Opponent-specific fatalities (a little long)
posted07/26/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
There are certain characters, mostly the freaky non-human types, that I feel should die differently from the others during fatalities. Maybe they should even create specific fatalities, for specific characters, against specific opponents.

Let's begin with the Shokan. Any fatalities that involve arm-ripping should see the lower arms mutilated along with the upper ones. To this day, fatalities are still not designed with the Shokan's lower arms in mind.

Baraka's skeleton, when any fatalities that see the opponents reduced to a skeleton, or getting their skeletons ripped out, are done on him, should have the blades on it's arms, instead of them magically disappearing. Same for Reptile's MK:DA design's spikes and tail, and for skinning fatalities. The blades, spikes and tail should be part of the skinless models.

As an example, Sheeva's arm ripping fatality from MK9 when done on Baraka. She should shake Baraka's mutilated arms a bit, to get the blades to pop out, then slices him up with them, and delivers the coup de grace by impaling him with his own blades.

Other examples include Ferra and Torr
Baraka: Impales Ferra with one of his blades, lifts her up, then he knocks Torr down, and impales him in the gut with that same blade while Ferra is still on it. He then retracts his blade, leaving Ferra's corpse on top of Torr's.

Stryker's dynamite: He ties them up together, then straps a bomb on Torr. Either they both explode, or only Torr does, while Ferra is blown away by the explosion.

Sonya's kiss of death: Kisses of death, as she blows two kisses this time, one for each.

Liu Kang's cartwheel: He does it to Torr, and he(Torr) lands on Ferra, crushing her and killing him.

Dexter Morgan (one of my desired guests): Places Ferra on Torr's torso, wraps them up in plastic, then impales both of them with a katana.

Quan Chi: Instead of ripping one of Torr's legs, he could beat him to death with Ferra, instead. Or he could rip one Torr's legs, and beat both him and Ferra to death with it, going back and forth between the two.

Ferra and Torr: Torr 1 rips Torr 2 apart himself, while Ferra 1 slices Ferra 2 in half. Torr 1 dumps his clone's halves on the floor, while Ferra throws hers on the pile.

To conclude, organ-ripping fatalities, when done on cyborgs, should instead see wirings and mechanical parts ripped out, which would have the same effect as having it done on your organs.

What do you think?

07/24/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
I have always wanted them to do the cyborg thing. Seeing a skeletal figure from a cyborg just doesn't fit along with pulling out human organs. That was silly. Having wiring and such removed would be more realistic.

Sheeva's MK9 skin rip was an abomination. After she did it, the skin didn't even droop. Instead the skin was solid as if the body was still in the skin. Her MK3 skin rip was best.
If a new or returning character happens to attain some sort of skin removal fatality, hope it's better than Sheeva's.

This^ on Ferra/Torr: Torr would have his skin torn off and the skin removal giver buries Ferra with the skin....or...The giver, eats the skin and Ferra dies from gaging.

Also, the Reptile one is good too. They would fuck up anyways. By this I mean, if Reptile was a full out lizard...we would end up with a human skeleton and not a lizard skeleton.
07/24/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
No offense, but you lost me after the WTF? mention of Dexter.
About Me

I will rock you.

07/25/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
There are certain characters, mostly the freaky non-human types, that I feel should die differently from the others during fatalities. Maybe they should even create specific fatalities, for specific characters, against specific opponents.

Let's begin with the Shokan. Any fatalities that involve arm-ripping should see the lower arms mutilated along with the upper ones. To this day, fatalities are still not designed with the Shokan's lower arms in mind.

Baraka's skeleton, when any fatalities that see the opponents reduced to a skeleton, or getting their skeletons ripped out, are done on him, should have the blades on it's arms, instead of them magically disappearing. Same for Reptile's MK:DA design's spikes and tail, and for skinning fatalities. The blades, spikes and tail should be part of the skinless models.

As an example, Sheeva's arm ripping fatality from MK9 when done on Baraka. She should shake Baraka's mutilated arms a bit, to get the blades to pop out, then slices him up with them, and delivers the coup de grace by impaling him with his own blades.

Other examples include Ferra and Torr
Baraka: Impales Ferra with one of his blades, lifts her up, then he knocks Torr down, and impales him in the gut with that same blade while Ferra is still on it. He then retracts his blade, leaving Ferra's corpse on top of Torr's.

Stryker's dynamite: He ties them up together, then straps a bomb on Torr. Either they both explode, or only Torr does, while Ferra is blown away by the explosion.

Sonya's kiss of death: Kisses of death, as she blows two kisses this time, one for each.

Liu Kang's cartwheel: He does it to Torr, and he(Torr) lands on Ferra, crushing her and killing him.

Dexter Morgan (one of my desired guests): Places Ferra on Torr's torso, wraps them up in plastic, then impales both of them with a katana.

Quan Chi: Instead of ripping one of Torr's legs, he could beat him to death with Ferra, instead. Or he could rip one Torr's legs, and beat both him and Ferra to death with it, going back and forth between the two.

Ferra and Torr: Torr 1 rips Torr 2 apart himself, while Ferra 1 slices Ferra 2 in half. Torr 1 dumps his clone's halves on the floor, while Ferra throws hers on the pile.

To conclude, organ-ripping fatalities, when done on cyborgs, should instead see wirings and mechanical parts ripped out, which would have the same effect as having it done on your organs.

What do you think?

It would take them forever to come up with ideas like that and the game would be postponed for a long time. So I am going to say no for your opinions.
07/25/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
No offense, but you lost me after the WTF? mention of Dexter.

I have to agree. If there is one person who 100% does not belong in MK, it's Dexter Morgan.
07/25/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
No offense, but you lost me after the WTF? mention of Dexter.

I have to agree. If there is one person who 100% does not belong in MK, it's Dexter Morgan.

I also agree with that.
07/25/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
If fatalities were character specific, I think I'd be bored watching. I like that there's nothing like that, everyone gets killed the same way with nothing limiting their opponent. If every fatality had to be specific where the killing happens and such, I would kinda lose interest performing them. I get that people are confused on how fatalities are gonna be performed on Ferra/Torr, but it's not that hard to do something like that with two characters.
07/25/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
And of course, the purists just cannot get over their little hatred of guest characters. That was only one little idea, while the majority of my OP was about nothing but MK characters. Guess that doesn't matter to purists. They ironically treat the minimally-mentioned guest as more important than the MK characters. Lol.

So, do the purists in this thread have anything to say about the actual topic, or would they be quiet if I didn't mention a non-MK character? Alright then, I'll motivate them to reply.

The Alien, when killing Ferra and Torr, should stab them both at the same time with it's tail, lift them up, then throw them both away by violently moving it's tail to get them off it.

Somehow, I get the feeling that if any purists reply, they'll only quote the third paragraph, to whine about guests some more. Please purists, do keep squirming.
07/25/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
And of course, the purists just cannot get over their little hatred of guest characters. That was only one little idea, while the majority of my OP was about nothing but MK characters. Guess that doesn't matter to purists. They ironically treat the minimally-mentioned guest as more important than the MK characters. Lol.

So, do the purists in this thread have anything to say about the actual topic, or would they be quiet if I didn't mention a non-MK character? Alright then, I'll motivate them to reply.

The Alien, when killing Ferra and Torr, should stab them both at the same time with it's tail, lift them up, then throw them both away by violently moving it's tail to get them off it.

Somehow, I get the feeling that if any purists reply, they'll only quote the third paragraph, to whine about guests some more. Please purists, do keep squirming.

I fully support guest characters, but I do not want some "average joe" serial killer as a guest. As for the topic at hand, I feel that the way fatalities are designed now is the way it should stay. While Ferra is the brain of the duo, Torr is the actual muscle, so he should honestly get the punishment.

So next time don't assume I'm some cut-throat purist.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/25/2014 04:54 PM (UTC)
No offense man, but that kinda steps out of everything you've placed in the OP.

Other than that, character specific fatalities sounds cool. I think it will be very hard for the developers to pull off though.
07/25/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
I have to disagree about Torr getting all the punishment, and not Ferra as well. I could see the heroes sparing her, but why would villains, especially barbaric and sadistic ones like Baraka, spare Ferra?

And to the posters who brought up programming issues, and how it'd delay the game's release, try not to worry about such things. These ideas are purely hypothetical. If NRS could pull it off, would you want them to add opponent-specific fatalities?

And quite frankly, I don't actually mind them delaying the game, if it means a better product, to which opponent-specific fatalities could contribute.

I can't help but add more more idea

Stryker's tazer fatality followed by the gunshot to the head, when done on Torr, should end with Ferra trying to run away, and Stryker either shooting her in the head, or shooting her in the torso repeatedly, then walking towards her and either shooting her in the head as she futilely tries to crawl away, or beating her to death with his nightstick.
07/25/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Stryker's tazer fatality followed by the gunshot to the head, when done on Torr, should end with Ferra trying to run away, and Stryker either shooting her in the head, or shooting her in the torso repeatedly, then walking towards her and either shooting her in the head as she futilely tries to crawl away, or beating her to death with his nightstick.

Yeah... no.

I'm pretty sure they would never allow something like that to happen to someone who looks and sounds like a kid, regardless of her actual age.
Can't you just be happy she's writhing on the floor in pain when defeated, and she slams on the ground when Torr gets knocked down?
As for character-specific fatalities, I couldn't care less. At this point, it sounds utterly superfluous. Stuff like that would just unnecessarily prolong development. As long as the fatalities in and of themselves are strong, then there's no need.

Like others have said, I'd just prefer differentiation between character models and gore (meaning the cyborgs don't have wholly human innards, et al) so it doesn't look like lazy cut/paste.
07/25/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
I totally agree. No, just no! Ferra looks like a child and sounds like one. She should be spared.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/26/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
I totally agree. No, just no! Ferra looks like a child and sounds like one. She should be spared.

That ́s like MK going soft, lol. She enters battle, so she has the chance of dying. Stay out of MK if were not allowed to kill you tongue
07/26/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
I'm about to mention Motaro. I know he's been deconfirmed, and how long it'd take for the developers to program all these fatalities. Try not to focus on these things, these ideas are just for fun, anyway. Oh, and there's gonna be another fatality idea which sees Ferra dies gruesomely.

Sheeva's skin rip on Motaro: She tears open his chest, then climbs on his back to tear the rest of Motaro's skin from his chest wound, like she's taking off someone's coat. She struggles a bit to remove the entire skin from Motaro's body, and has to stop a few times.

Motaro's fatality against the Shokan: knocks the Shokan down, rise his front legs, and crushes every arms one by one. He then rises his front legs again, and lands his feet on the Shokan's chest, killing them. Or, he aims his tail at the Shokan, we see them beg to be spared, then, from the Shokan's POV, we see Motaro, standing over them, fire his projectile, and the screen slowly turning black. Admitedly, this could be done against nearly everyone save Motaro himself, and new Centaurs.

Against Vampires and Reptile's MK:DA self: Motaro crushes the wings/tail, then the arms. Everything's the same as above, otherwise.

Against Baraka: Motaro grabs Baraka's blades and rips them from his arms, then crushes the arm themselves, but instead of firing his projectile, Motaro throws throws Baraka's own blades on each of his arms, and Baraka bleeds out.

Against Ferra and Torr: Kills Torr the same as the others, and it's followed by Motaro grabbing and smacking Terra far away, then him leaping high in the air, then seeing Terra screams and from her POV, Motaro landing on her, the screen turning black and the cringe-worthy sound of bones and Ferra's body being crushed.

Ferra and Torr against Motaro: Ferra climbs on the back of Motaro's horse body while Torr holds him by his arms, and she cuts the horse body in half. Torr finishes the job by ripping it apart, then Ferra cuts into the human half's lower back, and Torr rips it apart from what is left of Motaro's horse half. He then piles all the parts together.

Baraka's impale fatality on Motaro: Baraka slices Motaro's waist, then stabs him in both pecs with both blades. He removes Motaro's human half from the horse one by lifting him up, who then squirts blood from his back, before going through the blades.
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