No more Crossovers
posted10/27/2009 04:28 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/19/2006 01:13 AM (UTC)
To get one thing straight
i thought Mk v.s. DC was Terrible
overall it was a shitty game

I hear all these people talking about
Ohh lets crossover MK v.s. Marvel
MK V.s. Killer instinct

yes i think it would be cool to crossover MK V.s. Street fighter
but they need to just continue the damn story from where the left off in Armageddon

and even Armageddon wasn't all that great
it was half assed
but it was still and alright release

but they must continue what happens in the future of Mortal kombat
i've been waiting to long for the next release
and then they interupt things with the monstrosity that MK v.s. DC was

What i want to know is
who actually won the battle of armageddon
did one person alone defeat blaze and the entire world bowed to their feet
or did Some fucked up plot twist happen and no one stood victorious

or.. did some of the Kombatants endings actually went threw without the defeat of blaze
who know's
Obviously i dont
10/27/2009 10:02 AM (UTC)
What i want to know is
who actually won the battle of armageddon
did one person alone defeat blaze and the entire world bowed to their feet
or did Some fucked up plot twist happen and no one stood victorious

or.. did some of the Kombatants endings actually went threw without the defeat of blaze
who know's
Obviously i dont

taven won, he was the main character and it ended with him defeating blaze and it obviously ties to alot of the characters ending since the concept of their ending was that they gained godlike power, tavens ending said that instead of the two outcomes one being destroy all the fighters the other being just stripping them of their powers the 3rd outcome was that they all became stronger so obviously this has to be one hell of a game if everyone became even stronger than before.
10/27/2009 11:20 AM (UTC)
I think it would be easier just to dismiss Armageddon as a dream match and do a sequel to Deception. Using a cast made out of the favourite characters from Deadly Alliance, Tournament Edition and Deception. Plus killing off those who weren't favourite (Hsu Hao and Dairou both spring to mind)

As far as crossovers are concerned: I didn't mind MK Vs DCU* and I wouldn't mind any other MK crossover. Personally I think if the opposing side to MK were brought up to MK standards of violence (OTT Gore, and decapitations etc.) then the MK fanboys wouldn't have minded the crossover.

Certainly Mortal Kombat Vs Soul Calibur looks awesome in my mind.

*I would have preferred a 100% DCU game because it seems Team MK were up for that!
10/27/2009 11:30 AM (UTC)
It's too late to dismiss Armageddon. They connected it to Deception too tightly with Unchained and the web-released bios.
10/27/2009 02:57 PM (UTC)
As I stated this message to Chimera on that thread...
"No offense to anyone or you Chimera but I really wish someone would make a sticky about crossover game ideas so they don't keep cluttering the boards. Obviously a lot of people don't want to hear the word crossover come up for a long time in the MK series after the last installment but there is a select number that do like the ideas and all. So I think it should be respectfully stickied for fairness to the fans of that liking."

Someone please make an appropriate sticky so the rants for likes,dislikes and ideas of this subject to go on there instead of these threads knocking down other threads. I don't know if its me but i find it annoying to keep seeing VS this and VS that come up all the time.
10/27/2009 04:28 PM (UTC)
dag nab i double posted :/
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