One hit Kills
posted10/18/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/14/2004 02:31 AM (UTC)
since MKD already has deathtraps that can kill a character instantly so i think it would be cool if there were regular fatalites that could be done during the rather than after the battle. the would be very hard to do like the death blows in cardinal syn and could only be done with a weapon.
i find kind dumb that the weapon can be blocked using only the characters hands. perhaps they could make they weapon hard or slow to bring out but powerful if done sucessfully


sub-zero and jax are fighting and sub-zero waits for the right moment and draws a weapon(drawing a weapon leaves you open to hit for about two seconds so it takes strategy to use it) and then the player punches in the one hit K-O move and sub-zero cuts off jax's head and sub-zero wins automaticaly!
10/18/2005 12:12 AM (UTC)
That would actually be an even more retarded idea than the death traps.
10/18/2005 01:24 AM (UTC)
i would definatly hate that....
It would work if you gave the kill move a very slow start up, like the super moves in Tekken and Soul Calibur, so the opponent has plenty of time to get out of the way.

If you get hit by one of those super slow moves, you deserve to loose the match, or round.

or just have them as fancy match enders on the opponent’s last round, like the fatalities in Killer Instinct.

If you have them as match enders, the moves can be fast like a normal attack.

But you need to be able to get out of it some how.

Block it
Side step
Throw escape
Or do some special command to counter it

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10/18/2005 05:34 AM (UTC)
I think that after enough damage taken a once, a character should remain stunned. Then you could finish him for good.

I HATE that I have to wait rounds to actually kill someone whereas it could be done by siply slicing or attacking. Thats why BIO Freaks was superior to MK.
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art by fear-sAs
10/18/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)
If they did do something along the lines of One Hit Kills, it should be more along the line of the Kill Destruction moves in Guilty Gear X. It would need several steps to do. For example, if they added a power meter, you'd have to charge that up first, then activate it, maye like Super moves in the Marvel VS Capcom games, and THEN do the Instant Kill. But that would need to be controlled, perhaps with a low area effect, or a low success rate so it can't be used as a buffer in a fight and become much more rewarding when it actually connects.

But normal Instant Kills aren't anything new. Kengo did it when you dualed your opponent and struck them in a certain spot, such as the jugular vien. Back when Square Enix was Square Soft, they did the same thing with Bushido Blade. Actually, I think Square was the first to do that back on the PS1.
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