One Being??
posted09/16/2005 06:22 AM (UTC)by
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08/15/2005 02:14 AM (UTC)
I'm starting to really get into the MK storyline even though I-ve been playing for years. I keep comming across "the one being" thing. Anybody know who or what it is and means. And what it could mean for the future of MK?
09/12/2005 02:36 AM (UTC)
I have also gotten into the storyline much more. When I was younger, I just played MK1-mk3, and didnt care about the storyline. Anyways, Ill try to answer youre question.

The one being is what you have when you fuse the 6 pieces of the kamadougue together. He is all powerful, and has always existed. The elder gods have decided to break the kamadougou into 6 pieces, so as not to empower the one being...

He tried to tempt shujinko into fusing them together, for an evil cause.

If anyone has more information, or would like to correct me, please do so...
09/12/2005 06:15 PM (UTC)
i've liked the story from the first mk on... the one being is a very new concept in the mk story. I think it was just part of Onaga deceiving Shujinko
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09/12/2005 06:44 PM (UTC)
this is what i have so far...

According to MK History in the very beginning there was only the elder gods and the One Being. The One Being was an entity that grew corrupt and began to feed off the Elder Gods Essence thus causing war. The Elders defeated it by splitting up it's conciousness into what is now all the realms...If the Realms are his conciousness broken up then i guess its safe to say the One Being is not Concious and everything in the realms including people are reminants of the One Being...if you want you can say part of its dream.

The Kamidogu are what can be used to wake up the one being. In other words they symbolize its scattered conciousness and when combined the realms will merge back into the One Being and in a sense destroy everything except the One Being and the Elder Gods. Since the Elder Gods are not part of it's conciousness. Everything in the realms are a part of the One Being. Those who do bad and evil have the reminants of the One Being slightly awaken within them...hence their lust for conquering...i.e. Shao Khan. Khan's reminants that lay inside him of the one being is awaken hence his urge for power and conquering and merging realms. As the realms merge so do the pieces of the One Being...The lust in Khan is the One Being pulsing to be re awakened...Others posess this as well such as Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, even Shinnok who was an elder so i guess he might have been tainted by the one being during the great war long ago.

Those who do good like Kang, Sonya, and the rest of the hero's do not have the one being active in them but are still part of the one being, they just seek to prevent it from reawakening it. In a sense the one being is all of reality that exists. What it looks like i dont think we may know because i dont think the MK team will ever materialize the one being...If they do then that means everyone will cease to exist and there will be noone but the elder gods to fight...

HMMMMMMM imagine a game where the One Being is Awakened and the MK team introduces all the Elder Gods for you to fight with and the Boss will be The One Being....I would love to fight as elder gods.

Thats what i get from the One Being story from searching around. If im wroung please correct me as well.
09/14/2005 12:07 PM (UTC)

If it needs the six Kamidogu to become whole again, why did Onaga awaken instead of the one being after Shujinko gathered the Kamidogus?confused
09/14/2005 03:48 PM (UTC)
well, if you really think about it... it sounds like a bunch of bs that onaga was feeding to shujinko to get him to collect all the Kamidogu. Also, if we had all the elder gods in mortal kombat... it wouldn't be very mortal (sence gods are immortal and can not die.... oh no... less fatalites)
09/14/2005 04:59 PM (UTC)

Not only does it take the six kamidogu for the One Being to awake fully, it also takes the amulet (Shinnok / Quan Chi's)- Onaga himself states this.

Also, it is implied if not outright stated that the realms need to be merged- using the kamidogu- for the One Being to awake. Makes sense, seeing as the One Being's shattered conciousness IS the seperate realities: and only by being merged- like the One Being was influencing Kahn and Onaga to do- can it awake.

Personally, the MK story is now on a big slippery slope downwards for me, though it's nice other people are enjoying the story. MK was about a tournament; then it was expanded into a proper war between Earth and Outworld, with Edenia and other factions introduced; and now we're diving back to the very beginnings of the universe, and things now are of GREAT COSMIC SIGNIFICANCE because of it.
t's a little too much, IMO.

Anyone else agree with that?
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09/14/2005 06:29 PM (UTC)
well comawhite46943

Ask yourself it really Mortal Kombat now? I've read numerous quotes where many people agree that although some characters should remain dead...No on dies in MK. I even believe Boon was quoted in saying that himself.

With that said...Mortal Kombat is just a name, a title with some meaning as what the purpose of the tournament is concerned with but in reality it is a false name. If the One Being was awakened and they made a game of the Elders VS Onaga with Onaga as the boss and lets say about 9 or 10 elders...What would honestly be the difference in say One elder decapitating another Elder, who in sense wouldnt die only re-materialize somewhere else, and say fujin killing raiden in an MORTAL kombat game just for him to re-materialize somewhere else...and if not Raiden or the Gods then for a mortal to kill a mortal and the one who is killed can always come back...It's mortal kombat because mortals are fighting (with gods also) but its not MORTAL kombat because no matter what everyone doesnt stay dead.

Cloneofdan i agree with you on your comment, I love playing mortal kombat and i loved it even more when the tournament actually meant something. But its true the storyline has expanded beyond the fact im not even sure there is a tournament anymore just characters who serve a purpose to the storyline and fight..according to bios their purpose is to kill certain individuals they dont like...but is kinda senseless since no one can ever stay dead so they will be on an endless journey now until the end of time killing and being killed over and over.
I dont think there is a purpose for the tournament seems the tournament has been eliminated and the story is focused more on the realms...the history of the beginning of time with this one being stuff and character background with inter-weaving storylines so characters have a connection. Once again there is no tournament, I mean Lets say Scorpion's ending is canon and he defeated onaga...where does the win go? does that mean Earthrealm has a victory over Outworld. If Sindel's ending is canon does that mean edenia has a tournament victory over Outworld?? the tournament i think is pointless and its a completely different game now. im not saying thats bad but i do miss the tournament having meaning.

09/14/2005 09:50 PM (UTC)
Another question, when was the one being first mentioned?

cloneofdan Wrote:

Personally, the MK story is now on a big slippery slope downwards for me, though it's nice other people are enjoying the story. MK was about a tournament; then it was expanded into a proper war between Earth and Outworld, with Edenia and other factions introduced; and now we're diving back to the very beginnings of the universe, and things now are of GREAT COSMIC SIGNIFICANCE because of it.
t's a little too much, IMO.

Anyone else agree with that?

Thats a valid point. I was wondering how Mortal Kombat went from being a tournament to a fight for all thats good.

With that said, do you think the franchise could succesfullty go back to the origional tournament focused game from this point?
09/14/2005 11:58 PM (UTC)
sirius Wrote:
Another question, when was the one being first mentioned?

cloneofdan Wrote:

Personally, the MK story is now on a big slippery slope downwards for me, though it's nice other people are enjoying the story. MK was about a tournament; then it was expanded into a proper war between Earth and Outworld, with Edenia and other factions introduced; and now we're diving back to the very beginnings of the universe, and things now are of GREAT COSMIC SIGNIFICANCE because of it.
t's a little too much, IMO.

Anyone else agree with that?

Thats a valid point. I was wondering how Mortal Kombat went from being a tournament to a fight for all thats good.

With that said, do you think the franchise could succesfullty go back to the origional tournament focused game from this point?

I suggest reading MK2's main storyline...

As for the direction of the storylines, I think it's kind of good because with Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Dead or Alive, it's tournament after tournament after tournament after tournament........and well, MK's storyline has more of an evolution and is something different.
09/15/2005 09:57 PM (UTC)

The One Being was first mentioned in MKDe.

MK went from being a tournament to a great big bloody war between good and evil around MK3/Trilogy. Although the intro clearly states that Kahn cannot take some souls as "they are the ones chosen to represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat" (and Mortal Kombat is a *tournament*, lest we forget), multilple characters' endings make it reasonably clear that there was no real tournament structure to the way the story played out. This is in addition to the main story: no longer is it a competition like MK1 and MK2, but an actual *invasion*.

MK4 continues this trend and expands it.
I don't think it's even implied that MK4 will be a tournament of sorts, we just get GODS this and ARMIES that and WAR IN THE HEAVENS the other.
Everything is in GREAT BIG CAPITALS, and this has only got more pronounced until, in MKDe, we have the origins of the Universe *itself* explained, and it's stated that a huge great big evil, as big as the Elder Gods themselves, has been behind...well, everything. Literally. wink

Sub-Zero7th (who always has good stuff to say smile ):

MK's storyline does have an evolution, and it would be foolish to deny that it certainly is something different.
However, what I'm getting a bit fed up with is that Mortal Kombat *is* a tournament, but it's now so far removed from its original premise that the actual gameplay style- "Round One, FIGHT!"- seems nonsensical and doesn't actually fit the storyline of the games at all.

That's what got me so hooked on the first game, back in 93; the story. A *competition*, held by some evil sorcerer, with a 4-armed behemoth of a Grand Champion for the eventual winner to challenge.
Each competitor was pretty much out for themselves, and most of them had interesting backgrounds. Before I set eyes on the actual game in motion, it was a magazine feature, telling the story, that grabbed me.

To be honest, the storyline now has gotten too far-fetched for its own good, for me.
MKDe started off badly with a rubbish concept (Raiden's disappointing AND inconsequential defeat by the DA) and continued with all the One Being stuff, which is abut as BIG and "origin" as you can get. It's losing my interest.

BTW, although MK4's story didn't really quite fit an MK fighting game, I *still* say it would be an EXCELLENT game for the MKSM treatment.

Sirius again:

MK could go back to it's tournament roots, of course it could: all that's needed is the imagination to tell a good story around it. smile
It probably won't happen, though.
09/16/2005 06:22 AM (UTC)
Hmm, well, despite us really knowing each other that well, you seem to think highly of me.

I do understand some of your points though I still think the progression of things is good. I think this "One Being" should still be rather subtle for quite a while but seem to sort of build up a bit more and more. Raiden's defeat at the hands of the Deadly Alliance wasn't quite so unbelieveable with Shang Tsung's soulnado and Quan Chi with the power of Shinnok's amulet. Even so, Raiden didn't die at their hands at least. I think various elements of MKD's storyline interested me.

When it comes to a tournament type storyline, I guess it can be implimented as long as the timing and execution of it is nicely done.
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