Power levels of MK characters?? (DBZ and Marvel fans know what I mean)
posted10/30/2005 06:34 PM (UTC)by
Oni Lord Asmodeus
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Member Since
02/19/2003 09:41 PM (UTC)
Have you ever been sitting around daydreaming and MK pops into your brain. You say to yourself, "who would win in fight between Baraka and Kabal?" or "Who would win between the new black dragon and the old?" Well I wonder these things all the time.

note* (For thoughs of you who have read this before I've decieded to bring this back because I really just love doing it. so far everything is the same as before so I'll post some new stuff in the coming days.)

I was talking to a friend of mine who does the same thing only with DC and Marvel characters but he puts it on paper and maps out the battle. He has gone as far as listing each of the characters along with their statistics. I thought it was a cool idea and so I've started doing the same thing with the MK Kharacters.

For starter I should point out that this is NOT a tier list for any of the MK games. I base all the stats on the training and experiences the character has gone through within the STORYLINE. I have been thinking, and tweaking for a while now but I still have a ways to go.

I've started by giving a breif synopsis of the characters personality and story, followed by a grade symbolizing the characters strengths or weaknesses in a particular area. Each Kombatant is given a point value for different attributes, like agility, strength and vitatilty, which operates on a scale of 1-7. A 1 is pethetic, 4 representes average skill, and a 7 is flawless. I've even given some fighters, like Raiden for example, an 8 in some places for godly, or a 0 for none existent

So far, the attributes are as follows:

Agility - over-all speed
Experience - over all Kombat eperience
Vitality - how much physical punishment the fighter can take
Strength - home much physical punishment the figher can dish out
Will - how much heart the kombatant possess
Leadership - How well the fighter can work cooperatively and cohesively with others
Fa jing - How well skilled the fighter is with mystic and chi based attacks

Depending on the character, some attributes over lap, working together by strengthening each other. example. Raiden, his strength is rated a 6 but combind with his experience (8) and Fa Jing (8) it can be pushed up to a 7 or 8.

If you have any other ideas or imput please tell me. I'll start with a couple characters that have been around for a while.

Sub-Zero - A powerful warrior who has mastered the element of cold, he is the Grandmaster of the newly reformed Lin Kuei. Through years of fighting and bloodshed, he has proven himself to be one of Earth's greatest heros. Going against all he stood for years ago, he forges a new destiny for himself and his fellow clansmen, by moving them from the darkness into the light. He has traveled into Outworld with his prize pupil Frost to help Raiden and the other heros of Earth to combat the Deadly alliance. He was ultimatly betrayed by frost when she stole the prize posession of all Lin Kuei Grandmasters, past and present, the Dragon Medalion. She tried in vain to harness its power but the strain was to much for her undiciplined soul...she was consumed by her own freezing ability. Sub-Zero took her reamains deep into the snow covered plains of the north. By chance, he came across a collection of ancient ruins and decieded to take refuge there. Within those walls he discovers what he believed to be his and frost's ancient heritage. He places Frost's frozen body in a tomb, and takes the mystical armor of his forefathers hiden within the ruins.

Agility - 5
Experience - 6
Vitality - 6
Strength - 6
Will - 5
Leadership - 5
Fa Jing - 8

Scorpion - As a hellspawned spectre, Scorpion is a being filled with unyeilding torment and hate. He pursued his manipulator, and ultimate betrayer Quan Chi, from the farthest reaches of the Netherealm into the Outworld where he was ambushed by two Oni who had followed them both. The Oni flung his battered body into a soulnado leading to the heavens where his body and soul would have been ripped apart by the purity of that realm. He was able to escaped it to the void, the space between realms , where he met the Elder Gods themselves. After witnessing the destruction of the forces of light and the rise of the Dragon King, Scorpion was transformed in the the Elder Gods Champion...the Enforcer of their will.

Agility - 5
Experience - 8
Vitality - 6
Strength - 6
Will - 4
Leadership - 4
Fa Jing - 8

Liu Kang - Earthrealms greatest warrior, and champion of Mortal Kombat. Liu Kang lived a life of sacifice and honor, and successfully defended his realm, and friends, from many other worldly foes. Sadly he lost his life and soul when ambushed by the Deadly Alliance at the temple of the Order of Light. From within his captor Shang Tsung, he witnessed the defeat of his friends, and then experienced the death of Shang Tsung himself in battle with the Dragon King. Instead of ascending into the afterlife, he wanders the wastlands of Outworld in search of a way to stop this powerful meanece.

Agility - 6
Experience - 6
Vitality - 4
Strength - 6
Will - 8
Leadership - 6
Fa Jing - 7

Goro - He is the prince of all Shokan, a race of four-armed, half dragon people, and at 8'2", 550 pounds, he is a more than a formitable opponent. He held the title of Grand Champion of Mortal Kombat until his over confidence got the better of him and he lost his title to Liu Kang of Earthrealm's. Shortly after he disapeared into the shadows, everyone believed him dead. Years later, he returned looking to regain his honor and title by defeating Liu Kang in Kombat but found himself caught up in a war between the gods. He worked together with the forces of light and helped vanquish Shinnok and his armies, then soon after, with the help of Princes Kitana, he quelled the age old conflict between the Shokan and the Centuar. When Shao Kahn returned, the Shokan honored there agreement of peace by fight with the allied armies of Outworld. Goro was mortally wounded on the battle field and though dead by his people. Suprisingly he was found and healed by his old lord and master...Shao Kahn. He now fights to put Shao Kahn back on the throne.

Agility - 4
Experience - 7
Vitality - 6
Strength - 7
Will - 5
Leadership - 6
Fa Jing - 6
Oni Lord Asmodeus
10/30/2005 02:53 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao - A powerful warrior hailing from Mongolia, he is a member of the secretive Red Dragon clan. Years ago he was outfitted with a cybernetic heart. This coupled with his extensive training, gives him enhanced focus and endurance. He is a most dangerous adversery. Given the task of infiltrating the US Special Forces, and ultimately the Outerworld Investigation Agency (OIA), he was to exterminate the last members of the rouge Black Dragon clan. He was successful in all of his missions, and a new command was issued: destroy the OIA. While setting the small nuclear device which would destroy the underground facility, he was confronted by Jax. He escaped the encouter through a portal to Outworld just as the explosive detonated.

Agility - 3
Experience - 6
Vitaliy - 5
Strength - 6
Will - 7
Leadership - 2
Fa Jing - 2

Bo Rai' Cho - A master of martial arts, he was born in Outworld centuries ago and has ventured to many realms in his quest for knowledge. He eventually settled in Earthrealm to help train warriors for the Mortal Kombat Tournament. His most prized student is the shaolin monk, Liu Kang who went on to become Mortal Kombat champion. After Liu's victory Bo returned to outworld. Years later he is informed of Liu's death at the hands of the deadly alliance by liu's shaolin brother, Kung Lao.

Agility - 4
Experience - 7
Vitality - 5
Strength - 6
Will - 6
Leadership - 7
Fa Jing - 7
About Me

10/30/2005 04:14 PM (UTC)
Wtf? Bo' rai Cho's and Hsu haos agility is so low, even if they have agility reliant martial arts? How is o' rai Cho's "fa jing" that high if he doesn't really cast spels (except the power to vomit on whim)?

Anyhow I think this whole power level thing is ridiculous as there is no such thing, save perhaps the power of magic in Mortal Kombat. Everythign depends on the "now" not as an overall statistic.

Continue though.
Oni Lord Asmodeus
10/30/2005 06:34 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Wtf? Bo' rai Cho's and Hsu haos agility is so low, even if they have agility reliant martial arts? How is o' rai Cho's "fa jing" that high if he doesn't really cast spels (except the power to vomit on whim)?

Anyhow I think this whole power level thing is ridiculous as there is no such thing, save perhaps the power of magic in Mortal Kombat. Everythign depends on the "now" not as an overall statistic.

Continue though.

I understand waht you are saying about some of the stat, they're still a work in progress so they are subject to change. I just wanted to get this topc back up so I could continue.

And If you don't like "power levels" then just think of these numbers as stats or ratings for the characters in different areas.
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