to flood the forum with threads like that.
You know, why don't we just make a general guest character thread where anyone can suggest their choice of guest characters and their gameplay ideas. Oh wait, there already is one.

Anyway predator wont be so bad, but I expect someone better.
07/17/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
We don't even know whos gonna be the guest character.
Why not wait till we find out, then you can spam threads about it.


Anyway, just to make a few more suggestions, the Predator's mimic device should be used during intros and taunts, where it'd replay quotes both from the Predator movies (like "want some candy?") and MK characters. Just imagine the Predator speaking with a female character's voice.

The Predator's mask could be either knocked out, or removed during fighting if the player wants to. You should even be able to choose whether to wear it or not when selecting the Predator. This should slightly affect intros, as the Predator should speak with it's own, much more alien voice, and some of the opponents should react differently.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/18/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
"Predator" is a property of 20th Century Fox. Not Warner Bros.
And you can forget about "asking" because I think they sued each other long ago.

About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
07/18/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
"Predator" is a property of 20th Century Fox. Not Warner Bros.
And you can forget about "asking" because I think they sued each other long ago.

This pretty much, the Predator is from a different company and would lead to a lawsuit. Freddy was picked because he was easier to get as he is property of Warner Bros (Since New Line was bought by WB if I'm correct) and Sony had a deal with NRS if I recall to use Kratos. Kratos is a fit for Mortal Kombat given his ways of combat and brutally killing his enemies.

The Predator isn't really much of a fighter, they're hunters and they do fight only to prove who can get the best trophies. Hunting is life for them.
07/19/2014 01:09 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
"Predator" is a property of 20th Century Fox. Not Warner Bros.
And you can forget about "asking" because I think they sued each other long ago.

So. What. Why is it I can never post any ideas for fun around here without someone pestering me with unnecessary information (and sometimes, said people don't even get their facts straight) that I likely already know about. Bloody hell, people are really all about business around here, aren't they?

And so WB and Fox sued each other. Yeah, because we know that such cases are never settled, ever. And that no one ever put aside their grudges for money (meaning, that Fox might allow WB to use one of it's characters as a guest if WB paid them a generous amount). And again, the point is moot, anyway. Why can't we just post ideas for fun?
07/20/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
Having the Predator in the game would be the Best thing for fans. he would fit in so well.

Intro: You see a tree and a blur comes into view. And eyes light up and the Predator De-Cloaks, jumping down from the tree, lets out a roar and prepares to battle. (Depending if he is P1 or P2, he will look at the opponent in its mask vision while on the tree)

Special Moves:
Plasma Caster- Shoots his shoulder cannon at the opponent
*Enhanced version- Can be charges, does dbl damage and is unblockable

Shurikens/Smart-Disc- Throwing projectile
*Enhanced Version- Throws 2 pairs

Cloaking- For a brief period the Predator blends into the background
*Enhanced Version- Completely blends into the background (until opponent is attacked)

Whip- Strikes the opponent twice and trips them on the last strike
*Enhanced Version- Multiple strikes but instead of tripping, the opponent is wrapped in in the whip and is tossed overhead slamming them to the ground,

Advanced Tech- Uses multiple types of Plasma projectiles. (Single Shoulder Cannon, Gauntlet Plasma Bolt & Dual Shoulder Cannons)
*Aesthetic change* Jungle Warrior Mask, lighter skin tone

Blade Master- Uses a variety of blades in their attacks (Wrist Blades, Glaive, Maul, Naginata)
*Aesthetic change* Wolf's Mask and a Darker skin tone

Code of Honor- This variant uses no weapons. Its a "Fair Fight" so to speak
*Aesthetic change* No Mask, has medium skin tone with darker armor

X-Ray Move:
Playing with the Pray- Predator lunges forward striking the in the face seeing the skull crack. He then extends his wrist blade slashing twice at the opponents chest. The Predator then cloaks up and de-cloaks behind the opponent. He aims his shoulder cannon at the opponent and fires a huge concussive blast which see's the opponents back & spine crack.

Rite of Passage- The Predator takes out his spear and throws it at the opponent piercing them through their body. The opponent falls to their knees being held up by the spear in them. The Predator then walks up to them extending his wrist blade and stabs then in the neck, while pulling their head off with the other hand. The body falls to its side. As you see the Predator walk off the screen with the severed head in had and cloaks up.

Bad Move- With the opponent defeated the Predator walks away. The Opponent then about to make a move while the Predators back is turn. The Predator turns around throwing two shurikens which one pierces the opponent and the other cuts off their arm. The Predator aims its dual shoulder cannons firing two shots. (view from the back of the opponent) You see the first shot blow off the opponents face and the other shot rips a hole in there chest coming out there back making a huge hole. You see the Predator put his shoulder cannon down from the holes of the opponent and then continues to walk away.

Last Sight- The Predator takes off his Mask and Roars at the opponent. He grabs the opponent by the neck and lifts them up. With his other hand he he grabs hold of the opponents skin and rips the majority of it off. With the opponent screaming in agony, the Predator begins to hang the opponent upside down and once lifted, the Predator stabs them through the chest killing them instantly.

Outro (No Fatality): Removes mask (if has one on) and lets out a roar and shoots off his dual cannons (camera pans out) and as the camera zooms back in the Predator cloaks up and disappears completely

07/20/2014 01:09 PM (UTC)
Invicibility... it could have been such a special thing.

But now Reptile, Tanya and Predator would use the ability... It loses its specialty.

Altho I think Tanya uses illusions to become invisible and Reptile chameleon powers. Dunno how Predator does it.
07/20/2014 08:56 PM (UTC)
His X-Ray or Fatality better be in a thermal camera or else I will be very disappointed
07/20/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
KingofKings97 Wrote:
His X-Ray or Fatality better be in a thermal camera or else I will be very disappointed

Thermal vision, and any other vision modes, should be optional. I personally think a fatality in infra-red wouldn't be as satisfying, so I'd rather be able to turn it off. An X-Ray in thermal sounds cool (heh).

You've got nice ideas. I especially liked your X-Ray suggestion, and the "Code of honor" variant.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

07/21/2014 02:56 AM (UTC)
Hello fellow Predator fan! The only idea I don't like that much is the whip attack. I would prefer more creative use of the wrist blades such as firing them through the air as seen in second film or having a Celtic inspired gauntlet where the blades can turn. Disks can return like Jade's ranged moves. Also there can be yellow and blue colored plasma connected to the variations that the player chooses to use.
About Me

I will rock you.

07/21/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
JD brought the Predator to life for me. Man he can come up with some good ideas.
07/21/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
Some ideas for Predator-based arenas.

The jungle: with the big log as a deathtrap, however unlike the deathtraps in MKD, it requires one of the fighters to kick the wooden stick (sorry for the poor choice of words) on one end of the arena to make the log fall, and for the opponent to be completely on the other end. If the log is dodged, it cannot be used again, at least not as a trap, though it could be thrown at an opponent.

Alternately, it could be based on Predators, with all those various traps dodged by the characters as stage hazards, or stage fatalities. Or, the fight could take place in that gruesome trophy camp, with the corpses and body parts of various creatures, including MK ones, like a vampire's wings on hooks, or a centaur's metallic tail.

Spaceship: the fight could either take place in the exact same spot Harrigan and the Predator fought in in P2, with the trophies in the background (and again, the addition of MK creatures' skulls on the display), or inside an AVP-based ship.

The pyramid: great potential for deathtraps there, even though I know deathtraps aren't likely to return.

Personally, I wouldn't mind the room in that building where the Jamaican gangsters in P2 got killed, with their hanged, skinned corpses in the background, or the slaughterhouse, or the inside of that running train, with the lights out. Though the last two don't have to be based specifically on the P2 ones, as they could be new MK backgrounds.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/21/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
"Predator" is a property of 20th Century Fox. Not Warner Bros.
And you can forget about "asking" because I think they sued each other long ago.

So. What. Why is it I can never post any ideas for fun around here without someone pestering me with unnecessary information (and sometimes, said people don't even get their facts straight) that I likely already know about. Bloody hell, people are really all about business around here, aren't they?

And so WB and Fox sued each other. Yeah, because we know that such cases are never settled, ever. And that no one ever put aside their grudges for money (meaning, that Fox might allow WB to use one of it's characters as a guest if WB paid them a generous amount). And again, the point is moot, anyway. Why can't we just post ideas for fun?

Unnecessary information?
I'm telling you why it can't happen and you choose to ignore logic.

Have a nice life.

Oh, and no one is going to do business with a person that just sued them.
Believe it or not, but I'm sure you will choose not to for the sake to remain ignorant, money doesn't rule over everyone's pride.
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