Plague of the next Mortal Kombat game. Wanna help me sort this out? [[[Boon Interview Trigger]]]
posted02/02/2007 10:45 PM (UTC)by
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I can't get away from this......this "information". The thought plagues me so I had to make a thread about it specificlly.

This was posted 01/28/2007 by Shinnok-fan64::::: over in the MkA forum.
Game Informer Interview in it's entirety.

The Parts I wanna focus on here

1. GI: How far into development is it?

Boon: The main thing we’re doing right now is the core technology. We’re using the Unreal 3 engine, and we’re getting our base, “How do display a character, normal-mapping, bump-mapping, shadows” all the things that are expected of the game. I have a bunch of ideas on paper in terms of things that I’d like to theoretically try, but it’s not like it’s in a playable state yet.
2. GI: How has the experience been with the next-gen, and what are some of the nuances that you’re finding with the Xbox 360 and PS3?

Boon: Our goal, graphically, with this game is to be as gritty and—I don’t like to use the word “dirty,” because I don’t want to imply not-cool graphics—but a very dark, serious Mortal Kombat. Not vibrant, saturated colors, but more of a really down and dirty Mortal Kombat game. To me, when I saw Gears of War, I was like, “Holy s___! That’s the look that we’ve been talking about.” Visually, that’s what we want to do. Gameplay-wise, I kind of attribute it to what we did with Deadly Alliance, where everything is thrown out. We’re not going to have three fighting styles, we’re not going to have the same punches and kicks and the same kind of control scheme. Everything is getting trashed. We’re reinventing everything from the ground up. We really think that’s needed—you know, we’re on Mortal Kombat 8, in a sense—to kind of wipe the slate clean every once in a while, and I kind of feel that now is the time. Our visual presentation and our game presentation and our thing that you’ll hear about very soon are all going to be new to this game. It’s going to be nothing like you’ve ever seen before.
3. GI: What’s it like to flush it all and start over?

Boon: It’s really scary. There’s some stuff that I thought really worked well in the previous three games, but I really feel that we can’t do any more of it. We can’t do the new fighting-style stuff. We need to do something different. A lot of people say, “How do they keep selling well?” And we really believe that’s one of the reasons. We’re not afraid to say, “That’s working, but it’s time to do something new because it’s been five years.”
4. GI: Hypothetical time-frame for release. Are we talking ’08?--GI: Across all three platforms?

Boon: Yeah. I would guess—and I wouldn’t promise—it would be around the fall, Novemberish time of 2008.
Boon: We’re talking about that.
5. GI: What are you playing now, for fun?

Boon: I’m playing the hell out of Guitar Hero 2. I love that game. Gears of War is awesome. I haven’t had time to finish it, though. And I’m ashamed to say I’m trying to finish God of War 1 before God of War 2 comes out. (laughs) I haven’t had time to finish it. Those are the three things I’m into right now.

O.k. If you need to, just pick the numbers you want and give me your opinion//comment. For instance, simply state "#3" and your comment.

My comment up in the next post...
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02/01/2007 09:40 AM (UTC)
About #1 & #2:

"Unreal 3 engine" Someone explain more in depth please....

Graphiclly, I need the next game to compete or even best games like Gears of War//God of War//"Resistance" and some of these other military inspired games.

I'm ellated that the MkTeam identifies with these types of games in all that is changing. I'm "geeked" about it actually.

I'm really hoping we get more "real-looking" characters///more realistic fantasy looking. Finally loosing that "glossy"//"cartoony"//"plastic" look of the characters we have now. I'm looking for FmV quality, RealTime characters by the tme this game is released. I'd probably have fun playing it just on that merrit.
(*grain of salt* lol)

Seems not to be a problem if their using a graphics program comparible to that of Gears or God of War. And Something like that in a fighting game coupled with (how I interpreted) a darker//more gritty theme about the whole game has to promise good results. Like, you can't have the insaine graphics and no blood and gore y'know?

How do you go wrong graphiclly ? That's the question....

About #3:

The thing about "throwing everything out" and "something noone expects" is the thing that's really bothering the hell out of me right now though.

How the hell do you do that and not "Mk4//Gold" again?

I've agreed with this way of thinking for sometime now, the thought that "you need to get rid of everything and start all over sometimes".

The thing that's just stinging my brain is: This is Mortal Kombat we're talking about right?-- A fighting game, so what the hell can you change about the game that much from the past? Mini-games?

I figure the core of the game has to remain "Fighting" in order to be considered Mortal Kombat....doesn't it? So I guess it's changes could consist of the "mechanics" for one. Maybe they won't strive to be so sticken by traditional Martial Arts Forms? You know, trying to make the "best" fighting game with all the most real martial arts styles?

I could see that working out in a whole bunch of ways....Namely, movie choreography. Cuz in movie fights, not everything is technically "real martial arts style" stuff. It just looks good on screen and alot of it simply looks natural.
Maybe what they're doing is finally applying that "Movie//Fantasy" type martial arts style to this new game.

Techincal Mechanincs is not my fortay, but ousting the possibility of all these little "glitches" people find would be nice for a change. My ears and eyes are wiery of these "compliant" conversations over them......
02/01/2007 10:58 AM (UTC)
geez....i dunno pred,im stressing on the starting over really hoping that they dont kill the controls of the game...graphically i think the game will be fine but im real worried about control....if they do change it,im hoping they give the option to switch it to classic controls....especially if it were to switch to joystick controls like fight night....that would not work well for me at all...i also have a feeling that they will waste alot of time on minigames again....but we will see
i really wish that i was one of them iterviewers so i could ask some questions....
02/01/2007 11:25 AM (UTC)
Boon has been saying he wants a realistic dark and serious mk for many years now. I remember him saying that mkda and mkd were going to have that feel before the games were released, but he always falls short on his promises. Hopefully, that will change in mk8.... but we'll see.

I'm really happy there using the unreal 3 engine however. I really love the look of Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3. I like the exaggerated but yet realistic look of those games. I think it will fit mk perfecttly.
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02/02/2007 05:18 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
Boon has been saying he wants a realistic dark and serious mk for many years now. I remember him saying that mkda and mkd were going to have that feel before the games were released, but he always falls short on his promises. Hopefully, that will change in mk8.... but we'll see.

I'm really happy there using the unreal 3 engine however. I really love the look of Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3. I like the exaggerated but yet realistic look of those games. I think it will fit mk perfecttly.

Do you know anything about that programs specifics? Like what makes it look the way it does? I'm just interested...

Also, about Boon always saying "darker, dirtier, dangerous"...I think this is the opportunity he///////We have been waiting for them to realize with this game franchise. I just really wish they were first out with it. I think these last few games had hues of what he was talking about....just failed representations of the comments. Nothing was there to allow that kind of expression in a video game until now. Know what I mean?

God of War hit alot of people in the head with those graphics...and then comes Gears of War!?!...
Listen, I'm quite far from a fan of XBox360, but I saw 1 Gears of War trailer....ONE....and I started thinking. Lol

I haven't seen any vids on Unreal Tournament 3, but since it's been mentioned, I'll have to take a look......

Btw, I love that look too, i just can't see how to improve on it by a 2008 Mk release. Even if it is late in the year. Further, I can't imaging applying it effectivly....sufficiently, to a fighting game. I just can't see it.
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02/02/2007 02:01 PM (UTC)
#5 With all due respect to Ed Boon,The reason these mk games are not what they should be are reasons like this. He is so caught up on playing other games that he is not perfecting his own games.

Ok look im not trying to advertise but if you dont believe me on how bad mka is broken wise. Stay tuned to see my sticky thread where me and a buddy made a movie that completely exposes midway and shows that they do not know how to test games.

This is just my opinion. Im not flaming anybody im just stating fact based on what ive done and seen for myself and soon all of you will to.wink
02/02/2007 03:21 PM (UTC)
I honestly think with the Unreal Engine 3, MK8 will look phenominal. The one thing that we see in every MK game up to date (even with Armageddon) is the ridiculous "clean" look after having a heart/ rib/ brain ripped out. Sure when an arm or head is ripped off, there are textures of the severed limbs, but not when an organ or bone is ripped out from inside of a victim. I think graphically this would bring back that feel what MK1 had. Hopefully they can do this in MK8, that is one of my main concerns.

Instead of facial damage only, they should do full body and costume damage. Hell even Tao Feng was released over 5 years ago and it had full body damage, and it looked great.

I love the look of Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3, and I can't wait to see how these graphics will be applied to the next MK fighting game.

Gameplay wise, I want more of a natural feel than a technical feel for the martial arts. Everything should connect together smoothly instead of having that robotic feel.

MK8 will be one of the best, I have a really good feeling about that.
02/02/2007 04:57 PM (UTC)
Pred.....I know very little about the specifics of the unreal 3 engine. I know that it allows per-pixel lighting, which produces more realistic images by improving bump mapping and shading. The engine also supports dynamic shadows.

Anyways, I wanted to post this pic, just to give you guys an idea how mk8 jax may look like:

02/02/2007 10:45 PM (UTC)
he better make mortal kombat more dark and evil... kinda like gothic mode or something... but if he wants to have mini games back in this game it better not be something gay like Mortal Kombat Guitar Hero Mode or the gay ass super Kombat kart...

he better make a good return with mortal kombat after armageddon, i cannot tell you how pissed off everyone was saying in these forms about their high expetations just suddenly crashed to the ground beucase of the entire game.

bios and endings are the only things he should start thinking of after knowing whos gonna be in it before starting to mess around with anything else becuase thats what bummed alot of people off.furiousorconfused
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