Possible Baraka Storyline! Also Konquest made for him! READ!
posted07/19/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Life is just a squirel that's best freind is wine.

Death awaits us all...

See you on the other side...

Oh yes...there will be blood

and tacos...lots and lots of tacos

Member Since
10/18/2004 12:43 AM (UTC)

Allies-Tarkatian army, Ermac, Kano, Havik, Frost.
Foes-Everyone and Anyone that gets in his way, Millena, Sub-Zero.


All these years a waste. Serveing Shao Khan was his first waste of time. So he turned to another power. A greater power...Onaga, the dragon king! His power was beyond any we have served before! Then he fell! Again he was alone with his army of Tarkatians. Then he realized it. All these fools he had served in the past...had fallen. Because HE WAS THE STRONGEST!!!!! Now he discovered his destiny...Lead the tarkatians to victory over everything! Of course not all the tarkatins were happy to hear this so some rebelled, so he just had to slice them up. After a couple uh how can I put this? Demonstrations of power, the tarkatians had decided he was the most powerful. Of course Baraka knew the rules of war, so he decided to go and make a couple allies. He traveled throught Earthrealm, Neitherrealm, and above all Chaosrealm. That would be there base of operations.

The Chaosrealm would not go easy some of the Orderrealm was still in there and it would take some persuasion to get there lord of the realm to join them. Havik. Walking in the Tarkatians struck with Fiercity and Brtuatily (Just the way Baraka liked it) They took no prisioners. You don't bow down you get cut. Literally. After overthrowing some minor lands and towns. Baraka charged the palace where Havik lie. Inside the didn't give anyone a chance. Kill or be killed. There charge lasted long until they made it to the throne room. Baraka entered first and what he say scared him. All he saw was Havik was on the floor, with two sai across his throat, and a women in pink above him. It was Millena.

Previously, Baraka sent a clone to attack Millena, he did, but died in vain. Baraka the ambushed her and tore her to shreds. She escaped barley, but with a heavy damage to her arms, and legs. But here she stood. Perfectly well and fighting fit. Millena looked up saw Baraka and jumpped out the window. Millena actually did something right for once. Still in shock, but none the less determind walked up to the near-dead Havik.

He was hacking up blood. At least he wasn't dead. Baraka put one blade to his neck and rised his head up with the Blade. Baraka told him he had two choses. 1. Give him all control and power over the Choasrealm and become his allie or 2. Be hacked up into little pieces and get eaten alive by his tarakatian soilders. At this the soilders licked there lips. Havik turned his head, and said what the hell. He gave all this power to baraka under one conditon. He wanted to be a general. So with a snap of his fingers he made Havik a general. Baraka smiled and remarked let's get down to busissness.

Next Baraka made a personal house call. He walked into earthrealm. As a boaster he had some tarkatians on stand bye just in case things got ugly. He walked into an old ware-house. Someone asked him for a password throught a little hole for his eyes. Baraka stuck one blade in the slit and swiftly sliced the upper right part of his head off. He kicked the door down and walked in. Farther and Farther until a larger room where a party was going on. He moved throught the crowd not wanting to draw attention to himself. He went into another door and sliced it down. He walked in. There he saw a bed and five women around a beared one-eyed man.

Baraka had heard about Kano, from Havik in Chaosrealm and thought he would be a good recruit for his army. Kano talked with an asturlian accent. He asked him what the hell was going on. Baraka launched one of his blades just a centimeter from his face. The girls ran away. 'If you want to keep that other eye you'll join my army as a general' Kano smirked and then a laser shot out of his left eye it went straight for Baraka. Baraka lifted one blade and the laser was reflected it blasted off. Kano got up. And started rubbing the blade. 'Wrong move punk' Baraka says he lifted a blade and was about to strike. 'I'll be your General. Give me a built in pair of these beautys and you've got it' Kano got up. Baraka thought he had balls 'Your in but it will be painful' He grabbed Kano and brought him to the portal, and back to the chaosrealm they went

Baraka gave his order. When his Tarkatian Surgens were done with Kano, he would be less human even more then he was now. Next he went to the Neitherrealm. After beating the crap out of some bums and zombies he walks up to Ermac. He chucks a huge sack of koins. He urges him to join his army as a general and he will make him eternilly powerful and rich. Ermac wants none of these things. I'll help you free those souls Baraka taunts. Ermac hastily agrees.

Lastly he heads up to a up stage mountian. There lies frost. Ledgendary Lin Kuei warrior. He brought Kano. Kano unfrezzes her. And she jumps. The amulet was gone. She starts to walk away, until Baraka promises her infinte power. She turns intrested. She's in.

Now Baraka has his army, and he's ready. To take on Raiden the knew emperor of Outworld from there he shall go throught to Earthrealm, and Orderrealm, then Encrta.
They charged with fiercity, and Baraka himself ate Raiden's head. After that he coquered every realm. Baraka grew bored. So he challenged the Elder Gods. And to this day he is still fighting with his soilders, to keep the thrill of the hunt.

06/04/2005 06:17 AM (UTC)
Ya i think that baraka havinghisown konquest mode would be cool. U can do just about anything u like wiyh him becaouse he really has no allies or enimies hes just nutrual.glassesglassesglassesglasses
06/04/2005 04:11 PM (UTC)
Eh...I'm not really that crazy about it....sorry Wheelz...

Btw....Baraka is from Outworld and he sounds pretty evil to me so I doubt he'd be a neutral character....
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07/13/2007 12:05 PM (UTC)
that would be awesome grin
07/13/2007 01:07 PM (UTC)
Hmmm...I don't know if baraka has enough fans to have his own konquest. But baraka does indeed PWN.
07/13/2007 02:37 PM (UTC)
zarathos Wrote:
that would be awesome grin

Stop bumping dead threads you damn noob.
07/13/2007 06:48 PM (UTC)
zarathos Wrote:
that would be awesome grin

Just seriously look at the post above you. Look at the top of it. It says 2005. This is 2007. Leave it in the past.

"Do not 'bump' threads in which the most recent reply is more than three months old or the thread is not found on the first two pages of that specific forum; whichever may apply in that forum's case. Special conditions may apply."

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07/19/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)
That is AWESome!!!!!!!!!!!!! This would be SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BARAKA!!!gringringringrin
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