One KRAZY Idea
Mortal Kombat X
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One KRAZY Idea
How about this and seriously think about this. Okay you know how that either a new character sucks or an old character is boreing. How about re-rostering the whole MK Cast. Mix up the moves a and everthing like that diffrent story lines, But you know what that means. No Oldies. Say good bye to Cage, Kang, Jax, Raiden, SUB ZERO, and yes even Scoprion. Now I want to make something clear. This is not what I truly belive in. I Just want to see what the people think so NO HATEING
if all characters are different then boon might as well make a new game
which is only mk like such as mace the dark age or war gods
which is only mk like such as mace the dark age or war gods

They wont pull scorp and zero for no reasons.And in MKD they would put reptile on if hes not the one hosted by Onaga's soul

I'd rather they keep going with some of the fighters that they already have, instead of starting from scratch with everybody.
Uless they made a new game wich would be OK.
If they made an MK without any of the old MK characters, I'd be missing them while playing. Unless the new game is just too awesome to even bother thinking about the old guys.
Uless they made a new game wich would be OK.
If they made an MK without any of the old MK characters, I'd be missing them while playing. Unless the new game is just too awesome to even bother thinking about the old guys.
Bleed you quoted that if the game was awsome enough that you wouldnt even think about the old character.... What IF the game was actually that good would you actually say good bye to Sonya, Kang, Cage, Reptile, Kitana, Scorp. and SUB. Or what about Raiden neither one of those character would enter your mind at all???

Wrong choice of words.
They would enter my mind, but if the game was awesome and there was a reason for it, I wouldnt mind.
It would be like buying a Tekken, DOA, VF or a KI game, because it would be totally different.
They can come up with a lot of other cool characters that aren't Scorpion Sub zero Cage....
I've posted a lot of ideas for new fighters, it's not that hard to come up with new stuff IMO.
They could even have new fighters with the same basic powers as the old ones, but a lot better.
Like A future master of the Lin Kuai (spelling?)
A new fighter that uses shadow attacks but for a lot more stuff than just motion blur like Cage. he could actually use the shadows like Tag partners.
For Scorp, have a fighter that uses a rope dart, sort of like IVy's sword in Soul calibur, but he would fight a lot cooler than Scorp or IVY.
They can make stuff better than before and have it be very different while still keeping a flavor of the old version.
It would be like Screw Scorpion or whoever, look at this new guy.
The only reason to have the old guys in would be for memories, or maybe for story reasons.
The Main thing I look for is how the character fights, so maybe that's why it wouldn't bother me if the old fighters were taken out and much better ones brought in. I'd be happy instead.
My number 1 choice though, would be to keep upgrading the MK we have now. Totally change the way the game plays though, I don't like how it plays now.

ok well what im thinking about this is you could make a storyline like idk but somehow all the reams were attacked and only the strong survived but the strong would only be scorp, sub, raiden lui kang, kung lao, noob,shang,quan,shao kahn,smoke, reptile and only favoriteslets say they pick 10-12 all the other useless characters are dead for good and make half noobs and half favorites the roster would be 25 people
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