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posted05/17/2011 02:44 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/08/2007 03:11 PM (UTC)
05/01/2011 02:53 AM (UTC)
Do one for Mileena and Reptile.
05/11/2011 12:31 AM (UTC)
05/11/2011 05:32 AM (UTC)
nice idea for scorpion to change into his skeletal form. i also agree that it be nice to see him have his skeletal hand return. blood is a neat idea to.

here's how i'd like to see scorpion.

story - scorpion was thrown into the soulnado and was able to escape his demise only to be used by the eldar gods to defeat onaga.then he briefly saw his fallen family by the likes of quan chi. finally he slayed quan chi and was able to get some rest until a new threat had arrived. quan chi did not die but was only defeated. may some day quan chi will fight the ninja spectre again.

attire 1 - mk4's primary attire updated with his mkda flaming skull.

attire 2 - a outfit similar to his mkd primary but with skulls and bones imbedded into his armor along with a scorpion emblem on the back of his uniform.

special moves

ninjato slash - scorpion pulls out his ninjato and dashes at his opponet with a quick slash.

shuriken frenzy - scorpion hurls a bunch of ninja stars at his opponet.

smoke bomb - scorpion throws a smoke bomb which stuns his opponet for a free hit.

kunai stab - scorpion jabs the opponet 2-3 quickly.

spear - scorpion perfoms his legendary special move.

air spear - scorpions performs his spear in the air.

hell fire - scorpion summons flames under his opponet.

teleport punch,teleport kick,teleport sweep,and teleport throw.

backflip kick - scorpion does his backflip kick with the flame effect.

spear spin - scorpion spins in a circle knocking whatever comes into contact with his spear.

fatality 1 - scorpion stands with his arms out like a cross. scorpions arms start to tear open bringing hundreds of scorpions to bite, claw, pinch, and sting the opponet to death. after the scorpions are done they crawl back into which they came and his wounds are healed. does cool pose fatality.

fatality 2 - scorpion spears a hole into the floor near the opponets feet which creates a portal above the opponets head. they look up and get impaled by scorpion spear. fatality.

hope you enjoyed and please comment. by the way great thread. let's keep the characters coming and the ideas flowing.
05/12/2011 08:21 AM (UTC)
05/12/2011 03:30 PM (UTC)
reptile's story - after the events of this mortal kombat getting his race back with the help of shang tsung and slaying hordes of tarkatas. reptile sets out a new goal. it is to take millena's throne as the emperor of outworld. i never really cared for him as a henchmen but thought he could have a bigger role in the series. it's his time to shine.

attire 1 - reptiles primary appearance in mk2011 but without the mask.

attire 2 - reptiles 2nd attire should be his mortal kombat movie reptillian form. it was just fantastic looking.

special moves

tongue slam - reptile uses his tongue to grab his enemy then slams him or her to the ground.

tongue trip - reptile sticks out his tongue and trips up his opponet.

tongue spin - reptile spins in a circle with his tongue out hitting anything it touches.

claw slash - reptile jumps at his opponet clawing them 2-3 times.

various tail specials - tail grab,tail sweep, and tail smack.

acid spit - reptile shoots a projectile of acid out.

acidic spray - reptile shoots acid out in a form of a wave that burns if it connects.

various forceball specials - fast forceball, slow forceball, air forceball.

invisability - cloaks into it's surroundings.

fatality 1 - reptile scratches at his arm to gather sharp pointy scales. he throws them at his opponet leaving them looking not so good. does cool pose fatality.

fatality 2 - reptile sticks out his tongue and pierces the opponets chest and goes through it. he then eats the opponets head while the tongue is still through his or hers chest. fatality.

hope you enjoyed. let's keep the characters going and please comment.
by the way cool special move involving the forceball that has his acid ability. very original and unique.tongue
05/13/2011 12:02 AM (UTC)
Since no one has done one for Sektor and he's my favourite character, why not? Edit: Didn't realize they were being done on specific characters only. Ah well. You got a free outlook on Sektor, haha. To view the pic, you'll have to highlight down the the word "Moveset" and copy it. Just delete the word moveset when you paste it into the bar.

Sektor in future MK games, I would imagine to be heavily upgraded, in comparison to his other Cyber-Ninja counterparts. In the future, he has his own clan, the Tekunin, so I'd presume that his primary concerns are expansion of his clan and dominance over all other clans. He has now been upgraded to the point where his brain is the only thing left of him that is human.

This is what I'd imagine Sektor to look like: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/166/2/d/Mortal_Kombat___Sektor_by_fear_sAs.jpg


- Forward Beam (Replaces missile): Sektor fires a laser beam straight out the middle of his chest to hit the opponent. Knocks opponent down if it connects. Enhanced version: Fires a solid laser that covers full screen from Sektors chest to the opposite edge of the screen. Knocks opponent down on contact.

- Phase Uppercut (Replaces Teleport Uppercut): Sektor suddenly vanishes and reappears behind his opponent delivering an uppercut to the chin. Has same properties as Teleport Uppercut. Enhanced version: After delivering the Uppercut Sektor vanishes again and reappears underneath the opponent, grabbing them and throwing them towards the floor by the legs.

- Phase Palm: Sektor teleports in front of the opponent and delivers a double palmed thrust into the opponents chest, causing them to fly backwards when it connects. Enhanced version: After causing them to go flying across the screen, Sektor teleports again, appearing behind the opponent to deliver a knee to the back of the head.

- Phase Backwards/Forwards: A simple teleport move with no added attack, one makes him go backwards, the other, forwards. think of Smokes teleport move (Not the punch one). Enhanced version: Enhanced version backwards travels further and enhanced version forwards passes through the opponent and puts you in striking distance. Has a very fast recovery time also.

- Diagonal Beam (Kinda replaces Upward Missile): Fires a laser beam diagonally as an anti air move. Enhanced Version: Fires a solid beam that isn't broken and covers a larger area.

X Ray Move: Un-Phased: Sektor phases out and delivers a punch to the opponents spine. If the first attack connects, Sektor Phases out again and reappears in front of the opponent and head butts them, cracking their skull. After that, Sektor phases out again and reappears above the opponent, landing heavily on the opponents head (Feet first), causing the neck to shatter. After the final hit, Sektor phases out and reappears in front of the opponent, about jump distance away.

Fatality 1: Phaser Laser: Sektor phases out and appears to be invisible while firing off seemingly random horizontal/Vertical Laser beams from just about every direction possible before reappearing in front of the opponent and poking their forehead. The poke causes the opponent to fall to pieces in all the places the lasers cut through.

Fatality 2: Assimilation: Sektor fires a small red robotic bug from his chest. The opponent screams as the bug digs itself into their chest, slowly expanding itself all over their body. The camera slowly pans out to look at Sektor until the screams stop, then the camera pans back to reveal that the opponent has been transformed into a Tekunin footman and is bowing before Sektor.
05/17/2011 05:57 AM (UTC)
05/17/2011 02:44 PM (UTC)
sektor's story - i don't know what happened in this mk so i don't know what to write. so since i have not played this mk i will make up a story for him. sektor has new a new goal. he wants his own army of cybernetic ninjas along with a pupil he can train to fight the tarkata race. if he can succeed he can automate any foes that oppose him and his cybernetic race.

attire 1 - his mk gold outfit updated with his mask that he has in mk 2011.

attire 2 - his human form before he was automated.

special moves

phase uppercutt - he grids into the ground teleporting on the other side delivering an uppercutt.

flamethrower - sektor shoots flames at his opponet.

dreadlock spin - sektor spins smacking anything in it's path.

dreadlock slam - sektor uses his dreadlocks to grab and slam his opponet.

gasoline deploy - sektor lets out a pile of gas on the floor to slip up his opponet.

guided missile - sektor shoots a missile that follows you.

laser gun - sektor opens up a gun on his shoulder that shoots out a laser.

multi missile - sektor shoots out a missile that turns into several rockets that blow up.

pulse blade strike - sektor slashes at his opponet with his phase blade.

wires out - sektor opens up a bunch of wires from his chest to shock the enemy.

fatality 1 - sektor grabs the opponets face and places it near his jetpack. the fighter screams while there face is melting and bleeding away.

fatality 2 - sektor pulls out a bunch of wires then shoves it down the opponets throat. there face starts to swell up and smoke appears from the mouth of the opponet. they start to bleed from the eyes and ears. you then hear a bolt of lightning and boom there head explodes. does cool pose. fatality.

hope you enjoyed. feel free to comment.
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