Petition for Mortal Kombat Special Forces - anybody agree
posted01/08/2006 02:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/28/2004 06:50 AM (UTC)
I have been giving some thought and......I say the next MK adventure game should be a remake of Special Forces. It was incomplete and rushed only because the MK team was splitting up and it really caused alot of controversy for all of them. So it wasn't that they MEANT to put out a game that had a rushed story with almost no point and with what many people consider to have lackluster gameplay. It was just what the inner workings of the business that got in the way.

So, now that everything seems to be settled, I say the next adventure game should be a do-over on Special Forces the way that it should've been. Anyone agree? I feel passionate about this and I never have had this feeling before - I, for one, would be excited about this as long as the story is kept in continuity. It was supposed to be Sonya, Jax, and Kano's backstories - and what led to Sonya and Jax being so passionate about going after Kano and the Black Dragon, how Kano got his eye, and how they all managed to get involved with MK at the end (Tobias said the end would lead right into MK1 and Sonya going after Kano on Tsung's island).

I'm really for this and it seems others would be too. Anybody agree? ^^^^the link up there is a sign of the many things Special Forces could've been but wasn't. It's an interesting read and maybe it will make sense why I think it should be remade.
It would be interesting and nice way to say "Hey sorry about that mess here you go" but I doubt Midway would do it sadly :(
01/05/2006 04:58 AM (UTC)
Well, hey, they come here right? If enough people say "yeah" I think it may at least cross their minds.

I've never done this before nor did I ever think I would, but I figured it's worth a shot. At least put the idea in their head.
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01/05/2006 06:35 AM (UTC)
PsychoFight Wrote:
Well, hey, they come here right? If enough people say "yeah" I think it may at least cross their minds.

I've never done this before nor did I ever think I would, but I figured it's worth a shot. At least put the idea in their head.

I think midway want to forget they ever allowed such a game to be created.

Same goes for mythology (whihc i played for the first time a few weeks ago) i was like WDF is this..
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01/05/2006 08:39 AM (UTC)
No. Shit should be left on the grass to decompose and be forgotten about and never heard from again. We should move onto more important and newer things.

That my friends is an analogy. tongue
01/05/2006 11:47 AM (UTC)
I think they should definitely do a remake of special forces because the last one sucked. They should remake it and make Sonya a playable character.
01/05/2006 04:57 PM (UTC)
Special Forces should definitely be remade. Sonya Blade needs to be in it this time!

It would be great if they were to add features such as commandeering vehicles and picking up weapons(short supply of ammo) or even allow the characters to swim to different locations.
Well there's something Shigeru Miyamoto once said

"A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever."
01/06/2006 07:14 PM (UTC)
That’s an interesting idea.

I would also love to see MK Special Forces and Sub-Zeros Mythologies remade and improved.

For the love of God, with better graphics and storylines.
01/06/2006 07:23 PM (UTC)
Yeah okay! I mean I was so looking forward to MKSF when I heard about it and I saw Sonya fighting all these black dragon members and I was so excited. Then the team split, cut her out, gave the starring role to JAx (WTF!!) and screwed the game completely. I would love for Sonya to have her own adventure game.
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Death is the only way out...
01/06/2006 08:09 PM (UTC)
I suppose they won't do such remake. Aside from it's significant flaws (such as terrible camera!) it has just too much of this militaristic feel, which doesn't fit MK very well. I agree that it would be nice, to kick some BD members' butts by Sonya, but do you really expect Special Forces to handle criminals using their limbs as a primary weapon?

As for MKM:SZ, I really like this game just the way it is smile

Besides, don't you have enough of these ubiquitous remakes?! Personally, I would really appreciate a brand new creation instead. There are plenty of interesting characters, about which a new game can be created. How about Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Jade?
01/06/2006 08:47 PM (UTC)
If they remade MKSF, it wouldn't be a remake. It'd be such an improvement, such a different game from the other one, that it'd be its own entity. I'm not saying to take the same engine. I'm talking a TOTAL remodeling with just the original storyline they were going to implement before Tobias left intact.

Did you read the link that I put up? Obviously the MK team didn't think a militaristic feel would be odd for the universe.

Remaking and remodeling are two different things. MKSF was only half the game it was supposed to be, man. They literally rushed it to meet a deadline. It wasn't COMPLETE. This is their chance to complete it - finish what they started.
01/06/2006 09:00 PM (UTC)
I don't think the world needs to suffer this...
01/06/2006 09:26 PM (UTC)
I absolutely 100% agree that Special Forces should be remade. It would be a shame if Jax's and Sonya's stories were not told in the beauty they were disgned to be produced in. Also let's not forget Kano.

On a sidenote, I think I've been asking this question for about 2 years now and nobody seems to know the answer.

What time frame did MK Special Forces take?? It will be good to know for my historical MK knowledge. Can anyone please lay the answer on me plain and simple??? Last time I asked there was alot of disagreement so noone really gave the correct answer...Thanks.
01/06/2006 09:27 PM (UTC)
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Death is the only way out...
01/06/2006 10:09 PM (UTC)
PsychoFight Wrote:
If they remade MKSF, it wouldn't be a remake

Then why is it called that? tongue
Besides, what you said is basically a definition of a remake.

As for the militaristic feel, I didn't say what Midway thinks (or rather thought), but what I think about MK:SF. That was just an opinion, but not only mine if you ask.

I know this game wasn't complete and they cut out lots of stuff (first and foremost Sonya). I was really disappointed when I saw the final product. But still, I want a new game about MK universe more, than remade or as you say remodeled old one.

You have your own opinion, I have mine. Let's see what will Midway do wink

01/07/2006 08:40 AM (UTC)
Oh, I won't get mad at you, man. Don't worry. Indeed, we both got our opinions.

I fully respect your opinion and I even misunderstood you a little. Sorry bout that.
01/08/2006 02:49 PM (UTC)
The main original idea for this game had so much potential. It looked like a lot of fun being an adventure of the likes of Tomb Raider.

Too bad they screwed it in the end.

And like everyone else said, Sonya definitely needs her game.
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