No more new characters
posted01/09/2006 01:18 PM (UTC)by
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01/03/2006 07:14 AM (UTC)
I don't think I wanna see anymore new characters. I would rather see some classic characters brought back with better stories and characters like Sareena and Rain. The only new character should be a boss... take the old characters, give them better stories, new outfits, better moves, and you could have awesome fighters. I bet if they expanded on Stryker even it could work, after all in MKD he was training to be a Seidan Guard (i think thats it)
01/04/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
I think that would be a great idea...except MK has always been about new Characters. If you study MK very closely, there has been a new character in every single game. Although I really agree with you, and this time they should limit the new characters, (lets say only 2 totally new characters) and have all the characters from MK4 remade to fit MK7.

All the old time characters that are still "new" like Fujin, Kai, Reiko, Bellok, Rain, Sereena, and Tasia, and Tremor should have new stories and return. Although they are not new characters, they are new in that they haven't appeared in many games, and should be given a second chance...
01/04/2006 06:40 AM (UTC)
I would love for them to limit the new characters to about 1 or 2. There are just so many characters in the MK universe now that adding a bunch of new characters dilutes the MK world to me. I would rather see many classic characters return with many improvements, yet keep that special thing about the character without turning it into something completely different. Like Sub-Zero in MK3 was pretty cool and now he looks COMPLETELY different than how he used to look. You would think it was a different character.
01/04/2006 06:58 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
I think that would be a great idea...except MK has always been about new Characters. If you study MK very closely, there has been a new character in every single game. Although I really agree with you, and this time they should limit the new characters, (lets say only 2 totally new characters) and have all the characters from MK4 remade to fit MK7.

All the old time characters that are still "new" like Fujin, Kai, Reiko, Bellok, Rain, Sereena, and Tasia, and Tremor should have new stories and return. Although they are not new characters, they are new in that they haven't appeared in many games, and should be given a second chance...

I remember Bellok. I believe he was meant for MK Gold if im not mistaken. I have seen some screenshots of him and he looked bad. I hope to see him in the future along with Fujin and Rain.
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01/04/2006 07:10 AM (UTC)
buterbals113085 Wrote:
I would love for them to limit the new characters to about 1 or 2. There are just so many characters in the MK universe now that adding a bunch of new characters dilutes the MK world to me. I would rather see many classic characters return with many improvements, yet keep that special thing about the character without turning it into something completely different. Like Sub-Zero in MK3 was pretty cool and now he looks COMPLETELY different than how he used to look. You would think it was a different character.

Omg, no! The complexities that having so many characters in the series causes is one of the things that makes the story continue. Each character must grow and change as time goes by, as is the case with Sub-Zero from MK3. There are 61 characters in the MK-verse, which includes Meat (and includes non from MKSF as I'm told it's not canon). Yeah, they have alot to work with but I'm sure they can manage it. I wouldn't want to see a dminish in new characters, but they do need to focus on the older ones just as much and make sure their own stories are developed too.

Belokk did look badass. Maybe they will add it at some point. We'll see in the future I guess.
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01/04/2006 11:59 AM (UTC)
Belokk was designed and made by Eurocom, the company that converted MK4 for home systems. He wasn't Midway's creation, so I doubt we'll see him in the future games.

As for the topic, we certainly need new characters. They keep the story moving forward and are like the breath of fresh air smile
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01/04/2006 12:17 PM (UTC)
I don't know if I would want there to be any new characters, because as of recent, Midway hasn't been to good at making new characters. I think they should add new characters, but maybe 1 or 2, as stated above. There was really no new character that I liked in MKD, and the only one I liked in MKDA was Kenshi. If they can get more creative with there characters, then maybe I would like to see more, but the older characters are still much better.
01/04/2006 02:32 PM (UTC)
There needs to be a balance. On the one hand, the series needs new characters, to keep the playable cast fresh, and also for the purpose of taking the storyline further. But those newcomers should be well developed and interesting, and sadly, most of MKD's were not.

I do think that perhaps introducing less new faces next game would be best. Then, rather than having eight or underdeveloped fillers, they'd be able to spend more time on making, let's say three new characters who are interesting additions to MK, with enough about them that is unique. Again, even the best of MKD's newbies (Havik, imo) suffered from a recycled movelist, which reduces their impact as a worthwhile character.

I'd also like to see more of the one shot/less established characters from MK3 up to MKDA revamped with new looks, moves and storyline, and given another chance for MK7. Doing this for characters like Ermac and Jade was one of the best results in MKD, and I think more of these fighters deserve to make a return. Of the MKD newbies, I honestly don't think too many of them have any real future potential.
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01/04/2006 03:45 PM (UTC)
Budmack Wrote:
I don't think I wanna see anymore new characters. I would rather see some classic characters brought back with better stories and characters like Sareena...

some lesser characters should really be usefull to rewamp or redirect from stale plotlines.

Budmack Wrote:
...and Rain

Hahaha, joke on the jester.

Budmack Wrote:
The only new character should be a boss... take the old characters, give them better stories, new outfits, better moves, and you could have awesome fighters. I bet if they expanded on Stryker even it could work, after all in MKD he was training to be a Seidan Guard (i think thats it)

new characters are always essential to make progress and avoid he "cluster" effect. meaning selected few exist in a small world, and thus
every one of them is highly essential. This means we cannot kill off ol-
der characters what would be the greatest of flaws in the already dead .
MK plot.
01/04/2006 09:42 PM (UTC)
If I had to choose between only 1-2 new character, or 6-8 forced, bland, totally uninspired new characters like in the last 2 MK games, then yes, I'd rather only have only 1-2 well developed new characters.

There's too many good classic characters fightning for room on the roster for a bunch of crappy, cranked-out newbies to be wasting space. We don't need 6-8+ new characters each game just to have 6-8+ new characters. The roster's bloated as it is.
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01/04/2006 11:54 PM (UTC)
I think mk 7 should have at least 10 new charakters , 5 at the begining { with like 13 classiks }, 5 hidden { with like 19 klassiks } and some secret charaktersconfused
01/05/2006 12:35 AM (UTC)
I don't dislike new characters... I mean, some of my favorite characters were new characters. Nitara was new, and I liked her. Same for Frost and Li Mei. Even Mileena and Noob were new once.

But, if given the choice between all the old characters and no new ones, or a mix of some new and some old, I'd definately take all the old.

Trilogy was one of my all time favorite games, both for MK and in general. I'd like to see it happen again.
01/06/2006 07:20 PM (UTC)
There definitely needs to be some balance.

We already have tons of new and classic unused characters that should be used for the next game. I think they need to use all the other characters that are “restingâ€? (along side the classics) and stop creating a bunch of new ones for Mk7.

It wouldnt hurt to have just 1 or 2 new characters though, but no more, leave space for the unused ones.
01/09/2006 07:28 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I don't dislike new characters... I mean, some of my favorite characters were new characters. Nitara was new, and I liked her. Same for Frost and Li Mei. Even Mileena and Noob were new once.

But, if given the choice between all the old characters and no new ones, or a mix of some new and some old, I'd definately take all the old.

Trilogy was one of my all time favorite games, both for MK and in general. I'd like to see it happen again.

i agree mk trilogy was nice and i enjoyed it. i think the 3d graphics in mk D is awesome but if they added letts say mk2 gameplay and take it old school then add online (even for the gamecube seeing how the revolution will be online) then i think it will be extremely successful.
01/09/2006 12:18 PM (UTC)
I think there needs to be new characters to keep things fresh. but that doesnt mean like 8 bland boring new characters, who basically replace existing characters.
I mean, take MK Deception:

Ashrah = Sareena
Kira= Sonya/Kano
Kobra= Johnny Cage
Shujinko= The New Liu Kang/Kung Lao
Darrius= Jax
Dairou= underdeveloped
Hotaru= Boring (sorry Chrome) in story and design. probably becuase of underdevelopment.
Havik= only new character who is worth anything.

Also some returners were big let downs:
Jade= poor alst mintue replacement for Kitana
Nightwolf= Boring sotry
Tanya= Dont get me started.....basically lame like Kano/Reptile
Kabal= Basically Given the story of Kano, and he contradicts his MK3 story a bit.

I mean, why bother designing all those rip of characters, who basically replace the 5 fallen earth warriors (Jade replaced Kitana, and had a very poor story and look IMO well her alternate was good). It could have been so interesting to see the Fallen Five in the game under Onaga's control, or at least a few of them (would have got boring if they were all like 'I serve Onaga').
IMO the Fallen Five would be concious in some way, so could provide decent interesting stories. Eg Kitana used to be evil, she hates that, she could struggle with the new evil feelings, try to fight them. Kung Lao perhaps or Sonya could maybe embrace the evil inside them etc. Others could just do what they had to. But instead they give us half assed rip offs of them, and other existing characters. Sareena could easily have been given the storyline of Ashrah's too. They should have put those Five in and spent time on the Chaos/Order storyline by focussing on Havik/ Dairou/ Hotaru and maybe one other if not all the Fallen Five came back.

As for in general should we limit new characters? Well not necessarily IMO. I dont see why old characters should return just becuase theyre already made, or purely because they're an original. Come on, live moves on, and the new characters are how the story moves in games.
But, where MK7 is concerned, yes I beleive new characters should be limited.
I think MK7 should be limited to only a few new characters.
The events of Mortal Kombat Deception and Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance have provided excellent stories and potential for many existing characters. Also, many of the new characters to MKDA and MKD are still new and fresh and worth developing. A few new characters, maybe 3, plus some of the newbies from MK:DA and MK:D would provide an adequate 'fresh blood, fresh story' feel IMO.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
01/09/2006 01:18 PM (UTC)
Well put Man.

Personally i would like to have less new characters or fewer but more developed new characters. I think it is essential to revamp characters from MK4 and MKDA in the next game and also some of the charcters that have not been in a main stream game (Sareena Tremor Taisia)

THe best way to develop a new character is to have some kind of Konquest mode that is cannon where a lot of things happen to them. There is not enough in the Bio's and the Endings.
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