Post any character ideas!
posted08/11/2007 10:12 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/08/2007 10:31 PM (UTC)
Here any ideas for future mk8 characters are welcome.....
06/11/2007 03:20 AM (UTC)
06/11/2007 03:22 AM (UTC)
0 i mea a bio a character!!
06/11/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)


He's a ninja

06/11/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)
mean srry
06/11/2007 03:25 AM (UTC)
lol.....*slaping face*
06/11/2007 03:25 AM (UTC)
You can edit your posts, ya know.
06/11/2007 03:28 AM (UTC)
06/11/2007 04:22 AM (UTC)
...The Easter Bunny!...Edit:with a baseball bat for a weapon.That's all I can come up with.
06/11/2007 02:05 PM (UTC)
About Me

06/11/2007 02:46 PM (UTC)
Why the hell do you post spam? Either this thread shows signs of intelligence from here, or it will be closed.

Ninjas suck.
06/11/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Why the hell do you post spam? Either this thread shows signs of intelligence from here, or it will be closed.

I'll take that challenge.

Please note: I'm generally thinking MK8 is going to be a complete reboot of the series rather than following on from Armageddon

Name - Dunno yet lol.
Race - Tarkatan
Fighting Style - Prefers having a single blade. Kinda think Yoshimitsu without the batshit insane stuff.
Allignment - Good/Neutral
Basic Storyline - The Tarkatan are nomads wandering the lands of Outworld. They are looked down upon by Overlords, despite being the original species of Outworld, and few see their "talents" they keep hidden. They are well trained warriors, with strong connections to the energy flows of the world, but will only fight when provoked.

*This Tarkatan* is the leader of the *blank* clan of Tarkata. He is a good man willing to do what is necessary for the clan. He hears about the Mortal Kombat tournament. and decides to enter the tournament to help gain his clan and his race the recognition he feels they deserves even if it cost him his life.
06/13/2007 07:12 PM (UTC)
Place of Origin- Netrick(New Realm)
Height- 6'5"
Weight- 200lbs.
Allies-Ice(brother), Cyclone(brother), and Storm(brother)
Enemys-everyone else
Fighting Styles- Moi Fah, Zi Ran Men
Weapon- Kirehashi

Place of Origin- Netrick
Height- 6'5"
Weight- 200lbs.
Allies-Ice(brother), Cyclone(brother), and Flame(brother)
Enemys-everyone else
Fighting Styles-Wing Chun, Xing Yi
Weapon- Lightning Rod

Place of Origin- Netrick
Height- 6'5"
Weight- 200lbs.
Allies-Ice(brother), Storm(brother), and Flame(brother)
Enemys-everyone else
Fighting Styles-Kickboxing, Goju Ryu
Weapon- Tonfa

Place of Origin- Netrick
Height- 6'5"
Weight- 200lbs.
Allies-Cyclone(brother), Storm(brother), and Flame(brother)
Enemys-everyone else
Fighting Styles-Sun Bin, Long Fist
Weapon- Ice Septor

06/14/2007 01:20 AM (UTC)
nice i like em
keep it up.grin
06/15/2007 12:27 AM (UTC)
how u like this

Name: Dawn
Age: 18
Weight: 215 lbs.
Origin: Earthrealm/Edenia
Clan: Mysterious Clan: Shung Hei Warrior
Alignment: Good
Allies: Raiden, Scorpion, Taven, Byran, Gust, Brea, Mika,
Enemies: Quan Chi, Onaga, Baraka, Chang, The Brotherhood Of Shadows
Fighting Style: Ki Serpent, Tae Kwon Do
Weapon: Kris and Serpent Chain *similar snake whip from Ivy in SC3*
Special Move: Tele-Flurry, Grasshopper, Carnival Spin, Wind Teleport, and Chain Constricted (something like Jarek move but he pull ya and thrust kick)

Chain Reactions:
1) He pull out his Serpent Chain and impale it to your leg 2.) Lift you up in the air and slam you on the ground 2 twice. 3.) Dawn will now pull out his Kris and pull you toward him while you in the air and slash your one of your arms and the leg that is not impaled. 4.) he will whirl you in the air above him with the serpent chain and stick his arm where the Kris is and pull his serpent chain down and you'll be impale in the chest with the Kris 5) FATALITY

Palm of Serpent:
1.) Dawn will take his glove off and charge his hand up 2.) Swift towards you and press his hand on your chest 3.)Wait 3 seconds 4.) A serpent spirit will come out of your back; blood and gore will come as well
5.) When the serpent is out he will kick your head off in the air and the serpent eat the head. 6.) FATALITY

I was once nobody. No friends, no respect, the one I loved betrayed me. Not knowing my past, my family, or my life. The only person who took care me is my grandmother, Li Xiang she taught me Tae Kwon Do for protection, when I was 17, she died by the hands of Quan Chi and stole the amulet, I had no other place to go, until then an elder monk name, Master Jiang Yukashi, Master of the Shung Hei Warrior, aid me to Edenia. A year later on my graduation of becoming a Shung Hei Warrior apprentice, Quan Chi and the brotherhood of shadows attacked my village and annihilated everyone who stands in their way, sparing no one, not even the young ones. Many of us escape through battle, but Master Yukashi and my little sister, Hinari, who was already dying from the poison, died by The Brotherhood of Shadows. I wanted revenge, later on then, it was only me, and Mika, Byran, Brea, Chang, and other warriors were traveling to find salvation and a new home. Chang was leading us, but I found out that Chang was working for Quan Chi and he lead the warrior into war with the brotherhood of shadows, Mika and many other did not make it. When I defeated Chang, he gave me the truth of why Quan Chi is attacking us; to annihilate me because my mother disobeyed him and escaped from netherealm, he said my mother name is Ashrah; Warriors had no choice but to exile me for their protection. A years later, when I was still exiled, I was driven by rage oni within because a sorceress named Lin Woo deceive of helping me defeating Quan Chi by unleashing my new power, but she put a demon spirit in my body, but I’d managed to control it, barely, but it can be unleashed simply by rage near death experience. When I made it into Outworld, I heard of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung is combating against Raiden, I wanted to help but these things called Tartakan attacked me, so I have no choice but to defeat these monsters. All of the sudden, a light wave flashed from the Chamber to the environment and I was caught in it, nearly died, but I was in a long sleep. Until then I woke in the deserted area of Outworld, now knowing there is a war in Edenia with good vs. evil. I’d immediately go back to Edenia to stop the war.

Name: Brea
Age: 17
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 158 lbs.
Origin: Edenia
Clan: Mysterious Clan: Shung Hei Warrior
Alignment: Good
Allies: Byran, Dawn, Mika, Yukashi, Sub-Zero
Enemies: Quan Chi, Onaga, Baraka, The Brotherhood Of Shadows
Fighting Style: Ki Cheetah, Kenpo
Weapon: Shung Hei Sickle (A golden Sickle)
Special Move: Tele-Flurry, Pretty Kick, Icy Wind *clap her hands 2gther to form a icy wind to freeze the opponent, Wind Teleport

1) She formed into a gold-glowing cheetah 2.) Slash your body off 3.) Eat your head off 4.) Transform back 5) FATALITY

Frozen Ice sickle:
1.) Perform the icy wind 2.) Pull out the sickle 3.)Rapidly slash your body 4.)Thrust kicks the body 5.)Everything breaks 6.) FATALITY

Since the death of my father, Master Yukashi, and Dawn deportations, I had agreed to take my father place as Master as leader, even thought my father despise me of being leader because of my intimidating weakness and my past of disobeying the rule of the Shung Hei Warrior. Byran and I heard about Dawn death by the explosion of Raiden while fighting the Tartakan, and then I heard about the war in Edenia near my home. I feared of taking the warriors to war to help the Forces of Lights, I feared of losing my more of my people. I continue to ignore the process of going to war and let everyone also continue their training. Then, while I was meditating, a sign came to me that Dawn is still alive and going to stop the war without anyone else. And Dawn encourages me to not give up like him, so I decided to aid the Forces of Lights. But, I was too late the firespawn pyramid has been revealed and the forces of good and evil scrambled down the pyramid. And in my view, I had seen Dawn fighting a dark figure with green eyes. Afterward, Byran grabbed me and told me Dawn is fighting The Master of Chaos, Gei Mo and I did turned for a mere second and I did not seen Dawn but only Gei Mo. I had figure Dawn was defeated and I was terrified, lost my self-confidence, and retreated from the theatre of war. Now 500 years, my people has been enslaved, no mortal or any of The Elder Gods’ chosen one has defeated Gei Mo and I am sitting with the warriors hiding, this is the fear I had 500 years ago and now it came true. Then I thought about who gave their live for us, who died in the pyramid, Liu Kang, The Great Kung Lao, Mika, Dawn, and my father. I have had it of sitting here watching my people suffer and while other die in vain, so I had told Byran I am going to stop Gei Mo for my friends and famiy and for the hope of my people.
06/22/2007 12:15 PM (UTC)
i got one name:lily wepon:a long spiral dagger enemy: goro scropion Reptile and Jade mallinia allies:sonya kitaina sindel and kiria faitlay: she makes a water fall come down and stops when they start choking. she gets her spiral dagger and puts it in her enymy and spins it really fast.
06/22/2007 04:59 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Ninjas suck.

06/23/2007 11:59 AM (UTC)
Dawn64 Wrote:

The poofy singer? grin
06/23/2007 06:52 PM (UTC)
For MK8, I want a female characters that dresses in a scary, torn dress or cloak and looks evil and ghostly. And she should have long cool hair with dark and cool special moves like Havik's or Sindel's. I want her to be either an undead character or someone from a dark realm.

If Nitara would have been in MKD, with new costumes and everything, I think a long, torn dress (with special designs, of course) that makes her look ghostly and sinister would have been amazing for her.
About Me


06/23/2007 09:39 PM (UTC)
Might as well give it a whirl.

Ailettes, a female character (nottaninja!) from Earthrealm. Haven't really given it much thought, but I figure I can whip something up quickly. Decided to write it up in first person, like in MKD (or Deadly Alliance, I forget which). I'm using this character's name for some fiction of mine, but the character concept belongs to another character. Written in about 5 minutes, spit-shined and thrown out the door, here you go:

"Why is it that when people speak to God, they are praying, yet, when God speaks to them, it is blasphemy? I have asked nothing of the Lord but love and affection. He has seen the gold within my heart. He has commanded me to spread the word of God, but all these years...all for naught. These infidels do not understand.

God spoke to me once more, many years into my conquest. He asserted that I must continue my crusade. Those who listen will be brought to Purgatory; the others, burn. I must carry this task on, for it is God's decision that I fight. The world is teeming with inessential people, and I, the Champion of God, have been imbued with His omnipotence. Within my breast, I carry His burden; I hold His breath."

So, yeah. I'm not really too proud of it, as I just kind of wrote it up on a whim. I didn't really like the idea of a brand-new storyline, but, truth be told, I didn't give it much thought while writing this, so this takes place...well, whenever during the Mortal Kombat storyline. She would probably be classified as neutral; good in her own state of mind, evil to pretty much everyone else in the world.

I always liked writing about religious quacks anyways, but it got me thinking. What if it's some sorcerer's bidding, or perhaps someone who has opposed the Elder Gods? I also wanted to put the Elder Gods into question: it seems kind of funny how just about everyone believes in them, and there are no second-thoughts. I realize that having a Thunder god may suggest that, but I don't really think Raiden reveals himself to just anyone. Just something to think about, even though I think it may cheapen her story if someone was brainwashing her instead of her own psyche creating this mess.

I would have liked to have written a backstory to this particular character, the more I think about it, but eh, no point in doing so. Even if the team did choose to create backgrounds and vividly create characters, it'd be extremely difficulty without adding a Roleplaying aspect to the game. Endings can only help the backstory in a few circumstances, and biographies are about the here and the now, so I dunno.

Also, can anyone can figure out what her name means, and who said that "Why is it that when people speak to God, they are praying, yet, when God speaks to them, it is blasphemy?" quote? The quote is a little bit off, I replaced a single word, but if anyone can trace it back, I'd be quite shocked.
06/23/2007 10:38 PM (UTC)
name Volcanic


member of the lin kuai, mastered the element fo fire and is sub zeros best friend. runner up to master of the lin kuai, will help the lin kuai to defeat scorpion and will help the lin kuai, and teh forces of light to defeat (new badasses of mk8)

allies: sub zero lin kuai (forces of light
enemies(forces of darkeness

head: old face
hair doesnt matter
helmet: ninja hood cryo mask
torso: robe s, black under torso and dark red straps (the things that are blue on the robe in KAK are teh red straps)
gloves: ninja
pants kung fu dragon dragon kolor: dark red pants color: black.
boots: ninja long kolors kept same as
arms: dragon armor
ninja swords on back When I ahd an old bio of him he was scorpions brother, finally found him, they reunited, and defeated all there enemies after defeating blaze which gave them godlike power. even the elder gods that betrayed scorpion. with teh elder gods dead, the realms fell apart because noone looked after them. the different things in his looks are his face is possessed, and his skin is black because he is undead like scorpion
07/02/2007 01:55 AM (UTC)
nice keep it up smilesmile
07/02/2007 08:35 PM (UTC)
Dawn Description: KAK STYLE
Body: Medium
Skin:Brown skinned
Eyes: Normal Brown
Hair: Dreads Black/ band: Gold
Torso: Robe/no sleeve Dark Yellow /Gold
Cloth:Long Dark Yellow /Gold
Belt: Sash Wide Gold
Gloves: Rain Dark Yellow /Gold
Pants: Kung Fu Dragon Dark Yellow /Gold
Shoes: Mandarin Bage
Others: Tiles shoulder and Legs Dark Yellow /Gold, Ninja Mask Gold
About Me Join the greatest website ever Obama Or Fatality!

07/07/2007 04:26 AM (UTC)
aloyl is a elder god who doesnt have 2 falilitys he only has 1
clan:elder gods
prowess,means friends :rayden,fuijin ,liu kang,kung lao,sonya blade,alloy the earth element,kai,jax,everyone whos good
eneimes:shang tsung,kintaro,motaro scorpion,quan chi,sheeva,goro,baraka
faliltys:wind and thunder mix combo profile:im am aloyl a dead thunder god who has returned to my fathers temple who he gave to me in 123 a.d im a earth elder god i have raiden who watchs over me and protects me cause i was sent here by raiden to deliver a message to the fighters who are protecting earthrealm till i came up apon a group of savage beasts who was eatting the brains of liu kang! he was dead because he didn`t join there darn group how could those animals eat him i will get liu`s revenge he will be proud that i did this is dectption and devptraption.
07/23/2007 11:15 PM (UTC)
Love them all!smilegrinsmile
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