06/29/2007 01:40 PM (UTC)
legend_armlet Wrote:
I accept the the nowadays technology is way better than 10 or 15 years ago but I personnaly find the MK3-MK4 gameplay faster than the fighting styles from MKDA until MKA.

What midway should do is simple: Bring back the HP, LP, LK, and HK system but also keep the fighting styles system with the run button. And delete that stupid air kombat from MKA. The fighting styles have not been exploited enough. Take the Tekken games as example: Each character has his personnal style but this art is much more developped such as attacks we only can do when lying on the ground or sitting down.

I don't think using the HP, LP, LK, HK system would work too well if you're going to incorporate actual martial arts styles, namely because not all styles are the same. If we are talking about styles like Tae Kwon Do, that type of control system could work. If we are talking about a style like Aikido, not so much...
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06/30/2007 08:45 AM (UTC)
Welp, good question the thread title is....But, fighting styles wasn't a bad way to take the game-play.....I think it was good in fact especially when we finally got to MkDa......it was just too slow, and it was a lot more broken than expected for how long it took to make the thing.

So I'd like to see more of the "fighting styles" incorporated. Though both more accurate, and more be-fitting to each characters swag(if I can say that without getting into trouble).

I've always believed that this was the way Mk was going anyway, I'm just recently informed of all the complications in making this a reality since I joined this site. To me it seemed like common sense though. Mk1-T looked exactly like they were trying to imitate old movie choreographed martial arts.

So it just seem like a natural progression that they would continue on that path.

Now that I think about it too, it seems less necessary to "push a button" to trigger a different style of martial arts. For this I think of Yun Sung in Soul Calibur. To get to his crane style, there's a specific directional manuver that triggers it. Though not exactly what I have in mind....it's something as easy and if feels almost too natural to perform.

I also think another way to go is "re-group" based. Where, if you are hit and it throws you off balance from your initial stance, one of the other styles a character could have in that moment kicks in, and can put you in the position to fluidly come in-to another stance//fighting style. The moves associated with that stance or fighting style then become apparent to the player once the stance and martial art style has changed over....

It'd be mostly visual, heavily cognitive basically.....to tell you when you have to use the other moves to fight.

I see it like this from simply watching old Martial Arts flicks. It's like, if the guy gets hit enough using the one style, and he knows another, more fierce style that he's holding out on, he'll switch eventually....it happens every time. You see the guy change up his posture and everything according to his frustration with his opponent and from recognizing he's being beaten.

Maybe that's just too elaborate a concept to interpret through game-play though...idk. Something relative to this would be educational, which means huge re-play value, and it would be fun trying to master all the possibilities in the mean-time. Everybody from "n00b" to high level game-play could be pleased I think.

So to answer the thread title, I'd be pleased with ^^this^^ kind of equilibrium in particular.
06/30/2007 11:36 PM (UTC)
i like mka fighting styles but i reckon the weapon are a little too powerful, some basic combos can do over 33 damage, many combos in KAK cases therefore you can be beaten in just three simple repetitions...
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07/01/2007 09:59 PM (UTC)
That is the whole point of weapons. They are more lethal than barefist confrontation. In truth, you would not survive the first true stroke of a sword.
Heh, good times, usually duels were over in a minutes time in the middle ages.
07/02/2007 12:25 AM (UTC)
Not so sure.I think have the old system back with a few improvements.Maybe Tekken...maybe Virtua Fighter type of fighting engine with an option to draw a weapon.
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07/02/2007 04:02 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
In truth, you would not survive the first true stroke of a sword.

That's the main reason I don't favor weapons in fighting games.
07/02/2007 04:07 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
In truth, you would not survive the first true stroke of a sword.

That's the main reason I don't favor weapons in fighting games.

What about picking up weapons?Maybe a different kinds of weapons in each stage?
07/16/2007 06:12 AM (UTC)
I think it would be better for there not to be styles, and rather have character use fighting moves in a manner that's unique to them. Having real fighting styles feels restricting on creativity. Also, I would like to see many of the veteran characters regain some of their classic moves, such as Reptile's forceball, Jax's grab-n-punch move, and Noob's shadow clones.
07/19/2007 12:19 AM (UTC)
Azuro Wrote:
I think it would be better for there not to be styles, and rather have character use fighting moves in a manner that's unique to them. Having real fighting styles feels restricting on creativity. Also, I would like to see many of the veteran characters regain some of their classic moves, such as Reptile's forceball, Jax's grab-n-punch move, and Noob's shadow clones.

I completely agree. Although, some fighting styles do suit certain characters, so as long as MK8 does a good job distributing the fighting styles, I wouldn't mind them.

We should at least take a break from them though if we REALLY wanna have a new MK game. We've had fighting styles for the past 3 games. Let's play with some new ideas.
08/08/2007 01:11 PM (UTC)
Azuro Wrote:
I think it would be better for there not to be styles, and rather have character use fighting moves in a manner that's unique to them. Having real fighting styles feels restricting on creativity. Also, I would like to see many of the veteran characters regain some of their classic moves, such as Reptile's forceball, Jax's grab-n-punch move, and Noob's shadow clones.

I know I'm bumping this from page 3, but I feel like responding to this.

I disagree when you say that having real fighting styles restricts creativity. The restriction of creativity comes from poor design of fighting mechanics, such as the poor quality of those in the last few MK games. It all depends on how much can be put in when it comes to moves, combos, etc. And like I said before, there can be characters who can have a hybrid fighting style (e.g. Shotokan + Judo). Also, there can be two characters that have the same fighting style but work very differently from one another (e.g. comparing Baek Doo San's and Hwoarang's versions of Tae Kwon Do).

As for the classic moves, yeah, I'd definitely like to see some of them return.
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08/08/2007 02:06 PM (UTC)
Cyber_EV1L Wrote:

What about picking up weapons?Maybe a different kinds of weapons in each stage?

Nu uh. It was a cool thing in MkSm but, not in the regular fighting Mk. I would expect the characters to maybe kick or fling stuff in the arena at the opponent more than pick up something and keep it. It just goes against the "Action" factor to me and, the animation is wasted because it takes too long anyway.

I hated it in Mk4, and I wasn't much for it in MkD. Just seems like you wouldn't do that(have the time to do that) in a real fight so I don't like it.

And besides that, like I was saying in response to Chrome there, getting cut or stabbed by a weapon should not only take power away from you...but it should keep taking power until you're dead....Not an element I like to experience in any game really cuz I wanna fight out my whole life bar.

The ones who do have weapons should be very selective. They should be those characters that don't have stuff like sorcery or chi. Evens things out unless they're evil and ruthless.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

I disagree when you say that having real fighting styles restricts creativity. The restriction of creativity comes from poor design of fighting mechanics, such as the poor quality of those in the last few MK games. It all depends on how much can be put in when it comes to moves, combos, etc. And like I said before, there can be characters who can have a hybrid fighting style (e.g. Shotokan + Judo).

So you don't believe staying true the chosen martial art is restrictive at all?

I think that if they only used the martial arts "decor" as a base, we'd get false stuff in there yea, but it would allow the developers to experiment more with the characters personality - through the fighting styles. Much like in the earlier games where there wasn't much distinctiveness about any one style at all, but if every one was a shadow, you could tell just by their moves, who they were.

Thing I desire now though, is an obvious progression from that 2d era. So I feel we should see "where they got it from" more than before. I don't think "signature moves" or stances from a style are necessary, but I do think that if small searches were done to compare accuracy in the style, we should be able to exact the source of the style the characters use.

Anything that distinguishes the character should derive only from Mk ideals. The stance, "how they throw a projectile", "how they evade" "how they throw an opponent". Stuff like "why hold the weapon like that", "why handle//control this or that weapon like that", why evade that way, why grapple your opponent right there. The overall answers to what they're doing should be rooted by the real martial arts. How vs Why , the show vs the purpose of the maneuver.

Alot of these compositions of the characters don't make any kind of sense as is...So, I guess I might just be asking for practicality and relativity for each individual character.
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