Post MK1-3 char reveals closer to release?
posted01/28/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)by
So Reptile has landed on our doorstep which makes him the 8th (9th if you count Goro) reveal since E3 of last year. All but one of those characters have been alumni from the first 3 games and it makes me wonder if those characters from MK4 to MKA are going to be announced closer to when the game drops, or maybe not even at all.

The classic characters are (arguably) the most popular faces for the MK franchise so there is a certain kind of logic to keep on featuring them for reveals as April gets closer and closer; keep on shoveling coal into the hype train so to speak. It leaves me with the feeling that lesser known characters are going to be solidified right before release or put in the roster of MKX but kept a secret until day one.

If I happen to be right I can't say I blame NRS for choosing the "popular" vote but it still makes me sad for all those characters who are liked who weren't in the original trilogy. I wish they had done a spattering of MK1-3 characters and those who came afterwards just to balance things out.

Of course, there's also the possibility that very, very few characters who aren't classic or aren't new will not make it into the game but I don't really want to brace myself for that... not yet at least.
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
01/27/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
Yeah, it's pretty clear to me that only Trilogy characters are going to get these big reveals. Counting the known characters, characters who are obviously going to be in, and the estimated number of character slots, it isn't looking good for MK4-MKA characters at all. I wouldn't be shocked if the two or three we do get are unceremoniously dumped in random screenshots given to the press a few weeks before release.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/27/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
Yeah, it's pretty clear to me that only Trilogy characters are going to get these big reveals. Counting the known characters, characters who are obviously going to be in, and the estimated number of character slots, it isn't looking good for MK4-MKA characters at all. I wouldn't be shocked if the two or three we do get are unceremoniously dumped in random screenshots given to the press a few weeks before release.

01/27/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
I was rally hoping to see people Fujin, Tanya, Shinnok, Sareena, Havik, Reiko and Li Mei get their time in the spotlight. These seven still have the best shot, but with each reveal, it looks more and more bleak for them to make it into the game.

Still holding out for at least one or two of them...
01/27/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
I was rally hoping to see people Fujin, Tanya, Shinnok, Sareena, Havik, Reiko and Li Mei get their time in the spotlight. These seven still have the best shot, but with each reveal, it looks more and more bleak for them to make it into the game.

Still holding out for at least one or two of them...

We're probably getting 1 or 2 at the most. Especially if it's only 24 characters.
Zebron Wrote:
Yeah, it's pretty clear to me that only Trilogy characters are going to get these big reveals. Counting the known characters, characters who are obviously going to be in, and the estimated number of character slots, it isn't looking good for MK4-MKA characters at all. I wouldn't be shocked if the two or three we do get are unceremoniously dumped in random screenshots given to the press a few weeks before release.

I also forgot to mention that the same thing happened with Injustice when Ares and Killer Frost were kind of mentioned right before the game hit shelves. This ties into my theory of lesser knowns being made even lesser known about being in a certain fighting game.

Also I love your sig. I would not be sad if Zebron made it into MKX; and yes I realize that it's not going to happen but how can you say no to a magic wielding Zebra?!
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01/27/2015 07:35 PM (UTC)
The future is looking darker by the day for post trilogy characters.
01/27/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
Yeah the post trilogy characters are going to probably get nothing but disrespect and slaughtered as canon fodder in the comic and be done away with.
I think if this game is anything it's them starting fresh post trilogy and wiping out all the characters (save Quan Chi because of course) from after MK4 from MK existence.

I think the only one I have seen be treated with any respect besides our favorite(or least favorite) bald sorcerer is Kenshi.
Onaga Wrote:
Yeah the post trilogy characters are going to probably get nothing but disrespect and slaughtered as canon fodder in the comic and be done away with.
I think if this game is anything it's them starting fresh post trilogy and wiping out all the characters (save Quan Chi because of course) from after MK4 from MK existence.

I think the only one I have seen be treated with any respect besides our favorite(or least favorite) bald sorcerer is Kenshi.

I still have hope that we'll see some of them other then Kenshi and Baldy. Not sure if my stubbornness will just lead to many tears.
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01/27/2015 09:28 PM (UTC)

Ed said in his interview with TRMK that we will see a returning fighter from MK4 and some of the later games' fighters that were not in MK9.
Also anyone notice how more direct his hints have been for this game?

Based on story in MK9 and the Cast thing for the MKX web series:

(A fan asked about if Ed will answer his question Shinnok and he mentioned that he will get an answer one day. To me, that points to his inclusion.)

Bo' Rai Cho
(One day, he also randomly posted a pic of Bo Rai Cho's pepto ad from MKDA krypt.)

If that rumor is true, then



Fujin is getting a lot of requests, so I expect him as DLC.

The Red Dragon are becoming an important threat in the comics and I could imagine their presence being a subplot in the game, and Daegon appearing.

I Hope one gets a trailer before April.

About Me
"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
01/27/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
Ab_Horrence Wrote:
Zebron Wrote:
Yeah, it's pretty clear to me that only Trilogy characters are going to get these big reveals. Counting the known characters, characters who are obviously going to be in, and the estimated number of character slots, it isn't looking good for MK4-MKA characters at all. I wouldn't be shocked if the two or three we do get are unceremoniously dumped in random screenshots given to the press a few weeks before release.

I also forgot to mention that the same thing happened with Injustice when Ares and Killer Frost were kind of mentioned right before the game hit shelves. This ties into my theory of lesser knowns being made even lesser known about being in a certain fighting game.

Also I love your sig. I would not be sad if Zebron made it into MKX; and yes I realize that it's not going to happen but how can you say no to a magic wielding Zebra?!

Thanks! Yeah, it would be a blast to play as Zebron, but it's just not in the cards.
About Me
"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
01/27/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
I think the only one I have seen be treated with any respect besides our favorite(or least favorite) bald sorcerer is Kenshi.

I'm even starting to wonder if they're planning to *replace* Kenshi with Takeda (the Scrappy-Doo version of Kenshi).
01/27/2015 09:35 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
I was rally hoping to see people Fujin, Tanya, Shinnok, Sareena, Havik, Reiko and Li Mei get their time in the spotlight. These seven still have the best shot, but with each reveal, it looks more and more bleak for them to make it into the game.

Still holding out for at least one or two of them...

The characters you posted IMO have good chances of being in. Not guaranteeing anything though
01/27/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
Unlikely any of them make it in except for Quan Chi and Shinnok(boss).
Even Kenshi seems to be in trouble with his son replacing him, maybe
Fujin and Tanya cause they nearly made it in MK9 but that's it.
01/27/2015 09:50 PM (UTC)
I still have hope for MK4-MKA characters making it in. However, if someone random like Smoke or jade makes a return...furious furious furious
01/27/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:

Ed said in his interview with TRMK that we will see a returning fighter from MK4 and some of the later games' fighters that were not in MK9.
Also anyone notice how more direct his hints have been for this game?

Based on story in MK9 and the Cast thing for the MKX web series:

(A fan asked about if Ed will answer his question Shinnok and he mentioned that he will get an answer one day. To me, that points to his inclusion.)

Bo' Rai Cho
(One day, he also randomly posted a pic of Bo Rai Cho's pepto ad from MKDA krypt.)

If that rumor is true, then



Fujin is getting a lot of requests, so I expect him as DLC.

The Red Dragon are becoming an important threat in the comics and I could imagine their presence being a subplot in the game, and Daegon appearing.

I Hope one gets a trailer before April.

Agreed with this list. I think the post Trilogy characters (either in-game or as DLC) will be Quan Chi, Kenshi, Shinnok, Bo Rai Cho, Fujin & Tanya. Daegon is more or less a wildcard as he may end up just as a major plot point for the comic series but honestly, who knows. But those 6 I am pretty sure of.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/27/2015 10:15 PM (UTC)
I hope some lesser known characters are given some love. Sadly I do feel like most will get Hsu Hao'd in the comic. I have a bad feeling regarding Frost particularly.
01/27/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho have the biggest chances, ignoring Kenshi.

Frost, Tanya, Reiko and Havik wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, but they're less likely.
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art by fear-sAs
01/27/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
I suppose it's a smart move to show the legacy characters simply because they have 2 decades with the franchise. A lot of the later era characters, while filled with potential, have been mishandled (Kenshi and Quan Chi not withstanding). So you show people Kitana, or Scorpion, or Reptile or Sub-Zero because to the general public because those characters make the game "feel" like Mortal Kombat. People can look at the trailers and go "Oh, I recognize these characters, this feels like the game I remember."

If you front load the reveals with characters like D'vorrah or Cassie, or Kotal Kahn, and then mix them in with Nitara, Li Mei, and Havik, the reaction from the general public is "Who the fuck is this? I don't know this character, this isn't MK, so why should I care. I want my Kung Lao, my Kitana, my Reptile, my Sub-Zero."

So yes, that is a long winded way of saying that the later or new characters have a better chance of being shown off closer to release. At that point the general public, the guys who WBIE makes most of the money off of, will buy the game because it's got characters they are familiar with plus some new ones.
01/27/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
The more I think about it, the more I like how NRS are revealing the characters. Getting all the well known characters out of the way first seems like the smart way to because more fans recognize them than any of the 3D era games. That gets the hype train moving along and builds momentum which help sales significantly when the game gets released. For us die yards, we need to be patient. I've been dying to see Fujin (if he's included), but I hope he's one of the last reveals. With the cliffhanger ending of MK9, there's no doubt Shinnok will be involved, but there's no guarantee he'll be playable. God I hope he is though!! That's what makes all of this so fun, wondering and waiting if your faves will make the cut.
01/28/2015 12:07 AM (UTC)
At this point ive lost hope in any 3d era characters making it in. We may get lucky like in deception with a post mk3 character making it in like Tanya. But good thing Im a huge fan of kotal Kahn. Will have to Just stick with him ,raiden, and Kung Lao if I want the game.
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01/28/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
I want say that boon and company don't hate post trilogy characters but I'm not so, sure. While they dis get into the, background of MK9 I'm worried. Seems like Frost could, die if Cassie goes all the way. And while, in game for MK9 characters like Bo rai cho and havok were, mentioned the comic is, where they are, with Hsu Hao and Mavado and Deagon. Plus Kenshi and Reiko. I do hope Fujin is, on and not just DLC. If dlc I'll buy him of course. I don't want any more trilogy characters for the other 12 spots I want 4-A or new. And I don't think Shinnok is final boss.

Characters not new I most want in game:

Bo Rai Cho
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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

01/28/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
I hope at least one post-MK3 character gets a trailer in February. (No, Quan Chi doesn't count.)

shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Characters not new I most want in game:

Bo Rai Cho

I'd welcome all four, with preference to Fujin of course. Like you, I have a soft spot for Ashrah, but she wasn't given an MK9 cameo so her chances in MKX were slim to begin with.
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01/28/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)


Bo Rai Cho



This are the only answers.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/28/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
My dream 6 regardless if they have been deconfirmed?


Nitara has so much fucking potential to become a kick-ass character but seems like she'll just never be given that chance.
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