Personal opinion on the MKX story.
posted04/25/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)by
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03/07/2015 11:01 AM (UTC)
My opinion about MKX story: in short, Bloody Amazing!!

NRS has really kept moving forward with plot, despite all the critics of half-insane nostalgic fanboys and obsessed self-entitled egotistic "lore-specialists". And that's what I'm grateful for.

Now in more details:
For starters, NRS leveled up their trolling ability and now can safely reside near Master of Grand Trolling, Kojima, himself. At least, when it comes to trailer-making. They've managed to make trailers in a way, that they completely confused people about nature of the story. And damn, was it delicious! Even better, they did not need to replace characters in actual footage to achieve that. Knowing obsessed nature of the many MK fanboys, they've figured out, that they will analyze every single piece of information to hell and back and had lots of fan at their obsession expense, by feeding them false info. All in all, Good work.

As for the story itself, NRS managed to do two things at the same time: first, they catered to some whims and whines of fanboys (returned Kawaii to human form, made Kitana fierce warrior and not victim, made deaths and ressurections have lasting consequnces, moved story forward, without recycling old stuff, made Raiden scapegoat in-universe). But they've made it all in way that pissed off some people even more. I believe, if it was the plan all along, that NRS clearly send a message to obsessed fools: "it's our story, we do want we want and fuck you and your idiotic whinign and bitching".

Considering that part of the fanbase acted (and still acts to degree) like bunch of immature ungrateful perpetually unpleased shitasses, it was more than justified. Even if it was not the case, I still gald it come out of that way. Some self-appointed true-fans, should be kncoked of their perches. They caws turned into nothing more but pathetic barking long time ago.

Also, long time before, at the days of MK9, I was keep saying, that all deaths in MK9 were setup for something. And I was right. All fucking along. Damn, it's a good feeling to be right.

Now, let's leave cesspool of shitheaded brats behind and move on to the more important matter: story itself.

Story of MK9 was closer in presentation to any other modern video game story, but MKX upped the ante and its story is more akin to the fullfleshed movie. It has epic battle scenes between armies, scenes with crowds of people, better realized relations between characters and some sort of message. Directing, camera work and presentation in general definitely made jump forward.

Most of the matches in the story are justified and just there to satisfy "4 battles per chapter quota". To get rid from story pucnhbags (like Reptile or Baraka in MK9 plot), NRS cared to add NPC fightable chars. They even go far as to redesign them, so not to be called lazy by fans for resuing old designs. As always, no good deed stays unpunished and the same fans called them lazy for not introducing those characters as playable, even though their roles were arguably miniscule and most them were not needed. Oh, well such is nature of generic stupid fan - to be dissatissfied with everything.

The plot itself is a standard story of passing the torch. Well, more or less, as the old folks are actively involved with the story and not sitting somewhere waiting for the younglings to save them. Also, I do not think that MK games have been ever amazingly written - they've ranged from good to passable to mediocre. Gladly MKX story is good, if standard, but on the other hand what story is not standard?

Unlike MK9 story, MKX plot is more focused and solid. MK9 was story was nice, but it had to many unnecessary chapters, which served little to no use in the narrative and felt more like an attempt to make story longer than necessary. Also, strong point of the MKX story is how focus shifts from one subplot to another, making for a more cinematic experience. In MK9 story focus shifted usually from one character to another, which felt somewhat awkward. Also, MKX story put flashbacks for a good use.

All in all, MKX is a standard Hollywood action movie, with high-quality presentation, which for the series itself is a good step-forward and a sensation for a fighting genre. I quite surprised that some people felt like it should be something different...MK will never be an epic like Lord of the Rings or some such. MK never was like that and well writers attempted to do something like that it usually ended in a mess like MKD. MK is generally about characters, not lore. Lore is just framework for its characters and can be changed if necessary, which was proven time and time again.

So, I liked MKX story in general. I likedits idea and presentation. It was not groundbreaking story, but it shouldn't have been. And top quality presentation was obvious and abundant in all aspects of it.

As for characters: they were done justice. Their dialogues and interactions were brilliant most of the time. It feels writers definitely put more thoughts into it than ever before. Even such secondary chars, like Ferra / Torr has received their 5 minutes of fame. Also, voice actingis really good. And special notion goes for appearance of episodic characters like Rain or Sareena.

Initially, I was not expecting that the whole MK4 will be condensed into one chapter. However, it is obvious that MKX, depsite working with framework of MK4 is not its remake. It uses it as a foundation and goes from there into its own direction. The main focus of the story is introduction of the new generation of heroes and villains. I more than sure, that all youngsters will reappear in next MK game and that it was not the last we've seen of Kotal Kahn, D'Vorah and Erron Black.

The only thing I disliked about its structure, is that by the end and goes forward so fast. I'd prefer if there was at least one more chapter, preferably devoted to Kenshi and his exploits in the NetherRealm, but whatevs.

Cassie - main heroine of MK. I liked her. She combine her mother's discipline with her dad's upbeatness and sense of humor. She is classic young hero of the story: she is supposed to lead squad of young heroes, but she is not sure in herself and has restrained relationship with her mother. Her victory over Shinnok may look starnge, but I think it was justified as I don't see who else could do that. Him being defeated by old hero, would have made the whole "passing the torch" story pointless. Her victory made her definitely look like a new hero (in case anyone questioned that).

Takeda - he is a nice character, but a bit unmemorable, when compared to Cassie and Kung Jin. Typical good young guy with a hard childhood. I liked his scenes with Kenshi, it's a pity there were very few of them.

Kung Jin - second most memorable character in the team after Cassie. Or maybe the most memorable. Considering his actions in the begining, he was just asked to be punched in the face, but later he deserved respect and admiration. Interesting and somewhat controversial character. His talk with Raiden was one of the highlights of the story and one of the very memorable moments for both characters.

Jacqie Briggs - sadly the weakes character in the Young Squad, IMO. Her character was bland, when compared to Cassie, Jin and even Takeda, who was not that much interesting himself. She just sort of exists in the story to give Jax reason to be involved.

Scorpion - finally for the first time in the series, since MKT, he received so much needed development and so much of it too. His scenes with Sub-Zero has been awesome, though his desire to kill Quan Chi at the expense of saving other EarthReam warriors was a bit jarring. Not to say it was unjustified, but...
On the other, hand who knows, how the story would have go, if Quan Chi was alive, when Shinnok returned.

Sub-Zero - finally received decent role in the story and was nicely portrayed. I liked contrast between unsociable vibe he gives and his actual gentle personality.

Kotal Kahn - was a typical opportunistic villain. I always suspected that it was the case, since his appearance in comic book, so him turning on EarthRealmers was expected. He may initially gave vibe of a good, if strict, leader, but ultimately he just a dictator. More reasonable than the likes of Shao Kahn and Mileena, but a glory-seeking tyrant neverthless. While not unexpected in any sense of the word, his transition from "Kotal the wise" to "Kotal the Opportunist" was a bit jarring in the story itself.
On note: sometimes he talks as if he wants to ask sorry from everyone. Maybe it just voice acting.

Neverthless, he would have been the most prominent new character in the MKX if not for a...

D'vorah - new Quan Chi? Seems like it from amount of importance she was given in the plot. She is stylish and her two-faceness can give Tanya a run for her money.

Erron Black - there should have been a bit more of him, as he is too stylish to be forgotten, but not too much, as he is just a mercenary. His confronatation with Jin was nice, though.

Ferra / Torr - they had a good scene. And that's enough. Considering their role, they didn't deserve anything more.

Mileena - my favorite characters in the series (next two Sektor, who was absent for a valid reason, being turned into night light). NRS masterfully merged child-like Mileena from MK9 with insidious Mileena from MKD / MKA. As a result they've ended up with a character, who took best aspects from its various incarnations. On one hand she is not childlike anymore, but still insane, on the other - she is insidious, though miles behind real treacherous bastards like Tanya, Rain or D'Vorah. It was quite a pity that everyone have manipulated her. Her execution was nice - I expected Mileena to beg for mercy, but she met her death stoically, which was unusual for her character. Initially, I wasn't expecting her to die, but NRS stuck with their to kill or transform as many old characters as possible which is awesome. Fuck status quo.

Kenshi - I wasn't his biggest fan ever. Besides, I always considered him to be a silent type of character, whose fighting skills spoke for himself. But MKX completely bertrayed my expectations from his character, making him talkative and witty, with nice of humor to boot. And I must it was amazaing. After MKX Kenshi is definitely one of my favorite characters in the series. Sadly he didn't had his own chapter in Story Mode.

Sonya Blade - well, she was Sonya Blade. That's all you need to know. Though, I liked her progression in regards to Cassie in the story. The moment where she is trying to choke Kano is one of my most favorite episodes in the story.

Johhny Cage - he is Johhny Cage. He is awesome. Nothing to add here.

Jax - I liked him in this game. He was he prime example of how ressurections fuck up people, which usually was skimmed before.

Quan Chi - as always nice. Since the main focus of the story was on Kotal and Shinnok he has received a bit less time, than before, which is nice by me, as there was too much of him back in MK9. Him becoming weaker was unexpected, which was surprising. His death was not unexpected, though. He had it coming.

Shinnok - finally!! Awesome designs, awesome voice, good gameplay. MKX had finally realized Shinnok as was befitting the villain of his magnitude. I liked him more than Shao Kahn, sine I dislike barbarian-type tyrants, but Shinnok's personality hit all the right buttons with me. I wonder, will he return?

Raiden - following bitching of fans, NRS made Raiden a punchbag for everyone and their mother. But on the other hand, they rehabilitated him, giving him one of the best scenes in the story (his dialogue with Jin and, later, with Bo'Rai Cho). Since I do no believe that Raiden was outright guilty in the death of EarthRealm warriors in MK9, scene where he was kicked by revenants made me quite uncomfortable. It's like NRS summed up what some fans thought of him and how their hatred look from the outside - like hatred of extremely dumb immature rednecks or some such.

Kitana made an impression. No more nice girl, she has embraced darkness in her soul, which is nice turn for her character. I like how NRS played with fans desire for her to not to be a victim anymore. Twice as nice, as she is directly says it in the Story Mode. You want her to warrior? You got it. Liu has finally become interesting.

Ermac and Reptile were more like a furniture, but Reptile now had ability to talk. I liked the scene when Reptile stands agaisnt Mileena. Considering his usual depictions it was nice. Also, he had awesome scene where he attacks Takeda.

Gameplay-wise MKX story mode was more interesting. Fights were happening one after the other, which allowed for smooth transtion from one chapter to another. There were less QTE moments than I expected and there were usually interesting. QTE wth D'Vorah Fatality felt like a throwback to the Shaolin Monks.

What future will bring? I don't know, however, with MKX NRS proved once again, that they know what they are doing. That they do what they want and they don't have intentions to follow fans fanfics and bitchings. Fine by me as most of them are quite stupid. They are always ready to make unexpected twists and turns and not afraid to troll people who desperately need to be trolled.

One way or the other, I have confidence in MK future. People who seriously say that "MK is dead" could eat shit, as they once again have been proved wrong. MK is alive, more than ever before, no matter, if it matches some of your fanfics or not.
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